Soal PTS Bhs Inggris Kelas 6

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NAMA :……………………………………..
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Hari/Tanggal : Selasa, 12 September 2023
Kelas : VI (Enam) Waktu : 09.00-10.30 wib
A. Choose the correct answer by crossing (x) a, b, c, or d!
(Pilihlah jawaban yang benar dengan menyilang (x) huruf a, b, c, atau d!)
1. Dista : “What do you feel?" b. I think they play together.
Dinar : “ I Feel …” c. I think they work together.
Mother : What do you want to drink?" d. I think they clean it together.
Lisna :"I want to drink a glass of
6. Too - I - the - bright – think – is color
The correct sentence is…..
a. Thirsty c. hungry
b. Sleepy d. weak a. I think the is too color bright
b. The color is bright I think too
2. How is the man ?
He is ... c. I think the color is too bright
d. I think the bright color is too
a. Strong
b. tired 7. A :"I think today is going to sunny day."
B :"Are you…. ?There is so cloudy."
c. happy
a. sure c. good
d. sleepy
b. ready d. Think
3. X :"Do you see my
book?" The foliowing dialogue is for
Y : “Let's ask to
questions number 8 to 10.
a. I am not sure Shiena : "Will you come to watch
Fina's party tonight?"
b. I am okay
Tiara : "I don't know."
c. I am sure
Shiena : "Why?"
d. I am alright
Tiara : "I have a lot of homework
4. for tomorrow."
Shiena : "That's too bad."
Tiara : "I really wanna come. But I am
not sure."
Shiena : "Why don't you just come for
while will make her so happy?"
What do you think Tiara : "That's a good idea. Thank
about this class? you."
a.I think the class is happy. Shiena : "You're welcome. See you
b.I think the class is busy. there."
c.I think the class is dirty. 8. The dialogue above tell us about?
d.I think the class is clean. a. Tias's party
5. b. Fina's party
A. "What c. Shiena's party
do you d. Tiara’s party
think 9. Who has party?
about the children?" a. Shiena c. Fina
B. "...." b. Tiara d. Tias
a. I think they study together. 10. Why is Tiara not sure ? Because
a. she come for a while. The following table is for questions
b. she has a party. number 15 to 17.
c. she has good idea.
d. she has a lot of homework.
The following dialogue is for
questions number 11 to 14.
Alice : "What do you think about
math test today?"
Jane : "I am not sure. lt will be hard
for me. Because I did not
study last night."
Alice : "Of course it will hard for
Jane : "How about your test?" 15. How much is the socks?
Alice : "I am sure I can do it, but I a. It is fifteen thousand rupiahs.
arn not sure I will get better b. It is fifty thousand rupiahs.
score." c. It is thirty five thousand rupiahs.
d. lt is twenty thousand rupiahs.
Jane : "Don't worry, I belieye in 16. ls the price Rp. 150.000 for t-shirt?
you." a. Yes, it is.
11. What does Jane think about the test? b. Yes, he does.
a. It will be hard c. No, it is not.
d. No, he does not.
b. it will be easy 17. How much is the tie?
c. It will be fine a. it is thirty five thousand rupiahs.
d. It will be great b. lt is thirty thousand rupiahs.
c. it is fifteen thousand rupiahs.
12. Why is Jane not sure?
d. It is twenty thousand rupiahs.
a. Because it will be hard.
b. Because she studied hard last night. The following dialogue is for questions
c. Because she didn't studied East night number 18 to 20.
Angga : "Have you heard (18) ....
d . B e c a u s e h e study last night.
Tsunami in Palu?"
13. Is Alice sure that she will t better Dion : "Yes, I got (19) on
score? television last night:'
Angga : "What do you (20) .... about
a. Yes, he is. c. Yes, she
Dion : "I think it is terrible. Many
b. No, she is not. d. Yes, people died."
she is. Angga : "I think so, I hope I could help
14. Mita : "Looki it's very dirty. Let's the people there."
clean it tocether!" Dion : "Yes, I think so."
Rany : “ …” a. About c. so
Hani : "That's good idea." b. Think d. that
a. I disagree with you.
b. I agree with you a. Hope c. information
b. So d. about
c. That's bad idea.
d. I don't like it. a. About c. hope
b. Think d. so

B. Fill in the blanks with the correct answer!

( isilah titik-titik berikut dengan jawaban yang benar!)

A :"What do you think about the picture?"

B : "They are …………………… I think it is good."

2. A : "Are you sleepy?"

B : "Sorry, …………………….?
A : "I said, are you sleepy?"
B : "Yes, I am."

3. X :"Are you coming to Grandma's house?"

Y : “………………………I'm not sure."

4. A : ………………………………?
B :"My hobby is cycling."


He can dance on the stage.

His hobby is ………


A : "What do you think about the picture?"

B : "The boys are
I think it is not good."

7. My ? -What - dress about

The best arrangement is…………
8. X : “………………………….. is the bag?”
Y : “it’s two hundred fifty five thousand rupiahs”
9. A :"How do you feel?"
1 0.
B :"I feel ................................„
A :"How is the boy?"
B :"He is ................................,,

C. Answer these questions correctly!

( Jawablah pertanyaan-pertanyaan berikut dengan benar!

1 What do you think about the picture beside?

. ...........................................................................................................................................

2. Make a dialogue about expression of giving opinion!

Answer: …………………………………………………………………………………………..

3. Mention five kinds bf hobbies that you know!

Answer: …………………………………………………………………………………..………

4 How much is the bag?

Answer: ……………………………………………………………………………………….…

5. Mention five kinds of conditions!

Answer: ………………………………………………………………………………………….

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