Annisa R - Synonym

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Annisa Ramadhini A.


mate seashore
received happy
hi very
keep in touch got
beach amazing
glad hello
extremely vacation
fantastic friend
holiday therefore
furthermore keep contact


1) My new school mates are very nice. They come to my birthday party and give me lots of presents.
My new school friends are very nice. They come to my birthday party and give me lots of presents.

2) My young sister received a postcard letter from her pen pal from London.
My young sister got a postcard letter from her pen pal from London.

3) Hi, I would like to introduce myself in this letter.

Hello, I would like to introduce myself in this letter.

4) My friend told me that we should keep in touch although we are now in a different school.
My friend told me that we should keep contact although we are now in a different school.

5) Along the beach, people stand to release the dust of the death bodies into the sea after conducting Ngaben
Along the seashore , people stand to release the dust of the death bodies into the sea after conducting
Ngaben ceremony.

6) My mother is so glad hearing that my eldest brother has just graduated from Malang State University.
My mother is so happy hearing that my eldest brother has just graduated from Malang State

7) I have twins sisters that extremely similar each other.

I have twins sisters that very similar each other.

8) The solo concert last night of my adored jazz singer in that mall was so fantastic!
The solo concert last night of my adored jazz singer in that mall was so amazing!

9) Marina and I spent our last holiday by riding horse in Bromo.

Marina and I spent our last vacation by riding horse in Bromo.

10) Sending messsage via email is easier. Furthermore, it is cheaper.

Sending messsage via email is easier. Therefore, it is cheaper.


1) My Mom, Elizabeth, was so surprised too when she looked at in the first time. She was also amazed of the
floating island you made in our kitchen. It was clean, sleak, and adorable!

2) How are you and your wife? I wish the happiness comes always along your days. I write this letter to thank to
you and to ask you to do me a favour.
3) Don’t you know? After renovating, my eldest daughter was so happy. You know she loves cooking and she can
make meal almost everyday in the kitchen now. Our kitchen after the renovating is just like a cowzy cafe and
everybody in my house loves it.

4) First of all, I would like to thank you for renovating my kitchen two months ago. I remember when everything
was so messy and untidy. I became lazy in preparing meals for family since the kitchen was so practical.
However, you do your magical things in this place. It is easy to organize everything now in my kitchen because
you made it so organizable. Well Jason, we are impressed with your work. We confess that you are very
talented in design and architecture.

5) My son, Tommy, who loves making capuccino coffee every morning, likes to spend his time at the coffee
corner. He said you had done a gerat job! He feels just like spending his leisure time in his favourite coffee

6) Dear cousin,

7) Anyway, I have another renovating project next month. We have planned to renovate our bathroom. My
husband wants to make it fresher by changing the color and the tiles. If you don’t mind and have more free
time, you can help him with your ideas. We had seen your project result on Angela’s bathroom and we were so
interested in it. You did a great job on hers! We want you to do the same thing to ours too. You changed
everything which was actually cheap into something expensive look. It’s so cool! Perhaps, you can help us to
choose the color, tiles, shower, mirror frame, and other details. We have limited budget for renovating. We hope
we can do it in less than $600 cost. I trust you can share your great idea with us.

8) Last but no least, I involves our bathroom picture for you to consider the choosing of the color and tiles. Thank
you so much for everything you did to our family.

9) Sincerely,

10) June 26, 2020

11) 205 Oak Tree st.

Montreal, QC H3C 1L7

Answer :
205 Oak Tree st.
Montreal, QC H3C 1L7

June 26, 2020

Dear cousin,

How are you and your wife? I wish the happiness comes always along your days. I write this letter to thank to
you and to ask you to do me a favour.

First of all, I would like to thank you for renovating my kitchen two months ago. I remember when everything
was so messy and untidy. I became lazy in preparing meals for family since the kitchen was so practical.
However, you do your magical things in this place. It is easy to organize everything now in my kitchen because
you made it so organizable. Well Jason, we are impressed with your work. We confess that you are very
talented in design and architecture.

My Mom, Elizabeth, was so surprised too when she looked at in the first time. She was also amazed of the
floating island you made in our kitchen. It was clean, sleak, and adorable!
Don’t you know? After renovating, my eldest daughter was so happy. You know she loves cooking and she can
make meal almost everyday in the kitchen now. Our kitchen after the renovating is just like a cowzy cafe and
everybody in my house loves it.

My son, Tommy, who loves making capuccino coffee every morning, likes to spend his time at the coffee
corner. He said you had done a gerat job! He feels just like spending his leisure time in his favourite coffee

Anyway, I have another renovating project next month. We have planned to renovate our bathroom. My
husband wants to make it fresher by changing the color and the tiles. If you don’t mind and have more free
time, you can help him with your ideas. We had seen your project result on Angela’s bathroom and we were so
interested in it. You did a great job on hers! We want you to do the same thing to ours too. You changed
everything which was actually cheap into something expensive look. It’s so cool! Perhaps, you can help us to
choose the color, tiles, shower, mirror frame, and other details. We have limited budget for renovating. We hope
we can do it in less than $600 cost. I trust you can share your great idea with us.

Last but no least, I involves our bathroom picture for you to consider the choosing of the color and tiles. Thank
you so much for everything you did to our family.


4) MAKE THE LETTER BASED ON THE THEME. – Indonesian culture / situation, NOT western situation

Abyan Rahmanto – friendly / family letter

Ach Dhani Anggara – love letter

Adinda Kamilah Putri – complaining letter

Akbar Bimo Kuswara – condolence letter

Annisa Ramadhini Andriana Putri – regretting letter

Aura Griselda – congratulating letter

Didrie Mazaya Ridwan - friendly / family letter

Discha Kalya - love letter

Dzaki Irfan - complaining letter

Ekasatria Ramafian - condolence letter

Elvito Auriga Antares - regretting letter

FACHRIZAL PUTRA R - congratulating letter

Fanani Luqman - friendly / family letter

fitri wulandari - love letter

Fitria Hadi - complaining letter

Jorda_11 MIPA 5 - condolence letter

kholilatul latifah - regretting letter

Maharta Putri Kania - congratulating letter

Marstya Dina - friendly / family letter

muhammad amrizal arifin - love letter

Muhammad Ghofur Al Aziz - complaining letter

Muhammad Ramadhana069 - condolence letter

Muhammad Syafiqul Ulum - regretting letter

Nabila Ardine Rihadatul Aisy - congratulating letter

Naila Rachma Tsani - friendly / family letter

Patrick Andrasena - love letter

Puteri Ayu Dinanti - complaining letter

Rafi Achmad Fauzan - condolence letter

rayhan andrasakti - regretting letter

Revani Aulia - congratulating letter

Robert Dimas S - friendly / family letter

Salsabila Andira - love letter

tsani nismara - complaining letter


November 26th, 2014

To: Mr Paijo Al Qodri

Merdeka Street, Semarang

Indonesia, 50229

Dear Mr Qodri,

It is with great concern that I address an incident you experienced with our customer service department. After
hearing of this issue, I would like to make an apology on behalf of our company. We are taking all the necessary
steps to make sure that this type of problem does not happen again.

It is our policy to refund or return any products that you are not completely satisfied with. I regret that this was not
made clear to you when you called our customer service department.

Our company values all of our customers and any feedback that is provided. Please feel free to contact me
personally to discuss any concerns that you may have in the future. We look forward to continuing our
relationship with you and hope that we can serve you once again.


Head Manager

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