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Department of Computer Science HITEC University, Taxila

BS Computer Science Program (Batch 2021…..)

Lab report:-03

CS-306: DCCN

Muhammad Hamza,Muhammad khan ahmed,Hassan sajjad

Registration No:

Instructor: Fatima rauf

1. Practice all topology on packet tracer.

Bus topology:-

Ring topology:-
mesh topology:-
Star topology:-

Hybrid topology:-
2. Simulate a network which contain 8 pc’s connect all pc’s using
hybrid topology. Assign IP’s to every pc from to

3. Design network topology for hitec university.

Explanation :-
In this task we used hybrid topology by mixing star and bus topology we have design a
simple university system in which heads, coordinator ,chairman can send message to each
other or in labs we connected 3 labs with it by using bus topology we join all the pc’s
together and for communication between staff we used the star topology because if one
connection failed so the entire system will not stop.
In a network topology, the choice between bus, star, mesh, hybrid, and ring topologies
depends on the specific requirements of the network. Bus topology is simple and
inexpensive but can suffer from performance issues and lacks fault tolerance. Star
topology offers better performance and fault tolerance but requires more cabling. Mesh
topology provides high redundancy and fault tolerance but is complex and expensive to
implement. Hybrid topology combines different topologies to balance their advantages
and disadvantages. Ring topology offers high fault tolerance but can have performance
issues. The best choice of topology considers factors like network size, redundancy needs,
cost, and ease of maintenance, ensuring the network meets its requirements effectively.
In conclusion, the choice of network topology depends on various factors such as the size
of the network, the level of redundancy required, the cost constraints, and the ease of
implementation and maintenance. Bus and star topologies are suitable for small to
medium-sized networks with limited scalability requirements. Mesh and hybrid
topologies are more suitable for larger networks where redundancy and fault tolerance are
critical. Ring topologies are less common due to their potential performance issues and
are typically only used in specific scenarios where their unique advantages are necessary.
Ultimately, the selection of a topology should be based on a careful analysis of the
network's requirements and constraints to ensure the best balance of performance,
reliability, and cost-effectiveness.

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