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Components of an introductory paragraph.

 Hook
 Background information
 Thesis statement

What would you do if you had to hide from danger for over two years? Imagine
being a young girl, living in a small attic with your family, unable to go outside or
even make a sound. This was the reality for Anne Frank, whose remarkable diary
gives us a glimpse into her life during one of the darkest times in history. Anne Frank
was born in 1929 in Germany to a Jewish family. With the rise of the Nazi Party, they
fled to Amsterdam in 1933 seeking safety. However, when the Nazis invaded the
Netherlands in 1940, life became dangerous for Jewish families. The Frank family
went into hiding in a secret annex above Anne's father's office. Anne Frank's diary
tells the story of her life during the Holocaust and how her words continue to inspire
people today. This essay will explain why Anne's diary is important, what it teaches us
about history, and how it reminds us to be kind and understanding to others.
"Have you ever imagined having to hide from danger for years, unable to go outside
or even make a sound? That's what Anne Frank and her family had to endure during
the Holocaust. Born in Germany in 1929, Anne and her family moved to Amsterdam
in 1933 to escape the Nazis. But when the Nazis invaded the Netherlands in 1940, life
became dangerous for Jewish families. Anne and her family hid in a secret attic above
her father's office. Anne's diary, written during this time, tells us about her life and
continues to inspire people today. This essay will explain why Anne's diary is
important, what we learn from it about history, and how it teaches us to be kind and

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