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Canning Vale College

Public School Review

July 2021
Public School Review

All Western Australian public schools are reviewed by the Department of Education’s Public School
Accountability directorate. A review gives assurance to the local community, the Minister for Education and
Training and the Director General about the performance of public schools in delivering high quality
education to students. The review acknowledges the achievements of the school and gives feedback to
support the Principal and staff with their improvement planning.
Initially conducted on a three-year cycle, subsequent reviews are determined to occur on a one, three or five
year timeframe.
The Principal provides the review team with a self-assessment of the school’s performance based on
evidence from the school. Information to be validated by the review team is considered before and during the
school visit. This forms the basis for the Public School Review report and determines when the next review
will occur. The report is provided to the Principal and the regional Director of Education.

Expectations of schools
The Statement of Expectation (the Statement) makes clear and public the expectations and responsibilities
of schools and the Department in student achievement and progress.
The Statement is between; the Department of Education, represented by the Director General; the school,
represented by the Principal; and is noted by the school council/board, represented by the Chair.
The Statement sets out the expectations of Principals in relation to the delivery of the 2020-2024 strategic
directions Every student, every classroom, every day, and Building on Strength.
The Statement will underpin each school’s strategic planning and self-assessment and will form part of the
school’s Public School Review, as well as the Professional Performance Review of the Principal.

Public School Review – The Standard

A Standard has been developed across the domains of the School Improvement and Accountability
Framework to describe essential indicators of performance. The selection of the indicators is based on
literature research and historical reviews of school performance in Western Australian public schools.
The purpose is to better ensure that judgements about student performance are standardised and objective.
Indicators describe what is evident in schools functioning ‘as expected’ within each domain.
The Standard defines the expected level of school performance. Judgements are made in relation to the
Standard. External validation is also based on evidence presented relating to the Standard.

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Canning Vale College (the school) is located approximately 20 kilometres from the Perth central business
district in the South Metropolitan Education Region. Opened in 2004, the school offers a modern campus and
gained Independent Public School status in 2015.
Students represent over 50 nationalities, reflecting the school’s rich, cultural diversity. The school provides a
range of specialist programs, including science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM), academic
extension, languages, circus arts, music and the visual arts.
There are 1447 students currently enrolled from Year 7 to Year 12. The school has an Index of Community
Socio-Educational Advantage of 1030 (decile 3).
Community support is demonstrated through the work of the School Board and Parents and Citizens’
Association (P&C).

School self-assessment validation

The Principal submitted a comprehensive and rigorous school self-assessment.

The following aspects of the school’s self-assessment process are confirmed:
• Leaders outlined the change process and progress in the school’s performance throughout the 3-year
tenure of the Principal.
• A culture of continuous school self-assessment against business plan and operational plan targets is
guiding future planning.
• The Electronic School Assessment Tool (ESAT) submission provided a snapshot of the school’s
performance within each domain of the School Improvement and Accountability Framework.
• The Standard provided guidance in determining the entries in the ESAT submission to give the best
insight into the school’s progress in each domain.
• A significant number of staff, students, parents and community partners participated in conversations
throughout the validation visit, enhancing the ESAT submission.

The following recommendation is made:

• Consider using the ESAT to affirm progress against the Standard as part of the school’s ongoing self-
assessment processes.

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Public School Review

Relationships and partnerships

The school values the contribution that effective relationships and partnerships play in ensuring the best
possible outcomes for students, enhancing learning experiences and providing support for success.
The review team validate the following:
• Respectful relationships underpin the interactions between staff, students and parents. Students are well
known by staff, who provide support and work in partnership with families.
• Sustained, mutually beneficial partnerships are providing students with opportunities that add value to their
education. University and Vocational Education and Training (VET) partnerships, and Follow the Dream
and Bush Rangers Western Australia programs are positive examples benefitting students.
• Professional relationships are enhanced through collaboration at all levels of the school, evidenced by the
collective responsibility for student success demonstrated by staff.
• Multiple platforms and strategies ensure effective and timely communication with parents and the community.
Student success is promoted through community events, Connect, Facebook and the school website.
• The school plays a leading role within the Nicholson Network for Principals, deputy principals and professional
learning communities. Local primary schools value the partnerships nurtured by Canning Vale College.
• Board members strongly advocate for the school and are active as mutual partners in effective governance
of the school.
The review team support the following:
• Explore additional avenues for parents and carers to provide feedback to inform future planning.

Learning environment

The school places significant importance on creating and maintaining a safe, caring and inclusive learning
environment that enhances the health and wellbeing of staff and students.
The review team validate the following:
• Significant human resources, deployed for student support, are allowing for early identification, effective
monitoring and individualised intervention, which results in staff being familiar with every student and their
specific needs.
• As a fully accredited ‘Act-Belong-Commit’ school, a range of student health and wellbeing initiatives are
implemented, contributing to the strategic intention for successful and engaged students.
• The highly effective and committed student support team provide layers of support for students when
required. Communication within the team and tracking students, ensures efficiency of service.
• Students are provided a number of extra-curricular opportunities, including extending library hours, after
school tutoring and specialist program opportunities. Overseas excursions are a highlight for students.
• Whole-school mental health priorities are embedded within the Health Education program. Adjustments to
curriculum support for identified needs, complement the work of the student support team.
• Students at educational risk are identified and supported by a dedicated team. Documented plans and
student progress are communicated effectively with parents as partners in their child’s education.
The review team support the following:
• Engage the Student Council in strategies that promote student voice in decision making.

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School leaders have engaged staff and the community in a deliberate and strategic change process resulting in
a shift in school culture leading to improvements in student achievement and community confidence.
The review team validate the following:
• A marked increase in the school’s strategic and operational intent has been evident in recent years. The
school vision is driving school improvement and promoting community trust in the leadership team.
• Planning for improvement is aligned to the Department of Education’s Strategic Plan. Business and
operational plan targets are monitored biannually at whole-school, learning area and classroom levels.
• The aspirant leaders program is providing learning area and whole-school leadership opportunities and
experiences for identified staff. Distributed leadership through committee structures is engaging a diverse
range of staff across the school.
• Building the capacity of middle leaders has been strengthened through their involvement in the Leading
School Improvement professional learning. Developing and sustaining a high performing team of senior
leaders is guiding the work with staff.
• Professional review documents engage staff in non-threatening, reflective practice. The introduction of
classroom observation and feedback has been well received by staff.
The review team support the following:
• Continue to engage heads of department in developing their skills as instructional leaders.
• Continue to build the culture of self-reflection aligning classroom observation and feedback with
professional review processes.

Use of resources

Resources are managed strategically and targeted to address key areas identified in the school’s business plan.
The review team validate the following:
• Students are at the centre of all financial decisions. Significant funds are directed to human resourcing of
learning and intervention programs and student support.
• Careful planning ensures funds are available for the upkeep and refurbishment of the school grounds and
buildings, providing students a well maintained and safe learning environment.
• The collection of contributions and charges are closely monitored in a sensitive and collaborative way with
• Financial management processes and practices are well understood by cost centre managers and are
overseen by the Finance Committee and College Board.
• ICT1 is well resourced and used broadly by teachers to complement learning programs. The school is in a
strong position to meet the needs of students, through the Continuity of Learning plan, should COVID-19
interrupt learning.
• Workforce planning is a primary focus to ensure staffing flexibility for specialist positions within learning
areas and for VET.
The review team support the following:
• Continue to monitor workforce needs to future proof for possible student enrolment changes.

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Teaching quality

Consistency of teaching practice is guided by the comprehensive Teaching and Learning Framework, providing
teachers with evidence-based and contemporary pedagogical strategies for effective teaching.
The review team validate the following:
• A common lesson design exists that includes an expectation for learning intentions and success criteria to
be provided to students in every lesson. Executive walkthroughs provide feedback on the consistency and
quality of lesson delivery by teachers.
• The shift from streaming mainstream classes is showing improvement in engagement for lower ability
students. Significant professional learning in differentiation for teachers and education assistants allows
each student access to the curriculum at their level of learning.
• Classroom observation and feedback through triads is providing a safe space for staff to gain confidence in
self-reflection for improvement.
• Learning area leaders are engaging teaching staff in classroom level data analysis and target setting. The
use of the Student Achievement Information System, Reporting to Parents and Progressive Achievement
Tests (PAT) data is enhanced through the Customised NAPLAN2 Analysis Platform and EdCompanion.
• Students that receive disability resourcing are supported by the learning support coordinator, specialist
teachers and education assistants in the LEAP program. The foundation program is providing meaningful
senior secondary pathways.
The review team support the following:
• Continue to embed High Impact Teaching Strategies in every classroom.
• Align professional review and classroom observation processes to the Teaching and Learning Framework

Student achievement and progress

The commitment of the school community to the school vision and continual whole-school self-assessment has
seen considerable improvement in student achievement and progress over the last two years.
The review team validate the following:
• Thirty-one per cent of Year 12 students participated in ATAR3 examinations in 2020, with the cohort
achieving a median ATAR higher than like schools and State averages.
• Ninety per cent of General course students achieved above a C grade that is higher than the state average of
85.5 per cent.
• Seventy-nine per cent of students completed a VET course, 24 per cent of which completed a Certificate III
or higher.
• NAPLAN 2020 data indicate early signs of success in the school’s focus on literacy and numeracy. Results
in all Year 7 and Year 9 assessments exceeded that of like schools.
• Learning areas demonstrated clear and consistent protocols around assessment and grade allocations. The
use of common assessment tasks and detailed marking keys, together with the use of grade-related
descriptors, have ensured valid judgements are being made.
• Strong processes for tracking and supporting students are evident and have contributed to recent success.
Senior leaders meet fortnightly to discuss individual student concerns.
• Effective transition processes, including PAT, identify students at educational risk and provide insight to
assist pathway planning.
The review team support the following:

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• Continue to prioritise literacy and numeracy and track student progress through self-assessment cycles.


Vicki McKeown Sharon Lyon

Director, Public School Review Principal, Belridge Secondary College
Peer reviewer

Based on this report, I endorse the commendations and recommendations made by the review team
regarding your school’s performance.
Your next school review is scheduled for Term 3, 2024.

Melesha Sands
Deputy Director General, Schools

1 Information and communications technology
2 National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy
3 Australian Tertiary Admission Rank
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