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published: 03 July 2014

SYSTEMS NEUROSCIENCE doi: 10.3389/fnsys.2014.00124

Approach, avoidance, and their conflict: the problem of

Neil McNaughton 1* and Philip J. Corr 2
Department of Psychology and Brain Health Research Centre, University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand
Department of Psychology, City University London, London, UK

Edited by:
Daniela Laricchiuta, IRCCS Santa Lucia Foundation, Italy
Reviewed by:
Luke D. Smillie, The University of Melbourne, Australia

Keywords: approach, avoidance, conflict, personality, biomarkers, anchoring

To understand the neurobiology of indi- just pre-programmed movements such as 2011; Gomez et al., 2012; Mullins-Sweatt
vidual differences in approach and avoid- tropisms and taxes, . . . if the genes are effi- and Lengel, 2012; Trull, 2012) and brain
ance behavior, we must anchor constructs ciently to control behavior . . . they must structure (Gardini et al., 2009; DeYoung
at the behavioral level to the long-term specify the goals for action” (Rolls, 2000, et al., 2010). But even when starting with
global sensitivities of the neural systems pp. 183, 190). Together with the evolution approach and avoidance as primary con-
that give rise to the observed stable pat- of general approach and avoidance systems structs, they are derived “top-down” from
terns of behavior. We will argue that this that are not tied to any specific motivat- pools of lexically-chosen questionnaire
requires not only appropriate data at both ing stimulus (reinforcer), we would expect items (Carver and White, 1994; Elliot and
the neural and behavioral levels but also evolution of the long-term adaptive con- Thrash, 2010) not from biological anchors.
appropriate account to be taken of inter- trol of their overall sensitivity to adequate They also depend on factor analysis, which
actions at the intervening level of the inputs. Such stable sensitivity would be determines the number of dimensions, but
conceptual nervous system (Hebb, 1949; the neurobiological basis of approach and not location of trait axes of the person-
Gray, 1975). In particular, in accounting avoidance personality traits. ality “space” that items occupy (Lykken,
for approach and avoidance behavior we Determining the appropriate neurobi- 1971; Corr and McNaughton, 2008). It is
must include consideration of the distinc- ological measure for the sensitivity of a little more than an act of faith to believe
tion between valuation and motivation highly evolved approach or avoidance sys- that the causal structure of personality is
(Corr and McNaughton, 2012), of inter- tem is not simple. These systems have isomorphic with its lexical factor struc-
actions between the approach system and hierarchically organized neural levels with ture. So, even if we knew for certain that
the avoidance system (Gray and Smith, processing ranging from “quick and dirty” there were only two dimensions within a
1969), and of their interaction with a dis- to “slow and sophisticated” for both particular measured personality space, one
tinct additional system that is activated by perception (LeDoux, 1994) and action questionnaire system could have a single
approach-avoidance conflict (Gray, 1977; (Graeff, 1994, 2010). Sensitivity to input simple trait anxiety dimension (orthogo-
summarized in Corr, 2013). determines which level of the system is nal to, say, impulsiveness) that was a com-
But first we need to ask why would we activated and so sensitivity cannot reside bination of neuroticism and introversion
expect there to be traits linked to global in any one of the modules within the sys- in another (Gray, 1970)—the two systems
approach and avoidance systems? Simple tem (McNaughton and Corr, 2004). The differing only on which items from an
animals (with little or no brain) can pro- source of any sensitivity must, therefore, original pool were used to create scales.
duce approach and avoidance behavior be identified independently—in essence Factor analytically derived trait measures
(toward benefits and ultimately reproduc- requiring at least a preliminary surface can also easily meet the criterion of hav-
tion; and away from dangers and ulti- level description of traits. ing “simple structure” (in the sense that
mately failure to reproduce) via multiple Existing theories of personality pro- a set of items loads highly on only one
independent rules of thumb (Krebs et al., vide a number of competing surface level, factor so factors can be clearly identified
1983). But we can expect more com- lexically-derived, systems with trait mea- by unique item loadings) while imply-
plex brains to have largely integrated these sures that relate to approach and avoid- ing improbable causation (Lykken, 1971).
simple elements into systems more gen- ance either indirectly via constructs such Further, not only is there no reason to
erally dedicated to approach or avoid- as Extraversion and Neuroticism (Eysenck, suppose that biologically accurate scales
ance “because this is how [a few] genes 1957) or directly via constructs such should have simple structure but also cur-
can build a complex system that will as Harm Avoidance (Cloninger et al., rent scale systems, even though designed
produce appropriate but flexible behav- 1993). Each system is stable, with links to have this, often do not (DeYoung, 2006,
ior to increase fitness. . . . Rather than to mental disorder (Strelau and Zawadzki, 2010).

Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience July 2014 | Volume 8 | Article 124 | 1

McNaughton and Corr Anchoring approach and avoidance sensitivity

The plethora of competing trait scales

can to some extent be encompassed by just
five major trait dimensions that include
both normal people and those with psy-
chiatric disorders (Markon et al., 2005;
Revelle et al., 2011; Krueger et al., 2012).
However, the traits of the competing sys-
tems have complex relations to these five
large scale dimensions and it is open to
question whether there are five funda-
mental dimensions or whether these are
complex facets riding on two or even
just one major dimension of personality
(Markon et al., 2005; DeYoung et al., 2007;
Rushton and Irwing, 2009). These large
scale dimensions have “facets” that poten-
FIGURE 1 | Overall relation of approach (BAS), avoidance (FFFS = fight, freeze, flee), and
tially represent the true underlying sources conflict (BIS = behavioral inhibition) systems—an updated model. The inputs to the system
of personality; and different “approaches are classified in terms of the delivery (+) or omission (−) of primary positive reinforcers (PosR) or
differ substantially in the number and primary negative reinforcers (NegR) or conditional stimuli (CS) or innate stimuli (IS) that predict such
nature of the facets they propose, indicat- primary events. The BIS is activated when it detects approach-avoidance conflict—suppressing
prepotent responses and eliciting risk assessment and displacement behaviors. The systems
ing that further conceptual and empirical
interact in a variety of ways to generate behavior, see text. The shaded areas are all points at which
work is needed to achieve a consen- traits appear to operate. Figure and legend modified from Gray and McNaughton (2000) and Corr
sual specification of the Big Five factors and McNaughton (2012).
at lower levels of abstraction. [Further],
given that the Big Five were derived ini-
tially from analyses of the personality lex- Gray, 1982; Gray and McNaughton, such as behavioral contrast and peak shift
icon, one might wonder whether they 2000; McNaughton and Corr, 2004; (Gray and Smith, 1969). As a result, when
merely represent linguistic artifacts” (John Corr and McNaughton, 2012) but its approach and avoidance are strongly and
et al., 2008, p 141). With no “bottom system level description captures issues equally activated, arousal is high but the
up” neural anchor to definitely locate the that must be taken into account by any probability of both approach and avoid-
correct rotation of any true biological approach/avoidance account of personal- ance is low; in addition, the approach-
trait/facet axis, there is no unequivocal ity. Adequate stimuli (reinforcers) must avoidance conflict is detected by a third
way to unify the various systems currently first be valued and, importantly, nega- system (with its own trait sensitivity) that
in use. tive stimuli (e.g., losses) have a higher is unlike either pure approach or pure
A related problem, on which we focus exchange rate that positive ones (e.g., avoidance (withdrawal) in being affected
below, is that the bulk of personality gains); that is, people usually show loss by anxiolytic drugs (Gray, 1977). Both
research has required statistical indepen- aversion (Kahneman and Tversky, 1979). approach and avoidance are then inhib-
dence (orthogonality) of the extracted Any specific positive or negative rein- ited and replaced by behaviors such as risk
factors. To do otherwise would greatly forcer can produce approach or avoidance assessment (Gray and McNaughton, 2000)
increase the already large number of alter- depending on its contingency (presenta- and displacement (Hinde, 1998), while
native trait solutions for any particular tion or omission) with responding. For arousal and negative bias (risk aversion)
item space. However, as we will see, there is any given reinforcer, the motivational sen- are increased. With this plethora of inter-
good reason to see surface level behavior as sitivity of approach activation is differ- actions, it will be difficult to extract true
being determined interactively even if the ent from avoidance activation; and these approach and avoidance traits from the
biological control of the underlying sen- are separate from the distinct valuation surface structure of behavior—especially
sitivities is independent. Likewise, even if sensitivities of gain to loss (Hall et al., if orthogonal factors such as gain and
the control of factors is neurally indepen- 2011). The strength of response output for approach have been conflated in a sin-
dent, when one, e.g., neuroticism, is a risk any given level of approach activation also gle construct such as reward (Corr and
factor for another, e.g., anxiety (Andrews depends on distance from the goal (not McNaughton, 2012).
et al., 1990), then they will become statis- shown in Figure 1) and does so to a lesser However, neural measures should be
tically linked in the population as a result. extent than does avoidance (Miller, 1944). able to target the internal representa-
The solution for approach/avoidance Even with independent trait sensitiv- tions of the specific elements depicted
traits is to anchor their factor spaces to ities, state approach output depends on in Figure 1; challenge their response with
measures derived from existing neural the level of avoidance activation, and appropriate combinations of stimuli; and
state theory. Figure 1 is derived from vice versa: their activations sum to gen- so dissect out the specific contribution of
one particular detailed neuropsycho- erate arousal, while subtracting to deter- a particular trait sensitivity. These neu-
logical theory (Gray and Smith, 1969; mine choice—giving rise to phenomena ral measures can then be used to anchor

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McNaughton and Corr Anchoring approach and avoidance sensitivity

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