Rhetorical Analysis Essay

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Lizany Ku

Dr. Marfield

College English II

March 14, 2024

Decoding AI: Engineering Perspectives Analyzed

Artificial intelligence (AI) has seamlessly integrated into daily life, sparking crucial discussions

about its multifaceted implications. However, many tend to argue if it’s for the better. In their

collaborative work titled "AI - The Good, the Bad, and the Scary," engineering faculty members

Dylan Losey, Eugenia Rho, Ali Shojaei, Walid Saad, and Ella Atkins expound upon AI's

transformative potential and its accompanying ethical, emotional, and logical considerations.

Their discourse navigates through the nuances of AI's impact, shedding light on both its promises

and perils. While each author brings forth a unique perspective, collectively, they probe the

depths of AI's influence, provoking readers to contemplate its profound societal ramifications.

The authors establish their credibility (ethos) by drawing upon their expertise in diverse

engineering disciplines. Losey, an Assistant Professor in Mechanical Engineering, illuminates the

realm of human-robot interaction, underscoring AI's capacity to enhance accessibility and quality

of life (Losey). Rho, an Assistant Professor in Computer Science, delves into the intricacies of

large language models (LLMs), advocating for ethical guidelines to govern their deployment

(Rho). Shojaei, an Assistant Professor in the Myers-Lawson School of Construction, offers

insights into the ethical considerations surrounding AI-driven automation, rooted in his expertise
in construction innovation (Shojaei). Saad, a Professor in Electrical and Computer Engineering,

delineates AI's role in catalyzing technological advancements, leveraging his authority in

wireless communications (Saad). Atkins, the Fred D. Durham Chair in Engineering, elucidates

the intersection of AI and human performance, reflecting on its implications from an aerospace

and robotics standpoint (Atkins). Through their collective expertise, the authors establish a

foundation of trustworthiness, bolstering the persuasiveness of their arguments.

In their exploration of AI's impact, the authors adeptly employ emotional appeals (pathos) to

evoke empathy and resonate with readers' values. Losey poignantly portrays AI's potential to

ameliorate the lives of individuals with disabilities, tugging at readers' heartstrings with

narratives of empowerment and inclusion (Losey). Rho, in her deliberation on human-machine

interaction, strikes a chord with readers by articulating concerns about the erosion of genuine

human connection in an AI-dominated landscape (Rho). Shojaei's discussion on job displacement

and environmental degradation strikes a chord with readers' anxieties, compelling them to

grapple with the ethical dimensions of AI-driven automation (Shojaei). Saad and Atkins further

underscore the need for ethical responsibility and nuanced perspectives, prompting readers to

reflect on the humanistic implications of AI (Saad; Atkins). By tapping into readers' emotions,

the authors foster a sense of empathy and engagement, propelling readers to confront the ethical

and societal implications of AI.

Moreover, the authors fortify their arguments through logical appeals (logos), appealing to

readers' sense of reason and logic. Losey cogently argues about the inherent biases in AI systems,

citing the significance of representative data in mitigating algorithmic discrimination (Losey).

Shojaei employs logical reasoning in his discourse on AI-driven automation, elucidating the

complexities of its integration and the imperative of ethical frameworks to guide its development

(Shojaei). Saad's logical analysis of AI's applications underscores its potential to revolutionize

diverse sectors, urging readers to contemplate its far-reaching implications (Saad). Through these

logical appeals, the authors provide a nuanced understanding of AI's impact, compelling readers

to critically evaluate its benefits and challenges.

In terms of organization, the analysis is meticulously structured to guide readers through a

coherent exploration of AI's implications. Each paragraph presents the perspective of an

individual author, fostering clarity and coherence. However, to enhance the essay's coherence

further, the introduction could provide a more explicit roadmap of the analysis, outlining the

main points to be discussed. Additionally, while the body paragraphs focus on individual authors'

viewpoints, smoother transitions between paragraphs could facilitate a seamless flow of ideas.

The utilization of rhetorical appeals is further exemplified by Walid Saad's examination of AI's

impact on wireless communications and future technologies. Saad eloquently employs logos by

elucidating the vast potential of AI in facilitating real-time control across numerous internet-

connected devices (Saad). By highlighting AI's role in enabling smart cities, Saad presents a

compelling argument for the widespread adoption of AI-driven technologies (Saad).

Furthermore, Saad's logical analysis encourages readers to envision a future where AI not only

enhances communication and business operations but also revolutionizes various industries, from

transportation to healthcare (Saad). Through his expert insights, Saad effectively appeals to

readers' sense of reason and logic, compelling them to consider the transformative possibilities of
AI. This logical reasoning, coupled with Saad's authoritative expertise, enhances the

persuasiveness of his arguments and enriches the overall discourse on AI's impact.

In conclusion, "AI-The good, the bad, and the scary" offers a comprehensive exploration of AI's

implications through the effective use of ethos, pathos, and logos. By leveraging their expertise,

appealing to readers' emotions, and employing logical reasoning, the authors persuasively

convey the complexities of AI's influence. The nuanced discussions presented by Losey, Rho,

Shojaei, Saad, and Atkins highlight the multifaceted nature of AI, underscoring its potential to

transform various aspects of society while also posing significant ethical and societal challenges.

As readers navigate the rapidly evolving landscape of AI technology, it becomes imperative to

approach its integration with caution and foresight, considering not only its immediate benefits

but also its long-term consequences. By engaging with diverse perspectives and critically

evaluating the ethical, emotional, and logical dimensions of AI, readers can better navigate the

complexities of the AI-driven world and contribute to shaping a future where AI serves humanity

ethically and responsibly. Thus, "AI-The good, the bad, and the scary" serves as a thought-

provoking exploration that invites readers to reflect on their role in harnessing the potential of AI

for the betterment of society.

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