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- Prohibit the refusing party to introduce in

evidence designated documents or things or

RULE 29 – Refusal to comply with items or testimony or from introducing
evidence of physical or mental condition;
modes of discovery. - An order striking out pleadings or parts thereof
or staying further proceedings until the order is
Section 1. Refusal to answer. obeyed.
- An order directing the arrest of any party or
Refusal to answer any question upon oral agent of a party for disobeying any of such
examination or interrogatory. orders except an order to submit to a physical
or mental examination.
The proponent may thereafter apply to the proper
court of the place where the deposition is being Section 4. Expenses on refusal to admit.
taken, for an order to compel an answer.
Expenses on Refusal to Admit
Effect if application is Effect if application is
granted denied - A party may apply in court for an order
The court shall require It was filed without requiring the other party to pay him or her the
the refusing party or substantial justification reasonable expenses incurred in making such
deponent to answer proof, including reasonable attorney’s fees
the question or - UNLESS the court finds that there were good
interrogatory and if it reasons for the denial or that admissions
finds that the refusal to sought were of no substantial importance.
answer was without
substantial justification Section 5. Failure of party to attend or serve
It may require the The court may require answers.
refusing party or the proponent or the
deponent or the counsel advising the If a party or an officer or managing agent of a party
counsel advising the filing of the application, fails to appear before the officer who is to take his
refusal, or both, to pay or both of them, to pay or her deposition.
the proponent the to the refusing party or
amount of the deponent the amount 1. Strike out all or any part of any pleading of
reasonable expenses of reasonable that party,
incurred in obtaining expenses incurred in 2. Dismiss the action or proceeding or any part
the order, including opposing the thereof, or
attorney’s fees. application, including 3. Enter a judgment by default against that
attorney’s fees. party, and
4. In its discretion, order him or her to pay
Section 2. Contempt of Court reasonable expenses incurred by the other,
- Sanction for refusal to be sworn or to answer including attorney’s fees.
any question.
Section 6. Expenses against the Republic of the
Section 3. Other consequences
Sanction on the party or agent of the party when he Expenses and attorney’s fees are not be imposed
refuses to make discovery. upon the Republic of the Philippines under this
a. An order requiring him or her to answer
designated questions (Section 1, Rule 29)
b. An order to produce any document or other
thing for inspection, copying or
photographing or to permit it to be done, or
to permit entry upon land or other property
(Rule 27)
c. An order made requiring him or her to
submit a physical or mental examination

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