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The module in Perform Periodic Maintenance of Automotive Engine

This module contains training materials and activities for you to complete.
STEERING SYSTEM is designed to enhance the knowledge, skills, and attitude of
the trainees in presenting desserts. It is one of the specialized modules required to
complete the course AUTOMOTIVE SERVICING NC I.
You are required to go through a series of learning activities to complete
each learning outcome of the module. Each learning outcome is provided with
Information Sheets (Reference Materials for further reading to help you better
understand the required activities). Follow these activities on your own and answer
the self-check at the end of each learning outcome. You may remove a blank answer
sheet at the end of each module (or get one from your facilitator/trainer) to write your
answers for each self-check. If you have questions, don’t hesitate to ask your
facilitator for assistance.

Remember to:
Read the Information Sheets and complete the Self-Check. Suggested references are
included to supplement the materials provided in this module.
Perform the Task Sheets and Job Sheets until you are confident that your outputs
conform to the Performance Criteria Checklist that follows the sheets.
Submit outputs of the Task and Job sheets to your trainer for evaluation and
recording in the Achievement Chart. During the Institutional Competency Evaluation.
When you feel confident that you have had sufficient practice, ask your trainer to
evaluate you.

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List of Competencies

No. Unit of Competency Module Title Code Code

1 Perform Pre-Delivery Perform Pre-Delivery ALT723372
Inspection Inspection
2 Perform Periodic Perform Periodic ALT723373
Maintenance of Maintenance of
Automotive Engine Automotive Engine
3 Perform Periodic Perform Periodic ALT723374
Maintenance of Drive Maintenance of Drive
Train Train

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Qualification Title: Automotive Servicing NC II

Unit of Competency: Perform Periodic Maintenance of Automotive Engine

Module Title: Perform Periodic Maintenance of Automotive Engine

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Module Content

Qualification title: Automotive Servicing NC II

Unit of competency: Perform Periodic Maintenance of Automotive Engine

Module title: Perform Periodic Maintenance of Automotive Engine


This competency unit covers the ability to carry out periodic

maintenance of gasoline and diesel engines to maintain optimum engine performance
and prevent serious engine trouble.

Learning Outcomes:

Upon completion of this module you must be able to:

 Prepare for Inspection and service engine
 Inspect Engine
 Service engine
 Complete work processes

Assessment criteria:

1. Work is completed without causing damage to any workplace property or vehicle.

2. Information is accessed and interpreted from appropriate manufacturer
3. Tests are carried out to determine faults using appropriate tools and techniques
4. Faults are identified and preferred repair action is determined.
5. Starting systems are repaired without causing damage to any workplace property or
6. Information is accessed and interpreted from appropriate manufacturer
7. Repairs, component replacement, and adjustments are carried out using appropriate
tools, techniques, and materials.
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 Wearing of PPEs
 Servicing information
 Safety practices
 Sourcing out and interpretation of servicing information
 Different hazards associated with the work
 Risk management
 Selection and inspection of tools, equipment and materials
1. Job requirements are determined from workplace instructions
2. Servicing information is sourced and interpreted
3. Hazards associated with the work are identified and risks are managed
4. Tools, equipment, and materials are selected and checked for serviceability
Students/trainees must be provided with the following:

 Engine mock-up
 Feeler gauge
 Basic hand tools

 Project-based assessment
 Interview with oral questioning
 Written examination
 Direct observation

Information Sheet 1.1-1

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Learning outcomes:

After reading this information sheet, YOU MUST be able to:

1. Identify the different types of Workplace Hazard

2. Proper PPE and it’s Proper use

3. practicing safety osh/ohs

Occupational Health and Safety (OHS), also known as Occupational Safety and Health (OSH), refers
to the generic practice of addressing and reducing potential safety and health risks to employees. This
can cover anything from risk assessment, injury prevention, work-life balance, safety protocols, and
workplace hazards, to compensation and benefits, and employee management.

Occupational safety is an important part of any business, as staff safety should always be
prioritized before anything else. It’s the responsibility of employers to ensure that their staff
are well taken care of and are surrounded by as few risks as possible, so having guidelines in
place for OHS can help them greatly.

A guide on OHS and having OHS standards in place will not only ensure a safe workplace
and safe and healthy employees, but they could also lead to improvements in business as well.
Studies in Europe show that workplace hazards and injuries not only have a physical cost on
employees, but they have additional costs to companies as well. Employees getting sick and
injured are costly to deal with for both the employees and their leaders, so preventing and
mitigating them early on will save them both a lot of time and money. Good workplace
conditions are also linked to more employee productivity, as employees are more likely to be

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motivated when they know they are cared for and are in a safe environment where they can
work their best.

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

Personal protective equipment, commonly referred to as "PPE", is equipment worn

to minimize exposure to hazards that cause serious workplace injuries and illnesses. These
injuries and illnesses may result from contact with chemical, radiological, physical, electrical,
mechanical, or other workplace hazards. Personal protective equipment may include items
such as gloves, safety glasses and shoes, earplugs or muffs, hard hats, respirators, coveralls,
vests and full-body suits.

All personal protective equipment should be safely designed and constructed and should be
maintained cleanly and reliably. It should fit comfortably, encouraging worker use. If the
personal protective equipment does not fit properly, it can make the difference between being
safely covered or dangerously exposed. When engineering, work practice, and administrative
controls are not feasible or do not provide sufficient protection, employers must provide
personal protective equipment to their workers and ensure its proper use. Employers are also
required to train each worker to use personal protective equipment to know:

 When it is necessary
 What kind is necessary
 How to properly put it on, adjust, wear, and take it off
 The limitations of the equipment
Proper care, maintenance, useful life, and disposal of the equipment
 If PPE is to be used, a PPE program should be implemented. This program should
address the hazards present; the selection, maintenance, and use of PPE; the training of
employees; and monitoring of the program to ensure its ongoing effectiveness.

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Servicing Information

Service information refers to information concerning the services provided by a contractor to

the authority. It can include details of the service and/or any additional service to be provided
by the contractor as set out in either the order confirmation, online sign-up process, or service
description. Service information can also refer to any statement, document, or other form of
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communication, whether verbally or in writing, which contains information that may affect
the carrier’s ability to lawfully or safely perform the services.

Safety Practices
Safe practices are guidelines that help workers perform tasks with minimum risk to
personnel, equipment, materials, environment, and processes. These guidelines are usually
written methods that are developed as an outcome of a hazard assessment and should conform
to the practices within the concerned industry.
Safety Practices are not step-by-step procedures, but rather a set of methods or “Do’s
and Don’ts” on how to carry out a specific task or use the equipment. They should inform the
worker about the hazards that are present and provide direction on how to safeguard against
the hazards12.
The following features help implement safe work practices at the workplace:
 Induction training for new employees.
 Training on communication and teamwork during normal and emergencies.
 Training on fire safety and emergency procedures.
 Training on hazard identification, risk control, use of personal protection equipment
(PPE), and first aid.
 Observation of ergonomics to reduce injuries to workers.
 Use and maintenance of appropriate tools for work and keeping them in good working
 Handling, application, labeling, and storage of hazardous and non-hazardous materials
so the workers are not exposed to danger.
 Adherence to policies and procedures to set standard actions and reactions
understandable by all and to reduce chaos in an emergency.
 Housekeeping, cleaning, and waste disposal considering environmental safety and
Sourcing out and interpretation of servicing information
Outsourcing is the business practice of hiring a party outside a company to perform services
or create goods that were traditionally performed in-house by the company's own employees
and staff. Outsourcing is a practice usually undertaken by companies as a cost-cutting
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measure. As such, it can affect a wide range of jobs, ranging from customer support to
manufacturing to the back office.

Outsourcing was first recognized as a business strategy in 1989 and became an integral part of
business economics throughout the 1990s.
The practice of outsourcing is subject to considerable controversy in many countries. Those
opposed argue that it has caused the loss of domestic jobs, particularly in the manufacturing
sector. Supporters say it creates an incentive for businesses and companies to allocate
resources where they are most effective, and that outsourcing helps maintain the nature of
free-market economies on a global scale.

6 Types of Hazards in the Workplace

1. Chemical hazards
Many workplaces use chemicals in some form or another. These chemicals can range from
cleaning products to hair dye to fluids used in a factory. Knowing how to process and store
chemicals properly can prevent incidents such as illness, injury, fire, or property damage.
Some chemicals that may be dangerous in a workplace but may not present issues if used and
accounted for properly include:
 Compressed gas
 Asbestos
 Corrosive liquids
 Reactive liquids
 Diesel exhaust
 Flammable liquids
 Fluids used in metalworking
 Lead
 Peroxides
 Oxidizing liquids
 Various pesticides
 Toxic materials
 Wood dust
 Chlorine
 Bleach
2. Ergonomic hazards

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Ergonomic work hazards are hazards related to employees' daily duties, mostly those that
affect their physical well-being. Some of the workplace activities that can result in ergonomic
hazards include:

Manual labor
Manual labor, such as pushing, pulling, holding, or carrying objects, can cause physical injury
if not properly supervised by management or other responsible employees. Management
personnel can prevent injuries related to manual labor, but ultimately, preventing injuries also
depends on the strategies used by employees.

For example, management can prevent injuries related to lifting objects by implementing a
weight limit on the objects employees lift in a warehouse. However, if an employee lifts
objects improperly, it may result in an injury. A good way to prevent injury is to provide
mandatory and frequent training concerning common injuries in the workplace that occur due
to manual labor. This could involve training on lifting heavy objects, how to recognize and
handle exhaustion, or how to stay properly hydrated throughout a workday.
3. Health hazards
Health hazards are workplace hazards that have the potential to harm employees internally if
not properly addressed by management.
Examples of health hazards include:
 Viruses in the workplace, such as flu or common cold
 Mold
 Biological hazards due to insect, plant, or animal life
To prevent illness from a biological hazard such as mold, for example, consider instituting
workplace mandatory training that tells employees what they can do when they spot mold.
Additionally, frequent hygiene practices, such as a regular cleanup crew that ensures a
workspace is clean, should prevent most health hazards altogether. Health hazards need to be
removed from a workspace as much as possible to prevent the spread of potential diseases.
4. Physical hazards

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Physical hazards are substances present in a workplace or conditions that may threaten
employee safety if not properly removed. Physical hazards are one of the most common
hazards in a workplace, but management can avoid them by following regulatory procedures.
Some of the most common physical hazards to avoid include:

Temperature hazards
Extremely cold or hot temperatures can be dangerous to employee health. In hot
environments, dangers to avoid include heat strokes and heat exhaustion, while in cold
environments, effective management takes steps to prevent conditions such as hypothermia or
Air quality
Air in a workplace can present problems depending on its quality. Dust, for example, when
not properly ventilated, can cause workplace injury over some time. Chemicals incorrectly
stored or gases not properly sealed may also cause workplace injury.
Many things in a workspace, such as equipment or moving vehicles in industrial and
manufacturing environments, can create noise. This is another extremely common workplace
health hazard.
5. Psychosocial hazards
Psychosocial hazards are workplace hazards that can cause mental or emotional damage
within a workplace environment. Examples of workplace psychosocial hazards include:
Stress in a workplace environment can arise from poor management, improperly
communicated expectations, or fluctuating or overbearing workloads.
Bullying and workplace violence encompass any form of assault or insult that occurs in the
workplace. Prevention of workplace violence and bullying is often a responsibility of
managers to implement, but other employees can help prevent this, too.
6. Workplace safety hazards
General workplace hazards are hazards that involve the workplace environment itself. This
may include elements of a building in which employees work, the machines or vehicles they

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operate, or the general conditions in which employees operate. These hazards may arise due to
the following workplace elements:
Workplace vehicles or machinery
Workplace vehicles may pose a hazard to employees if improperly driven or operated. To
prevent workplace injury stemming from vehicles or machinery, ensure that all operators
undergo proper vehicle training and adhere to guidelines related to vehicle operation.

Workplace navigation
While not all employees operate a vehicle or machinery in every workspace, there are still
dangers employees may face due to their work environment. Management can prevent
potential workplace injury due to ladders, doorways, confined spaces or weather, for example,
by regularly requiring safety review training for all employees. Safety training is beneficial
and ensures that employees follow safety guidelines highlighted by your company's safety
Risk management is the process of identifying, assessing, and controlling threats to an
organization's capital, earnings, and operations. These risks stem from a variety of sources,
including financial uncertainties, legal liabilities, technology issues, strategic management
errors, accidents, and natural disasters.
Risk management has perhaps never been more important than it is now. The risks that
modern organizations face have grown more complex, fueled by the rapid pace of
globalization. New risks are constantly emerging, often related to and generated by the now-
pervasive use of digital technology. Climate change has been dubbed a "threat multiplier" by
risk experts.

Risk management process

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The risk management discipline has published many bodies of knowledge that document ways
for organizations to manage risk.
The following steps for identifying, assessing, and managing risks:
 Identify the risks faced by your organization.
 Analyze the likelihood and possible impact of each one.
 Evaluate and prioritize the risks based on business objectives.
 Treat -- or respond to -- the risk conditions.
 Monitor the results of risk controls and adjust as necessary.

Inspection is done to detect defects in any component in the manufacturing process.

When a tool, material, or equipment is defective, the manufacturing process can be disrupted.
As a result, there might be issues with the quality of manufactured products. There is also an
increased risk of accidents when manufacturing with defective equipment.
With regular inspection, those issues can be avoided. Upon finding defects in the
manufacturing equipment, you can see whether those items are salvageable. In the end, the
decision if the defective tools are to be repaired, replaced, or removed can be made with
However, you have to make it a priority to do the inspection as often as possible. Take a look
at the following explanations:

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1. Basic Inspection
This inspection must be done daily, specifically before the manufacturing process starts that
day. In the daily inspection, employees mainly focus on major manufacturing process
components. It is done to make sure that production can run safely.
2. Thorough Inspection
A thorough check-up is done once every few months. In addition to scrutinizing the system's
major parts, this inspection also pays more attention to minor components. Understandably, it
takes more time to perform this inspection as there are more things to check on.

3. Immediate Check
This is an emergency case. Sometimes a problem arises when the production process has
commenced. When the tools do not operate as they are supposed to, the manufacturing stage
must be stopped immediately. This issue can be prevented with regular check-ups.

You should never miss any part in an inspection because even one missed component can
obstruct the entire system. Here are some of the most crucial checkups, based on the type of
1. Powered tools
Manufacturing tools are mostly powered tools. It means that they are running with an electric
current. A faulty electric link is hazardous because it can lead to a fire in the manufacturing
facilities. The things that you need to check include:
 Damages switches
 A cracked or loose plug
 Signs of wear and tear in the chord
 Loose double handles
2. Construction or installation
During an installation or construction process in the manufacture, inspections should be
performed as well. The inspector needs to have the approved plan on hand to make a
comparison with the actual results. Supporting tools are also used to ensure that the
measurements are accurate.
3. Site evaluation

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In addition to materials and tools inspection, conducting site evaluation is also necessary. It is
done to make sure that the new site will be able to accommodate the production process well.
In the manufacturing industry, a minor problem can grow big. It means that inspection
must be performed very carefully. To ensure that you are not missing out on anything, you
need to keep a record of every part being inspected. It also ensures that you record everything
that needs further checkups in the future.
An excellent record for manufacturing inspection tends to fulfill the following criteria:
 Each component is labeled for ease of identification.
 Categorization of components for easier finding.
 Notes on past damages and repairs of the components.
 Staying up to date with the record.

TEST 1: Identification
1. Such as noise, vibration, temperature extremes, and ergonomic factors.
2. Chemical Hazards: Involving exposure to harmful substances like toxic chemicals
or gases.
3. Psychosocial Hazards: Relating to mental and emotional well-being, like stress or
workplace violence.
4. Related to improper workstation design or repetitive motions that can lead to
musculoskeletal disorders.
5. Involving the risk of accidents, such as slips, trips, and falls.

1. Physical Hazard
2. Chemical Hazard
3. Psychological Hazard
4. Ergonomic Hazard
5. Work Safety Hazard

Test 2: Enumeration
Give at least 5 Personal Protective Equipment
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Answer key:

Learning Outcome # 2 Inspect Engine

 Knowledge of engine automotive components
 Different measuring tools
 Characteristics of drive belt
 Measurement of fluid level
 Characteristics of fluids and oils
 Inspection procedures
 Use of measuring tools
 Automotive engine fundamentals
1. Inspection is carried out according to manufacturer specifications, workplace procedures,
and safety requirements
2. Inspection results are compared with manufacturer specifications Inspection findings are
reported according to workplace procedures, including recommendations for necessary
repairs or adjustments
3. PPEs are worn following OSHS
Students/trainees must be provided with the following:
 Engine mock-up
 Feeler gauge
 Spark plug wrench

 Interview
 Written examination
 Practical demonstration
 Direct observation

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Perform Physical and functional inspection
Learning Objectives
After reading this information sheet. YOU MUST be able to:
1. Explain the Importance of knowing automotive component
2. Identify the 10 characteristics of drive belt

Today, we might be moving towards electric vehicles and alternative fuel-
powered vehicles but let’s not forget, it was the internal combustion engines where all
the magic began. Just like us, the engine is the heart of a car. A car engine is a
complex machine that consists of various parts working simultaneously to power your

The Anatomy of a Car Engine

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Engine Block (Cylinder Block)
The engine block is the foundation of an engine. Most engine blocks are cast from an
aluminum alloy, but iron is still used by some manufacturers. The engine block is also
referred to as the cylinder block because of the big holes or tubes called cylinders that
are cast into the integrated structure. The cylinder is where the engine’s pistons slide
up and down. The more cylinders an engine has the more powerful it is. In addition to
the cylinders, other ducts and passageways are built into the block that allow for oil
and coolant to flow to different parts of the engine.
Combustion Chamber
The combustion chamber in an engine is where the magic happens. It’s where fuel,
air, pressure, and electricity come together to create the small explosion that moves
the car’s pistons up and down, thus creating the power to move the vehicle. The
combustion chamber is made up of the cylinder, piston, and cylinder head. The
cylinder acts as the wall of the combustion chamber, the top of the piston acts as the
floor of the combustion chamber, and the cylinder head serves as the ceiling of the
combustion chamber.
Cylinder Head
The cylinder head is a piece of metal that sits over the engine’s cylinders. There are
small, rounded indentations cast into the cylinder head in order to create room at the
top of the chamber for combustion. A head gasket seals the joint between the cylinder
head and cylinder block. Intake and outtake valves, spark plugs, and fuel injectors
(these parts are explained later) are also mounted to the cylinder head.
Pistons move up and down the cylinder. They look like upside down soup cans. When
fuel ignites in the combustion chamber, the force pushes the piston downward, which
in turn moves the crankshaft (see below). The piston attaches to the crankshaft via a
connecting rod, aka the con rod. It connects to the connecting rod via a piston pin, and
the connecting rod connects to the crankshaft via a connecting rod bearing.
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The crankshaft is what converts the up and down motion of the pistons into a
rotational motion that allows the car to move. The crankshaft typically fits lengthwise
in the engine block near the bottom. It extends from one end of the engine block to the
other. At the front of the end of the engine, the crankshaft connects to rubber belts
which connect to the camshaft and delivers power to other parts of the car; at the back
end of the engine, the camshaft connects to the drive train, which transfers power to
the wheels. At each end of the crankshaft, you’ll find oil seals, or “O-rings,” which
prevent oil from leaking out of the engine.
The camshaft is the brain of the engine. It works in conjunction with the crankshaft
via a timing belt to make sure intake and outtake valves open and close at just the
right time for optimal engine performance. The camshaft uses egg-shaped lobes that
extend across it to control the timing of the opening and closing of the valves.

Timing System
As mentioned above, the camshaft and crankshaft coordinate their movement via a
timing belt or chain. The timing chain holds the crankshaft and camshaft in the same
relative position to each other at all times during the engine’s operation. If the
camshaft and crankshaft become out of sync for whatever reason (the timing chain
skips a gear cog, for example), the engine won’t work.
The valvetrain is the mechanical system that’s mounted to the cylinder head that
controls the operation of the valves. The valve train consists of valves, rocker arms,
pushrods, and lifters.
There are two types of valves: intake valves and outtake valves. Intake valves bring a
mixture of air and fuel into the combustion chamber to create the combustion to
power the engine. Outtake valves let the exhaust that’s created after the combustion
out of the combustion chamber.
Rocker Arms
Rocker arms are little levers that touch the lobes, or cams, on the camshaft. When a
lobe lifts one end of the rocker, the other end of the rocker presses down on the valve
stem, opening the valve to let air in to the combustion chamber or letting exhaust out.
It works sort of like a see-saw.

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Sometimes camshaft lobes touch the rocker arm directly (as you see with overhead
camshaft engines), thus opening and closing the valve. On overhead valve engines,
the camshaft lobes don’t come into direct contact with the rocker arms, so pushrods or
lifters are used.
Fuel Injectors
In order to create the combustion needed to move the pistons, we need fuel in the
cylinders. Before the 1980s, cars used carburetors to supply fuel to the combustion
chamber. Today, all cars use one of three fuel injection systems: direct fuel injection,
ported fuel injection, or throttle body fuel injection.
Above each cylinder is a sparkplug. When it sparks, it ignites the compressed fuel and
air, causing the mini-explosion that pushes the piston down.

The Four-Stroke Cycle

Vernier Calliper considered one of the precise measuring tool which is use to the car
mechanics shops because of its accuracy. Car technician also use Vernier calliper
when they are repairing a car and have to change a part for which the need it’s
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a micrometer is a measuring instrument that can make extraordinarily precise
measurements. It is an excellent precision tool that is used to measure small
parameters and is much more accurate than the Vernier caliper.

A Bore gauge accurately measures the diameter of any hole known as a bore gauge, It
can be a scale, dial, or digital-type instrument. The most common bore gauge is a type
bore gauge, which comes with a dial gauge that is attached to the shaft and
replacement rods, also known as measuring sleds, of different sizes to measure
different hole dimensions. A bore gauge is a collective term for the tools that are
unique to the process of accurately measuring holes.
Telescopic gauges these are a range of gauges that are use to measure a bore’s size,
by transferring the internal dimension to a remote measuring tool. They are a direct
equivalent of inside calipers and require the operator to develop the correct feel to
obtain repeatable results.

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A dial bore gauge is a comparative instrument similar to a telescoping gauge, but
includes a digital or analogy readout. The dial bore gauge must be set to the nominal
value of the bore. it is measure the variation and direction of the bore from nominal.
There are multiple ways to set this gauges to the nominal value. The most common
method is using an outside micrometer that set to the nominal value. This is the
quickest and least expensive way to set the dial bore gauge.

A depth gauge is use to measure the depth of a slot, hole or any other surface of an
object. It can be of scale, dial or digital type. The depth gauge can be a micrometer
style type, a dial indicator type, or modified Vernier type tool, which means the
measuring base is fitted on the reading scale of a micrometer, dial indicator or the
Vernier scale.

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Feeler gauges a bunch of fine thickened steel strips of different thickness bundled together. The thickness
of each strip marked on the surface of the strip. A feeler gauge is a tool use to measure gap widths. Feeler
gauges are mostly use in engineering to measure the clearance between two parts.

Drive Belt?
A drive belt is a relatively simple component that is responsible for powering several different accessories
within your car. It essentially transfers power from the crankshaft pulley to all of these components in
order to keep them running properly. Without a functioning drive belt, these components would be unable
to generate their necessary power and could eventually lead to engine failure.

Top 10 Characteristics of Belt Drive Motors:

1. Versatile Power Transmission

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Belt Drive Motors enable the transmission of power across various distances and configurations with
2. Adjustable Speed
These motors allow for speed adjustment by altering pulley sizes, making them suitable for diverse
3. Efficient Load Handling
Belt Drive Motors are designed to handle different load capacities while maintaining consistent
4. Minimal Vibrations
Efficient power transfer through belts results in reduced vibrations, contributing to smooth and stable
5. Belt Options
Various belt materials and types are available, allowing customization for specific torque and application
6. Energy Efficiency
Belt Drive Motors offers energy efficiency by reducing friction losses and optimizing power transfer.
7. Compact Design
These motors have a compact footprint, making them suitable for applications with space constraints.
8. Low Maintenance
Simple belt replacement and infrequent maintenance contribute to overall cost-effectiveness.
9. Smooth Start-Up
Gradual engagement of belts results in a smooth start-up, minimizing wear and tear on components.
10. Noise Reduction
Efficient power transmission and reduced friction contribute to quieter operation compared to direct drive

Top 10 Applications of Belt Drive Motors:

1. HVAC Systems
Belt Drive Motors power air handling units and fans in heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems.
2. Industrial Fans

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These motors are used in large industrial fans for proper air circulation and cooling in manufacturing
3. Conveyor Systems
Conveyor belts in production lines utilize Belt Drive Motors for efficient material movement.
4. Commercial Refrigeration
These motors power compressors and fans in refrigeration systems to maintain optimal temperatures.
5. Agricultural Equipment
Belt Drive Motors are employed in agricultural machinery for various tasks, such as operating pumps and
6. Blowers
Blower systems in different industries utilize these motors for efficient air movement and ventilation.
7. Dust Collection Systems
These motors power dust collectors to maintain clean and safe working environments in woodworking
and other industries.
8. Woodworking Machinery
Belt Drive Motors are integral components in woodworking tools like lathes, table saws, and planers.
9. Generators
These motors can be used in generator systems to convert mechanical energy into electrical power.
10. Manufacturing Processes
Belt Drive Motors are essential in various manufacturing processes that require precise speed control and
power transmission.

Types of Drive Belt

There are several types of drive belts used in vehicles, each serving different purposes. Here are the most
common types:
 Serpentine Belt: This is a single, long belt that drives multiple engine components such
as the alternator, power steering pump, water pump, and air conditioning compressor. It’s
widely used in modern vehicles.
 V-Belt: Also known as a fan belt, V-belts are narrower and V-shaped. They transmit power
to individual components like the alternator, water pump, and air conditioning compressor.
Older vehicles often use V-belts.
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 Timing Belt: This belt connects the crankshaft to the camshaft(s) in the engine, ensuring
precise timing of valve opening and closing. Replacing it at recommended intervals is
crucial to prevent engine damage.
 Accessory Belt: These belts drive specific accessories like the air conditioning
compressor or power steering pump, and they are typically found in older vehicles.
 Drive Chain: Some vehicles, especially motorcycles and some off-road vehicles, use
chains instead of belts to transmit power from the engine to the wheels.
 Timing Chain: Similar to a timing belt, a timing chain connects the engine’s crankshaft
and camshaft(s). It’s more durable and usually requires less frequent replacement than a
timing belt.
 Cogs or Ribbed Belts: These specialized belts have notches or ribs on the inside,
providing better grip and reduced slippage for specific applications, such as superchargers
or some industrial machinery.
 Variable-Speed Belt: Often used in continuously variable transmissions (CVTs), these
belts can change their effective diameter to provide a wide range of gear ratios smoothly.

6 Methods to Measure or Monitor Fluid Levels

Measuring and monitoring fluid levels accurately and precisely requires choosing the correct
methodology for the target medium and vessel. Generally, you will choose among six methods for
measuring and monitoring fluid levels, each with advantages and disadvantages:

Continuous Float Level Transmitters

These level monitors operate by using a float suspended in or on the fluid from a rod, something of a
dipstick, which sends a vibration up the rod to a sensor. There are two main types. In Magnetos trictive
designs, the float carries a magnet which disrupts the electrical pulse sent down the rod from the sensor.
The return vibration (strain pulse) is timed and the level of the float is determined. Resistive Level
Sensors utilize the same rod and magnetic float set-up; however, now, the rod contains reed switches with
resistors. As the float rises and falls, these switches close and change the resistance of the circuit. The
resistance indicates the float position of the sensor.

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Differential Pressure Transmitter
Widespread use in many applications, differential pressure transmitters can be used to determine fluid
levels by determining the difference in head pressure between the low pressure port and the high pressure
port in its usual configuration. The difference in pressure becomes an output signal which is calibrated to
indicate a fluid level.

Load Cells
A load cell is a transducer technique that measures weight, a mechanical force, or a load, and creates an
output signal which relays data to be extrapolated into a fluid level. These technologies range from very
inexpensive off the shelf to custom-designed, and easy to install, from readily available to complicated.
Your application will determine appropriateness and cost-effectiveness.

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Radar Level Transmitter
Radar is a non-contact method that entails bouncing an electromagnetic pulse off a fluid surface and
measuring the time required for the pulse to return to the sensor. The quicker the pulse returns, the higher
the level of the fluid. The contact-free measurement has advantages in that media characteristics are not as
restrictive. Radar works best in metal vessels though. The vessel may restrict certain media from using
this technology. Highly corrosive media, for example, would not be stored in a steel vessel. Radar may not
be the best choice for this reason. Radar sensing technology requires some installation time. The software
must be installed so you can calibrate the equipment.

Radio Frequency (RF) Capacitance

RF technology uses the electrical characteristics of capacitors in a vessel to map the contours of the
surface area. Yes, contours. This technology, then, can be used in determining the levels of granules,
slurries, and even fluids with differing densities. The apparatus is similar to the continuous float level
probe. Rather than attaching magnets, the vessel wall often serves as the second conductor. This method
defines the area of interest, the inside of the vessel, shared by the two conductors. The volume will
ultimately be defined as the sum of these areas along the probe. The technology is based on electrical
capacitance, that is the ability of a conductor to store an electrical charge between two conductors. This
capacitance is also affected by the medium, the non-conducting fluid or the material to be measured.
Ultrasonic Liquid Level Sensors and Transmitters
Similar to radar, Ultrasonic sensors are less sensitive to medium characteristics and vessel construction. It
is virtually a point-and-shoot technology for fluid levels where one reading will do. Since it is a no-
contact technology, acids, printing chemicals, and even wastewater can be easily measured. Slurries and
foamy fluids can decrease the accuracy of this technology without designing a more sophisticated process
for data collection.

What is a Fluid and Oil

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Fluid is a matter composed of molecules that are weakly attracted to each other, so that it cannot
maintain a certain shape but acquires that of the container in which it is contained. In this, it is
distinguished from solids, whose particles do not change position so easily, which is why solids have their
In principle, both gases and liquids are fluids, since neither retains its specific shape. However
there are differences between them since gases have less attraction between their particles than liquids,
which allows them to be compressed, something that almost cannot be done with liquids.
Then, as the particles of fluids must be held together but cannot resist change, the action of some
continuous force on them (such as gravity ) causes them to continually deform until they move out of
place, and that is why they can flow from a container. to another, from a container to the ground, etc. How
much they flow in that direction will depend on their viscosity (a measure of resistance to deformation).

Basic inspection
When you make a basic inspection of a vehicle you should follow a sequence of visual checks and
adjustments, and in the process of doing this the problem area can often be quickly diagnosed. No matter
what the problem is, the following checks below are an essential pre-requisite to the use of diagnostic
equipment. In many instances, the fault will be revealed during these procedures. Make a careful visual
inspection of the following items. Not all checks will be appropriate for all engines. This basic inspection,
though, can save a great deal of valuable diagnostic time.
 Check the engine oil level, oil condition and positive crankcase ventilation (PCV) circuit
condition. Maintenance of the lubrication system is particularly important for good engine
operation. In catalyst-equipped vehicles, contaminated oil, a poorly-maintained PCV
system or an oil-burning engine will contaminate the catalyst in a very short period of
 Check the coolant level and coolant system condition. Maintenance of the cooling system
is particularly important for good engine operation. An engine that is overcooled or
running too hot can affect timing and fueling actuation.
 Check the automatic transmission fluid level and condition.
 Check the battery condition.
 Check the battery for security.
 Test the voltage of the battery.
 Check the battery cables and connections.
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 Use an OBD (On-board Diagnostics) reader to check for any codes.
 Check the drivebelt(s) condition and tension.
 Remove the spark plugs and check the condition. Renew if necessary.
 Check that the spark plug electrode gap is correct.
 Check that the spark plug type is the correct type for the vehicle.
 Check for poor or corroded electrical connections.
 Check for freedom from vacuum leaks from the vacuum hoses, inlet manifold, AFS
trunking, oil dipstick seal and rocker cover seal.
 Check the breathing system condition. Clean away accumulated sludge, and ensure that
the hoses are clear.
 Check the air filter condition. Renew if it is even slightly dirty.
 Check the exhaust system condition.
 Check the fuel system condition. Check for fuel leaks, and for worn or broken
components. If available, the probe from a gas analyser with HC meter can be passed over
the fuel and evaporation pipes and hoses. If the HC meter registers a measurement, that
component may be leaking fuel or vapour.
 Visually inspect all connections, multi-plugs and terminals. Check for corrosion and loose
or displaced terminals.
 Check the throttle body for carbon
 build-up – usually as a result of fumes from the breathing system. The carbon can cause a
sticking or jacked-open throttle, which can cause idle, cruising, and other running
problems. Carburetor cleaning fluid usually cleans away the carbon nicely.

An engine is a machine that converts fuel into mechanical energy. The fundamental principles of
an engine are based on the internal combustion process. In this process, a mixture of fuel and air is
ignited inside the engine, which causes a rapid expansion of gases. This expansion creates
pressure, which is used to move the pistons in the engine. The movement of the pistons is then
transferred to the crankshaft, which converts the linear motion of the pistons into rotational
motion. This rotational motion is used to power the vehicle’s wheels.
The operation of an engine can be divided into four stages: intake, compression, combustion, and
exhaust. During the intake stage, the fuel-air mixture is drawn into the engine. In the compression
stage, the mixture is compressed to increase its temperature and pressure. In the combustion stage,
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the mixture is ignited, and the resulting explosion drives the piston down. Finally, in the exhaust
stage, the waste gases are expelled from the engine.
There are two types of engines: spark-ignition engines and compression-ignition engines. In
spark-ignition engines, the fuel-air mixture is ignited by a spark plug. In compression-ignition
engines, the fuel-air mixture is compressed until it reaches a high enough temperature to ignite


Test 1: Essay
1. Important to know engine automotive components? (5 sentences)
2. Explain Inspection procedures. ( 5 sentences)

Test 2: Identifications
1. Efficient power transmission and reduced friction contribute to quieter operation compared to direct
drive systems.
2. Belt Drive Motors enable the transmission of power across various distances and configurations with
3. Gradual engagement of belts results in a smooth start-up, minimizing wear and tear on components.
4. These motors allow for speed adjustment by altering pulley sizes, making them suitable for diverse
5. Simple belt replacement and infrequent maintenance contribute to overall cost-effectiveness.
6. Belt Drive Motors are designed to handle different load capacities while maintaining consistent
7. These motors have a compact footprint, making them suitable for applications with space constraints.
8. Efficient power transfer through belts results in reduced vibrations, contributing to smooth and stable
9. Belt Drive Motors offers energy efficiency by reducing friction losses and optimizing power transfer.
10. Various belt materials and types are available, allowing customization for specific torque and
application requirements.

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1. Noise Reduction
2. Versatile Power Transmission
3. Smooth Start-Up
4. Adjustable Speed
5. Low Maintenance
6. Efficient Load Handling
7. Compact Design
8. Minimal Vibrations
9. Energy Efficiency
10. Belt Options

 Engine oil filter
 Air cleaner element
 Fuel filter
 Basic Carburetor System
 Adjustment of valve tappet clearance
 Simple arithmetic
 Use of Special Service Tools
1. Service and adjustments are carried out according to manufacturer specifications,
workplace procedures, and safety and environmental requirements, and without causing
damage to components or systems
2. Irregularities are recorded using inspection sheet according to workplace procedures
3. Post-service testing is carried out according to workplace procedures
4. PPEs are worn
5. Safety practices are applied


Students/trainees must be provided with the following:

 Engine mock-up
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 Fuel filter
 Basic hand tools
 Air cleaner


 Interview
 Written examination
 Practical demonstration
 Direct observation


Service Engine
Learning Objectives
After reading this information sheet. YOU MUST be able to:
1. Identify the importance of fuel filter
2. Enumerate the parts of fuel filter

When it’s time to change the engine oil and filter in your vehicle, selecting the right one is
compulsory. Not only is it a matter of fitment, but the wrong filter won’t perform as well as it
should, potentially starving the engine of the precious lubrication that it needs.


Not all oil filters look the same, nor do they all function at the same level. For vehicles, oil filters
usually employ media made of natural and synthetic fibers, pleated for the most surface area.
Most filters break down into spin-on and cartridge oil filters, although other options like magnetic
and centrifugal filters also exist.
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One of the most common types, spin-on oil filters are user-friendly and easy to replace. Featuring
a self-contained canister that spins on and off the engine block, they are popular among DIY
enthusiasts. The convenience they offer, coupled with their efficient filtration capabilities, makes
them a go-to choice for many vehicle owners. However, they’re slowly being phased out because
they’re less environmentally conscious.


Cartridge oil filters, on the other hand, consist of a replaceable filter element housed in a
permanent housing. These filters are often more environmentally friendly as only the filter
element needs replacement. They are commonly found in modern engines, providing efficient
filtration and reducing waste, and they’re accessed under the hood.

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Magnetic oil filters use magnets to attract and capture metallic particles in the oil. These filters are
particularly effective at trapping small metal debris that may be produced by engine components.
While not a standalone solution, magnetic filters complement other types, enhancing overall
filtration efficiency.


Centrifugal oil filters use centrifugal force to separate contaminants from the oil. The spinning
motion forces heavier particles to the outer edge of the filter, where they can be easily removed.
This type of filter is seldom found in applications outside of high-performance and racing engines,
providing effective filtration under extreme conditions.

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Filters operate on the principle of mechanical filtration, trapping contaminants as oil
flows through the filter element. The filter media, whether paper, synthetic, or a combination, is
designed to capture particles of varying sizes – often 20 microns or even smaller – ensuring that
only clean oil reaches critical engine components.
Contaminants such as dirt, metal particles, and sludge can be detrimental to engine
health, blocking passages and eroding metal surfaces. Oil filters prevent these impurities from
circulating through the engine, preventing premature wear and damage to vital components.
Regular filtration ensures that the oil can carry out its lubricating and cooling functions.
By preventing the buildup of harmful substances, the oil filter ensures that the engine
operates at its best, reducing the risk of breakdowns and costly repairs. Regular oil changes and
filter replacements are key to maximizing engine longevity.


Different engines may require specific types and sizes of oil filters. A car that uses a
spin-on filter can’t accept a cartridge filter, no matter how much you’d like to. And among the
types, there are dozens of different sizes and grades. The best way to choose? Find compatible oil
filters at AutoZone by year, make, model, and engine size.

Among those options, consider these factors:

 Brand name – Use brands that are widely regarded as high-quality. Using lesser-known
options can have a detrimental effect on your engine health.
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 Filter material – Conventional oil can usually use filters with either natural or synthetic
media, while synthetic oil changes usually require a filter with synthetic media.
 Efficiency – Look for grades that filter out smaller particles, helping your engine avoid
wear and tear.
 Lifespan – Some filters are meant to be replaced every 5,000 miles or so, while others are
capable of lasting a year or 15,000 miles.

Types of Air Cleaners in Engine

Air cleaners are classified based on principles of filtration and the nature of filtering
material. The type of filter adopted for a particular engine depends upon the atmosphere in which
the engine has to operate.
The air cleaners generally used are of the following types:
 Oil bath-type air cleaner
 Dry-type air cleaner
 Oil-wetted type air cleaner
 Paper pleated type air cleaner
 Centrifugal type air cleaner
1. Oil Bath Type Air Cleaner
It is a heavy-duty air cleaner. It is designed in a variety of shapes. The type shown in the figure is
designed to be placed on the top of the carburettor and to be clamped to the air horn. It consists of
a filter element saturated with oil. At the bottom, there is a separate oil pan. The operation of air
cleaning is carried out in two stages.

2. Dry Type Air

It is a light-duty air cleaner. It consists of a cleaning element only and not the oil bath. The
cleaning element is a specially pleated element, over which is put a fire mesh screen to provide

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strength. This cleaning element is enclosed in a silencing chamber. The figure shows the part of a
dry-type air cleaner.

3. Oil Wetted Type Air Cleaner

It consists of a filtering element generally wire mesh, coated with an oil film. The air passes
through this element, and the dust particles of the air adhere to the oil film. This type of air cleaner
should be cleaned periodically, about every 800 km, by washing the wire mesh in petrol or
paraffin. After drying is properly, coat it with engine oil, allow it to drain and again fit it for

4. Paper Pleated Type Air Cleaner

It consists of a filtering element of the resin-impregnated paper. This type of air
cleaner is made in the form as shown in the figure. It has a high filtering

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efficiency. By pleating the paper element, a large filtering surface is provided
and yet restriction of airflow is a minimum. The element should be cleaned
periodically, about every 20,000 km.

5. Centrifugal Type Air Cleaner

The figure shows a centrifugal type air cleaner. In this type of air cleaner, a whirling motion is
given to the air due to which heavy dust particles are thrown out by the centrifugal force to the
periphery of the casing, where they leave through slots.

What is a Fuel Filter?

In every type of car engine, the fuel system keeps gasoline or diesel in the tank and then
draws it through the fuel lines and delivers it through the fuel filter to the carburetor or fuel

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injector. Then, it is supplied to the cylinder chamber where it is mixed with air and burned to
generate energy.
It is an important part of this system as it protects the engine from harmful waste and is
also known as a fuel strainer. As the name suggests, it is a fixed filter in the fuel line that detects
dirt and rust particles and separates them from the fuel. It is usually built into a cartridge
containing filter paper.

Parts of Fuel Filter

The following are the main parts of a fuel filter:
1. Housing
2. Base plate
3. Center tube
4. End cap
5. Compression spring
6. Filter media
7. Drain valve
8. Water sensor
9. Gasket
10. Strainer

1. Housing
This is the main housing that protects the internal components of the filter. The filter housing is
usually made of steel and has pressure inside the filter and prevents it from overflowing.

2. Base Plate

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It is the end part of the housing where the device connects with the mounting assembly. This plate
provides the installation of the interface, prevents fuel leakage, and maintains pressure inside the
3. Center Tube
It acts as a support for filtration and prevents it from falling inward. In addition to being a
structural component, the tube serves as an outlet for the filtered fuel.
4. End Cap
The end cap is also a supporting structure that holds the filter media within a place. It is attached
to the filtration media using adhesive, the end cap also works to prevent leaks.
5. Compression Spring
It is an essential component that provides the compressive force to hold internal components
under varying pressures.
6. Filter Media
Filter media is the part that helps to trap particles or water and other particles. It can be made of
cellulose or synthetic material. A filter media is designed to increase the area of the surface over
which filtration takes place.
7. Drain Valves
When fuel is present in the filter, the drain valve provides a mechanism for the fuel to bypass the
filter media.
8. Water Sensor
The main purpose of the water sensor is to detect the presence of water in diesel fuel and this
sensor is fitted inside the fuel strainer. It has two main output signal stages, low level, and high
level, which identify the presence and absence of water.
9. Gasket
It is commonly referred to as a seal part of the filter. To properly seal the oil filter it uses an oil
filter gasket that seals between the filter and the engine block. These are either made of rubber or
paper and are important for keeping the oil inside the engine.
10. Strainer
The strainer is the main part of the fuel filter which filters the fuel and keeps the particles out
before they enter the fuel line. It is usually a plastic fabric woven in the shape of a tube with the
ends heat-sealed closed.
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What is a Carburetor?
The carburetor is the component of the IC engine that helps for the mixing of air and fuel for the
proper combustion of fuel. It helps the engine to maintain the proper air-fuel ratio for its working.
The carburetors are comparatively less expensive than modern fuel injection systems.
The function of a carburetor in an IC engine:
The carburetor has the following functions in IC engines:-
1] Mixing of air and fuel:- In the case of an SI engine, the carburetor helps to supply atomized
air-fuel mixture to the engine.
2] Engine speed control:- The throttle valve provided in the carburetor helps to control the
supply of air-fuel mixture to the engine. Therefore by controlling this valve, the engine speed can
be controlled.
3] Maintains proper air-fuel ratio
4] During the cold season the choke provided in the carburetor helps to start the engine by
lowering the supply of air and providing a rich mixture to the engine.
5] The float reservoir stores a small amount of fuel.
Carburetor construction:
The simple carburetor consists of the following components:
 Float chamber
 Float and needle valve
 Choke valve
 Throttle valve
 Venturi
 Fuel metering jet
How does a basic carburetor work?
Let’s understand how it works with the help of the simple carburetor diagram given below.

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The fuel from the reservoir enters into the float chamber of the carburetor through an opening
provided with a float valve. When the desired level of fuel is reached in the reservoir, the plastic
float moves up and stops the fuel supply by the use of a needle valve. The air enters in the venturi
through an air filter. The entry of the air in the Venturi is controlled by the choke valve provided
above the venturi section. During the operation of the engine, the air moves at a higher speed.
When the air enters into the throat section of the venturi, the pressure of the air decreases below
the pressure in the float chamber. Due to this pressure difference, the fuel rises into the metering
jet and mixes with the air in the throat section.

Tappet clearance, also known as valve clearance, is the small gap between the rocker arm and
the top of the valve stem (Yoke).

Engineers can observe and adjust tappet clearance only when the valves are in a closed position
and the engine is cooled at the compression stroke.
As for when you need to check tappet clearance, there are generally two indicators you need to
keep in mind:

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First, as shown in the engine’s manual, the process should be taken after a certain number of
running hours. These differ based on the engine model.
Second, if you notice irregularities coming from misaligned tappet clearance, like noise coming
from the rocket arm. We discuss all issues resulting from incorrect tappet clearance in the
following chapters.
Purpose of tappet clearance
The main purpose of tappet clearance is to allow a small expansion gap of the valve stem and
pushrods to accommodate the effects of a heated engine.

Note that, if this isn’t done, the valve will not sit correctly as the engine heats up. As mentioned
above, this could eventually result in power loss, irregularities in the engine, and other issues.

Why tappet clearance is necessary

The clearance between the valve stem and rocker arm is very important mainly for two reasons:
 It accommodates the thermal expansion of the valve’s axis (spindle) that is caused by the
heat of the ship’s engine when in operation.
 It ensures the closing of the ship’s valve regardless of temperatures and working
 In short, knowing what is tapper clearance and why it’s necessary will help you maintain
the right timing through the delayed or early opening of the inlet. To do this, however, you
need to know how to measure and adjust the opening/close of the valves. So let’s briefly
talk about this as well.
Tappet clearance measurement
To measure tappet clearance (a.k.a. perform a tappet clearance procedure) you will need to
measure the increase or decrease of the clearance. Depending on that, you will notice changes in
the timing of the opening and closing of the valve.
 If the tappet clearance decreases, the valve will open sooner and close later. This is
because the locker arm stays connected to the valve for a longer period of time. With less
clearance, we get a bigger contact area between the valve stem and rocker arm. In turn,
this keeps the valve open for longer as the rocker arm pushes the valve down for a longer
period of time.

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 If the tappet clearance increases, the valve will have a delayed opening and an early close.
Since there is more clearance there is a smaller contact area between the valve stem and
the rocker arm. As such the valve remains open for a shorter period but remains closed for
longer (which explains the delayed opening).
 Symptoms of valve clearance problems
 To understand whether the tappet clearance is wider or tighter than it should be, you can
observe how the engine responds to it. Based on this, you will know if adjustments are

When tapper clearance decreases:

 The valve will open sooner and close later
 You may observe air leaks in the combustion chamber, leading to less available air for
proper combustion.
 The power and performance of the engine will decrease
 Fuel consumption of the engine will increase
 The temperature of the exhaust will increase
 In some scenarios, the valve could stay open for an extended period, causing a decrease in
the engine’s compression pressure. If this happens you may notice the exhaust valve gets
burned and a spike in the turbocharger fouling.
When tappet clearance increases:
 The valve will open later and close sooner
 The max lift of the valve will decrease
 Reduction in scavenging air (power decrease) due to less heat energy being delivered to
the engine’s turbocharger
 Problematic removal of exhaust gas (not proper function)
 Repeated collision with the rocker's arm can cause damage to the valve stem
 (Common tell) You may observe noise that, if left unchecked, can lead to damage on the
working surface.
How to check tappet clearance - Practical applications

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Let’s get to work now. How exactly can you check valve clearance? Before you start, make sure
you review the manufacturer’s manual, as the explanation below is rather generic. Combining the
two will usually lead to the best result.

So, how do we proceed?

To start, make sure that you take all the necessary safety precautions, make sure the engine is
cooled, and check if the valves are closed.
Ensure that the piston is set in the Top Dead Centre (TDC) by checking the following:
 The marking of the flywheel
 The marking on the fuel pump (& and camshaft fuel)
 Position of the valve cam
 If the pushrods are not obstructed (as mentioned above, with both valves closed at this
point, so the pushrod should be free)
 If any of the above are not in TDC, don’t proceed to the next step. Instead, use the
necessary turning gear when the indicator cock is open, to set them at TDC.
Valve tappet clearance adjustment
Once you have performed the check as demonstrated above, you can now proceed to a valve
tappet adjustment. To do this, you will need once again need to use a filler gauge. In this case,
the ideal size depends on the valve:

For the inlet valve choose a gauge with 0,4mm thickness

For the exhaust valve, choose a gauge with 0,5mm thickness (for this one review the
manufacturer’s manual as well, as the size, often depends on the engine)
Similar to the course of action you took previously, ensure that all safety precautions are
taken, the piston is set to TDC, and the engine is cooled down.
Then, loosen up the lock nut of the rocker's arm to place the gauges. Based on the manufacturer’s
manual, place the recommended gauge between the valve stem and rocker arm, and then adjust
the tappet clearance by tightening or loosening the nut under the lock nut. The filler gauge should
not feel very tight in the clearance; instead, it should be able to slide through the gap.
To effectively measure tappet clearance during this stage, you can use one of the following:
 Vernier caliper - Learn how to use it here
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 Screw pitch gauge - Learn how to use it here
 Feeler gauge - Learn how to use it here
 You can also use a typical engineer’s scale
Our formulas are easy. Sure, there are dozens of automotive equations that are useful, but they’re
also complex and difficult to execute. The most obvious example is the formula for compression
ratio. We’re old enough to remember sharpening our pencils, finding an eraser and large legal pad,
and spending an hour or two crunching out multiple variations on piston dome, chamber volume,
deck height, and head gasket combinations to find an ideal compression ratio. Thankfully, in the
21st Century, there’s no reason to waste time doing that. Several free online compression-ratio
programs will crunch the numbers for you.

Our formulas are easy. Sure, dozens of automotive equations are useful, but they’re also complex
and difficult to execute. The most obvious example is the formula for compression ratio. We’re
old enough to remember sharpening our pencils, finding an eraser and large legal pad, and
spending an hour or two crunching out multiple variations on piston dome, chamber volume, deck
height, and head gasket combinations to find an ideal compression ratio. Thankfully, in the 21st
Century, there’s no reason to waste time doing that. Several free online compression-ratio
programs will crunch the numbers for you.
The long-hand version of the compression ratio equation is cumbersome. That’s why it’s not in
our Top 5, but it doesn’t mean you shouldn’t know how it works. Having tossed out that caveat,
we’ll make it easy for you. Performance Trends offers access to a convenient compression ratio
calculator that you can download for free. Just click on the website, find
the “downloads” button, and look for the compression ratio calculator.
Short of that, we’d like to think these short-but-sweet equations are worth saving for future
reference. We use at least one of these almost every day for technical articles. Some gearheads
recoil at the thought of even simple math, but this stuff is elementary and we promise no
Ibuprofen will be required to run these numbers.
1. How to Calculate Engine Displacement
How big is it? That’s the classic car guy question, and we can show you how to quickly calculate
this based on three simple inputs: bore, stroke, and the number of cylinders. This can be useful, for
example, when considering adding a stroker crank.

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Way back in high-school geometry class (assuming you were paying attention and not ogling the
cute girl in the second row), the volume of a cylinder is calculated using the formula of an area of
a circle (bore) times the length of the cylinder (stroke). As our example, we’ll use the ubiquitous
350ci small-block Chevy that is fitted with a 4.00-inch bore and a 3.48-inch stroke (displacement
= bore radius x bore radius x π x stroke).
To do this, you must first calculate the area of the bore by finding the radius of the bore. Half of
the diameter is the radius, so in this case, it is 2 inches. Next, multiply that by itself (2 x 2), then
multiply that times π (3.14159).
Area = Radius x Radius x π (or Radius Squared x π)
2 x 2 x 3.1416 = 12.5664
Now, you are ready to calculate the displacement:
Displacement = Area x Stroke
For our example 350 Chevy engine:
12.5664 x 3.48 = 43.73 cubic inches
All that’s left to do is multiply that volume times the number of cylinders.
43.73 x 8 cylinders = 349.84 cubic inches
There is also a handy shortcut:
Displacement = Bore x Bore x Stroke x 0.7854 x Number of Cylinders
4 x 4 x 3.48 x 0.7854 = 349.8 (rounded to 350)
There’s also an easy way to remember 0.7854 (a simplified constant to convert the bore squared
into Pi-R squared.) If you study the four numbers in the upper left-hand quadrant of any hand
calculator, you will see these numbers in a clockwise sequence. Once you’ve used it a few times,
it becomes second nature, and calculating displacement just got simple.
2. The Horsepower Equation
Every gearhead and car guy should know this formula by heart. It’s simple, and there are more
than 100 years of internal-combustion effort and a Scotsman’s work on steam engines for this
We won’t get into the entire history, but suffice to say, Scottish-inventor James Watt came up with
this formula in the late-1700s to relate the power of his new steam engine to draft horses. The term

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horsepower was born. We’ll save you the details of how the 5,252 denominator was created. If
you really want to know, Google can fill in the details.

Horsepower = (Torque x RPM) / 5,252

Here’s the inside information on making power. All internal engines make torque, defined as the
twisting motion of the crankshaft. If you can make the same torque in less time (measured in
revolutions per minute – RPM), then your engine will do more work and make more horsepower.

Let’s look at two examples:

Example A
A 454ci big-block Chevy makes 425 lb-ft of torque at 5,500 rpm. If we calculate the horsepower,
it looks like this:
HP = (425 x 5,500) / 5,252
HP = 2,337,500 / 5,252
HP = 445
Example B
A much smaller 302ci small-block Chevy makes 333 lb-ft of torque but at a much higher 7,000
HP = (333 x 7,000) / 5,252
HP = 2,331,000 / 5,252HP = 443.8 rounded to 444
These two engines make close to the same horsepower, even though they are radically different.
The key is engine speed. Of course, the big-block will make a ton-more torque than the little 302.
But, you can see that if the engine is durable enough to live at a higher engine speed, it is a great
way to make more power. This is no secret – engine builders have known this from the beginning
of the internal combustion engine.
There are drawbacks to this high-RPM equation. Engines with long-duration camshafts don’t like
to run at low engine speeds, while large displacement engines can rely on size to make monster
torque and often offer much greater reliability.

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3. Estimate HP
This is our favorite formula and the one we use most often. If you think it might be fun to be able
to amaze your friends with the ability to predict – with surprising accuracy – how much power a
normally aspirated street engine makes, then you want to commit this simple formula to memory.
But first, we need to lay the foundation on how this works.
The formula is based on two estimates: one for torque per cubic inch, and the other for the peak
horsepower RPM point. The first estimate is relatively simple. For street engines on pump gas
with a good cylinder head, intake, and exhaust systems, our buddy Steve Brule’ at Westech
Performance likes to use 1.25 lb-ft of torque per cubic inch. So let’s say we have a 383ci small-
block with good AFR heads, 10:1 compression, a decent cam, headers, and an Edelbrock
Performer RPM dual plane intake.

Displacement x 1.25 = Peak TQ

So let’s use this first part of the formula on our theoretical 383ci:
383 x 1.25 = 478.7 lb-ft of torque
Over years of looking at engine power curves, Brule’ has noticed that street engines generally lose
10 percent of their torque at peak horsepower. This new number is the torque the engine will make
at the peak power RPM point.
Peak TQ x 0.90 = torque at peak HP
So now let’s plug our torque number in:
478.8 x 0.90 = 430.8 lb-ft – let’s call this number Torque 2 or TQ2
Now, we employ the full horsepower equation just learned in the previous example. But, this is
where the second estimate number comes into play. We must estimate the RPM point where the
engine will make its peak horsepower number. Camshaft timing generally has the greatest effect
on this number with a longer duration cam pushing this peak RPM point higher.
If we happen to know the exact peak torque RPM, then we can roughly add 1,500 to 1,800 RPM
to the peak torque rpm to estimate the peak horsepower RPM. For example, if peak torque occurs
at 4,000, then we can expect the peak horsepower RPM point at somewhere between 5,500 and
5,800 rpm.

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For the purposes of this example, we’ll choose 5,700 rpm as our horsepower peak number. So
now, we can just plug our TQ2 number into the horsepower equation:
HP = (Torque x RPM) / 5,252
HP = (430.8 x 5,700) / 5,252
HP = 467.5 – we’ll round that off to 467.
4. How to Convert 1/8-mile E.T. and Speed to ¼-Mile Numbers
There’s much more emphasis on 1/8-mile drag racing now that cars are running so quickly, and it
is often difficult to relate 1/8-mile (660 feet) times to 1,320 numbers. Many moons ago, a good
friend Dr. Dean Hill along with his friend Dr. D. Craig Hane, published a reference book called
The Pocket Dyno. This was published long before the days of home computers, and the book is
full of conversion tables to convert 1/8-mile to 1/4-mile elapsed times (e.t.) and other useful tables
and charts.
We used Dr. Hill’s information and converted his numbers to a simple conversion equation.
1/4-mile E.T.= 1/8-mile E.T. x 1.54
As an example, our Chevelle recently ran a 7.051 in the 1/8-mile.
7.051 x 1.54 = 10.85 e.t. in 1/4 mile
We also have a simple conversion for M PH. This is a bit more generalized but seems to hold up
for MPH estimations.
¼-mile MPH = 1/8th mile MPH x 1.25
In our case, we ran a 98.98 mph trap speed in the 1/8-mile.
1/4-mile MPH = 98.98 MPH x 1.25
1/4-mile MPH = 123.72 MPH.
5. Gear Ratio Calculations and Effects of Tire Diameter
Let’s start this with a simple gear computation. To determine gear ratio, simply divide the ring
gear teeth by the number of teeth on the pinion. If we have 40 teeth on the ring gear and 10 teeth
on the pinion: 41 / 10 = 4.10:1 ratio. This also works for any gear or even a blower drive. Merely
divide the driven pulley tooth count by the drive tooth. This also works for belt pulleys – just use
diameters instead of a tooth count.
When we look into the effect of tire size on the gear ratio, it gets a little more complicated. Let’s
start by finding engine RPM from a given vehicle speed. We’ll need to know the rear gear ratio,
the rear tire diameter, and the vehicle speed. Let’s use a Camaro with a Muncie four-speed and
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4.10 gears running a 28-inch tall tire at 70 mph. This equation assumes no slippage as with a
manual transmission. With a torque converter not in lockup, there will be some slippage in the
Engine RPM = (MPH x Gear Ratio x 336) / Tire Diameter
Engine RPM = (70 x 4.10 x 336) / 28
Engine RPM = (96,432) / 28
Engine RPM = 3,444
Now let’s use that same Camaro, but we’ll plug in a TKO five-speed with a 0.64:1-overdrive ratio.
This requires the same formula but we have to first determine something called Final Drive Ratio.
With the Muncie four-speed, Fourth gear is 1:1 with the output shaft turning the same as the input.
But with an overdrive, this uses a gear inside the transmission to increase the speed of the output
shaft compared to the input. The formula for Final Drive is simple:
Final Drive Ratio = Rear Gear Ratio x Overdrive Ratio
Final Drive Ratio = 4.10:1 x 0.64:1
Final Drive Ratio = 2.62:1
Now, our numbers for cruising engine speed at 70 mph will be drastically reduced with the
overdrive ratio:
Engine RPM = (70 x 2.62 x 336) / 28
Engine RPM = 61622 / 28
Engine RPM = 2,200
There are three variations on the RPM equation that solve for the other variables. To keep this
story brief, we won’t offer examples for each since they all execute similarly.
MPH = (RPM x Tire Diameter) / (Gear Ratio x 336)
Gear Ratio = (RPM x Tire Diameter) / (MPH x 336)
Tire Diameter = (MPH x Gear Ratio x 336) / RPM
One variable that is fun to look at is solving for the effect of tire diameter on gear ratio. So, using
our same Camaro, let’s say we want to know the Effective Gear Ratio if we changed from a 28-
inch tall tire to a shorter 26-inch-tall rear tire.
Effective Gear Ratio = (Old Tire Diameter / New Tire Diameter) x Gear Ratio
Effective Gear Ratio = (28 / 26) x 4.10
Effective Gear Ratio = 1.0769 x 4.10
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Effective Gear Ratio = 4.41:1
Conversely, if the Camaro initially ran a 26-inch-tall rear tire and we wanted to add a 28-inch-tall
tire, logic tells us that the taller tire will reduce the effective gear ratio.
Effective Gear Ratio = (26 / 28) x Gear Ratio
Effective Gear Ratio = 0.9285 x 4.10
Effective Gear Ratio = 3.80:1

What are Specialty Engine Tools?

How do specialty engine tools differ from regular tools? The main difference is that special engine
tools are designed specifically for use on engines. That means they install, remove, test, or
measure specific parts of a car or truck engine.
These tools make engine repair or rebuilding tasks much easier and faster, which can save you
time and money in the long run. And while most are hand tools, there are also a few that are
powered types; more about the types of specialty tools for engine service below.
Engine Hand Tools
Engine hand tools are those that you use by hand, without any power. These tools are usually
smaller and less expensive than powered engine types. They’re also more portable, so they can be
taken with you wherever you go.
Engine hand tools include those that help you remove specific parts such as spark plugs, or that
those that help you take measurements to determine what needs replacing or fixing. There are also
engine hand tools for doing things like changing the oil filter – or even adding oil.
Engine Power Tools
Powered engine specialty tools are electrically or pneumatically powered. They’re typically larger
and more expensive than hand tools, but also more powerful. These tools can make tasks that
would be difficult or impossible to do by hand much easier.
Powered engine tools and equipment include honing tools to bore cylinders, pressure testers to
check for engine leaks, and so on. You can also find powered tools that help you remove stuck
parts or install new engine components, such as valves.
Specialty Engine Tools Benefits

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Just like any other machinery, engines need regular upkeep and sometimes special attention.
That’s where specialty engine tools come in. These are special tools that help with the
maintenance, repair, and performance of an engine. Their benefits include.
One of the biggest benefits of using specialty engine tools is that they’re more accurate than
regular tools. This is especially important when it comes to repairing engines, as even the slightest
mistake can ruin the engine. The tools are designed specifically for engine repair, so you can be
sure that your repairs are done correctly.
Easy to Use
Another great benefit of using engine service tools is that they’re typically very easy to use. Many
come with clear instructions, so you can be sure that you’re using them correctly. In addition, a
good number of specialty tools are designed for do-it-yourselfers, so you won’t need to take your
car to a mechanic to get the repairs done.
Cost Saving
If you’re familiar with basic car maintenance, then you know that some repairs can be quite
expensive. Automotive specialty tools can help you complete some repairs yourself, which can
save you a lot of money in the long run. In addition, using specialty tools can help you complete
repairs more quickly, so you can get back on the road faster.
Make Repair Work Fun.
If you love working on cars, then using auto specialty tools for the engine can make repair work
even more fun. There’s something satisfying about using the right tool to fix your car, and you’ll
likely find that you enjoy working on your car more when you have the right tools.

Test 1: Identification
1. It is the end part of the housing where the device connects with the mounting assembly.
2. It acts as a support for filtration and prevents it from falling inward.
3. It is an essential component that provides the compressive force to hold internal components
under varying pressures.
4. It is commonly referred to as a seal part of the filter.

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5. The main part of the fuel filter which filters the fuel and keeps the particles out before they enter
the fuel line.
1. Base Plate
2. Center Tube
3. Compression Spring
4. Drain Valves
5. Gasket

TEST 2: Enumeration
Enumerate the part of Fuel Filter.

1. Housing
2. Base plate
3. Center tube
4. End cap
5. Compression spring
6. Filter media
7. Drain valve
8. Water sensor
9. Gasket
10. Strainer

Learning Outcomes # 4 Complete work process

 Final inspection procedure Checking and storing of tools and equipment
 Restoration of work area
 Service standard operating procedure

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1. Initial quality inspection is performed based on workplace procedure
2. Vehicle is turned over to immediate supervisor for final inspection to ensure work is
done according to workplace standards expectations
3. Work area is restored following standard operating procedure
4. Waste management is practiced according to 5S of good housekeeping
5. Tools and equipment are checked and stored according to workplace procedures
6. Workplace documentation is prepared according to workplace procedures
Students/trainees must be provided with the following:

 Engine mock-up
 Volt-ohm-milliammeter (VOM)
 Basic hand tools
 Feeler gauge

 Interview
 Written examination
 Practical demonstration
 Direct observation

Information Sheet
Complete Work Process
At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:

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Tools inspection refers to the systematic examination and assessment of tools, equipment, and
machinery to ensure they are in good working condition, meet established standards, and are safe
for use. This process involves checking for any wear, damage, defects, or abnormalities that might
compromise the functionality or safety of the tool.
Regular inspection can help in the timely identification of issues, ensuring that the tools remain
efficient and reliable during their operational life. Depending on the industry and the type of tool,
inspections can range from simple visual checks to more in-depth diagnostic tests using
specialized equipment.
Top 10 Benefits Of Tools Inspection
The inspection of tools offers many benefits, ensuring safety, efficiency, and longevity. Here are
the top 10 benefits of tools inspection:

 Enhanced Safety: Regular inspections ensure that tools are properly working, reducing
the risk of accidents caused by malfunctioning or worn-out equipment.
 Prolonged Tool Lifespan: Detecting and rectifying issues early can extend a tool’s
operational life, ensuring it delivers maximum value throughout its tenure.
 Consistent Performance: Regular inspections ensure tools function at peak performance,
leading to consistent output quality and task efficiency.
 Cost Savings: Identifying and addressing tool issues early can prevent expensive repairs
or replacements in the long run. It also reduces downtime, enhancing productivity.
 Compliance with Regulations: Many industries have regulatory requirements for tool
maintenance and safety. Regular inspections ensure compliance, avoiding potential legal
repercussions or fines.
 Enhanced Productivity: A well-maintained tool functions optimally, reducing task times
and increasing overall productivity.
 Reduced Downtime: By identifying potential issues early, preventive actions can be
taken, reducing unexpected breakdowns and associated downtime.
 Trust and Reliability: Knowing that tools have been inspected and are in top condition
fosters trust among workers, ensuring they can rely on their equipment for their tasks.

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 Data-driven Decisions: Documented inspection results provide valuable data, helping
decision-making processes, such as when to replace tools or invest in newer technologies.
 Environmental Benefits: Well-maintained tools often operate more efficiently,
consuming less power or resources and reducing waste, reducing environmental footprint.
Tool inspection is integral to operational management, safeguarding workers, optimizing
processes, and ensuring the best returns on tool investments.
The Tools Inspection Procedure
The tools inspection procedure can vary depending on the type of tool, industry, and the regulatory
standards in place. However, a general procedure can be outlined as follows:
1. Preparation
Before commencing the inspection, it’s essential to be equipped with the necessary inspection
checklists or guidelines. These checklists often serve as a roadmap for the inspection, ensuring no
crucial aspect is overlooked. Additionally, for the safety of the person conducting the inspection,
the tool in question should be turned off and isolated from its power source.
This step prevents any unexpected start-ups or accidents. Lastly, safety cannot be compromised.
Depending on the tool’s nature and potential hazards, wearing the appropriate personal protective
equipment (PPE) like gloves, safety glasses, or hearing protection ensures that the inspector is
safeguarded from possible injuries.
2. Visual Inspection
The first hands-on step in the inspection process is a comprehensive visual examination. This
means observing the tool for any visible signs of wear, damage, or deformation that might render
the tool unsafe or inefficient. Special attention should be given to signs of corrosion, which can
weaken the tool’s structure or functionality.
3. Functional Test
Once the visual examination is complete and any observed issues are noted, the tool can be
powered on for a functional test. This step involves observing the tool’s operation, ensuring it
performs as intended. Listening plays a critical role here – unusual noises or vibrations can be
early indicators of internal problems or wear that isn’t immediately visible.
4. Specific Test Procedures
Some tools have particular operational facets that need specialized testing. For instance, power
tools might require electrical testing to ensure the integrity of their circuits, the absence of short

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circuits, or to check their resistance. Hydraulic tools, on the other hand, might undergo pressure
tests to verify their ability to operate under specific pressures without leaking or failing.
5. Measurement And Calibration
Accuracy is vital for many tools, especially in precision tasks. Using gauges or specialized
measuring devices can help assess whether a tool’s dimensions, angles or other crucial parameters
are within acceptable ranges. Another crucial aspect is ensuring that these measuring tools
themselves are calibrated. A miscalibrated measuring device can lead to incorrect readings,
defeating an inspection’s purpose.
6. Cleaning And Lubrication
After the inspection, cleaning the tool is often a good practice. Removing debris, dirt, or
residues ensures the tool functions optimally and extends its lifespan. Moreover, many tools
require lubrication for smooth operation. Proper lubrication minimizes wear and tear,
reducing the friction between moving parts. It’s essential to apply the right lubricant in the
correct amount, following the manufacturer’s guidelines. This ensures the tool’s longevity
and optimal performance.
7. Documentation
Proper documentation forms the backbone of any rigorous inspection process. Detailed records
offer a snapshot of a tool’s health and condition during the inspection. It’s crucial to record all
findings, including minor defects or anomalies. Such records help track the tool’s wear and tear
over time, providing insights into its maintenance needs and lifespan.
8. Tagging
Once the inspection is completed, it’s essential to quickly convey the tool’s status to potential
users. Attaching a tag or label can immediately determine the tool’s readiness. Such tags might
indicate whether the tool passed the inspection, failed, or received a conditional pass, meaning it
can be used but with certain reservations or for limited purposes. These labels are a visual and
immediate reminder, ensuring that tools that might not be safe or optimal for use are easily
9. Isolation Or Quarantine
Safety and efficacy are paramount. If a tool does not pass the inspection, it becomes a potential
hazard to the user or the task. Such tools need to be promptly isolated or quarantined. This means

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keeping them separate from the pool of functional tools, ensuring they are not inadvertently used.
This step remains crucial until the tool is repaired, adjusted, or replaced.
10. Notification
A tool’s status is not just the inspector’s concern; it’s relevant to anyone who might use or depend
on that tool. Consequently, it’s vital to notify the relevant personnel or departments about the
inspection’s outcome. Especially if a tool is faulty, users and stakeholders should be informed to
avoid its use and take necessary precautionary measures.
11. Follow-Up Actions
Identification is just the first step; rectification is equally important. Any issues or defects
identified during the inspection must be addressed without delay. Depending on the nature of the
problem, this might involve repairing the tool, making certain adjustments to it, or, in extreme
cases, replacing it entirely. Swift action ensures that tools are always in the best condition for use,
upholding safety and efficiency standards.
12. Regularly Review Inspection Procedures
No procedure is perfect; with time, technologies evolve, new challenges emerge, and standards get
revised. Hence, it’s essential to review and update the inspection procedure periodically. Feedback
from inspectors, experiences from the field, the advent of new technologies, or changes in
industry standards and regulations should all be considered. This continuous refinement ensures
that the inspection procedure remains relevant, comprehensive, and effective in maintaining the
highest tool safety and functionality standards.

Tools Inspection 20 Points Checklist

Tool Identification: Ensure each tool has a unique identifier for tracking and management
 Visual Examination: Check for signs of wear, damage, or any visible deformations.
 Operational Test: Power on and operate the tool to ensure it functions as intended.
 Electrical Safety: For power tools, check cords for fraying, damage, and ensure proper
grounding. Test for electrical continuity.
 Moving Parts: Ensure moving parts operate smoothly without obstructions or undue
 Secure Attachments: Confirm that all screws, bolts, and fittings are tight and in place.

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 Ergonomics: Examine handles and grips for wear or damage to ensure comfortable and
safe use.
 Lubrication: Check lubrication levels and ensure moving parts are adequately lubricated.
 Calibration: For precision tools, confirm that they are calibrated and display accurate
 Safety Features: Ensure safety guards, switches, and other protective features are
functional and in place.
 Noise and Vibration: Listen for unusual sounds and excessive vibrations while operating,
indicating possible internal issues.
 Temperature: Check if the tool overheats during operation, which could indicate wear or
 Ventilation and Filters: For tools with ventilation systems or filters, confirm they are clean
and unobstructed.
 Battery Condition: For battery-operated tools, inspect the battery for any swelling,
leakage, or damage. Test its charge and discharge rates.
 Pressure Systems: Check hoses for wear for hydraulic or pneumatic tools and ensure they
maintain proper pressure.
 Corrosion and Rust: Examine metal parts for signs of corrosion or rust that can affect
performance or safety.
 Sharpness: For cutting tools, ensure edges are sharp and free from chips or nicks.
 Storage Condition: Confirm the tool’s storage conditions are appropriate, dry, and
 Documentation: Ensure the tool’s manual or usage guidelines are available and review
them for specific inspection points.
 Cleaning: After inspection, clean the tool of any debris, dust, or residues, ensuring it’s
ready for use.
 This checklist provides a thorough framework for inspecting various tools. Depending on
the specific tool type or industry, some points might be more relevant than others, and
additional checks may be needed.

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While there is significant variation among workplace restoration professionals about an exact
definition of workplace restoration, a common focus is on relationships and the importance of
relationships in working through conflict. Blaine Donais, President and Founder of the
Workplace Fairness Institute and expert on the topic, states that the purpose of workplace
restoration is “to restore trust in workplace relationships – both interpersonal and
organizational”, so that an organization can move on after a stressful event. This can mean
focusing on relationships beyond the complainant and respondent, and on the context or
systems underlying the conflict. David Dyck, a conflict resolutions practitioner and Partner at
Facilitated Solutions, says that when assisting institutions with restorative work, he is often
looking for how an acute harm is tied to larger, systemic forces.
A standard operating procedure, or SOP, is a set of detailed step-by-step instructions that
describe how to carry out any given process.

Most companies that are serious about process management use SOPs to manage their day-to-
day activities.


Well, Standard Operating Procedures allow you to:

Achieve consistent results. With standard operating procedures, you complete your processes
in the same way and achieve the right results every time.
Reduce costs and increase productivity. When everyone does the same task in different ways,
eventually your organization will run into inefficiencies that cost you time and money. With
SOPs you can streamline the process and increase productivity.
Create a safe working environment. SOPs are very useful when it comes to safety. You
provide a standardized way of getting things done with minimized risk of safety hazards. In
this way your workers are safe and your company reduces the risk of liability.
Standard Operating Procedure Structure
The typical SOP covers the following information…

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A title page
SOP ID number
Names of the people who created the document
The dates when the document was created and edited
The department or division that will use the SOP
The signatures of the people who approved the SOP
Table of Contents. You can include a table of contents if your document is very long. This
way, your employees will easily find the section they need in no time.
Preparatory information.
The purpose and scope of the SOP
The roles and responsibilities of the people who are directly involved in the process
Resources and materials that the employees will need to complete the procedures
Cautions and warnings related to the procedures or materials used in the process
Procedures section. This is the essence of your SOP. Here you describe what needs to be done,
the order of the tasks, and methodology your employees need to follow. You can list the
different steps and if the process is more complex, include sub-steps to describe all activities
in detail.Also, include supplementary diagrams, images, or illustrations when appropriate.
Imagery can sometimes be a more effective way of explaining how to get things done.
Quality control and assurance. Your employees can keep track of their performance on a case-
by-case basis or over time by consulting with this section which includes:
Best practices related to a specific procedure
Guidelines on how to measure their performance
Samples of previous results
References and glossary. Here you can include all the terms, resources, and documents you
might bring up in the procedure section. This is especially helpful if you’re onboarding a new
hire, and they’re not familiar with a lot of the concepts.
So far so good, right?
But now you’re probably wondering how exactly do you write a standard operating procedure
from scratch? Read on to find out the exact steps you need to take in order to create an SOP.
How to Write and implement an SOP
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Step #1. Determine the SOP format
Depending on the size of your company and your needs you can choose from different SOP
Step #2. Gather all relevant stakeholders
When you assemble a team responsible for constructing the SOP you should include
employees who work directly with the process. After all, they’re the people who know the
process best.
Additionally, you need to decide who is going to write the standard operating procedure
It’s always better to assign the task to someone from the company who has a lot of experience
with the process.
You can also hire outside consultants, but you should make sure that they have substantial
knowledge of the industry, your company, and your internal operations.
Step #3. Identify the goals of creating an SOP
Determining your end goals will help you build a better SOP and understand whether you are
achieving the desired results with your standard operating procedures.
Some of the most common goals include:
 Achieving better product quality
 Improving the underperforming steps
 Increasing the efficiency of the process
 Improving your bottom line
 Speeding up a process that is too slow
 Sometimes all it takes to fix a broken process is to describe all the steps in a detailed
easy-to-follow way. However, you need to have a clear purpose behind it.
Step #4. Define the SOP structure
 If you’re part of a big corporate company, your SOPs will have a more formal and
strict structure that will require official approval from a quality and assurance
department or another authoritative figure.
 But if you’re running a startup or a small organization you can keep a more informal
format as long as this works for your team.
 Once you start growing, however, you might want to start following a more formal
structure for better results.
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Step #5. Determine the scope of the SOP
 Depending on the process you’re targeting, your standard operating procedure can
involve multiple departments or teams.

 However, it is important to understand whether your SOP should only use them as a
reference or actually include them in the current document.
 Sometimes it’s hard to determine to what degree you should involve multiple
 But keep in mind that you should have a clearly defined scope and not stretch out the
standard operating procedure document to other processes and lose focus from your
Step #6. Be consistent in your style
To make it easier for the end-user, e.g. the person who’s going to be using the standard
operating procedure, you have to keep a clear consistent style throughout the whole document.
Here are some tips on how to maintain a consistent style:
 Emphasize on the tasks that the end-user has to carry out. To do that you can use more
action verbs and place them at the beginning of the instruction sentences.
 Don’t write fluff. The shorter, the better. After all your employees are just searching
for guidelines on how to perform a given task.
 Create an easy-to-read explanation for each step. After you state the action that your
employees need to take, you might have to provide additional explanation. Keep them
short and easy to scan.
Step #7. Choose the right notation (if you’re using one)
When working in a corporation, you are most likely sticking to some sort of notation which is
sometimes specific to the company.
However, it’s much better if the notation you’re using is universal, like BPMN or UML.
This allows you to share your SOPs with business consultants and other professionals outside
of your company without having to explain everything from scratch.
Step #8. Include all steps of the process
Here, you record all steps that your employees take to complete a certain process.

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 You can observe the process itself or collaborate with the people directly involved in it
to make sure you recorded all steps in the right order.
 This rough first draft allows you to see whether you need to go in more detail with
some of the steps.
Step #9. Choose the right metrics for measuring the success of the SOP
To understand whether your SOP is achieving good results, you need to track the right KPIs.
If we’re following the previous example, the KPIs would be:
How many products are we producing per month?
How many of these are faulty?
What is the production time per product?
Step #10. Test the SOP
 To make sure that your SOP is good to go or to make any final edits and tweaks you
can test it on a smaller scale.
 Ask some of the employees who work with the targeted process to use the SOP and
ask for their feedback.
 You can involve both more experienced employees and new hires to see if the
standard operating procedure guidelines are clear enough.
 You might have to make some changes to the grammar, language, and style to ensure
that the SOP is easy to follow and can be successfully completed.
Step #11. Ask superiors to review your SOP
In a bigger corporation, the SOP will have to go through the senior staff for review and if
approved, it goes to the quality and assurance department for the final approval.
However, if you’re a small business or a startup and have no superiors, you can skip this step
for now!
This will give you another perspective and will open your eyes to things you might have
missed while assembling your SOP.
Step #12. Assess all risks related to the process
When you have reviewed and tested SOP, it’s time to consider the possible risks that the
process might trigger along the way.
 Give attention to the procedures that might be hazardous.

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 Working with hazardous materials can be dangerous for your employees while a
defective product can put your customers at risk and your company under a lawsuit.
 You have to predict such possibilities and try to minimize them.
 You can never guarantee 100% safety but you can at least have standard procedures
for minimizing the risk and be prepared when things don’t go as planned.
Step #13. Implement the SOP
Once you’re all set on all the previous steps you’re ready to implement your standard
operating procedure.
And always keep in mind that these procedures are dynamic and will change with time in
order to stay up to date with the current trends.

Also, you should think about how you’re going to distribute the SOP document so it’s easily
accessible to your employees.
Step #14. Identify all potential problems in your SOP
Now, as you have an outline of your standard operating procedure you can see where potential
problems might emerge and where your process needs some fixing.
For example, a manufacturing company might have high production levels but in turn, this
results in a higher defect rate.
Therefore, this is a problem that needs to be eliminated from the official SOP because
otherwise, your employees will follow instructions that lead to worse results.
Step #15. Plan for regular revisions and updates of the SOP
Since your environment, business and processes are changing all the time, your standard
operating procedures should too!
An SOP is definitely not a document to be made and forgotten about, it is a manual that people
in the company use on a day-to-day basis. So, it has to be a reliable one.
Revising your SOPs every 6 or 12 months is a must if you want to stay on top of all the
changes and keep on delivering the best possible results.
Use for Managing Your SOPs
The distribution of your standard operating procedure can happen through either a traditional
paper copy that you give out to your employees or using a digital version of the SOP.

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With the paper document you should keep in mind that every time you make a change to the
SOP, you will have to give out another set of documents to your employees.
And having multiple updated versions of several SOPs throughout your company will get
In this case, using workflow management software is a much better idea. The software will
make sure that the right people have access to the SOP from any location at any time. But
that’s not all.

1. What is the important of service standard operating procedure
2 How important of proper restoration of workplace

Test 2: Enumeration
1. Enumerate the the Tools Inspection Procedure

1. Preparation
2. visual inspection
3. Functional test
4. Specific test procedures
5. measurement and calibration
6. Cleaning and lubrication
7. Documentation
8. Tagging
9. Isolation or Quarantine
10. Notification
11. Follow up Actions
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12. Regularly Review Inspection Procedures

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