2014 MSBMB Poster

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Khairul Bariah Sulaiman1,2 and Tajul Aris Yang2

1 Cocoa Research & Development Centre Hilir Perak, Malaysian Cocoa Board, P.O. Box 30, Sg. Dulang Road,36307 Sg. Sumun, Perak, Malaysia.
2Food Technology Division, School of Industrial Technology, Universiti Sains Malaysia,11800 Pulau Pinang, Malaysia.

A preliminary study on the changes of pH in wet and dry fermented cocoa beans and it’s relationship with a sourness taste were carried out.
Fermentation is conducted at MCB Cocoa Research Centre, Hilir Perak using total of 1000 cocoa pods from mixed clones and samples were taken
randomly at duration of 48, 72 and 96 hours of fermentation. Hundred grams of samples were stored in -200C prior analyses while the rest were
sun-dried at single layer. pH was determined on the cocoa pulps, wet and dried nibs. The sourness score is obtained from sensory analysis of
prepared liquor. Statistical evaluation indicated that the pH changes on the cocoa pulps, wet nibs during fermentation and dried nibs were
significantly (p < 0.05) influenced by fermentation durations. The pH changes on cocoa pulps is positively correlated (r=0.424) with sourness
taste of cocoa liquor. Whereas, sourness taste is negatively correlated to the changes of wet (r=-0.968) and dried cocoa nibs (r=-0.943).

Cocoa beans needs to be fermented before it can produce cocoa flavour during roasting. Fermentation of cocoa beans are carried out either in
container such as shallow box or just heaping on the ground. During fermentation, organic acids predominantly acetic acids is produced by
microbial activities at the pulp layer. Production of the organic acids has resulted in fluctuation of acidity in cocoa beans and the acidity level is
reflected by the pH value. In the 90’s, Malaysian cocoa beans was known for low cocoa flavour and excessive acidity. Hence, the beans were
always sold at discounted price. After series of attempts in the fermentation process, the problem of low cocoa flavour has improved and
Malaysian cocoa beans managed to win several awards in the International Cocoa Awards regarding flavour. However, Malaysian cocoa bean’s
still facing acidity problems Therefore, changes of pH during fermentation and how it influenced the acidity from wet fermented to be dry cocoa
beans was carried out. The study is also extended to see the relation of the acidity with its sourness.


Changes of pH values during fermentation in Summary of ANOVA analysis on average pH
Fresh cocoa pods First day Last day
cocoa pulp (mass) and wet nibs. values and sourness score of cocoa liquor
for three fermentation duration.
Fermentation in
shallow box for 4 Mass Wet Nibs
days (96 hours)
Average pH



3.5 Cocoa liquor is prepared from the same batch of dried

0 24 48 72 96
fermented nib. The average pH values of dried
Measure pH at 5 different place and samples
Duration of fermentation (hours)
fermented nib are significantly give impact toward
taken randomly at every 24 hours. Samples sourness score for the cocoa liquor (P < 0.05).
also taken at 48, 72 & 96 hours for sun-dried Both pH values are showing decreased trends for first
(one bean thickness). 24 hours. There after, the pH values of cocoa pulp are Summary of correlation analysis on
increased until terminated at 96 hours of fermentation. fermentation duration, average pH values
On the other hand, the pH values of wet nibs are further and sourness score.
decreased until 72 hours of fermentation and slightly
increased at the end.

pH values in cocoa pulps, wet fermented nib

and dried fermented nib from three
fermentation duration.

Remove shell from wet and

dried beans to obtain nib.

cocoa liquor
pH analysis for sensory
(only for dried
Means that do not share same letter are significantly
nib) different using Tukey at 95% Simultaneous Confidence Number in cell containing Pearson coefficient and P-
Intervals. All Pairwise comparisons among levels of value. Number close to 1 indicated that samples has
fermentation duration. strong correlation.

In this study, changes of pH in wet to dry fermented cocoa beans and it relationship with a sourness taste was studied. The study revealed that during fermentation, the pH
values shows decrease and increasing trend either at cocoa pulp or beans. The pH changes at the cocoa pulps, wet nibs and dried nibs were significantly (p < 0.05) influenced
by fermentation duration. ANOVA analysis showed that pH values of dried nib is significantly give impact toward sourness score for the cocoa liquor (P < 0.05). In addition, the
correlation analysis revealed that strong correlation was found between the pH of cocoa pulp with duration (r = 0.999) and the pH of wet nib with dried nib (r=0.996), respectively.

The author would like to thank the Director General of the Malaysian Cocoa Board, Dr Lee Choon Hui for permission to present this paper; Dr. Sabariah Samsuddin, the Director of Cocoa Downstream Technology, Malaysian Cocoa Board
for valuable comment and advice. Thanks also extended to Mr Husin Sungip and staffs of Primary Processing Unit, CRDC Hilir Perak.

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