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I, __________________________________________, Filipino, of legal age, and with

address at _________________________________________________________, after
having sworn in accordance with law, hereby declare as follows:

1. I have received from _________________________________________ the sum of

(____________________), representing _______________________________.

2. I acknowledge receipt of the above amount as FULL AND FINAL payment and
satisfaction of ALL my claims in relation to this matter.

3. With the receipt of this amount, I fully and forever release, discharge, and hold harmless
_______________ from any and all claims, demands, liability, actions, and causes of
action arising out of or in connection with the above.

I further agree to protect, defend, and indemnify _______________ against any such
claims, demands, or causes of action. I further agree to cause the immediate dismissal
and termination with prejudice of any such claims, demands, or causes of action already
filed or instituted.

4. I fully understand and agree that this is a full satisfaction, and I hereby fully and forever
waive ANY and ALL claims of whatsoever nature and kind under the law of any country
and state of the world, which I or my heirs or successors may now have and hereafter
may have, and arising out of or in connection with the subject matter herein. I
understand that this document is executed with the intention to relinquish all my claims
against them.

5. I further understand and certify that this is a full and final release and discharge of
____________ from all liability, and that this Release and Quitclaim may be pleaded as
an ABSOLUTE BAR to any suit or suits, judgment, execution, or legal proceedings that
are or may hereafter be instituted by me or by anyone claiming authority or right under
6. I understand and agree that the considerations above do not imply or mean an
admission of liability by _______________.

7. I further solemnly state and affirm that this Release and Quitclaim is not being made out
of undue influence, force, duress, or misrepresentation by anyone and for any reason
other than the consideration stated herein. I fully agree that this release shall take
immediate effect upon my signing of the same.

8. I certify that I have read this document in full, and its contents, including its implications,
were fully explained to me by _____________________________, in a language I fully
understand, and I certify that I signed this document only after having been satisfied of
the explanation and responses to all my queries.


_____________________ at ___________________.

(Printed Name and Signature)


______________________________ ______________________________
Name: ________________________ Name: _________________________


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