ENGLISH 10 3rd Quarter

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ENGLISH 10 3rd Quarter 10.

Which sentence shows an element of a

A. Imagine a future where youth are free from
1. What is an argument? the danger of vaping.
A. It is an idea that tells a story. B. The sun dipped below the horizon casting a
B. It is an idea that has feelings in it. golden glow over the city.
C. It is an idea that supports the claim. C. Join the millions of people who are making
D. It is an idea that entertains the readers. the switch to an eco-friendly city.
2. What persuasive writing technique is a D. Encouraging students to walk promotes
physical activity and reduces traffic.
question that is not intended to be answered?
A. bandwagon 11. Which of the following evaluates a
B. appeal to emotion literary text in terms of the ideas and
C. appeal to authority values?
D. rhetorical question
A. Feminist Approach
3. What is an in-depth evaluation of a story, B. Formalist Approach
novel, film, or other reading or viewing C. Marxist Approach
materials D. Moralist Approach
A. critique 12. Who introduced Marxist criticism?
B. essay A. Karl Marx and Robert Frost
C. information B. Karl Marx and Francis Beacon
D. news C. Karl Marx and Freddy Mercury
D. Karl Marx and Frederick Engels
4. What refers to the evaluation, analysis,
description, or interpretation of a literary 13. What approach involves looking beyond
work? the literature at broader and cultural events?
A. critique A. Feminist Approach
B. essay B. Historical Approach
C. literary criticism C. Marxist Approach
D. formalist approach D. Reader-Response Approach
5. Which approach analyzes the work as a 14. Which is NOT a consideration in
whole? writing a historical approach?
A. Feminist Approach A. When is the work written
B. Formalist Approach B. Ideas circulating at the time of writing
C. Historical Approach C. Events occurring at the time of writing
D. Moralist Approach D. Number of the population during that time
6. What literary approach is concerned with 15. Which of the following is an example of
how literature reinforces or undermines the a claim?
oppression of women? A. Is traffic in Angeles City getting worse?
A. Feminist Approach B. Riding a bicycle is less expensive than a car.
B. Formalist Approach C. Traffic congestion prevents productivity and
C. Historical Approach growth.
D. Marxist Approach D. The parts of the bicycle are much cheaper
than those of the car.
7. Which approach asks the reader to
examine, explain, and defend his/her 16. There are three parts of an essay. Which
reaction to a reading? item contains all?
A. Historical Approach A. Thesis, Lead, and Hook
B. Formalist Approach B. Claim, Body, and Rebuttal
C. Marxist Approach C. Argument, Body, and Conclusion
D. Reader-Response Approach D. Introduction, Body, and Conclusion
8. Which of the following is NOT an
example of evidence?
A. statistics For 17 and 18. (1) Imagine a world where nature
B. personal opinion thrives, rivers run clear, and animals roam freely.
C. historical event We have the power to create this future by
D. result from research choosing sustainable practices. (2) Think about
the children who deserve to inherit a planet full
9. Which of the following is a writing of beauty and life. (3) Every little thing we do
technique for argumentative essays? today, like recycling or using eco-friendly
A. write the title first products, helps protect our planet for
B. provide 10 examples generations to come. (4) Let's show kindness to
C. make your thesis clear the Earth, knowing that our actions now will
D. read many newspaper make a big difference in the future.
17. What type of persuasive technique is 24. Which of these features of a text would a
employed in the paragraph? formalist be most interested in?
A. Ethos A. author
B. Logos B. moral
C.Pathos C. reader
D. Rhetorical Device D. structure
18. Which sentence appeals to the emotion 25. What will a Marxist evaluate in the play
of the reader? “The World is an Apple”?
A. Sentence 1 A. The theme of the play.
B. Sentence 2 B. The role of Gloria as a wife.
C. Sentence 3 C. The influence of money in their lives.
D. Sentence 4 D. The friendship between Pablo and Mario.
26. How can we evaluate literary text
through the lens of feminism?
For 19 to 20. Read the excerpt from the novel
A. Examine the moral of the text.
“The Little Prince” by Antoine de Saint
B. Examine the structure of the text.
Exupéry. Then, answer the questions.
C. Examine the role of female and male.
D. Examine the difference between the
In the vast expanse of the Sahara Desert, a bourgeoisie and the proletariat.
young aviator encounters the enigmatic Little
27. Which is true in a reader-response
Prince, a visitor from a distant asteroid. As they
share stories of their respective journeys, the
Little Prince imparts profound wisdom about A. There is no right or wrong answer.
love, friendship, and the importance of seeing B. The male characters are important.
with the heart rather than the eyes. Against the C. Characters play a vital function in the story.
backdrop of the vast desert sands, their poignant D. It provides a historical background of the
encounter illuminates the timeless theme of the story.
beauty and complexity of human relationships.
28. In the formalist approach, which element
19. What is the theme of the novel? shows the overall emotion of the story?
A. happiness A. character
B. human relationship B. setting
C. love C. theme
D. I suggest, and I intervene D. tone
20. Which of the sentences below shows a
critique of the novel?
A. The main character is the little prince.
B. The theme of the story is the complexity of
human relationships.
C. The setting of the story is the shivering heat
of the Sahara Desert.
D. The plot shows a timeless exploration of the 29. Which element of an argumentative
complexities of human experience.
essay is evident in this example? The
21. What should be included to write a growth of e-bikes as a mode of
coherent and cohesive critique? transportation in urban areas contributes
A. Give similar ideas significantly to traffic congestion in the
B. Include a related story Philippines.
C. Share your point of view A. argument
D. State your overall assessment B. claim
C. evidence
22. Which of the examples can be best D. issue
evaluated through a historical approach and
examine the oppression of colonizers?
A. Harry Potter For 30 and 31, read the paragraph and answer
B. The Necklace the questions related to it.
C. The World is an Apple
D. Noli Me Tangere (1) Imagine a future where our youth are free
23. What kind of story shares certain from the dangers of vaping. (2) By choosing to
“morals” and the characters are usually stop vaping today, we can protect our health and
the health of those around us. (3) Let's prioritize
our well-being and take a stand against this
A. Anecdote
harmful habit. (4) Together, we can create a
B. Epic
safer and healthier environment for ourselves
C. Fable
and future generations.
D. Novel
No. 35 to 37: Read the example book critique of
30. What is the claim in the paragraph? Harry Potter and answer the questions.
A. Sentence 1
B. Sentence 2 Harry Potter captivates readers with its
C. Sentence 3 enchanting blend of magic, friendship, and
D. Sentence 4 adventure. J.K. Rowling's vivid imagination and
intricate world-building transport readers to the
31. What is the evidence in the paragraph? mystical halls of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft
A. Sentence 1 and Wizardry, where they embark on
B. Sentence 2 spellbinding journeys alongside beloved
C. Sentence 3 characters like Harry, Hermione, and Ron.
D. Sentence 4 Through its richly developed plotlines and
relatable themes of bravery, love, and loyalty,
the series resonates with readers of all ages,
For 32 and 34, read the paragraph and answer leaving an indelible mark on the literary
the questions that follow. landscape. With its timeless appeal and enduring
popularity, Harry Potter continues to inspire
Keep the Summer Vacation By Fiona Layton countless readers to believe in the power of
magic and the triumph of good over evil.
Some schools are adopting year-round
schedules, but I believe that long summer 35. What is the main focus of the critique?
vacations are beneficial and necessary. First of A. character
all, many students need to work during the B. plot
summer. Without several months to devote to C. setting
full-time work teens will be cheated of income D. theme
and work experience. Additionally, some 36. How does the critique describe the
students need to retake courses in summer
world-building in Harry Potter?
school. If there is no time to catch up, those
students will fall further behind. Finally, A. enchanting
teachers deserve an extended break from school. B. relatable
They might need to take classes themselves, to C. timeless
stay up to date in their subject matter. Without D. vivid
summer break, teachers don’t have a chance to
do this. In conclusion, there are important 37. What impact does the critique of the
reasons to keep a long summer vacation. Harry Potter series have on the readers?
A. friendship
B. believe in magic
C. timeless appeal
D. lack of relatable theme

32. What is the claim in the paragraph?

A. Some schools are adopting a year-round (38 - 45) Read the poem by Robert Frost titled
schedule. “The Road Not Taken” and answer the
B. Teachers deserve an extended break from questions.
C. Some students need to retake courses in the The Road Not Taken
summer school.
D. I believe that long summer vacations are by Robert Frost
beneficial and necessary.

33. How much evidence did Fiona Layton

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
share in the paragraph to support her claim?
A. four
B. one And sorry I could not travel both
C. three
D. two And be one traveler, long I stood
34. In which part of the persuasive
paragraph can you find the evidence? And looked down one as far as I could

A. body To where it bent in the undergrowth;

B. conlcusion
C. introduction
D. thesis statement
Then took the other, as just as fair,

And having perhaps the better claim,

Because it was grassy and wanted wear; A. It challenges traditional notions of
masculinity and femininity.
Though as for that the passing there B. It reinforces patriarchal ideals of
independence and autonomy.
Had worn them really about the same, C. It portrays women as passive observers rather
than active participants.
D. It suggests that women are more adept at
navigating life’s uncertainties.
And both that morning equally lay 43. How does your background or
experience influence your interpretation of
In leaves no step had trodden black. the poem?
A. It challenges my fixed notions about the
Oh, I kept the first for another day! importance of taking risks.
B. It reminds me of the advice given by my
Yet knowing how way leads on to way, teacher regarding life decisions.
C. It resonates with my struggles with decision-
I doubted if I should ever come back. making and uncertainty.
D. It evokes memories of crucial moments in my
life when I had to make a choice.
44. Why do you think the narrator chose the
I shall be telling this with a sigh less traveled road?
A. to show pride
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
B. to display courage
C. to make a difference
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
D. to prove people are wrong
45. How can you relate to the poem?
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference A. I relate to the poem because life is full of
B. I relate to the poem because life is full of
38. What does the road symbolize? struggle.
A. adventure C. I relate to the poem because life is full of
B. choice happiness.
C. family D. I relate to the poem because life is full of
D. sin challenges.
39. How does the poem’s use of imagery 46. Video games help kids learn. Which of
contribute to its overall meaning? the following evidences best support this
A. It reinforces the theme of regret. claim?
B. It emphasizes the beauty of nature. A. I believe that video teaches problem-solving.
C. It adds depth to the speaker’s contemplation. B. A YouTuber explained that video games
D. It serves as a backdrop for the speaker’s make a kid smart.
decision. C. Studies have shown that certain types of
40. What moral can be derived from the games can help kids learn.
D. My classmate said that playing video games
speaker’s choice in the poem?
helped him to learn English.
A. It promotes individualism and self-reliance.
B. It emphasizes the consequences of indecision. 47. What type of paragraph is the given
C. It teaches the importance of taking the road example?
less traveled.
D. It warns against the dangers of conformity
and societal pressure.
Active transport, such as walking and
41. How does the poem reflect cycling, has been being slowly incorporated
socioeconomic concerns or class struggle? in the planning of the transportation system
in recent years. The recent developments
A. It critiques the capitalist notion of success have been a reversal of years of planning the
and achievement. transportation network to the advantage of
B. It exposes the exploitation of natural the private automobile. Many studies have
resources for personal gain. found that promoting active modes of
C. It underscores the importance of labor and
transport has numerous benefits in social
toil in shaping one’s destiny.
D. It highlights the disparity between the
cohesion (Hosseini et al., 2011), public
privileged and the disadvantaged. health, property and land price appreciation
42. How does the poem address gender roles (Carmona et al., 2017), and a modal shift
and expectations? from private automobile for short distance
travel (Soni et al., 2016). This is aside from
both modes being a non-polluting mode of poem reminds me of. I created my own meaning
transport. of the poem back to when I was growing up at
A. Argumentative home and have compared it to The Road Not
B. Cause and Effect Taken.
C. Informative
D. Persuasive
Written by Demi Barret

(48-50) Read the example critique essay about

the poem “The Road Not Taken” by Robert 48. What type of literary criticism does
Frost and answer the questions. Demi Barret employ in her essay?
A. Feminism Approach
B. Formalist Approach
C. Marxist Approach
When reading The Road Not Taken by D. Reader-Response Approach
Robert Frost, one can ask themself how does the 49. How did Barret evaluate the poem?
interaction of text and reader create meaning?
A. She related it to her life.
With this given poem, I think that it is very
B. She used literary devices.
straight forward. Frost states that there are two
C. She examined the role of women.
roads, or paths, that he can chose from to go
D. She studied the background history.
down. One path, many people take and is
familiar whereas the other one is not so popular. 50. How did Barret relate the poem to her
Frost decides to go down the one that is not as life?
popular. For me, I compare this to life. Growing A. She connected it to her current life.
up my parents have always told me, “ demi go B. She used her personal experiences.
down the right path. Make the correct C. She explained the lines of the poem.
decisions.” Naturally when I read this poem, that D. She evaluated it from a woman’s perspective.
is what I think of. I could either chose to go
down the tempting path- drink, do drugs, be a
low life, not do anything, or go down the path to
success. Where I went to high school, it would
be easy to choose the path of bad decisions but
because I was guided in a certain direction, I
chose to go down the path that wasn’t as

Frost then states at the end of his poem:

“Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—

I took the one less traveled by,

And that has made all the difference.”

Like Frost, I took the path less traveled

and it led to be a great student, athlete and
professional. I look back on what people I
graduated with are doing who took the other
path, and I can’t help but laugh at them. The
difference between me and them is uncanny.
And I would rather be where I am today then
where they are.

Although Frost is not exactly saying this

in his poem, when I read it, this is what the

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