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Name: ___________________________________ Form: ____________


2023 /2024
1 jam Satu jam tiga puluh minit

1. You may only open the question paper when instructed.
2. This question paper consists of FIVE parts, Part 1, Part 2, Part 3,
Part 4 and Part 5.
3. All answers should be shaded or written in the Answer Sheet, at
the back of the question paper.
4. Answer all the questions.
5. Check your answers.

For Examiner’s Use

Name of Examiner:
Parts Possible Marks Marks Obtained

1 8
2 8
3 8
4 10
5 6
Total 40
Parent’s signature:
Part 1

Questions 1 to 8
Read the text carefully. Choose the best answer A, B or C. For each of the question,
shade A, B or C in the answer sheet.

1. Where is the open house held?

A. December.
B. Jalan Imbi.
C. Our new home.

2. Which of the following information need to be included in the poster?

A. Day and Date.

B. Title and Venue.
C. Price and Registration deadline.

Linda: Listen! Somebody’s playing the piano.

Lily: Yeah, it sounds nice, doesn’t it? I wish I could play a musical instrument.

Linda: Don’t you play the violin?

Lily: No, but my sister, Lizzy does. Actually, she’s pretty good at it.

Linda: I took flute lessons for a couple of years, but I never learned to play it
well. I guess I don’t have any musical talent.

Lily: Oh, that’s not true. You sing very well. I can’t even do that!

3. Based on the conversation above, _______________ plays the violin very


A. Lily
B. Linda
C. Lizzy

4. Based on the information above, we know that music ____________.

A. is used for spatial intelligence

B. has an effect on improvement
C. helps to hasten brain development

5. Jimmy and Jane are going on a holiday. Jimmy usually travels on a budget,
while Jane loves trying out the local delicacies when travelling. Which two
descriptions do Jimmy and Jane fit into?

A. Jimmy is the backpacker while Jane is the foodie.

B. Jimmy is the business traveler while Jane is the backpacker.
C. Jimmy is the party hunter while Jane is the business traveler.

6. Why did Aleeya have to leave the tickets at the counter?

A. Simone was late.

B. Simone was at the movies.
C. Simone was waiting for fifteen minutes.

7. Based on Samira’s family tree, Teddy Wilson is her grandfather. What is the
relationship between Razif Susilo and Cahaya Dewi and Samira. They are her

A. cousins
B. grandparents
C. uncle and aunt

8. Based on the manual above, which is the correct sequence in assembling a


A. Assemble the battery, use the coding for the Microcontroller and attach the
power switch.
B. Assemble the robot motors, use the coding for Microcontroller, connect
and design the switch and microcontroller.
C. Assemble the motors and controllers, create and attach a power switch to
the motors of the Microcontroller and upload the coding to the

Part 2
Questions 9 to 16
Read the text below and correct the underlined errors. For each of the question,
write the correct word in the space provided on your answer sheet.

Steel Drums
The steel drum has its roots in West Africa where people played drums with skin but
various materials. These traditional drums (9) are bring to Trinidad and Tobago during
the 19th century and played during carnivals. The steel drum is (10) make into an
empty 55-gallon industrial oil drum. The cylindrical part of the drum is cut off, formed
into a bowl, and then tuned. Finally, the drum may be painted or plated (11) on
chrome. The drums feature a variety of (12) surfacing which are divided in the drum
to produce different pitches. The larger the gong, the lower the tone. Steel drums
are typically used to play calypso music, Latin, and Jazz Fusion. The players are called
pannists and they tend to (13) played in steel bands or ensembles with 4 to 100
performers. (14) Play the steel drum is relatively easy. Some sources say it takes about
20 hours to learn. They can also be played without any knowledge of music. Rubber
tipped mallets (15) is require to play the instrument. Some drums need (16) have
been place on a stand.

Although there are so many different attributes within the Malay cuisine, we (15)
[ 8 marks]
have took all of the best parts of neighbouring culinary qualities and combined them
to form (16) an distinct cultural identity, which we call our own.
0. and

Part 3
Read the text below and answer questions 17 to 24. For each question, write your
answer in the space provided on your answer sheet.
Wicked -The Musical
Wicked is based on the 1995 Gregory Maguire novel, Wicked: The Life and Times of
the Wicked Witch of the West. The book is a revisionist take on The Wizard of Oz,
both the L. Frank Baum novel and the Judy Garland-led film.
In the musical, which takes place before Dorothy Gale arrives in Oz, the young
wicked witch, named Elphaba, is an outcast because of her atypical green skin. She
meets a young Galinda (later Glinda) while studying magic at Shiz University. In
contrast to Elphaba, Glinda is blonde and conventionally beautiful. The two get paired
as roommates and are initially enemies, but they eventually become best friends.
The two are driven apart when Elphaba discovers that the man behind the curtain, the
Wonderful Wizard of Oz, is actually a fraud. The Wizard wants to turn the talking and
intelligent animals of Oz into unintelligible beasts. Elphaba's discovery of the
corruption in Oz, and her fight against it, gets her labelled as a Wicked Witch, as the
citizens of Oz wholeheartedly stand with the Wizard. Elphaba's fight, placed a
strained-on Glinda and Elphaba's friendship, as Glinda is torn between following the
rules in Oz or standing by her friend.
Wicked is about female friendship, discrimination, governmental corruption, and the
musical shows how the iconic characters in The Wizard of Oz (not just the witches,
but the Scarecrow, the Tin Man, and the Cowardly Lion, too) came to be.

Questions 17 to 24
Complete the mind map.
Write no more than five words and / or a number from the text for each of the
answer. For each of the question, write your answer in the space provided on your
answer sheet.
The name of the two
characters who are friends Author
A character that is
deceitful 19 ______________ 17 ______________
21 ______________ 20 ______________

The title of the

Two things that Glinda is musical
Wicked-The Musical
undecided 18 ______________
22 ____________________
The story centers around
23. ___________________
24 ______________
Part 4

Read the information below and answer questions 25 to 34.
For each question, write your answer in the space provided on your answer sheet.

Our Brain
There’s a mass of wrinkly material in our head, weighing around 1.3kg, which controls
every single thing you will ever do. It enables us to think, learn, create and feel
emotions, as well as controlling every blink, breath and heartbeat. This fantastic organ
is your brain! It’s so amazing that famous scientist James D. Watson once called the
brain “the most complex thing we have yet discovered in our universe.” Here’s why!

Our brains contain about 100 billion microscopic cells called neurons. There are so
many, it would take you over 3,000 years to count them all! Incredibly, the activity in our
brain never stops. Countless messages zip around inside it every second – just like a
supercharged pinball machine. Our neurons create and send more messages than all
the phones in the entire world. And while a single neuron generates only a very small
amount of electricity, all your neurons together can produce enough energy to power a
low-wattage light bulb. Imagine that!
A bee lands on our bare foot. Eek! Sensory neurons in your skin relay this information
to our spinal cord and brain at a speed of more than 240 kmph. Our brain then uses
motor neurons to transmit the message back through our spinal cord to our foot – to
shake the bee off quickly! Motor neurons can relay this message at more than 320
kmph. Wow!
Riding a bicycle seems impossible at first, but soon you master it. How? As we practise,
our brain sends ‘bicycle riding’ messages along pathways of neurons again and again,
forming new connections. In fact, the structure of our brain changes every time you
learn, as well as whenever we have a new thought or memory. Now that’s clever!
It’s well known that any exercise that makes our heart beat faster – like running or
playing a sport – is great for our body and can even help improve our mood. But
scientists have recently learned that for a period of time after we’ve exercised, our body
produces a chemical that makes our brain more willing to learn. So, if we’re stuck on
some tricky homework, go out and run around for a while, then tackle the problem again.
We might discover that we’re much more able to solve it!

Questions 25 to 32
Write no more than five words and / or a number from the text for each of the
answer. For each of the question, write your answer in the space provided on your
answer sheet.
25 Our brain consists of _____________________________ that controls
everything that we do. [1 mark]

26 The brain has about 100 billion microscopic cells, known as _____________..

27 Our brain has the ability to send messages that supersedes the number of
messages sent by ____________________________________ in this world.

28 There are innumerable number of messages that are sent by the brain
similar to a ___________________________________________________.
29 All the neurons in the brain have the potential to light up ________________.

30 Sensory neurons are relayed at a speed of more than __________________.

31 Learning new skills will cause a change in our ________________________.

32 Besides getting the heart to beat faster, exercise also makes our brain

Questions 33 and 34
Complete the table with a word from the text.
For each question, write your answer in the space provided on your answer sheet.
Meaning Word

33 convey ______________________________

34 links ______________________________

Part 5
Questions 35 to 40
You are going to read about Mars Rovers.
Six sentences have been removed from the text. Choose from the sentences (A -H)
to fill in each gap (35 to 40). There are two extra sentences which you do not need to
use. For each question, write your answer in the space provided on your answer
For each of the question, shade the correct answer (A-D) on your answer sheet.
Mars Rovers
Space is hard – and getting to Mars is really hard. Over 50% of all Earth missions that have
been sent to Mars have ended in failure. 35 Scientists decided to send robots which
are called ‘Mars Rovers’ to explore Mars without endangering human lives.
Mars rovers were created to explore Mars for only one week to three months. The
rovers that were created later lasted for many years beyond their expected years. There
have been four rovers that were sent to Mars, the original Sojourner, Spirit, Opportunity, and
Curiosity. The latest one is Perseverance. 36 The six-wheeled creations were
crafted to move around. 37
Rovers were the next evolution of technology from sending landers that were stationary .
38 The information, data, and images that have been sent by the rovers to Earth
have been some of the most valuable collected by any mission. 39 Thanks to
the rovers, scientists now know more about Mars as a planet, including its composition
and weather patterns. 40 Scientists are hopeful and will continue to use Mars
Rovers to explore planet Mars.

A They also investigate a few locations, and send the results of their onboard
laboratories home to Earth.
B We also have some new data about its formation in the past and
possible presence of liquid water throughout its history.
C It was launched on July 30, 2020.
D While examining the area called “Home Plate,” Spirit found that the
location once had an ancient volcano that had erupted there.
E No other robot or spacecraft had continued transmission for a single
target for such a duration of time.
F It has an enclosure that protects its internal organs.
G The huge obstacle in exploring Mars is actually landing on the planet.
H The mobility of the rovers gave them an advantage like no other robotic


Name: ___________________________________ Form: ____________


2023 /2024
1 jam Satu jam

1. You may only open the question paper when instructed.
2. This question paper consists of TWO parts, Part 1 and Part 2.
3. You need to answer both the questions.
4. All answers should be written in the space provided in the question
5. Check your answers.

For Examiner’s Use

Name of Examiner:
Parts Possible Marks Marks Obtained

1 20
2 20
Total 40
Parent’s signature:

Part 1
[20 marks]
Read a message from your friend, Tom.

I am at the Plaza Mall having dinner. I went to GSC Cinema to buy tickets for
our movie, Transformers: Rise of the Beast. The lady mentioned that the
tickets for 9 p.m. show is sold out. Do you want to buy tickets for Transformers
movie tomorrow at the same time or should we just watch another movie,
tonight. The other two movies worth watching are, Spiderman: Across the
Spider Verse or Mission Impossible: Dead Reckoning: Part 1 Do let me know
what are your thoughts.

In about 80 words, write a message to give some suggestions.

Part 2
[20 marks]
You recently completed a project on uses of mobile phones.
In about 100 – 120 words, write an essay about your project.
You may use the notes below to help you.


Online shopping


Uses of mobile

Send emails conferencing

Write your essay here.


2023 / 2024 PAPER 1

Part 1 (8 marks)
1. B 2. C
Clue: Where= place / address Clue: Price and Registration deadline
are not in the poster, hence has to be
3. C 4. C
Clue: No, but my sister, Lizzy does. Clue: Did you … accelerate our brain
5. A 6. A
Clue: Jimmy - Likes to …a low budget. Clue: Where are you? I have been
Jane- Like to …delicious food. waiting for forty-five minutes.
Local delicacies – try out food found in
the country which she visits.
7. A 8. C
Clue: Samira’s mother and Razif Clue: Correct sequence based on the
Susilo and Cahaya Dewi’s mother are manual.
sisters. This makes them cousins.

Part 2 (8 marks)
9. were brought (Reported speech) 10. made from (Phrasal verb):
material used to make a steel drum
11. with (Preposition) used to show that 12. surfaces (Plural noun). Clue:
chrome is used to paint the steel drum. variety (Plural)
Clue: painted
13. play (infinitive to): after the word, 14. Playing (Gerunds): it is used as a
‘to’ the verb used is in its base form, subject of the sentence. Clue: steel
without, ‘s’, ‘ed’ or ‘ing’. drum
15. are required (Present Perfect 16. to be placed (Passive voice)
Tense), to show a continuous action.

Part 3 (8 marks)

17. Gregory Maguire 18. Wicked

Clue: Wicked is based on the 1995 Clue: Wicked -The Musical (Title)
Gregory Maguire novel …
19. Elphaba (Glinda) 20. Glinda (Elphaba)
Clue: In contrast to Elphaba, Glinda Clue: In contrast to Elphaba, Glinda
…beautiful. The two …become best …beautiful. The two …become best
friends. friends.
21. (Wonderful) Wizard of Oz 22. following the rules in Oz (standing
Clue: The … Wonderful Wizard of Oz, by her friend)
is actually a fraud. Clue: … as Glinda is torn between
following… or standing by her friend.
23. standing by her friend (following 24. friendship, discrimination and
the rules in Oz) (governmental) corruption…
Clue: … as Glinda is torn between Clue: Wicked is about female
following… or standing by her friend. friendship, discrimination,
governmental corruption…

Part 4 (10 marks)

25. wrinkly material 26. neurons

Clue: There’s a … wrinkly material in Clue: Our brain... 100 billion
our … controls every single thing you microscopic cells called neurons.
will ever do.
27. all the phones 28. supercharged pinball machine
Clue: Our neurons … in the entire Clue: Countless messages… zip around
world inside it every second – just like a …
29. a low-wattage light bulb 30. 240kmph
Clue: And …energy to power … Clue: Sensory neurons … 240kmph …
31. brain structure 32. more willing to learn
Clue: In fact, the structure of our Clue: But scientists … we’ve exercised,
brain changes every time you learn. … makes our brain more willing to
33. transmit [Para 3] 34. connections [Para 4]

Part 5 (6 marks)

35. G 36. C
Over 50% of all Earth missions that Clue: The latest one is Perseverance.
have been sent to Mars have ended in The next sentence should begin with
failure. Failure = obstacles ‘It’.
37. A 38. H
Clue: The six-wheeled creations were Clue: Rovers were the next evolution
crafted to move around. of technology … were stationary.
-Being able to move around, allows it -An advantage cited to have rovers in
to collect information from different Mars as compared to having stationary
locations. ones.
39. E 40. B
Clue: The ….most valuable collected by Clue: Thanks …its composition and
any mission. weather patterns.
-In order for information, data, and -A continuation of added information
images to be collected and received by scientists.
transmitted, it has to remain in Mars
for a period of time.

2023 / 2024 PAPER 2

Part 1 (20 marks) Suggested Answer

 Accept any relevant / acceptable answers.

Suggested Answer 1

Thank you for going down to Plaza Mall to get the tickets for the movie,
Transformers: Rise of the Beast. It’s sad that we are unable to watch the movie
tonight. Since, you are already there, perhaps, we could watch Spiderman: Across
the Spider Verse or Mission Impossible: Dead Reckoning: Part 1. You just pick
either one of the movies, I am fine with it. I will meet you at the entrance of the
cinema, in thirty minutes.

Your name
78 words

Content – Relevant content, correct format used to write a message

Communicative Achievement – Ideas are well expressed and understood
Organisation – Very good organization of ideas. Connecting the ideas using good
cohesive devices
Language – Good use of vocabulary and grammar.

Suggested Answer 2

It was nice of you to get the tickets for the movie. I am quite disappointed
that we are unable to watch, Transformers: Rise of the Beast, today. I really want to
watch that movie. I hope you would not mind that we watch the movie tomorrow at the
same time. I will buy you popcorns and drinks, if you are willing to. Do let me know if you
are agreeable to the arrangement.

Your name

74 words
Content – Good points mentioned, especially wanting to spend Tom popcorns and
drinks if he agrees to watch the movie the next day.
Communicative Achievement – Explained the ideas well. Simple to understand. Has a
good mixture of compound and complex sentences.
Organisation – Very good organization of ideas. Connecting the ideas using good
cohesive devices.
Language – Use of good vocabulary and grammar.

Part 2 (20 marks) Suggested Answer

 Accept any relevant / acceptable answers.

Suggested Answer 1
Mobile phones or handphones are considered one of the modern world’s greatest
inventions. It is no longer seen as a luxury but more of a necessity. No one would leave
home without their handphones.
Communication with our loved ones, friends or colleagues is at our fingertips with
handphones. People living in different countries or continents are able to communicate
with speed and ease. Gone were the days where people have to go to a central place to
make a call overseas.
Nowadays, people use handphones to also do their shopping. They use online
shopping platforms like Shopee and Lazada, to do their shopping. We can now shop without

leaving the comfort of our homes. It is really convenient.

118 words

Content – The are good ideas mentioned on the uses of handphones.

Communicative Achievement – The ideas shared are easily understood.
Organisation – The ideas are well organized. The ideas are connected through the use
of cohesive ideas.
Language – There is good use of vocabulary with minimal error in grammar. Good
sentence structure.
Suggested Answer 2

Initially, the function of a mobile phone is to make or receive calls. With the
advancement of technology, its function has expanded to include sending emails and video
The outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic caused students and teachers to remain at
home. Teachers had to conduct lessons online, to minimize contact and curb the spread of
the virus. Handphones were the go-to device for parents. Most of the students already
owned a handphone. Hence, it was the most convenient choice. Besides that, written work
that had to be completed by students were sent via email, and once completed, students
also return them to their teachers via email.
The pandemic has expanded the uses or functions of handphones.

117 words
Content – Points are well thought of.
Communicative Achievement – Able to share ideas that is easily understood.
Organisation – Essay is well-organised into the different paragraphs with different
Language – Able to use appropriate vocabulary and no errors in grammar, punctuation
and spelling. There was a mixture of compound and complex sentences.


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