Rangkuman Report Text

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Nama : Desi Elfiana

No : 06

Kelas : XBU2


1. Definition of Report Text

Report Text is a type of text in English that describes the details of an object. Details in this text are
scientific details which include the description of objects, both physical and non-physical, from scientific
facts about the object.

Report Text is included in the Descriptive Text, which provides information to readers about the object
of this text itself. Although Report Text and Description Text are almost the same, they are actually two
different texts. Report Text tends to lead to scientific factual text and is more general than Description
Text so that there is no subjective opinion from the author.

Report text is a type of text that presents information from an observation, research, or study of objects,
animals, people, or a place.

2) Characteristics of Report Text

Contains scientific facts

The title text looks more general

Using the Simple Present Tense

General Classification

3) Generic Structure of Report Text

General Classification

This section contains general statements that describe the object description of this Report Text.

This section usually describes the phenomenon or situation that occurs, both its parts, nature, habits, or
behaviour. In essence, this section describes the classification presented scientifically. However, to
remember, Report Text is not a news text, but scientific factual text.

Example repot text

Tesla cars are one of the official electric cars operating in the world today. Electric cars are one of the
solutions to protect the environment from the exhaust fumes of conventional cars. In addition, electric
power is believed to be more efficient than fuel consumption. Electric cars are also believed to be the
future cars that the world needs.

The Tesla car, a product of Elon Musk’s company, has been in operation for 15 years. The first Tesla
Mobi was the Roadster which was the first generation. However, the car’s main success began when it
launched the Model S Sedan in 2012.

Until now, Tesla cars have continued to grow. The Tesla company is currently designing new batteries to
store more electricity and increasingly sophisticated automobile systems.

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