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From: David A Smith
ITEM NO. 6.3
To: Farrah Khan Web; Tammy Kim Web; Larry Agran Web; Kathleen Treseder; MichaelCarrollWeb
Cc: Clerk; cm; Environmental Programs
Subject: YES on Item 6.3 and please add renters to Item 6.1
Date: Thursday, February 9, 2023 5:03:17 PM


Dear Mayor Khan and City Council Members,

Thank you for committing to protect Irvine families by reaching zero emissions by 2030.
Please follow through on that promise by approving item 6.3, an accelerated timeline for
Irvine's long-overdue Climate Action & Adaptation Plan. The climate crisis is a true
emergency, and we need a clear timeline and legally-binding CAAP approved this year to
protect Irvine families.

Also, the One Irvine Green Home Grant Program under item 6.1 needs to be revised to include
tenants. People in rental homes are more likely to be people of color, so any program that
depends on homeownership is inherently racist. Including renters is one way Irvine can help
undo the persistent legacy of racist housing policies. All people of color in Irvine deserve
clean, healthy air and the savings that all-electric appliances and other green home
improvements bring. Please ensure the program includes tenants and home owners so
everyone in Irvine can benefit from this program.

Please fulfill your climate promises and help ensure that Irvine is a climate-safe place for all,
now and for future generations.

Thank you

David A. Smith
59 Harvey Ct
Irvine, CA 92617
From: Gregory Tabat
To: Farrah Khan Web; Tammy Kim Web; Larry Agran Web; Kathleen Treseder; MichaelCarrollWeb
Cc: Clerk; cm; Environmental Programs
Subject: YES on Item 6.3 and please add renters to Item 6.1
Date: Thursday, February 9, 2023 5:12:35 PM


Dear Mayor Khan and City Council Members,

I am a resident of Santa Ana. I believe this issue is valuable for all of Orange County.

Thank you for committing to protect Irvine families by reaching zero emissions by 2030.
Please follow through on that promise by approving item 6.3, an accelerated timeline for
Irvine's long-overdue Climate Action & Adaptation Plan. The climate crisis is a true
emergency, and we need a clear timeline and legally-binding CAAP approved this year to
protect Irvine families.

Also, the One Irvine Green Home Grant Program under item 6.1 needs to be revised to include
tenants. People in rental homes are more likely to be people of color, so any program that
depends on homeownership is inherently racist. Including renters is one way Irvine can help
undo the persistent legacy of racist housing policies. All people of color in Irvine deserve
clean, healthy air and the savings that all-electric appliances and other green home
improvements bring. Please ensure the program includes tenants and home owners so
everyone in Irvine can benefit from this program.

Please fulfill your climate promises and help ensure that Irvine is a climate-safe place for all,
now and for future generations.

Thank you.

GT (Gregory Tabat)
From: Gary Stewart
To: Farrah Khan Web; Tammy Kim Web; Larry Agran Web; Kathleen Treseder; MichaelCarrollWeb
Cc: Clerk; cm; Environmental Programs
Subject: YES on Item 6.3 and please add renters to Item 6.1
Date: Friday, February 10, 2023 12:25:27 AM


Dear Mayor Khan and City Council Members,

I strongly encourage the council to approve the iem put forward by Councilmember Treseder
to fast-track the thus-far-delayed Climate Action Plan (CAP).

We expect our public safety institutions to consider potential disasters and prepare for them, even
if they are somewhat unlikely. The same paradigm held true at St. Joseph Hospital, when I was
Chief of Medicine there - disaster preparedness was all about imagining what could go wrong and
how to be ready when it did.

The many adverse effects of climate change are not unlikely - they are virtually assured. As a
society, we need to be proactive and ready.

I also support modifying Item 6.1 to include renters. This is fair and constitutes antiracism (support
for a policy that, if instituted, will decrease existing racial disparities. Clean air and improved home
budgeting should be available to everyone.

Thank you for your attention,

Gary M Stewart
Member, Citizens Climate Lobby
From: Sheryl Parsons
To: Clerk
Subject: We Want Choice: Stay In The OCPA & Agenda Item 6.1, 6.3, 6.6
Date: Friday, February 10, 2023 9:47:08 AM


Dear Mayor and City Council, Our community has work for years to bring Community Choice
Energy. Regarding New Business Item 6.6, we urge the city of Irvine to protect our choice and
stay in the OCPA. We hope to see Irvine continue as a positive partner for clean energy in all
cities in Orange County. Community Choice Energy is key to meeting bold carbon-neutrality
goals and a local clean-energy economy. Additionally we want to share our comments and
support for the following items: Item #6.3: Support moving forward on the Irvine Climate
Action and Adaptation Plan without delay. Item #6.1: The One Irvine Green Home Grant
Program should include renters. Please share my email with our Mayor and City Council.
Thank you!
Sheryl Parsons | (661) 857-6419
From: Tristan Miller
To: Clerk; Farrah Khan Web; Tammy Kim Web; Larry Agran Web; Mike Carroll Web; Kathleen Treseder Web; Climate
Subject: We Want Choice: Stay In The OCPA & Agenda Item 6.1, 6.3, 6.6
Date: Friday, February 10, 2023 9:51:01 AM


Dear Mayor and City Council,

Our community has work for years to bring Community Choice Energy.

Regarding New Business Item 6.6, we urge the city of Irvine to protect our choice and stay in the OCPA.

We hope to see Irvine continue as a positive partner for clean energy in all cities in Orange County.
Community Choice Energy is key to meeting bold carbon-neutrality goals and a local clean-energy economy.

Additionally we want to share our comments and support for the following items:
Item #6.3: Support moving forward on the Irvine Climate Action and Adaptation Plan without delay.
Item #6.1: The One Irvine Green Home Grant Program should include renters.

Thank you!

Tristan Miller
OC Resident, Business Owner, Volunteer in our community
Vice Chair of the Chapter of Climate Reality OC - Coming together For OC
From: Greg Camphire
To: Farrah Khan Web; Tammy Kim Web; Larry Agran Web; Kathleen Treseder; MichaelCarrollWeb
Cc: Clerk; cm; Environmental Programs
Subject: YES on Item 6.3 and please add renters to Item 6.1
Date: Friday, February 10, 2023 12:20:32 PM


Dear Mayor Khan and City Council Members,

Thank you for committing to protect Irvine families by reaching zero emissions by 2030.
Please follow through on that promise by approving item 6.3, an accelerated timeline for
Irvine's long-overdue Climate Action & Adaptation Plan. The climate crisis is a true
emergency, and we need a clear timeline and legally-binding CAAP approved this year to
protect Irvine families.

Also, the One Irvine Green Home Grant Program under item 6.1 needs to be revised to include
tenants. People in rental homes are more likely to be people of color, so any program that
depends on homeownership is inherently racist. Including renters is one way Irvine can help
undo the persistent legacy of racist housing policies. All people of color in Irvine deserve
clean, healthy air and the savings that all-electric appliances and other green home
improvements bring. Please ensure the program includes tenants and home owners so
everyone in Irvine can benefit from this program.

Please fulfill your climate promises and help ensure that Irvine is a climate-safe place for all,
now and for future generations.

Thank you,

Greg C.
From: Fachko Denise
To: Clerk
Subject: We Want Choice: Please Stay In The OCPA & Agenda Item 6.1, 6.3, 6.6
Date: Friday, February 10, 2023 7:53:16 PM


Dear Mayor and City Council:

Our community has work for years to bring Community Choice Energy to our area and the
County of OC.

Regarding the New Business Item 6.6, we urge the city of Irvine to protect our choice and stay
in the OCPA. We want and hope to see Irvine continue as a positive partner for clean energy
in all cities in Orange County.

Community Choice Energy is key to meeting bold carbon-neutrality goals and a local clean-
energy economy and we don't have time to waste any longer.

Additionally, we want to share our comments and support for the following items:

Item #6.3: Support moving forward on the Irvine Climate Action and Adaptation Plan without

Item #6.1: The One Irvine Green Home Grant Program should include renters too.

Thank you for your time and consideration!

D. Fachko
From: Fachko Denise
To: Clerk
Subject: Correction: Stay In The OCPA & Agenda Item 6.1, 6.3, 6.6
Date: Saturday, February 11, 2023 9:02:36 AM


Dear Mayor and City Council:

Our community has worked for years to bring Community Choice Energy to our area and the
County of OC.

Regarding the New Business Item 6.6, we urge the city of Irvine to protect our choice and stay
in the OCPA. We want and hope to see Irvine continue as a positive partner for clean energy
in all cities in Orange County.

Community Choice Energy is key to meeting bold carbon-neutrality goals and a local clean-
energy economy and we don't have time to waste any longer.

Additionally, we want to share our comments and support for the following items:

Item #6.3: Support moving forward on the Irvine Climate Action and Adaptation Plan without

Item #6.1: The One Irvine Green Home Grant Program should include renters too.

Thank you for your time and consideration!

D. Fachko
Lori Beyer

From: Hoiyin Ip <>

Sent: Saturday, February 11, 2023 12:27 PM
To: Farrah Khan Web; Tammy Kim Web; Kathleen Treseder Web; Larry Agran Web; Mike
Carroll Web
Cc: Clerk; Environmental Programs
Subject: public comment: Climate Action & Adaptation Plan - agenda item 6.3
Attachments: Foodware Policy Tracker by Sierra Club CA Zero Waste Committee - Reusables, Single-
Use Fee & Open Space.pdf


Dear City Council,

Re Agenda item 6.3, I appreciate your and particularly Councilmember Treseder’s willingness to keep the climate
discussion ongoing. Some necessary decisions were made at the Green Ribbon Environmental Committee (GREC) on 2/8
to move forward with some initial implementation of the Climate Action and Adaptation Plan (CAAP) while the CAAP is
being developed.
So first, I’ll re-raise some of the concerns I raised to you on 1/24:
x Is the Environmental Programs staff stretched too thin? Please hire at least one more staffer asap.

x Is there enough lead time for the draft CEQA-qualified CAAP to be presented to Council on 6/13? Laguna Beach
is working on their CEQA-qualified CAAP, it’s 18 months of work. See screenshot below. While I still believe
Irvine should get it done in 2023, staff should provide a feasible schedule to you.

GREC decided to move forward with a couple of items that have long been in the queue.
1. The electric lawn equipment ordinance that Council gave the green light on 12/14/2021.

2. Single-use plastics bans, that I’ve been asking for since 2019. Some of my asks have become state laws. Here’re a
few that Irvine can do without reinventing the wheel. Please don’t say I’m asking too much. You know
renewable energy alone cannot solve climate change. Single-use plastics are becoming a fossil fuel industry’s
core product, which increasingly brings us the dangers of microplastics, the harm to biodiversity and
consequently the negative effects on carbon sequestration.
a. Ban the sale, distribution and use of single-use foodware from food service businesses. Attached and
linked is Sierra Club’s foodware policy tracker. (More info in the online version.)
b. Ban the use of single-use plastic foodware in parks and trails. This would mirror Laguna Beach’s ban on
c. Ban the sale, distribution and use of single-use balloons. This would also mirror Laguna Beach’s ban. See
more info here.
d. Ban single-use plastic bottled beverages in hotel rooms by extending AB 1162 (Kalra, 2019) that banned
single-use plastic toiletries in hotels.
e. Work with Meals on Wheels to switch to daily delivery in reusable containers. The photo on the left is a
local delivery of one day’s meals, this happens five days a week. The photo on the right is from Alameda
County - one of the places where the service has been done with reusable containers, they’re happy
with the money saved and waste reduced from the switch.

I’m happy to provide more info. Thanks!

Hoiyin Ip


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From: Kelly Rodgers
To: Farrah Khan Web; Tammy Kim Web; Larry Agran Web; MichaelCarrollWeb; Kathleen Treseder Web
Cc: cm; Clerk; Environmental Programs
Subject: Irvine"s Climate Action Plan
Date: Monday, February 13, 2023 10:25:22 PM


Dear Mayor Khan and City Council Members,

I am writing you as a third generation Irvine resident and also as an Irvine Cool Block Leader. As
you know, Cool Irvine’s central goal is to help our City achieve zero emissions. Cool Block has taken a lot
of time attending training/expansion meetings and recruiting neighbors and friends - all in an effort to
catapult our local network of climate caretakers. In our resolution to help Irvine’s citizens to become more
planet friendly, imagine how counterproductive it has been to realize how far behind we really are on an eco
action plan.

Current Council is the first I’ve seen in the last two decades that I believe will create an actual roadmap for
reducing GHG emissions. But in voting to approve Irvine’s Climate Action Plan, please review the
following CAP report. Most of the cities ahead of us don’t have anywhere near our fortified infrastructure.
Several of those listed subcontract many of their vital Community Services, and yet are taking serious
action on the climate front. Irvine began discussing this plan seven years ago, with very little actual

Irvine has already committed to reaching zero emissions by 2030. Please put actual teeth to this plan by
voting to approve item 6.3. There’s just no time to waste.

Thanks much for your time.

Kelly Rodgers, Committed Climate Caretaker

From: Susan Mattisinko
To: Farrah Khan Web; Tammy Kim Web; Larry Agran Web; MichaelCarrollWeb; Kathleen Treseder Web
Cc: cm; Clerk; Environmental Programs
Subject: Yes on item 6.3, add tenants to 6.1 and replace OCPA"s leadership ASAP (6.6)
Date: Monday, February 13, 2023 6:37:12 PM


Dear Mayor Khan and City Council Members,

Thank you for committing to protect Irvine families by reaching zero emissions by 2030.
Please follow through on that promise by approving item 6.3, an accelerated timeline for
Irvine's long-overdue Climate Action & Adaptation Plan. It is also critically important to
ensure that the plan is CEQA-qualified and legally-binding so that it is implemented to protect
Irvine families.

Also, the One Irvine Green Home Grant Program under item 6.1 needs to be revised to include
tenants. People in rental homes are more likely to be people of color, so any program that
depends on homeownership is inherently racist. Please ensure the program includes tenants so
everyone in Irvine can benefit from this program.

Re: item 6.6, OCPA continues to ignore best practice and the community's interests,
demonstrating an urgent need to replace CEO Brian Probolsky and General Counsel BB&K as
soon as possible as key steps to restoring trust in this critically important agency. OCPA board
members Tammy Kim and Kathleen Treseder must protect clean energy choice by replacing
OCPA's failed leadership now.

Please fulfill your climate promises and help ensure that Irvine is a climate-safe place for all,
now and for future generations.

Thank you,
Susan Mattisinko
19 Moonray, Irvine
From: Alice Apkarian
To: Farrah Khan Web; Tammy Kim Web; Larry Agran Web; MichaelCarrollWeb; Kathleen Treseder Web
Cc: cm; Clerk; Environmental Programs
Subject: Yes on item 6.3, add tenants to 6.1 and replace OCPA"s leadership ASAP (6.6)
Date: Monday, February 13, 2023 6:47:40 PM


Dear Mayor Khan and City Council Members,

Thank you for committing to protect Irvine families by reaching zero emissions by 2030. Please follow through on
that promise by approving item 6.3, an accelerated timeline for Irvine's long-overdue Climate Action & Adaptation
Plan. It is also critically important to ensure that the plan is CEQA-qualified and legally-binding so that it is
implemented to protect Irvine families.

Also, the One Irvine Green Home Grant Program under item 6.1 needs to be revised to include tenants. People in
rental homes are more likely to be people of color, so any program that depends on homeownership is inherently
racist. Please ensure the program includes tenants so everyone in Irvine can benefit from this program.

Re: item 6.6, OCPA continues to ignore best practice and the community's interests, demonstrating an urgent need
to replace CEO Brian Probolsky and General Counsel BB&K as soon as possible as key steps to restoring trust in
this critically important agency. OCPA board members Tammy Kim and Kathleen Treseder must protect clean
energy choice by replacing OCPA's failed leadership now.

Please fulfill your climate promises and help ensure that Irvine is a climate-safe place for all, now and for future

Thank you

Alice Apkarian, PhD

Irvine resident
From: Maurie Edelman
To: Farrah Khan Web; Tammy Kim Web; Larry Agran Web; MichaelCarrollWeb; Kathleen Treseder Web
Cc: cm; Clerk; Environmental Programs
Subject: Yes on item 6.3, add tenants to 6.1 and replace OCPA"s leadership ASAP (6.6)
Date: Monday, February 13, 2023 7:00:33 PM


Dear Mayor Khan and City Council Members,

Thank you for committing to protect Irvine families by reaching zero emissions by 2030. Please follow through on
that promise by approving item 6.3, an accelerated timeline for Irvine's long-overdue Climate Action & Adaptation
Plan. It is also critically important to ensure that the plan is CEQA-qualified and legally-binding so that it is
implemented to protect Irvine families.

Also, the One Irvine Green Home Grant Program under item 6.1 needs to be revised to include tenants. People in
rental homes are more likely to be people of color, so any program that depends on homeownership is inherently
racist. Please ensure the program includes tenants so everyone in Irvine can benefit from this program.

Re: item 6.6, OCPA continues to ignore best practice and the community's interests, demonstrating an urgent need
to replace CEO Brian Probolsky and General Counsel BB&K as soon as possible as key steps to restoring trust in
this critically important agency. OCPA board members Tammy Kim and Kathleen Treseder must protect clean
energy choice by replacing OCPA's failed leadership now.

Please fulfill your climate promises and help ensure that Irvine is a climate-safe place for all, now and for future
generations. Put Irvine in the forefront as an example of positive change!

Thank you,
Maurie Edelman, Ph.D. (She/her)

Sent from my iPhone

From: marie-helene luebbers
To: Farrah Khan Web; Tammy Kim Web; Larry Agran Web; MichaelCarrollWeb; Kathleen Treseder Web
Cc: cm; Clerk; Environmental Programs
Subject: Yes on item 6.3, add tenants to 6.1 and replace OCPA"s leadership ASAP (6.6)
Date: Monday, February 13, 2023 7:48:52 PM


Dear Mayor Khan and City Council Members,

Thank you for committing to protect Irvine families by reaching zero emissions by 2030.
Please follow through on that promise by approving item 6.3, an accelerated timeline for
Irvine's long-overdue Climate Action & Adaptation Plan. It is also critically important to
ensure that the plan is CEQA-qualified and legally-binding so that it is implemented to protect
Irvine families.

Also, the One Irvine Green Home Grant Program under item 6.1 needs to be revised to include
tenants. People in rental homes are more likely to be people of color, so any program that
depends on homeownership is inherently racist. Please ensure the program includes tenants so
everyone in Irvine can benefit from this program.

Re: item 6.6, OCPA continues to ignore best practice and the community's interests,
demonstrating an urgent need to replace CEO Brian Probolsky and General Counsel BB&K as
soon as possible as key steps to restoring trust in this critically important agency. OCPA board
members Tammy Kim and Kathleen Treseder must protect clean energy choice by replacing
OCPA's failed leadership now.

Please fulfill your climate promises and help ensure that Irvine is a climate-safe place for all,
now and for future generations.

Thank you
From: Connie Jones
To: Farrah Khan Web; Tammy Kim Web; Larry Agran Web; MichaelCarrollWeb; Kathleen Treseder Web
Cc: cm; Clerk; Environmental Programs
Subject: Yes on item 6.3, add tenants to 6.1 and replace OCPA"s leadership ASAP (6.6)
Date: Monday, February 13, 2023 8:25:40 PM


Dear Mayor Khan and City Council Members,

Thank you for committing to protect Irvine families by reaching zero emissions by 2030.
Please follow through on that promise by approving item 6.3, an accelerated timeline for
Irvine's long-overdue Climate Action & Adaptation Plan. It is also critically important to
ensure that the plan is CEQA-qualified and legally-binding so that it is implemented to protect
Irvine families.

Also, the One Irvine Green Home Grant Program under item 6.1 needs to be revised to include
tenants. People in rental homes are more likely to be people of color, so any program that
depends on homeownership is inherently racist. Please ensure the program includes tenants so
everyone in Irvine can benefit from this program.

Re: item 6.6, OCPA continues to ignore best practice and the community's interests,
demonstrating an urgent need to replace CEO Brian Probolsky and General Counsel BB&K as
soon as possible as key steps to restoring trust in this critically important agency. OCPA board
members Tammy Kim and Kathleen Treseder must protect clean energy choice by replacing
OCPA's failed leadership now.

Please fulfill your climate promises and help ensure that Irvine is a climate-safe place for all,
now and for future generations.

Thank you

Connie Jones

Be the change you want to see in the world!

From: Karen Nguyen
To: Farrah Khan Web; Tammy Kim Web; Larry Agran Web; MichaelCarrollWeb; Kathleen Treseder Web
Cc: cm; Clerk; Environmental Programs
Subject: Yes on item 6.3, add tenants to 6.1 and replace OCPA"s leadership ASAP (6.6)
Date: Monday, February 13, 2023 9:45:32 PM


Dear Mayor Khan and City Council Members,

Thank you for committing to protect Irvine families by reaching zero emissions by 2030.
Please follow through on that promise by approving item 6.3, an accelerated timeline for
Irvine's long-overdue Climate Action & Adaptation Plan. It is also critically important to
ensure that the plan is CEQA-qualified and legally-binding so that it is implemented to protect
Irvine families.

Also, the One Irvine Green Home Grant Program under item 6.1 needs to be revised to include
tenants. People in rental homes are more likely to be people of color, so any program that
depends on homeownership is inherently racist. Please ensure the program includes tenants so
everyone in Irvine can benefit from this program.

Re: item 6.6, OCPA continues to ignore best practice and the community's interests,
demonstrating an urgent need to replace CEO Brian Probolsky and General Counsel BB&K as
soon as possible as key steps to restoring trust in this critically important agency. OCPA board
members Tammy Kim and Kathleen Treseder must protect clean energy choice by replacing
OCPA's failed leadership now.

Please fulfill your climate promises and help ensure that Irvine is a climate-safe place for all,
now and for future generations.

Thank you
From: Gary Stewart
To: Farrah Khan Web; Tammy Kim Web; Larry Agran Web; MichaelCarrollWeb; Kathleen Treseder Web
Cc: cm; Clerk; Environmental Programs
Subject: Yes on item 6.3, add tenants to 6.1 and replace OCPA"s leadership ASAP (6.6)
Date: Monday, February 13, 2023 11:35:07 PM


Dear Mayor Khan and City Council Members,

My name is Gary Stewart, and I am writing to add my voice to the calls of many for the
Council to keep our foot on the pedal (not the "gas") to accelerate toward the laudable goal of
zero emissions by 2030.

This means acceleration to a legally-binding Climate Action Plan (Item 6.3).

I also endorse the recommendations of the Climate Action Campaign, to include tenants in the
One Irvine Green Home Grant Program (Item 6.1), which would show the city's dedication to
antiracism, and strong efforts to reconfigure the leadership at the sadly derailed OCPA.

The reasons that all of these steps are important include every child on the planet.

Gary M. Stewart, M.D.

(714) 504-9582
From: Luis Huang
To: Farrah Khan Web; Tammy Kim Web; Larry Agran Web; MichaelCarrollWeb; Kathleen Treseder Web
Cc: cm; Clerk; Environmental Programs
Subject: Yes on item 6.3, add tenants to 6.1 and replace OCPA"s leadership ASAP (6.6)
Date: Tuesday, February 14, 2023 5:46:21 AM


Dear City Council Members,

Thank you for committing to protect Irvine families by reaching zero emissions by 2030.
Please follow through on that promise by approving item 6.3, an accelerated timeline for
Irvine's long-overdue Climate Action & Adaptation Plan. It is also critically important to
ensure that the plan is CEQA-qualified and legally-binding so that it is implemented to protect
Irvine families.

Also, the One Irvine Green Home Grant Program under item 6.1 needs to be revised to include
tenants. People in rental homes are more likely to be people of color, so any program that
depends on homeownership is inherently racist. Please ensure the program includes tenants so
everyone in Irvine can benefit from this program.

Re: item 6.6, OCPA continues to ignore best practice and the community's interests,
demonstrating an urgent need to replace CEO Brian Probolsky and General Counsel BB&K as
soon as possible as key steps to restoring trust in this critically important agency. OCPA board
members Tammy Kim and Kathleen Treseder must protect clean energy choice by replacing
OCPA's failed leadership now.

Brian Probolsky is shame on Farrah and Mike Carroll for keeping that scumbag at OCPA.

Shame on all of you, not a single solar panel at Irvine City Hall. You are mortgaging your
children's future in favor of short term profits for Oil Companies and the bidings of SCE.

Please fulfill your climate promises and help ensure that Irvine is a climate-safe place for all,
now and for future generations.

Thank you
From: Kathy Orlinsky
To: Farrah Khan Web; Tammy Kim Web; Larry Agran Web; MichaelCarrollWeb; Kathleen Treseder Web
Cc: cm; Clerk; Environmental Programs
Subject: Yes on item 6.3, add tenants to 6.1 and replace OCPA"s leadership ASAP (6.6)
Date: Tuesday, February 14, 2023 7:09:08 AM


Dear Mayor Khan and City Council Members,

Thank you for committing to protect Irvine families by reaching zero emissions by 2030.
Please follow through on that promise by approving item 6.3, an accelerated timeline for
Irvine's long-overdue Climate Action & Adaptation Plan. It is also critically important to
ensure that the plan is CEQA-qualified and legally-binding so that it is implemented to protect
Irvine families.

Also, the One Irvine Green Home Grant Program under item 6.1 needs to be revised to include
tenants. People in rental homes are more likely to be people of color, so any program that
depends on homeownership is inherently racist. Please ensure the program includes tenants so
everyone in Irvine can benefit from this program.

Re: item 6.6, OCPA continues to ignore best practice and the community's interests,
demonstrating an urgent need to replace CEO Brian Probolsky and General Counsel BB&K as
soon as possible as key steps to restoring trust in this critically important agency. OCPA board
members Tammy Kim and Kathleen Treseder must protect clean energy choice by replacing
OCPA's failed leadership now.

Please fulfill your climate promises and help ensure that Irvine is a climate-safe place for all,
now and for future generations.

Thank you

Much appreciated,
Kathy Orlinsky
Regional Events Coordinator &
Executive Assistant (she/her)
From: Wen
To: Farrah Khan Web; Kathleen Treseder Web; Larry Agran Web; MichaelCarrollWeb; Tammy Kim Web
Cc: Clerk; cm; Environmental Programs
Subject: Yes on item 6.3, add tenants to 6.1 and replace OCPA"s leadership ASAP (6.6)
Date: Tuesday, February 14, 2023 8:37:00 AM


Dear Mayor Khan and City Council Members,

Thank you for committing to protect Irvine families by reaching zero emissions by 2030. As a
resident of Irvine, it is important to me that Irvine continues to treat climate change with the
necessary urgency. Please follow through on that promise by approving item 6.3, an
accelerated timeline for Irvine's long-overdue Climate Action & Adaptation Plan. It is also
critically important to ensure that the plan is CEQA-qualified and legally-binding so that it is
implemented to protect Irvine families.

Also, the One Irvine Green Home Grant Program under item 6.1 needs to be revised to include
tenants. People in rental homes are more likely to be people of color, so any program that
depends on homeownership is inherently racist. Please ensure the program includes tenants so
everyone in Irvine can benefit from this program.

Re: item 6.6, OCPA continues to ignore best practice and the community's interests,
demonstrating an urgent need to replace CEO Brian Probolsky and General Counsel BB&K as
soon as possible as key steps to restoring trust in this critically important agency. OCPA board
members Tammy Kim and Kathleen Treseder must protect clean energy choice by replacing
OCPA's failed leadership now.

Please fulfill your climate promises and help ensure that Irvine is a climate-safe place for all,
now and for future generations.

Thank you,
ſ Ɖ
From: berglas
To: Farrah Khan Web; Tammy Kim Web; Larry Agran Web; MichaelCarrollWeb; Kathleen Treseder Web
Cc: cm; Clerk; Environmental Programs
Subject: Yes on item 6.3, add tenants to 6.1 and replace OCPA"s leadership ASAP (6.6)
Date: Tuesday, February 14, 2023 9:09:49 AM


Dear Mayor Khan and City Council Members,

Thank you for committing to protect Irvine families by reaching zero emissions by 2030.
Please follow through on that promise by approving item 6.3, an accelerated timeline for
Irvine's long-overdue Climate Action & Adaptation Plan. It is also critically important to
ensure that the plan is CEQA-qualified and legally-binding so that it is implemented to protect
Irvine families.

Also, the One Irvine Green Home Grant Program under item 6.1 needs to be revised to include
tenants. People in rental homes are more likely to be people of color, so any program that
depends on homeownership is inherently racist. Please ensure the program includes tenants so
everyone in Irvine can benefit from this program.

Re: item 6.6, OCPA continues to ignore best practice and the community's interests,
demonstrating an urgent need to replace CEO Brian Probolsky and General Counsel BB&K as
soon as possible as key steps to restoring trust in this critically important agency. OCPA board
members Tammy Kim and Kathleen Treseder must protect clean energy choice by replacing
OCPA's failed leadership now.

Please fulfill your climate promises and help ensure that Irvine is a climate-safe place for all,
now and for future generations.

Thank you

A long time Irvine Resident

Sent from my T-Mobile 4G LTE Device

From: Greg Camphire
To: Farrah Khan Web; Tammy Kim Web; Larry Agran Web; MichaelCarrollWeb; Kathleen Treseder Web
Cc: cm; Clerk; Environmental Programs
Subject: Yes on item 6.3, add tenants to 6.1 and replace OCPA"s leadership ASAP (6.6)
Date: Tuesday, February 14, 2023 9:20:12 AM


Dear Mayor Khan and City Council Members,

Thank you for committing to protect Irvine families by reaching zero emissions by 2030. Please follow through on
that promise by approving item 6.3, an accelerated timeline for Irvine's long-overdue Climate Action & Adaptation
Plan. It is also critically important to ensure that the plan is CEQA-qualified and legally-binding so that it is
implemented to protect Irvine families.

Also, the One Irvine Green Home Grant Program under item 6.1 needs to be revised to include tenants. People in
rental homes are more likely to be people of color, so any program that depends on homeownership is inherently
racist. Please ensure the program includes tenants so everyone in Irvine can benefit from this program.

Re: item 6.6, OCPA continues to ignore best practice and the community's interests, demonstrating an urgent need
to replace CEO Brian Probolsky and General Counsel BB&K as soon as possible as key steps to restoring trust in
this critically important agency. OCPA board members Tammy Kim and Kathleen Treseder must protect clean
energy choice by replacing OCPA's failed leadership now.

Please fulfill your climate promises and help ensure that Irvine is a climate-safe place for all, now and for future

Thank you
From: Jake Comer
To: cm; Clerk; Environmental Programs
Subject: Yes on item 6.3, add tenants to 6.1 and replace OCPA"s leadership ASAP (6.6)
Date: Tuesday, February 14, 2023 9:27:22 AM


Dear Mayor Khan and City Council Members, Thank you for committing to protect Irvine families by
reaching zero emissions by 2030. Please follow through on that promise by approving item 6.3, an
accelerated timeline for Irvine's long-overdue Climate Action & Adaptation Plan. It is also critically
important to ensure that the plan is CEQA-qualified and legally-binding so that it is implemented to protect
Irvine families. Also, the One Irvine Green Home Grant Program under item 6.1 needs to be revised to
include tenants. People in rental homes are more likely to be people of color, so any program that
depends on homeownership is inherently racist. Please ensure the program includes tenants so everyone
in Irvine can benefit from this program. Re: item 6.6, OCPA continues to ignore best practice and the
community's interests, demonstrating an urgent need to replace CEO Brian Probolsky and General
Counsel BB&K as soon as possible as key steps to restoring trust in this critically important agency.
OCPA board members Tammy Kim and Kathleen Treseder must protect clean energy choice by
replacing OCPA's failed leadership now. Please fulfill your climate promises and help ensure that Irvine is
a climate-safe place for all, now and for future generations. Thank you
From: Maya Cheav
To: Farrah Khan Web; Tammy Kim Web; Larry Agran Web; Kathleen Treseder; MichaelCarrollWeb
Cc: Clerk; cm; Environmental Programs
Subject: YES on Item 6.3 and please add renters to Item 6.1
Date: Tuesday, February 14, 2023 9:46:46 AM


Dear Mayor Khan and City Council Members,

Thank you for committing to protect Irvine families by reaching zero emissions by 2030.
Please follow through on that promise by approving item 6.3, an accelerated timeline for
Irvine's long-overdue Climate Action & Adaptation Plan. The climate crisis is a true
emergency, and we need a clear timeline and legally-binding CAAP approved this year to
protect Irvine families.

Also, the One Irvine Green Home Grant Program under item 6.1 needs to be revised to include
tenants. People in rental homes are more likely to be people of color, so any program that
depends on homeownership is inherently racist. Including renters is one way Irvine can help
undo the persistent legacy of racist housing policies. All people of color in Irvine deserve
clean, healthy air and the savings that all-electric appliances and other green home
improvements bring. Please ensure the program includes tenants and home owners so
everyone in Irvine can benefit from this program.

Please fulfill your climate promises and help ensure that Irvine is a climate-safe place for all,
now and for future generations.

Thank you!

Maya Cheav
any pronouns
Community Science Organizer
Orange County Environmental Justice (OCEJ)
FB/IG: @ocenvironmentaljustice

I acknowledge that I live and work on the unceded lands of the Tongva and Acjachemen nations.
From: Gregory Tabat
To: Farrah Khan Web; Tammy Kim Web; Larry Agran Web; Mike Carroll Web; Kathleen Treseder Web; Clerk
Date: Tuesday, February 14, 2023 11:00:44 AM


Dear Irvine City Council Members,

My name is Gregory Tabat and I live in Santa Ana.

Thank you so much for considering joining the OC Power Authority's Community Choice
Energy program. I support this program because it will save customers money, brings revenue
to our community by keeping our ratepayer dollars in our communities, prevents rolling
blackouts, makes our grid more resilient, and allows us to convert to renewable energy faster.

Community Choice Energy will provide our residents and business owners and the
municipality with sustainable clean energy.

Since the formation of the Orange County Power Authority (OCPA), the amount of renewable
energy purchased on behalf of residents and businesses has more than doubled. In fact, at the
January 17th regular meeting, OCPA shared that 99% of customers who stayed in OCPA
stayed at the 70% or 100% renewable level. A rough estimate of overall GHG savings PER
YEAR is expected to be slightly less than 1 million metric tons, or 200,000 cars off the road.

One additional quick piece of good news! Have you heard the rates are lower??? OCPA will
have a slightly lower rate compared to SCE for Basic Choice. CCE rates are initially tied to
the utility rates, (when they go up or down), but then the CCE can choose to reduce their rate
more. That's just what OCPA did on January 9th, 2023. It's typical for Community Choice
agencies to lower their rates just a little more every year.

When Irvine joins with other cities, the program would generate $92 million per year in
revenue by 2031. This money can be used for EV charging stations, subsidies for electric
vehicles, green public transportation -- all sorts of programs to green OC. Imagine a future like
this for Irvine.

Let’s do this for your city and mine. To learn more about Community Choice Energy, please


Gregory Tabat
From: Gregory Tabat
To: Farrah Khan Web; Tammy Kim Web; Larry Agran Web; MichaelCarrollWeb; Kathleen Treseder Web
Cc: cm; Clerk; Environmental Programs
Subject: Yes on item 6.3, add tenants to 6.1 and replace OCPA"s leadership ASAP (6.6)
Date: Tuesday, February 14, 2023 11:08:51 AM


Dear Mayor Khan and City Council Members,

Thank you for committing to protect Irvine families by reaching zero emissions by 2030.
Please follow through on that promise by approving item 6.3, an accelerated timeline for
Irvine's long-overdue Climate Action & Adaptation Plan. It is also critically important to
ensure that the plan is CEQA-qualified and legally binding so that it is implemented to protect
Irvine families.

Also, the One Irvine Green Home Grant Program under item 6.1 needs to be revised to include
tenants. People in rental homes are more likely to be people of color, so any program that
depends on homeownership is inherently racist. Please ensure the program includes tenants so
everyone in Irvine can benefit from this program.

Re: item 6.6, OCPA continues to ignore best practice and the community's interests,
demonstrating an urgent need to replace CEO Brian Probolsky and General Counsel BB&K as
soon as possible as key steps to restoring trust in this critically important agency. OCPA board
members Tammy Kim and Kathleen Treseder must protect clean energy choice by replacing
OCPA's failed leadership now.

Please fulfill your climate promises and help ensure that Irvine is a climate-safe place for all,
now and for future generations.

Thank you
Gregory Tabat
Resident of Santa Ana
From: Joclyn Rabbitt-Sire
To: Clerk; Kathleen Treseder Web; Mike Carroll Web; Larry Agran Web; Tammy Kim Web; Farrah Khan Web
Subject: Feb. 14 City Council Meeting Agenda Items 6.1, 6.3, 6.6
Date: Tuesday, February 14, 2023 12:38:59 PM


Dear Mayor and City Council,

Our community has worked for years to bring Community Choice Energy.

Regarding New Business Item 6.6, we urge the city of Irvine to protect our choice and stay in
the OCPA.

We hope to see Irvine continue as a positive partner for clean energy in all cities in Orange
Community Choice Energy is key to meeting bold carbon-neutrality goals and a local clean-
energy economy.

Additionally we want to share our comments and support for the following items:
Item #6.3: Support moving forward on the Irvine Climate Action and Adaptation Plan without
Item #6.1: The One Irvine Green Home Grant Program should include renters.

Thank you!

Joclyn Rabbitt-Sire
Concerned citizen of Huntington Beach
From: Edward Sharman
To: Farrah Khan Web; Mike Carroll Web; Kathleen Treseder Web; Oliver Chi; irvinecitycouncil; Tammy Kim Web;
Larry Agran Web
Cc: cm; Clerk; Environmental Programs
Subject: Yes on item 6.3, add tenants to 6.1 and replace OCPA’s leadership ASAP (6.6)
Date: Tuesday, February 14, 2023 1:43:45 PM


Dear Mayor Khan and Honorable City Council Members:

Thank you for committing to protect Irvine families by reaching zero

emissions by 2030. Please follow through on that promise by approving
item 6.3, an accelerated timeline for Irvine's long-overdue Climate
Action & Adaptation Plan. It is also critically important to ensure that
the plan is CEQA-qualified and legally-binding so that it is implemented
to protect Irvine families. It's time to stop stalling!

Also, the One Irvine Green Home Grant Program under item 6.1 needs to be
revised to include tenants. Please ensure the program includes tenants
so everyone in Irvine can benefit from this program.

Re: item 6.6, OCPA continues to ignore best practice and the community's
interests, demonstrating an urgent need to replace CEO Brian Probolsky
and General Counsel BB&K as soon as possible as key steps to restoring
trust in this critically important agency. OCPA board members Tammy Kim
and Kathleen Treseder must protect clean energy choice by replacing
OCPA's failed leadership ASAP.

Please fulfill your climate promises and help ensure that Irvine is a
climate-safe place for all, now and for future generations.

Thank you

Ed Sharman, Irvine Resident
From: Susan Eaton
To: Farrah Khan Web; Tammy Kim Web; Larry Agran Web; MichaelCarrollWeb; Kathleen Treseder Web
Cc: cm; Clerk; Environmental Programs
Subject: Yes on item 6.3, add tenants to 6.1 and replace OCPA"s leadership ASAP (6.6)
Date: Tuesday, February 14, 2023 2:03:31 PM


Dear Mayor Khan and City Council Members,

I will be watching the meeting from home with and that you are able to save and restore
OCPA to its planned-for most important action that the City of Irvine has Ever taken.
Community Choice Energy benefits the residents of Irvine, OC, CA and the whole planet.
Please pull a miracle out of your hat.

Thank you for committing to protect Irvine families by reaching zero emissions by 2030.
Please follow through on that promise by approving item 6.3, an accelerated timeline for
Irvine's long-overdue Climate Action & Adaptation Plan. It is also critically important to
ensure that the plan is CEQA-qualified and legally-binding so that it is implemented to protect
Irvine families.

Also, the One Irvine Green Home Grant Program under item 6.1 needs to be revised to include
tenants. People in rental homes are more likely to be people of color, so any program that
depends on homeownership is inherently racist. Please ensure the program includes tenants so
everyone in Irvine can benefit from this program.

Re: item 6.6, OCPA continues to ignore best practice and the community's interests,
demonstrating an urgent need to replace CEO Brian Probolsky and General Counsel BB&K as
soon as possible as key steps to restoring trust in this critically important agency. OCPA board
members Tammy Kim and Kathleen Treseder must protect clean energy choice by replacing
OCPA's failed leadership now.

Please fulfill your climate promises and help ensure that Irvine is a climate-safe place for all,
now and for future generations.

Thank you

Stay safe,
Susan Eaton
From: Nathan Taft
To: Farrah Khan Web; Tammy Kim Web; Larry Agran Web; MichaelCarrollWeb; Kathleen Treseder Web
Cc: cm; Clerk; Environmental Programs
Subject: Yes on item 6.3, add tenants to 6.1 and replace OCPA"s leadership ASAP (6.6)
Date: Tuesday, February 14, 2023 12:34:11 PM


Dear Mayor Khan and City Council Members,

Thank you for committing to protect Irvine families by reaching zero emissions by 2030.
Please follow through on that promise by approving item 6.3, an accelerated timeline for
Irvine's long-overdue Climate Action & Adaptation Plan. It is also critically important to
ensure that the plan is CEQA-qualified and legally-binding so that it is implemented to protect
Irvine families.

Also, the One Irvine Green Home Grant Program under item 6.1 needs to be revised to include
tenants. People in rental homes are more likely to be people of color, so any program that
depends on homeownership is inherently racist. Please ensure the program includes tenants so
everyone in Irvine can benefit from this program.

Re: item 6.6, OCPA continues to ignore best practice and the community's interests,
demonstrating an urgent need to replace CEO Brian Probolsky and General Counsel BB&K as
soon as possible as key steps to restoring trust in this critically important agency. OCPA board
members Tammy Kim and Kathleen Treseder must protect clean energy choice by replacing
OCPA's failed leadership now.

Please fulfill your climate promises and help ensure that Irvine is a climate-safe place for all,
now and for future generations.

Thank you,

Nathan Taft, Woodbridge High School Alum

From: Tomas Castro
To: Farrah Khan Web; Tammy Kim Web; Larry Agran Web; MichaelCarrollWeb; Kathleen Treseder Web
Cc: cm; Clerk; Environmental Programs
Subject: Yes on item 6.3, add tenants to 6.1 and replace OCPA"s leadership ASAP (6.6)
Date: Tuesday, February 14, 2023 12:18:59 PM


Dear Mayor Khan and City Council Members,

Thank you for committing to protect Irvine families by reaching zero emissions by 2030.
Please follow through on that promise by approving item 6.3, an accelerated timeline for
Irvine's long-overdue Climate Action & Adaptation Plan. It is also critically important to
ensure that the plan is CEQA-qualified and legally-binding so that it is implemented to protect
Irvine families.

Also, the One Irvine Green Home Grant Program under item 6.1 needs to be revised to include
tenants. People in rental homes are more likely to be people of color, so any program that
depends on homeownership is inherently racist. Please ensure the program includes tenants so
everyone in Irvine can benefit from this program.

Re: item 6.6, OCPA continues to ignore best practice and the community's interests,
demonstrating an urgent need to replace CEO Brian Probolsky and General Counsel BB&K as
soon as possible as key steps to restoring trust in this critically important agency. OCPA board
members Tammy Kim and Kathleen Treseder must protect clean energy choice by replacing
OCPA's failed leadership now.

Please fulfill your climate promises and help ensure that Irvine is a climate-safe place for all,
now and for future generations.

Thank you

Get Outlook for Android

From: Kayla Asato
To: Farrah Khan Web; Kathleen Treseder; Larry Agran Web; MichaelCarrollWeb; Tammy Kim Web
Cc: Clerk; cm; Environmental Programs
Subject: YES on Item 6.3 and please add renters to Item 6.1
Date: Tuesday, February 14, 2023 2:44:53 PM


Dear Mayor Khan and City Council Members,

Thank you for committing to protect Irvine families by reaching zero emissions by 2030.
Please follow through on that promise by approving item 6.3, an accelerated timeline for
Irvine's long-overdue Climate Action & Adaptation Plan. The climate crisis is a true
emergency, and we need a clear timeline and legally-binding CAAP approved this year to
protect Irvine families.

Also, the One Irvine Green Home Grant Program under item 6.1 needs to be revised to include
tenants. People in rental homes are more likely to be people of color, so any program that
depends on homeownership is inherently racist. Including renters is one way Irvine can help
undo the persistent legacy of racist housing policies. All people of color in Irvine deserve
clean, healthy air and the savings that all-electric appliances and other green home
improvements bring. Please ensure the program includes tenants and home owners so
everyone in Irvine can benefit from this program.

Please fulfill your climate promises and help ensure that Irvine is a climate-safe place for all,
now and for future generations.

Thank you
Kayla Asato
she/they pronouns
OCEJ Redistricting Organizer
From: buzz mccord
To: Farrah Khan Web; Larry Agran Web; Mike Carroll Web; Kathleen Treseder; Tammy Kim Web; Clerk
Subject: Council meeting tonight. Items 6.3 and 6.6
Date: Tuesday, February 14, 2023 2:45:33 PM


I stopped listening to the last council meeting at 10PM. I later saw that you continued on much after
that. My thanks and respect to all of you. For one, I appreciated Councilmember Agran’s practical
arguments against Irvine embroiling itself in an unnecessary, redundant investigation.
Also, big thanks to Councilmembers Kim and Treseder for their public appearance and speaking at
the OC Climate Action Plan Report Card presser on January 25. Your energy is admirable.
Over the past weeks, the Big Fossil Four, Exxon, BP, Shell and Chevron made public statements
relative to recent earnings reports. Uniformly, they reneged or hedged on their much-ballyhooed
green positions. In the words of Shell’s CEO Wael Sawan “…we want to go for lower and lower
carbon, but it has to be profitable.”
I won’t criticize their reported, record-setting profits. But clearly, we are on our own when it comes
to pushing back on fossil fuel driven climate change.

In 10 years we will be one third thru the 21st century. Prediction: global warming will be evermore
invasive in the news…and our lives. Thoughts: I, we, you should not be seen as having been timid.
1. vote to finalize a Climate Action Plan; fund it and staff it.
2. Intensify your scrutiny of the OCPA. Make changes at the top. Install a CEO with climate
enthusiasm and the requisite utility and management experience. This is not an OTJ learning
In 2033 you will want to look back and say you bravely stood up for the planet. And all of us.
Roy Buzz McCord
Professor Emeritus Irvine Valley College
Physical Sciences and Technologies.
From: Michelle Ellison
To: Farrah Khan Web; Tammy Kim Web; Larry Agran Web; Mike Carroll Web; Kathleen Treseder Web; Clerk
Subject: OCPA - don"t lose the climate progress made!
Date: Tuesday, February 14, 2023 2:49:10 PM


Good afternoon, all. I would have written sooner, but just learned of your potential withdraw
from OCPA and am deeply concerned. I urge you to stay in! Leaving would undo all of the
incredible progress you have made in reducing emissions. You may not have another
opportunity like this again, so let it not go to waste! As a board member with Clean Power
Alliance and a proponent of community choice and 100% renewable energy, I am also
concerned about the negative impact this could have beyond your city and the message it
sends to a broader audience. I encourage you to stick with it, as a startup it's going to have
growing pains to work out, but you can lead it into becoming a successful organization to
benefit generations to come. Abandoning it is a big step backwards.

Michelle Ellison
Founder, Green by Default
Clean Power Alliance Board Member
February 14, 2023



Name City Zip Comments Position Time Submitted

It is very important that we work to improve the climate as individuals and governments at all levels. It is also
Luette Forrest N/A N/A N/A 2/14/23 3:37 PM
important that we get deliverables from contracts. Two very good reasons to support this agenda item.

I agree with Councilmember Treseder that Irvine hasn’t made adequate progress in implementing the Climate
Doug Elliott Irvine, CA 92602 Action and Adaptation Plan. A CEQA-qualified, legally binding CAAP must be completed year’s end, including N/A 2/14/23 11:22 AM
an Environmental Impact Report, a detailed timeline, and funding and implementation plans. Let’s get it done.

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