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Joshua: Hello guys, good morning, I would like to tell you that I was finally able to buy one

more new television for my house, here we have two, the first one is bigger than the second,
but I am very excited to finally have two televisions. The television I bought is more modern,
large and spacious, and came included a sound buffer, which is the best thing I could have
bought, since the television was not that expensive, my purchase is good, beautiful and cheap.
What do you think?

Jeremiah. Guys, I prefer cell phones, they are easier to transport and you can do the same
thing as with a television, it is much more spacious, and it also has different plans that can be
used, mine is an expensive cell phone, but it is very good in terms of space. In other services, it
is very good and I like it a lot.

Saori: I prefer my headphones, it is a device with which you can listen to quiet music, or even
answer calls without taking out your cell phone, which is very advantageous, cell phones and
televisions are fine, but my headphones complement them very well. , since they give you
privacy and its proper functioning

katherin: I bought a laptop that was more expensive than Jeremias' cell phone and I like it
because you can take it anywhere, you can do work, watch movies, series and many other

Joshua: Well Jeremy, my TV is better than your cell phone because it's bigger and it's also a bit
more personal to use, honestly.

Jeremy: No, my cell phone is more comfortable, you can do the same thing as on a television,
but you can carry it because of its size.

Saoir: I think guys that my hearing aids are better since with them the use of cell phones and
television is better.

I think my laptop is better since it can do the same things as a cell phone and a television.

Joshua: MY TV is better guys and there is no argument

Jeremy: It's not like that, a cell phone is much better.

katherin:No, my laptop is the best

Saori: Guys, let's leave it in a tie, both televisions, cell phones and my headphones are useful, it
is better not to compare them.

Jeremy: Yeah, you're right.

katherin: yes, each one has different uses.

Joshua: Yes it's true, they are all useful

Jeremy well guys it was a pleasure talking goodbye

Saori: bye guys

Katherin: bye guys

josue also good

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