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1. Gianinna Escalante Buendia
2. Rosario Cunyarache Amado
3. Mirely Jhoany Ruiz Carranza



Mirely: Hello girls.

Gianinna: Good morning, Mirely, good morning, Rosario, how are you?

Mirely: I'm glad to see you. I took advantage of the morning and got up at five o'clock
to study English before going to work.

Rosario: Good morning girls, I’m fine. Today I got up early to go to training. I had
whole wheat bread and eggs for breakfast with my mom, and she had oatmeal and a
piece of fruit for breakfast.

Gianinna: What are you doing later, Rosario?

Rosario: I work part time and study. I'm in exam week.

And you Mirelly, what courses do you take at your institute?

Mirely: Well, apart from English, entrepreneurship, big data and accounting. The
course I like the most is Big Data. I love learning about Excel.

Rosario: I also like Excel, but my favorite class is accounting. I'm good with numbers.
And you, Gianinna, what do you do after studying English with us?
Gianinna: I study and work in sales close to home. I love my job because it is a well-lit
office, and it has a window near my desk where I can see the entire road.

Mirely: Wow, I'm lucky, my day is calm, after studying I usually help at home and my
favorite moment is when I make a video call with my brother who lives in Spain. It is a
beautiful country.

Rosario: Yes, it's true. I like it because it is a beautiful country and has many places to
visit. Its streets are cultural. Her food is delicious... Speaking of food, do you like to
cook Giannina?

Gianinna: Oh no, I don't like cooking.

Mirely: I don't cook either. I arrive at ten o'clock at night sharp and go to sleep.

Rosario: I do the same, we must meet one day to party. How about Saturday?

Gianinna: Yeah, sounds like fun at 6 o'clock in the afternoon, don't you think? This way
we stay up to date with everything.

Mirely: I will look forward to that day, I usually wear dresses to parties.

Rosario: Anyway, it was a pleasure talking to you.

Gianinna: I hope to see you soon, bye girls.

Mirely: Bye girls.

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