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A Battle Fought

By Medina H. Iredifa

Misery lurks,
Like a silent river beneath the eerie darkness,
Where monsters hide.
A saddened and ruined heart,
An endless midnight tears a soul apart.

The universe darkens and becomes lightless,

An infinite conflict, everlasting.
Emotions bound by a thick chain,
As hope and joy appear to fade.

The days drag on, long and gloomy.

And I fail to muster the fortitude to speak.
Everything that's around me appears dull and lifeless.
There is no joy or colour,
Only this never-ending chatter of unkind thoughts that won't let go,
Dragging me down, so low, so slow.

I clash with it, try to force it away,

But it always returns, day after day.
I seem utterly alone as if no one can grasp,
The sorrow that is consuming me from within.

Sadness's burden is too heavy for one to bear.

A never-ending battle and sorrow.

I know I'm not the only one,

So many others have felt this way.
And, despite the haze,
I believe there is hope, brighter days ahead.
There is still a twinkle of light in the abyss.
A light in the reins, a ray of faith.
For there is courage within,
S struggle for existence,
Even in the midst of despair and war.

Dear one,
Confide in those who love you.
It is easier to carry a shared weight.
Hand in hand, we shall revive.
Triumph over the darkness, the tears in our hearts.

Through the suffocating grip of depression,

I'll keep battling, keep fighting, keep pushing through,
And one day,
The rays of sunbeam will shine,
And I'll find the idyllic view,
That proves life is worth living,
And all the pain is worth forgiving.

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