(English) Introducing WordPress 5.9 (DownSub - Com)

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Welcome to a sneak peek of

WordPress 5.9. We're excited to

share some of the highlights

coming to the next release of

WordPress. The 5.9 release marks

the introduction of a next

generation of themes that allows

greater customization and

simpler building. Themes can now

be created entirely with blocks,

meaning you get all the familiar

editing tools and the same

blocks you use when creating

posts and pages to allow you to

edit all parts of your site,

including your header and

footer. All the templates from

the theme can be edited using

the Block Editor, like the

homepage, your blog, archive or

single pages. Want to zoom in on

just your header? Easy. Using

the top toolbar, select your

header and switch into a

dedicated mode to do exactly

that. Once there you can explore

the new navigation block that

comes with built in responsive

and keyboard accessible options.

With over 30 theme blocks the

ability to customize and create

every part of your site, it's

never been easier. Improvements

to the user experience are also

coming to WordPress 5.9 to help

you better take advantage of

these new possibilities. List

View alone has several

improvements, including being

able to rely on the familiar
experience of drag and drop to
place your content exactly where

you want to. Improve your

workflow with more complex

content thanks to the ability to

collapse sections of the List

View and add HTML anchors to

your blocks to be able to see

them at a glance. Let's take a

look at Styles. Styles introduce

a quick and intuitive way to

change all the visual elements

of your site globally, from

typography, to colors to various

aspects of how blocks appear.

All of this allows you to

achieve distinct looks by

modifying the style presets.

Here's an example from the

Twenty Twenty-Two theme showing

how drastically different the

theme can be with tweaks to the

styling options. Patterns can be

used to create different

sections like headers and

footers. In a few clicks, you

can make a brand new header

without changing your theme.

Open the inserter, switch to the

patterns tab, and select Explore

to see what's available. All

these new features help you get

where you want to go faster,

whether it's writing new posts

or building a landing page. To

support all these updates, the

interface of blocks continues to

improve with new design tools.

These powerful tools allow you

to get your content just right.

More typography controls are

also available, allowing you to

intuitively add subtle changes

to make your content more

visually interesting. These

tools can also be used to

arrange your buttons block

horizontally or vertically

depending upon the look you're

trying to achieve. If you can't

make up your mind now, it's

simple to change. Controls have

also been added to the feature

image block to allow you to

quickly set the size and scale

of your image with ease to make

an important part of your

content really shine. Border

support has been added to unlock

new creative possibilities for

your content. With just a few

combinations of the settings you

can see here, you can create

vastly different layouts from a

simple border to more nuanced

and radical options. It's

amazing what can happen when a

few tools come together. Image

filters like duotone can be used

in even more places like the

featured image block. It's a

great way to bring character to

your photos. With more design

options, more blocks, more

patterns and more tools to ed

t even more parts of your site.

e can't wait to see what y

u create WordPress 5

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