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Renewable and Nonrenewable Natural Resources

Renewable Resources
- A renewable resource is a natural resource that will replenished to
replace the portion depleted by usage and consumption, either through
natural reproduction or other recurring processes in a finite amount of
time in the human time scale.
- It means it will never run out.
- Water, crops, geothermal, solar energy, wind energy, tidal energy, etc.

✓ Operating cost is low

✓ Clean
Natural Resources ✓ No harm to the environment
✓ Sun, wind, ocean energy, etc. are available in abundant quantity and
- These are materials or things that people use from the Earth.
are free to use.
- Natural assets (raw materials) occurring in nature that can be used for
✓ These sources have low carbon emissions and therefore are
economic production or consumption (OECD, 2005).
considered to be more environmentally friendly.
Disadvantages: Population and the Environment
✓ Not very efficient in producing energy on a massive scale
✓ They can be noisy
✓ They are expensive to build
Maintenance Cost: High

Life of resources: (1) infinite, and (2) unlimited quantity

Nonrenewable Resources
- A non-renewable resource is a natural resource that cannot be readily
replaced by natural means at a quick enough pace to keep up with
- Coal, petroleum, natural gas, etc. Population Ecology
Advantages: - Deals with the number of individuals of a particular species found in
✓ They are cheap and easy to use an area and how and why those numbers increase or decrease over
✓ Known for their efficiency time.
✓ Ability to produce a lot of energy in a short time Population
✓ Little or no competition
- Any group of organisms of the same species occupying a particular
Disadvantages: space and functioning as part of the biotic community.
✓ They will eventually run out Population Ecologists
✓ Not clean
✓ They are threatening the environment - Study how a population responds to its environment, such as how
individuals in a given population compete for food or other resources
Maintenance Cost: It has a low maintenance cost as compared with and how predation, disease, and other environmental pressures affect
renewable energy resources. that population.
Life of resources: (1) finite, and (2) limited quantity How does population change?
On a global scale, the change is due to 2 factors:
1. The rate at which individual organisms produce offspring (birth rate)
2. The rate at which individual organisms die (death rate)
In local population: • The growth rate (r) of a local population must take into account the
birth rate (b), the death rate (d), immigration (i), and emigration (e).
1. Births
• The growth rate equals (birth rate minus death rate) plus (immigration
2. Deaths
minus emigration): r = (b – d) + (i – e)
3. Immigrants
4. Emigrants Concept of Carrying Capacity and Environmental Resistance
In humans: Population growth forms:
✓ The birth rate (b) is usually expressed as the number of births per • J-shaped growth form – density increases rapidly in exponential growth
100 people per year and; and then stops abruptly as environmental resistance or another limiting
✓ The death rate (d) is the number of deaths per person per year. factor becomes more effective.
✓ The growth rate (r) of a population is the birth rate (b) minus the
death rate (d): r = b - d
✓ Growth rate is also referred to as a natural increase in human
✓ If more individuals in a population are born than die, the growth
rate is more than zero, and the population size increases.
✓ If more individuals in a population die than are born, the growth
rate is less than zero, and population size decreases.
✓ If the growth rate equals zero, births and deaths match, and
population size is stationary, despite continued reproduction and
death. • Sigmoid or S-shaped growth form – the population increases slowly at
first, then more rapidly, but it soon slows down gradually as the
Dispersal environmental resistance increases in percentage until the equilibrium
- Or movement from one region or country to another affects the local is reached and maintained.
2 types of dispersal:
1. Immigration (i): in which individuals enter a population and increase
its size
2. Emigration (e): individuals leave a population and decrease its size.
• The upper level, beyond which no major increase can occur, as Possible Solutions to Overpopulation:
represented by the constant K, has been aptly termed the maximum
• Have fewer children! One is good, two is enough.
carrying capacity.
• Read, and educate yourself about population issues.
• Reduce your personal consumption.
• Educate your teenage children about sex and contraception
• Spread your knowledge and concern among your friends and
family, raise awareness about over population on social

How does population change impact our environment?

Causes, Effects, and Solutions of Overpopulation • Farming Impacts
Various Causes of Overpopulation: • Eutrophication
• Deforestation
• Decline in the death rate • Water scarcity
• Agricultural advancement • Global warming and climate change
• Better medical facilities
• More hands to overcome poverty
• Child labor
• Technological advancement in fertility treatment
• Immigration
• Lack of family planning
• Poor use of contraceptives
Fatal Effects of Overpopulation:

• Depletion of resources and over-extraction

• Conflicts and wars
• Pandemic and epidemics
• Malnutrition, starvation, and famine
• Water shortage
• Extinction
• Increase vulnerability in disasters and climate change

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