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Class 6- Talking about backgrounds

1. When did you realize that you were into writing codes?
2. At the first time you made a code for some work was it difficult?
3. Did you feel comfortable when you started learning how to build a program?
4. Was there a time that you wanted to give up? Why?
5. When you were learning how to do your job how were the firsts difficulties?
6. To do your kind of work it has to be patient or not?
7. How are the difficulties about your job?
8. How did you feel when you get your first job writing codes?
9. Do you feel as you were born to do it for your entire life? Why?
10. How did you start to study codes?
11. If you could choice another profession what would it be?
12. What was you age when you get your first job?
13. Have you ever been in a point that you wanted change career?
14. Is your work about money or love?
15. If someone want to be an IT professional, what would be your advices?
16. What are the pros and cons of beginning as a code writer?
17. Technology is always changing every day, what do you do with this reality of
your profession?
18. How have you changed since you turned into an IT professional?
19. What is the difference between your past and your present person?
20. In your later past did you think you could be a programmer?
21. When you were a kid what did you want to be?
22. How many books did you need to read to turned into a programmer?
23. How many extra courses have you done?
24. Have you ever gotten into trouble programming?
25. Have you ever delayed a program? Why?
26. What was the most difficult program you have built? What about the easiest
27. What kind of program do you like the most? What about the least?
28. Which paths do you need to make to be a programmer?

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