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et errawrocr } Sg, pucce! fe} oll of the above i fo} pharynx (c) epigtottis (4) tongue el 2 maniernieng nts prey dette oreo (a) Anus (2) gutet (co paroni gfond (2) Db 2 Soe aac a tooth in mon (a) Biting(b) grinding (c) smiling (d) tearing (e) pe a 4. The eutermost layer of the gostrointrstinal tract Is (a) mucoso (b) muscularis (¢) lamina pro submucosa (e) serosa € Po The enteric nervous system Is present inthe wall of (2) pharynx (b} o€sophagus (e) mouth (d) ol of above {e) none of the obove — ete 7 & Inhumons, mixed saliva contains about .... % of water (a} 20 (b) 60 (c}89 (d) 70 ” 2. The digestion of protein starts in (a) mouth (b) oesophagus (c) stomach (d) duedenum (e)jejunurm ~C_ B Which of the following /s not a primary digestive organ (a) pharynx (b) oesophagus (citongue (0). small + intestine (e) ol! of the obove— : 9 The innermost layer of the gastrointestino! tract is (a) mucus layer (b) submucus layer (c) muscular layer (0) serous layer (e) fibrous layer— fi, 10. Which of the following is not @ major salivary gland ? {a) parotid (b) submaxillary (¢} submandibular (d} __ Sublingual (e} none of the above ~ 11. Which of these enzymes break down polysaccharide to disaccharides (2) pancreatic amylase (b) Destrinase (¢) Trehalase (d).all of the above (enone of the above- A 42. Which of the following break down protein to peptones (2) pepsin (b) trypsin (c} chymotrypsin (d) all of the above (e) none of the above - f\ 43. Which of the following break down proteoses to amino acids (a) pepsin (b) trypsin (¢) chymotrypsin (d) ‘all of the cbove (e) none ef the above ~ fF 14. Which of the following breok down proteoses to disaccharides (a) pepsin (b) trypsin (c) corboxypeptidases (d) all of the abave (e) none of the above = 415. Which of the following breok down dipeptides to amino oicds (a) pepsin (b) trypsin (c) chymotrypsin (d) ail of the above (e) none of the above - © 16. Which of the following breek down tripeptides to amino aicds (a) pepsin (b) trypsin (c) chymotrypsin (d) Gilof the above (e) none of the above ~¢ 47. Which of the following fluids is made up of 87.6% of water (a) salivary juice (b) pancreatic juice (c) bile secretion (d) ol! of the above (e) none of the above ~ C 48. Aminopeptidases break down which of the following substances (a) dipeptidases (b) tripeptidases (charge polypeptides (d) all of the above (e) None of the above ~ c 49. Which of the following is found in the succus enterieus (0) pepsin (b) trypsin (c) chymotrypsin (2) tripeptidses (e) none of the above ~ [) 20. Which of the following enzymes is found in the suceus entericus (a) phosphalipase A(b) phospholipase 8 (c) corboxypeptidoses (4) tripeptidase (e} all of the ebove ~ 7) 21, Which of the enzymes break down trigicerides to fatty acids (a) phospholipase (b) phospholipase 8 (c) Carboxypeptidoses (2) intestinal lipase (¢) allof the above — |? 22. Which of the following stimulate the production of hydrochloric ocid in the stomach (a) Histomine (>) secretin (¢} peptide V¥ (0} ail of the above (e)none of the above ~ 25. The stomoch wail ls made up of the following layers except: (0) sercus layer (b) mucous layer (c} muscular layer (d) submucosal loyer {e) none of the above = z 24, Melssner’s plexus con be found in which layer (a) serous (6) mucous (c}muscular (4) submucosal (e) none of the above = 1S ' an The Poresympathetic supply to the stomoch is via: (} hypoglossal nerve (b) trigeminal nerve (c) wopus ws (4) glossopharyngeal nerve (e) none of the chove - C. * — Product of orbohrdates ore (o) glucose (b) fructose (c} all of the above (d) none of the above ~ , following Is involved in corbohydrate digestion (0) 40% of its initiated by solivary omylose {) none ef the above (c} end product is only glucose (4) pancreatic amylase is less potent than salivary omylose — Salivary secretion per day: (a) 1¢ (b) 1.5 {c) 1.2 L(d) cannot be extimated (e) none of the above 29. Conceming mastication which is incorrect {a} most musctes of mastication ore ail innervated by the trigerminal nerve (b) it is not necessary for digestion of vegetables (c) leads to formation of bolus (d)not oll food digested are masticated (e) none oftheabove — | n0 Gastrectomy results in deficiency ofthe following vitamins (2) (b)C (e)D (AE fe) none ofthe above = Saliva plays the following role EXCEPT (a) aids bolus formation (b) eids digestion of carbohydrate (c) acts 05 buffer (d) aid digestion of protein (e)none of the above — 32. Cross section of the gut from inside to outside (a) mucosa ~ submucosa-serosa- muscular (D)serasa~ mucosa ~ muscular ~submucosa (c} mucosa: submucosa-muscular-serosa (¢) none of the above (¢) allof theabove — (_ 33, Mastication (0) decrease surface area for enzyme and food (b) incisor and canine help in chewing (¢) improve taste (d) a and b (e)none of the above ~ C }. The involuntary phase of deglutition is allofthe above - AC Treatment of PUD Is by these drugs except (0) Rantidine (b) omeprazole (¢) fontidine (a) aspirin (e) none of the above _ (a) oral (b) pharyngeal (c) oesophageal (d)aande fe} 35. 36. All of these ore'port of micelle except (0) glycerol (b) fatty acid (c) monagiyceride (d) ysolecithin (¢) cholesterol 37. Which of the following popiliae does not contoin taste bud but it Is the most numerous (a}fiform (b) circumvallate (¢) fungiform (d)foliate (¢) none of the Ie 38. Which of these carry efferent fibres to the tongue (a) gen nal (b)adducens (c}hypaglossal (a) facial ~ c. 39. Concerning deglutition , which is incorrect (a) its als known as swallowing (b) control centre is in the medutia (c) inhibited in oral phase (d) divided into 3 phases {e) none of the above — 40, Concerning xerostomia, which is incorrect (2) decrease saliva dryness of mouth (d) sjogren syndrame {e) none of the above ion (b) prone to dental caries (c) € Damaging foctors implicated In ulcer patients include the following except (a)H" and pepsin (b) helicobacter (¢) NSAIS (d) stress and smoking (e) none of the above Concerning patients with lactose intolerance, which of the following is false (a) yoghurt is more tolerated a1. 5 a. than dietary milk (b) dletory counseling is needed for management (c) decline in lactase octivity from birth to adulthood (d) none of the above ~ [ The cranial nerve of parotid gland is. piv Ti 44, Cronfal nerve 6 ond 4 ore_h \ A 4a. a BMS REVISION GUIDE Q PACK FOR SECOND SEMESTER 2023 Grr pHrsroLocy . 1, The GIT storts with (G)BUEE&I®R) (6) pharynx (c)epigiotis (d} tongue (e) ofthe above 2, Which of the following ls nat 0 primory digestive organ (a) Anus (b) gullet felparotld gland (d) smal ek Intestine fe) stomach _ 13. The main function of canine tooth in man (0) Biting{b) grinding (c) smiting (e) Fearing {e) beauty 4, The outermost fayer of the gastrointestinal tract ls (a) mucosa (b) muscularis (c} lamina propria (d) submucosa (2) Ser656 The enteric nervous system Is present in the wall of (2) pharynx [bYGesophagus (c) mouth (d) all of the obove (e) none of the above 6. Inhumans , mixed salivo contains about —.. % af water (a) 2 7. The digestion of protein starts in {0} mouth (b) oesophagus [é joden 8. Which of the following is not a primary digestive organ (a) pharynx (6) esophagus (c)tongue (a) smalt Intestine (e) all of the above 9. The innermost layer of the gostrointestinal tract is []RUEUE Tae (6) submucus foyer (c) museutarloyer (4) serous layer (e} fibrous layer 10, Which of the following Is not a mojor salivary glond ? (a) parotid (b) submaxilary(c) submmandiouiar (a) sublingual (¢)none of the above: al 11, Which of these enzymes breok down polysaccharide to disocchorides [G/PORCeGtC OPAVIOS® (b) Destrinose (¢) Trehatase (d) lf ofthe above (e}none of the above 42. Which ofthe followlng breok down protein to peptones (a) pepsin (b) trypsin (c} chymotrypsin (a allt FRE GBOVE (e) none of the above 413. Which of the following break down proteoses to amino acids (0) pepsin (b) trypsin (c) chymotrypsin (d) altof the above (@) none of the - 414, Which of the following break down proteoses to disaccharides (0) pepsin (b) trypsin (c) carboxypeptidases (4) all of the above (@) none Of the obBNe 415. Which ofthe following breck down dipeptides to omine cies (0) pepsin (b) trypsin (c] chymotrypsin (d) allof the above (@) none of the Bbove 16. Which of the. following break down ‘tripeptides to omino aleds (a) pepsin (b) trypsin (c) chymotrypsin (a) allof the above [e) none of the above 47, Which of the foslowing fuids is made up of 87.6% of water (o) salivary juice (b) pancreatic juice (ela HeCétl6 (4) al ofthe above {e) none of the above 48, Aminopeptideses break down which of the following substances (0) dipeptidases (b)tripeptidases {clorge polypeptides (d) all of the above (é)None of the above . 49. Which of the fotlowing is found in the succus entericus fo} pepsin (b trypsin (c) chymotrypsin () tnpeptidses (e) none of the above 20. Which ofthe following entymes ts found inthe succus entercus (o} phospholipase A(b) phospholipase 8 ic) carboxypeptidoses (0) tripeptidasé (¢) all of the above 21. Which of the enzymes break down trigierides to fatty acids (a) phospholipose —(b) down trig li Phospholipase 8 carboxypeptidases [d) intestinal MBa3e (e) alt of the above memene c)89 (d) 70 (é)inone ofthe above (a) duodenum (e} jejunum ar 22. Which of the foliowing stimulate the production ‘of hydrochloric acid in the stomach (3) Histamine (b) ( SECretin (¢) peptide VY (d) altof the above (e) none. ‘of the above 23 The stomoch wail is made up ofthe following layers except: (a) serous dover (b] mucous, layer (c) Iusculorlyer (8) submucost over (RE OLE DE gd 4 Mebsnerr nen con be, ee (G) serous (6) mucous (cfmuscular (A) SUBRUESEB) (e) Pane of the ebove 2s. The porasympathetic: ‘Supply to the stomach Per) gtossopharyngea! neve fe) 26. The-end product of carbahydrotes 27. Gne of the following {5 via : (2) hypoglossal nerve (b) trigeminal nerve. lalvagi ‘one of the above are (0) glucese (b) fructose (SHS SF theGBTE (a) none of the obove #8 Involved in carbohydrote digestion ag of is iitated by sary amylase (8) none of the ‘above (c) end product is ‘only glucose (d) panc omylose iereatic omylase is less potent than salivary m Inside to outside (0) mucosa — Mucosa ~ muscutor~subam tc -submucase-serosa- muscular (B)serosa- "casa (c) MUCORe: SubmucOSe HIT; 1SETOEB (2) none of the cove, felon of the above 33. Mostication (a) decrease. Surface area for entyme ond food lilineisorand canine Tela eh wg (e) improve taste (d)0.0nd (e} none of tne above 34. The Involuntary phase f degiatition {0) orc! (b) phoryngeat (loesephageat (a)Bande fe) ai of the above 35. Treatment of PUD sb ofthe above too tract have —___ constricting (6) contracting (c)ctictating (4) comtrocting/ dilstating (2) 44, Cranlol nerve 6 and 4 ore —_- »~

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