6 - Example of 3 Phase AC System - S-P-Q

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Chapter 12, Problem 30.

In Fig. 12.56, the rms value of the line voltage is 208 V. Find the average power
delivered to the load.

Figure 12.56
For Prob. 12.30.

Chapter 12, Solution 30.

Since this a balanced system, we can replace it by a per-phase equivalent, as

shown below.

+ ZL

3V 2 p VL
S = 3S p = , Vp =
Z*p 3

V 2L (208) 2
S= = = 1.4421∠45 o kVA
Z p 30∠ − 45
* o

P = S cosθ = 1.02 kW

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Chapter 12, Problem 31.

A balanced delta-connected load is supplied by a 60-Hz three-phase source with a line

voltage of 240 V. Each load phase draws 6 kW at a lagging power factor of 0.8. Find:
(a) the load impedance per phase
(b) the line current
(c) the value of capacitance needed to be connected in parallel with each load phase to
minimize the current from the source

Chapter 12, Solution 31.

Pp = 6,000, cosθ = 0.8, Sp = = 6 / 0.8 = 7.5 kVA
Q p = S P sin θ = 4.5 kVAR
S = 3S p = 3(6 + j 4.5) = 18 + j13.5 kVA
For delta-connected load, Vp = VL= 240 (rms). But

3V 2 p 3V 2 p 3(240) 2
S= ⎯
⎯→ Z*p = = , Z P = 6.144 + j 4.608Ω
Z*p S (18 + j13.5) x10 3

(b) Pp = 3VL I L cosθ ⎯
⎯→ IL = = 18.04 A
3 x 240 x0.8

(c ) We find C to bring the power factor to unity

Qc 4500
Qc = Q p = 4.5 kVA ⎯
⎯→ C= = = 207.2 µF
ωV rms 2πx60 x 240 2

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Chapter 12, Problem 32.

A balanced Y-load is connected to a 60-Hz three-phase source with Vab = 240 ∠0° V.
The load has pf = 0.5 lagging and each phase draws 5 kW. (a) Determine the load
impedance ZY . (b) Find Ia, Ib, and Ic.

Chapter 12, Solution 32.

(a) | Vab |= 3V p = 240 ⎯⎯
→ Vp = = 138.56
Van = V p < −30o
pf = 0.5 = cos θ ⎯⎯ → θ = 60o
P 5
P = S cos θ ⎯⎯→ S= = = 10 kVA
cos θ 0.5
Q = S sin θ = 10sin 60 = 8.66
S p = 5 + j8.66 kVA
V p2 V p2
SP = ⎯⎯
→ Z = =*
p = 0.96 − j1.663
Z *p S p (5 + j8.66) x103
Zp = 0.96 + j1.663 Ω
Van 138.56 < −30o
(b) Ia = = = 72.17 < −90o A
ZY 0.96 + j1.6627
I b = I a < −120o = 72.17 < −210o A
I c = I a < +120o = 72.17 < 30o A

PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. No part
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you are using it without permission.
Chapter 12, Problem 41.
A balanced delta-connected load draws 5 kW at a power factor of 0.8 lagging. If the
three-phase system has an effective line voltage of 400 V, find the line current.

Chapter 12, Solution 41.

P 5 kW
S= = = 6.25 kVA
pf 0.8

But S = 3 VL I L

S 6.25 × 10 3
IL = = = 9.021 A
3 VL 3 × 400

Chapter 12, Problem 42.

A balanced three-phase generator delivers 7.2 kW to a wye-connected load with
impedance 30 – j40 Ω per phase. Find the line current IL and the line voltage VL.

Chapter 12, Solution 42.

The load determines the power factor.
tan θ = = 1.333 ⎯ ⎯→ θ = 53.13°

pf = cos θ = 0.6 (leading)

⎛ 7.2 ⎞
S = 7.2 − j⎜ ⎟(0.8) = 7.2 − j9.6 kVA
⎝ 0.6 ⎠
But S = 3 Ip Zp

2 S (7.2 − j9.6) × 10 3
Ip = = = 80
3Zp (3)(30 − j40)

I p = 8.944 A

I L = I p = 8.944 A

S 12 × 10 3
VL = = = 774.6 V
3 IL 3 (8.944)

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