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Wednesday 4/10 Plan

Teacher (Candidate): Emily Harris Grade-Level: 10 Lesson Date: 4/10

Title of Lesson: Literary Theory & Julius Cooperating Teacher: H. Comer

Today’s Theme: Idioms, JC, and Literary
Theory Project

Core Components
After the See-think-wonder activity, TTW make it clear that Shakespeare uses many
idioms in his plays. TTW also ask students if they have seen any in this play so far.
(“He speaks greek to me”, “stab in the back”)
Subject, Content Area, or Topic
GSWLA English 10

Student Population
Block 1 GSWLA 18, 4 Male, 16 Females
Block 4 GSWLA 25, 6 Male, 19 Females, 2 504’s. 3 IEP’s, 1 BIP
Learning Objectives
10.3 The student will apply knowledge of word origins, derivations, and figurative language to extend
vocabulary development in authentic texts

d) Explain the meaning of common idioms

Students will know…How to identify and explain the meaning of common idioms

Virginia Standard(s) of Learning (SOL)

10.3 The student will apply knowledge of word origins, derivations, and figurative language to extend
vocabulary development in authentic texts

d) Explain the meaning of common idioms

● Instructional video about idioms
● Video of TV clips that use idioms- Learn English Idioms with TV Series & Movies | Advanced
English Idioms ( (I won’t show every clip in the video)
● Amelia Bedelia Read: Amelia Bedelia PDF
● Idiom Group Activity- Idioms Short Story Activity: - Google Docs (online text for
differentiation & student needs) Write out 20+ idiom phrases on slips of paper and put into a
● Idiom Assessment- Idiom Assessment Doc
● Closure: (for funsies: When Pigs Fly - Doritos Crash the Super Bowl 2015 WINNER

High Yield Instructional Strategies Used (Marzano, 2001)

Check if Used Strategy Return
Identifying Similarities & Differences 45%
X Summarizing & Note Taking 34%
X Reinforcing Efforts & Providing Recognition 29%
X Homework & Practice 28%
Nonlinguistic Representations 27%
X Cooperative Learning 23%
Setting Goals & Providing Feedback 23%
Generating & Testing Hypothesis 23%
X Questions, Cues, & Advanced Organizers 22%

Does your instructional input & modeling yield the positive returns you want for your students?
Check if Used Strategy Return
X Teach Others/Immediate Use of Learning 95%
X Practice by Doing 75%
X Discussion 50%
X Demonstration 30%
X Audio Visual 20%
X Reading 10%
X Lecture 05%

Safety Considerations
Emergency folder is ready and labeled with current rosters
Doors are locked
Aisle is free of clutter

Time Process Components

(min.) Key:

10-15 *Anticipatory Set

SEL Warm Up:
1 Paper SURPRISE MESSAGE CARD | Pull-Tab Origami Envelope (

TTW pull up a youtube tutorial on how to create a surprise message card, and walk
the students through how to make it.

warm-up part 2 - See-Think-Wonder: Idioms- See Think Wonder - Google Docs

2 TTW pull up the chart on Canvas and go over the instructions:
5-6 Students will start with SEE first.
min What do you see in the picture? Only note what you observe without any
What do you think is going on in the picture?
What does the picture make you wonder?
As students are answering on their document, TTW ask students to call out their
See-think-wonder observations.

After completing the activity, TTW ask if they know what idiom the picture is. “Big elephant
in the center of the room.” -Today we’ll talk about idioms!
[Chart is on separate document]
*State the Objectives (grade-level terms)

I will know…How to identify and explain the meaning of common idioms

5-10 *Instructional Input, Modeling, or Procedures
min ● TTW have students take out their notes.
● Students will take notes while the teacher provides a mini lesson on idioms:
What are idioms?
3 Idioms are a group of words in a fixed order that has a particular meaning that is different
from the meanings of each word on its own
To "bite off more than you can chew" is an idiom that means you have tried to do
something which is too difficult for you.
“When the teacher mentioned a surprise, the students were all ears.”

Website with more examples: 144 Key English Idioms You Should Learn to Sound More
Fluent | FluentU English
10-15 ● TSW watch part of the instructional video that discusses idioms and gives visual
representations. (0:48-2:45)
Idioms | What Are They? | How to Recognize and Understand English Idioms

● Idiom Examples from Modern TV shows:
○ This video provides an idiom, what it means, and a tv clip using the idiom in
○ TTW have students take note of the different idioms mentioned, the
example, and what it means
● TTW then ask the students if they are familiar with Amelia Bedelia. TTW say that
she commonly takes idioms seriously.
● TTW read an Amelia Bedelia Story on an Amelia Bedelia PDF

*Check for Understanding

*Guided Practice

5 *Independent Practice -
In light of short stories and Amelia Bedelia… you’ll write your own!
Idioms Short Story Activity: - Google Docs (online text for differentiation & student needs)
● Each group will be given 5 common idioms (students will draw out of a hat)
● Each group will have 1 designated writer and a piece of paper
● These groups must write a short story or skit using all of their idioms.
Option A: Short story
● Write a short story using all of your given idioms
● Your story must have a clear and understandable beginning, middle and end.
Make sure your story makes sense and isn’t just thrown together!
● Afterward you must pick one spokesperson to read your story to the class.
Option B: Skit
● Write a short skit, with a narrator and each person in your group playing the role as
a character. You must incorporate all of the common idioms that you are given.
Make sure your skit has a clear beginning, middle, and end. Afterward, your group
will present your skit by reading your lines.
● Students must write at least one full page.

6 Assessment
Idiom Assessment - Google Docs
Instructions: Write “YES” next to the sentence that contains an idiom. Write “NO” next to
the sentence that does not contain an idiom.
NOTE: If you write “YES,” write what the idiom means in the space provided below.

_____ 1.) Sally wondered when the next bus would show up.
_____ 2.) I was tickled when I heard the news.

_____ 3.) Don't cry over spilled milk; just clean it up and move on.

_____ 4.) Apples, oranges, and peanuts make a tangy snack.

_____ 5.) Sheep shouldn’t sleep in a shack, they should sleep in a shed.

_____ 6.) When life gives you lemons, make lemonade!

_____ 7.) She was as busy as a bee, moving swiftly from one task to another.

_____8.) I'm feeling under the weather today, so I think I'll stay home and rest.

_____9.) The curious puppy discovered a treasure trove of squeaky toys hidden under the
_____10.) Cycling to work kills two birds with one stone. It saves money and gives you
some exercise.
7 *Closure
TSW watch a short Doritos commercial with a commonly used idiom :)
When Pigs Fly - Doritos Crash the Super Bowl 2015 WINNER OFFICAL (

Differentiation Strategies (e.g. enrichment, accommodations, remediation, learning style, multicultural).

● Online Activity options for students with accommodations or with special needs.
● Short story interactive Activity
● video/visual representations
Classroom Management Strategies (To ensure a positive learning environment).
1. Have a timer loaded if needed
2. walk around class and monitor students

Lesson Reflection. To be completed following the lesson. Did your students meet the objective(s)? What
parts of the lesson would you change? Why? (Professor will determine if reflection goes here or in written report).

*Denotes Madeline Hunter lesson plan elements.

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