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Rodolfo Tobias

Trishia Briones

English 1302-

February 8, 2024

Reflection Essay

I learned some crucial principles of academic research that should be helpful in some other

courses in this first writing assignment. A crucial learning was the need for systematic

and thorough research procedures. I discovered that academic research entails finding

sources but also critically assessing them for relevance, dependability and authority. For

instance, while creating my annotated bibliography on video gaming and psychological

well being I learned to distinguish scholarly posts from trustworthy sites and anecdotal

evidence for my research. This capability to evaluate sources will be helpful in different

sessions where I have to research for essays or maybe projects or presentations. A further

crucial lesson learnt from academic research was the significance of synthesizing and

organizing information. This particular assignment taught me the importance of tracking

sources, taking excellent notes and structuring my views clearly. For instance, while

creating my annotated bibliography I learned the right way to structure my sources

efficiently with things like citation management software. I believe this can aid me in

different courses in which I have to manage massive amounts of info and deliver it

chronologically and clearly. In general, this particular assignment has taught me basics of

study which could be generalized to various other fields and can be beneficial for my

future academic career.

Annotated bibliography aided me with researching & writing. To begin with, it assisted me in

structuring my investigation by presenting the central arguments, techniques, and

outcomes from each resource. This process not just enhanced my expertise regarding the

topic but also showed me the connections and discrepancies in the literature. For

example, when commenting on research on video games 'effects on anxiety I recognized

that certain gaming genres and their results on various age groups could use more

research. This particular insight steered my ensuing research and also centered my

attention. Secondly, composing an annotated bibliography made me to write much much

better by conditioning my thinking and analytical capabilities. I learned how to evaluate

and provide complicated information by significantly evaluating each source and then

synthesising the major points succinctly. For instance, during the annotation of a paper on

the usage of online games in social interaction I learned to summarize information

efficiently and thus made my writing clear and exact. Future research and publishing

continues with an annotated bibliography. It is going to help me approach research duties

by arranging sources to a structured manner. For instance, when researching for a

sociology paper regarding crime rates in various areas of the city, I can reference an

annotated bibliography to compare and contrast different theories and empirical

researches to guide my argument and analysis.

As I did not see my instructor to finish this particular assignment, the only addition I needed to

make because of feedback was closing the hanging indent within my essay. This

particular change was easy: it simply needed formatting the citations a MLA style. I

thought that consistency in formatting helped to boost the general presentation and

professionalism of my annotated bibliography.

My annotated bibliography additionally improved through discussion with a classmate.

Something I modified through peer responses was how I arranged my annotations. My

classmate recommended reshelving the annotations to rationally order them based on the

themes and subjects of my investigation. I reordered my annotations to keep a clear flow

that made my annotated bibliography more legible and structured. An additional aspect

that changed in peer responses was the clarity of my annotations. My teacher mentioned

that a few of my annotations were unclear and required further explanation. I upgraded

these annotations with increased explanation and context, that made my annotations

much more succinct and clear. This particular feedback made me polish my annotated

bibliography generally by making each annotation succinct and clear.

The toughest part of this writing undertaking was locating academic papers for my annotated

bibliography. I couldn't find sources that provided comprehensive information on the

video game - mental health connection. Though extensive research on this particular

subject exists, locating scholarly articles which met the credibility and relevance criteria

was a challenge. For instance, I spent weeks in databases in addition to academic journals

searching for research which specifically addressed particular factors of video gaming

and psychological well being, like just how various gaming genres impact cognition or

even ways video game interventions impact psychological health. Nevertheless, writing

the assignment was the easiest part. As soon as I'd gathered and checked my sources,

composing the annotations was straightforward. The annotated bibliography structure

offered me a structure to organize my ideas and show the knowledge concisely and

clearly. For instance, when showing research on the impact of video games on anxiety I
managed to more readily provide the primary conclusions and implications in the

annotation format compared to a typical research paper.

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