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Learning Activity Sheet


Regional Office No. VIII - Eastern Visayas
Department of Education
Schools Division Office of Biliran
Larrazabal, Naval, Biliran

Statistics and Probability

Hypothesis Testing
Quarter 4 ● Week 1


Grace I.

What I Need to Know

Welcome to this module on HYPOTHESIS TESTING! This module is intended to help you, learners,
demonstrates understanding of key concepts of tests of hypotheses on the population mean and
population proportion.

At the end of the module, you should be able to:

1. illustrate: (a) null hypothesis; (b) alternative hypothesis; (c) level of significance; (d) rejection
region; and (e) types of errors in hypothesis testing, and
2. identify the parameter to be tested given a real-life problem.

Lesson 1: Hypothesis Testing

In junior high, you were taught that there are two branches of Statistics. These are descriptive
statistics and inferential statistics. Descriptive statistics describes data (for example, a chart or graph) and
inferential statistics allows you to make predictions (“inferences”) from that data.

In the previous module, you were already introduced to one of the main areas of inferential statistics
which was estimation of parameter. In this module, we will discuss the second main area of inferential
statistics which is hypothesis testing.

Figure 1: Branches of Statistics

Estimation of

What’s New
Activity: Weighing Decisions
The decisions we need to do in life are oftentimes hard. As we grow older, our problems become more
complicated so that decisions must be made with careful weighing of things. In weighing our choices in
life, our skill of discernment will be put to the test. Discernment is the ability to judge which things of a
particular kind are good and which are bad.

Discernment is a time-honored practice in the Christian tradition. In essence, discernment is a

decision-making process that honors the place of God's will in our lives. It is an interior search that seeks
to align our own will with the will of God in order to learn what God is calling us to. Every choice we make
is an opportunity to align ourselves to the will of God.
So in your next big or small decision in life, what do you think are the important things to consider
before taking action?
What Is It

A statistical hypothesis is a conjecture or supposition about a population parameter. This conjecture

may or may not be true. There are two types of hypothesis:

1. Null Hypothesis (H0) – is a statement saying that there is no significant difference between
population parameter and the specific value being claimed.
2. Alternative Hypothesis (H1) – is a statement saying that there is a significant difference between
population parameter and the specific value being claimed. This is a statement that will be true
once the null hypothesis is rejected.

Example #1
The Mathematics teacher claims that the mean IQ of Statistics students is 110. The mean IQ of the 32
randomly selected Statistics is 112 which is more than what the mathematics teacher claims. Can it be
concluded that the mean IQ of Statistics students is not 110?

In the given scenario, we are concerned with the population mean since our topic focuses on mean
IQ of Statistics students. Therefore, our parameter is…

= the mean IQ of Statistic students

Now, the claim of the Mathematics teachers is that the population mean is 110. Then our null
hypothesis is…
H0: The mean IQ of Statistics students is 110 or .

However, from a sample of 32 students, the computed sample mean is 112 which is not equal to
the claim of the mathematics teacher. Thus, our alternative hypothesis is… H1: The mean IQ of Statistic
students is not 110 or

Example #2
The LB Company produces an average of 4% defective bulbs each day. Recently, some of the
machines were upgraded. Out of the 400 bulbs randomly selected, only 14 bulbs were found defective.
Does this suggest that there is a decrease in the number of defective bulbs produced each day?
= the proportion of defective bulbs produced per day
H0: The proportion of defective bulbs produced per day is 4% or .
H1: The proportion of defective bulbs produced per day is less than 4% or .

It is note-worthy to remember that the null and alternative hypothesis cannot be true at the same
time. A statistical test will be conducted to the data from the sample in order to make a decision on
whether the null hypothesis should be rejected or not. In doing hypothesis testing, there are four
possibilities that could take place. They are illustrated in the table below.

Figure 2: Types of Error

Decision True State of Nature

The null hypothesis is true. The null hypothesis is false.

Reject the null Type I error Correct Decision
hypothesis or H0.

pg. 3
Do not reject the Correct Decision Type II error
null hypothesis or
The table shows the two types of error that could occur when the decision made does not align with
the true state of nature. The two types of error are:

1. Type I error – is committed when the researcher rejects a null hypothesis when in fact it is true.
The probability of committing Type I error is called the level of significance. Alpha is used to
represent the probability of a Type I error.

2. Type II error – is committed when the researcher fails to reject a null hypothesis that is false.
Beta is used to represent the probability of a Type II error.

Error in Decision Type Probability

Reject a true H0 I
Retain a false H0 II

In our inference, we base our decision from only one sample. Thus, there is a possibility that we
may commit an error. However, to minimize the probability of committing a type I error, we can decrease
the value of also called the level of significance.

The level of significance, alpha , corresponds to the rejection region and the difference of one
and the alpha ( ) corresponds to the area of the curve occupied by the non-rejection region. The
most commonly used values for alpha are 0.01, 0.05, and 0.10. When the study deals with life and
death situations, it is advisable to use 0.01 or less but when it is on social research, it can simply use 5%
or 10%. For each level of significance, there corresponds a level of confidence ( ). For example, a
level of significance of 5% corresponds to a 95% level of confidence.

Figure 3: Rejection and Non-Rejection Region

The rejection region (or critical region) is the range of values of the test value that indicates that
there is a significant difference between the actual value of the parameter and its hypothesized value.
This means that the null hypothesis should be rejected.

The non-rejection area (or non-critical region or acceptance region) is the range of values of the
test value that indicates that the difference was probably due to chance and that the null hypothesis
should be rejected.

To identify the rejection and non-rejection area, which will be our basis in accepting or rejecting
the null hypothesis H0, we need to identify the nature of our hypothesis first. The two types of test are
one-tailed test (or directional test) and two-tailed test (or non-directional test).

pg. 4
1. One-tailed test (or directional test)- the rejection region is on one side of the mean. If the
alternative hypothesis has the inequality symbol >, then it is a right-tailed test. When the
alternative hypothesis has the inequality symbol <, then it is a left-tailed test.

Figure 4: One-tailed Test

2. Two-tailed test (or non-directional test)- the rejection region is on both sides of the curve. If the
alternative hypothesis contains the inequality ( ) symbol, then the test is two-tailed. Alpha
which corresponds to the rejection region is divided equally between the two tails.

Figure 5: Two-tailed Test

The point that separates the rejection and non-rejection area is called the critical value, which is
derived from the level of significance. In a hypothesis testing, the following are the most common critical
values based on the level of significance and type of test.

Table 2: Critical Values

Level of Level of One-tailed Test Two-tailed Test

Significance Confidence Left-tailed (<) Right-tailed (>)

pg. 5
10% 90% -1.28 +1.28
5% 95% -1.645 +1.645
1% 99% -2.33 +2.33

Example #3

A popcorn company says that at least 95% of their kernels will pop when microwaved. A critic says this
is too high of a claim for a 90% level of confidence.

The critic says that the claim is too high. Thus, he is pertaining that the proportion should be less
than 95%. Therefore, the alternative hypothesis denotes a < symbol which makes it a one-tailed test
specifically left-tailed test.

= the proportion of kernels that will pop when microwaved

H0: The proportion of kernels that will pop when microwaved is 95% or .
H1: The proportion of kernels that will pop when microwaved is less than 95% or .

The level of significance is 0.10 because of the 90% level of confidence. Therefore, the critical
value is -1.28 (see Figure 6.)

Figure 6: Rejection Region for Example 3

Example #4

The Green Boat company claims they are able to sell 200 boats per year. In the year 2018, it was
recorded that they sold 250 boats. With 99% confidence level, is it enough to prove that the average sold
Green Boat Company is not 200?

= the average number of boats sold per year by Green Boat Company
H0: The average number of boats sold per year by Green Boat Company is 200 or . H1: The
number of boats sold per year by Green Boat Company is not 200 or .

Since the alternative hypothesis denotes a symbol, then this is a two-tailed test. The level of
significance is 0.01 because of the 99% level of confidence. Therefore, the critical values are
(see Figure 7).

Figure 7: Rejection Region for Example 4

pg. 6
What’s More
Activity 1: Null and Alternate Hypothesis
Instruction: Write the null and alternative hypotheses in words and in symbols for each situation.

1. A pharmaceutical company claims that their pain reliever capsule is 70% effective but a clinical
test on this capsule showed 65 out of 100 effectiveness.
2. A politician believes that he is favored by 85% of voters. An opponent says this is too high for him
to claim.
3. An electric company says that the average consumption of residents in a certain town is 300 kWh
per month. However, the town’s mayor says their town’s residents consume less.
4. A barangay official claims that the mean family income of his constituents is Php 30,000 but
some group of residents believe that this is not true.
5. A fitness club claims that their routines can elevate heart rates of up to 200 bpm on the average.
A critic says this is an overestimate of the actual average.

Activity 2: One-tailed or Two-tailed Test

Instruction: Determine whether the test is one-tailed test or two-tailed test.
1. A researcher claims that a method of teaching affects learning.
2. A food additive enhances food flavor.
3. A study habit improves the memory.
4. Health is related to lifestyle.
5. People’s culture affects tourism.

What I Have Learned

Activity: Missing Piece
Instruction: Write word/s on the blanks that will complete the following sentences.

1. The statement “There is a difference between a parameter and a specific value.” is called
2. When the value of the test statistics lies on the rejection region, we will reject the null hypothesis.
3. In hypothesis testing, the maximum allowable probability of committing a type I error is symbolized
by? Alpha
4. A 99% confidence level corresponds to a/an 1% level of significance.
5. The Critical Value separates the rejection region from the non-rejection region.
6. A one-tailed test is called a/an Left Tailed Test if the alternative hypothesis has the inequality
symbol <.
7. There is a rejection region on both sides of the curve in a/an TWO-TAILED Test
8. The decision-making process of evaluating claims about the population based on the characteristics
of a sample is called Hypothesis Testing.

What I Can Do
Activity: Which Tail?
Instruction: Given the null and alternative hypotheses, determine the hypothesis test used (left-tailed,
right-tailed, or two-tailed) then sketch the graph of each to present the rejection and non-rejection region.

pg. 7
To test if you have really understood the lessons contained in this module answer the given post-
assessment. Write the letter of the answer before the number.

1. The purpose of hypothesis testing is to reach a conclusion about _____ by examining the data
contained in _____.
A. a population, a sample C. a population, an experiment
B. an experiment, a sample D. a sample, a population

2. Which of the following is TRUE?

A. Exactly one of the null or alterative hypothesis must be true.
B. Both the null and alternative hypotheses must be true.
C. It is possible for both the null and alternative hypotheses to be true.
D. It is possible for neither the null hypothesis nor alternative hypothesis to be true

3. In testing a hypothesis, whenever you fail to hypothesis, it means that _____.

A. the null hypothesis may be true C. an error is committed
B. the null hypothesis is true D. a error is committed

4. Which of the following is NOT a typical value assigned to

A. 0.01 B. 0.10 C. 0.05 D. 0.25

5. What do we call the point that separates the rejection and non-rejection region?
A. level of significance C. intersection
B. critical value D. level of confidence

6. The alternative hypothesis can be _____.

A. one-tailed C. two-tailed
B. neither one nor two-tailed D. one-tailed or two-tail

7. This refers to an intelligent guess about a population proportion.

A. Hypothesis B. Test statistic C. Decision D. Interpretation

8. When the null hypothesis is rejected, which of the following is TRUE?

A. There is sufficient evidence to back up the decision.
B. There is no sufficient evidence to back up the decision.
C. The conclusion is guaranteed.
D. The conclusion is not guaranteed.

9. For the 95% confidence level,

A. B. C. D.

10. The level of significance is also known as _____.

A. Probability of Type I error C. Probability of Type II error
B. error D. validity error

11. Which symbols is used by the alternative hypothesis in a one-tailed test?

A. > or = B. < or C. = or D. > or <

12. A one-tailed test is called a right-tailed test when the alternative hypothesis includes the symbol.

pg. 8
A. = B. C. > D. <

For numbers 13-15, refer to the given problem below.

A trainer says his team athletes have an average of 92 physical fitness rating, but someone in the crowd
think they still have to work harder in order to reach this rate.

13. What is the parameter in interest?

A. = the average of physical fitness rating
B. = the average number of crowd in a sport event
C. = the proportion physically fit athletes
D. = the proportion audience who loves sports

14. What is the null hypothesis of the situation?

A. H0: C. H0:
B. H0: D. H0:

15. What is the alternative hypothesis of the situation?

A. H0: C. H0:
B. H0: D. H0:

Additional Activity

Activity: Reject or Retain?

Instruction: Identify the null hypothesis, alternate hypothesis, level of significance and level of confidence
of the following. Afterwards, sketch the graph of each item to show the rejection, non-rejection region,
and critical value. (left-tailed, right-tailed, or two-tailed)

1. A librarian of a school claims that all their grade 11 students read an average of 10 storybooks a
month with a standard deviation of 2 books. A random sample of grade 8 students read an average
of 12 books a month and a standard deviation of 1 book. The confidence statement is 95%.

H0: H1:
level of significance ( = level of
confidence ( )=

2. A government agency is investigating a complaint from some concerned citizens who said that there
is short-weight selling of rice in a certain town. An agent manufacturer took a random sample of 20
sacks of “50-kilo” sacks of rice from a large shipment and finds that the mean weight is 49.7 kilogram
with a standard deviation of 0.35 kilogram. The level of significance is 0.01.

H0: H1:

pg. 9
level of significance ( = level of
confidence ( )=

pg. 10
pg. 11
Learner’s Module in Statistics and Probability
Hypothesis and Test-Statistics
Quarter 4 ● Week 2

This module shall specifically guide you, our dear learners, to acquire the following skills or
1. formulate the appropriate null and alternative hypotheses on a population mean; and
2. identify the appropriate form of the test-statistic when: (a) the population variance is assumed to
be known; (b) the population variance is assumed to be unknown; and (c) the Central Limit
Theorem is to be used.

What I Know
Answer the following multiple-choice questions to get an overview of the concepts that we shall be
studying in this module. Write the letter before the number.
1. It is an intelligent guess about the characteristic of a population.
a. mean b. proportion c. hypothesis d. test statistic

2. Which distribution applies if , population mean ( ) is known and population standard

deviation ( ) is unknown?
a. x-distribution b. z-distribution c. s-distribution d. t-distribution

3. Which of the following test statistic is appropriate to use when the sample data is less than 30?

4. Which of the following statements is TRUE?

a. A null hypothesis is denoted by .
b. In alternative hypothesis, the observations are the result of real effect plus chance
c. The null hypothesis is the hypothesis of effect.
d. Alternative hypothesis is the theory that researchers believe not to be true and aims to prove
5. Suppose we are interested in the average performance of a group of students in English test.
Specifically, we are interested in deciding whether or not the mean performance of the
students is say for example, equal to 85. Which of the following represents the null hypothesis
of the given situation0?
c.The mean score in English of the students is greater than 85.
d.The mean score of students in English is not 85.

6. From the situation in number 5, which of the following is the alternative hypothesis?

pg. 12
c.The mean score in English of the students is greater than 85.
d.The mean score of students in English is not 85.
7. Calculate the test statistic given the following data: , , ,
a. 0.606 b. 0.706 c. 0.766 d. 0.607

For numbers 8 – 10, refer to the situation below:

The body mass index is calculated by dividing a person’s weight by the square of his/her height.
That is, body mass index equals weight/(height)2. This measure determines whether a person is
overweight or not. Suppose that a person is overweight if his/her body mass index is above 24
kg/m2 and a random sample of 20 individuals from a certain place have the following body mass
24.2 33.1 24.2 29.9 30.4 32.8 17.5 23.1 28.7 24.2
27.8 29.4 19.6 28.5 28.2 25.7 22.0 29.0 35.9 18.5

8. What is the mean body mass index of the random sample of 20 individuals and its standard
a. 26.64 and 4.96 b. 25.54 and 4.97
c. 26.54 and 4.96 d. 26.55 and 4.97

9. What distribution will be used in calculating the given situation?

a. x-distribution b. z-distribution
c. s-distribution d. t-distribution
10. What is the calculated test statistic of the given situation?
a. 5.38 b. 4.38 c. 3.38 d. 2.38

What’s In
Many of the important decisions we have to make involves a choice between alternatives. Even
such an insignificant act as crossing a street with oncoming cars, one decides whether to cross the street
or wait until the cars have passed. Here, different decisions are reached depending on the assumption that
works with, that is, the cars will either slow down or they will not. Assumptions such as these are referred to
as hypothesis. Any assumption or assertion made on the distribution of a population which is either true or
false is called statistical hypothesis. A statistical procedure in determining which hypothesis is more
acceptable as true or which hypothesis is more likely to be false is known as hypothesis testing.

What’s New
What is your preferred distance learning modality?

Suppose your school principal wants to know the preferred distance learning modality of learners this time
of pandemic so that the matter will be brought for school policy formulation. How will he decide? What
evidence does the principal need in order to be credible?

pg. 13
Task: Collect information from your classmates about their preferred distance learning modality
this time of pandemic. Follow the instruction in the following table.

1. Assume that your class constitutes a random sample.

2. Have your classmates answer the following survey (via email, google forms, messenger poll, text
message, call or whichever is applicable in your scenario) concerning your classmates preferred
distance learning modality this time of pandemic.

Check the following distance learning modality according to your preference this time of
Distance Learning Strongly Slightly Prefer Don’t
Prefer (3)
Modality Prefer (4) (2) Prefer (1)
a. Modular (print)
b. Modular (digital)
c. Online
d. Educational TV
e. Radio-based instruction
f. Homeschooling
g. Blended

4. How many students participated in the survey?

5. Basing on your previous lesson, calculate the weighted mean of each learning modality.

6. What can you conclude about the preferred distance learning modality of your classmates?

The given activity primarily gave us steps where we get a random sample from the population,
collect data from the sample, and use this sample data to make decision. In coming up with decisions, we
initially have hypothesis in mind which is subject to test. Hypothesis, as you have learned earlier, is a
statement about the target population. Null hypothesis and alternative hypothesis are the types of
hypothesis. In the given activity, suppose that the principal claims that the preferred distance learning
modality of learners is modular (printed). The claim of the principal can either be true or false which is then
subject to hypothesis testing. Hypothesis testing is a decision-making process for evaluating claims about
a population based on the characteristics of a sample. The decision is whether the characteristics is
acceptable or not. Between the null hypothesis and alternative hypothesis, it is usually the null hypothesis
that is subject to the rigor of a statistical test.

Going back to the activity, is the principal correct in claiming that the preferred distance learning
modality of learners is modular (printed)? Let’s figure it out!

What Is It


Writing null and alternative hypothesis is a simple task. Given a particular hypothesis, if you come
up with a positive statement that says a relationship exists or a difference exists between the groups, you
have an alternative hypothesis. If the statement such that a relationship does not exist or there is no
difference, you have a null hypothesis.

pg. 14
The null hypothesis ( H O ) is usually observations which are result purely of
chance or the hypothesis of no effect.
The alternative hypothesis ( H a ) is that there is a real effect, or that the
observations are the result of this real effect plus chance variations.
Example 1: A researcher wants to determine whether male students experience the same levels of
test anxiety with male students.

Null hypothesis:
There is no difference in the test anxiety between male and female students.

In symbol,

Alternative hypothesis:
a) There is difference in the test anxiety between male and female students. (two-tailed test)

In symbol,

b) The test anxiety of male students is higher than the female students. (one-tailed test, right

In symbol,

c) The test anxiety of male students is lower than the female students. (one-tailed test, left

In symbol,

Example 2: A teacher thinks that using modules will enhance the performance of students in
Statistics. In the past, the average grade of students was 80.

Null hypothesis:
The average performance of students in Statistics will not be enhanced, so it could be the
same or even lower.

In symbol,

Alternative hypothesis:
The average performance of students in Statistics will increase. The performance will be

In symbol,


Given a statistical hypothesis, there is a specific and appropriate test statistics for it. A test
statistic is used in a hypothesis test when you are deciding to support or reject the null hypothesis.
The test statistic takes your data from an experiment or survey and compares your results to the
results you would expect from the null hypothesis.

Testing population means

In testing the mean of a single population, the following cases are to consider:

pg. 15
Case Test statistic Example
1. ; Population standard A researcher used a developed problem
population mean deviation ( ) is solving test to randomly select 100 Grade
and known, therefore, the 11 students. In this sample, the average
population test statistic is z-test was computed to 90. The population mean
standard which is represented by and standard deviation was 88 and 6,
deviation ( ) respectively.
the formula:
are known. The
Central Limit Given: , , ,
Theorem is
applied. Find the value of .
Step 1. Write the computing formula.
= sample mean
= population mean
= population standard
= total number of
sample Step 2. Replace the terms in the formula by
the giving values then compute.

2. ; Population standard A researcher used a developed

population mean deviation ( ) is problem solving test to randomly select 100
( ) is unknown and is Grade 11 students. The mean
known and greater than or equal to score computed was 83 and from the
population 30, therefore, the sample, mean and standard deviation was
standard test statistic is z-test 80 and 4, respectively.
deviation ( ) is which is represented
unknown. When by the formula: Given: , , ,
CLT is
applied, the
sample standard Find the value of .
deviation may Step 1. Write the computing formula.
be used as an
= sample mean
= population mean
= sample standard
= total number of Step 2. Replace the terms in the formula by
sample the giving values then compute.

pg. 16
3. ; Population standard A water-treatment plant has a target pH of
population mean deviation ( ) is 8.0. Based on 16 random samples, the
is unknown and is less mean is 7.6 and standard deviation is 0.4.
known and than 30, therefore, the
population test statistic is t-test Given: ̅ ,
standard which is represented
deviation ( ) is by the formula: Find the value of .
unknown Step 1. Write the computing formula.
(usually the
case), the
sample standard
deviation may
be used as an
= sample mean
estimate. Step 2. Replace the terms in the formula by
= population mean
the giving values then compute.
= sample standard
= total number of

The selection of the statistical test depends on the manner in which the sample was drawn from the
population, the nature of the population and the level of measurement used in the collection of data. Once
the test statistic is chosen, then the sampling distribution is determined so that the probability statements
about the occurrence or non-occurrence of its values can be obtained which you will discover in your next

What’s More
Answer what is being asked in each item.

1. A classroom teacher hypothesizes that using lecture method in teaching specific lesson is the same
as teaching it using demonstration method in terms of students’ learning. This means that students
who were taught using the lecture method would perform similarly (say on a test) than those were
taught using demonstration method. Formulate the null and alternative hypothesis in sentence and
in symbol.

2. According to NSCB statistics, the life expectancy of Filipino women is 70.1 years. Suppose a
random sample of 30 women in town B yields a mean of 72.5 years with a population variance of
4.76 years, would you say that the life expectancy of the women in town B is greater than the

3. Medical literature tells us that our blood is mainly composed of red and white corpuscles and a
normal human body must average of white blood cell counts. If a sample of 15
individuals chosen at random from a certain place has an average of with a standard
deviation of , would you say that the people in that place have low white blood cell
For no. 2 and 3 answer the ff.

pg. 17
a. Formulate the null and alternative hypothesis in sentence and in symbol
b. Determine what test statistic to use
c. Compute the test statistic

What I Have Learned

Complete the following sentences to summarize the concepts we have tackled in this module.

1. A hypothesis is basically a statement about the target population.

2. A statistical hypothesis is an assertion or conjecture concerning one or more population. Two
forms of which is null hypothesis and alternative hypothesis.

3. A test statistics is used in a hypothesis test when you are deciding to support or reject the null

4. The test statistic to use when the case is and population mean ( ) and population variance (
) are known is z test.

5. The formula for test statistics is used when the sample population is less than 30.

What I Can Do
In the activity under What’s New, you were tasked to gather data concerning the preferred distance
learning modality of your classmates. Suppose in your calculation you have surveyed 33 of your
classmates where the average mean of learners preferring modular (print) as their preferred distance
learning modality this time of pandemic is 3.42 with population variance of 1.13. According to the school’s
data, the average preference of learners who prefer modular (print) is 2.91. Is the principal correct in
claiming that modular (print) is the preferred distance learning modality of learners this time of pandemic?

Task: 1. Write the null and alternative hypothesis in words and in symbol.
2. Determine what test statistic to use.
3. Calculate the test statistic value.

Answer the following multiple-choice questions to get an overview of the concepts that we shall be
studying in this module.

1. Which of the following is the test statistic to use when the sample data is less than 30?

2. Which distribution applies if , population mean ( ) is known and population standard

deviation ( ) is unknown.
a. x-distribution b. s-distribution c. z-distribution d. t-distribution
3. It is an intelligent guess about the characteristics of a population.
a. mean b. proportion c. hypothesis d. test statistic
4. Suppose we are interested in the average performance of a group of students in English test.
Specifically, we are interested in deciding whether or not the mean performance of the students is

pg. 18
say for example, equal to 85. Which of the following represents the null hypothesis of the given
b. just
c. The mean score in English of the students is greater than 85.
d. The mean score of students in English is not 85.

5. From the situation in number 4, which of the following is the alternative hypothesis?
c. The mean score in English of the students is greater than 85.
d. The mean score of students in English is not 85.

6. Which of the following statements is TRUE?

a. A null hypothesis is denoted by .
b. In alternative hypothesis, the observations are the result of real effect plus chance variations.
c. The null hypothesis is the hypothesis of effect.
d. Alternative hypothesis is the theory that researchers believe not to be true and aims to prove it.

7. Calculate the test statistic given the following data: , , , .

a. 0.606 b. 0.706 c. 0.766 d. 0.607

For 8 – 10 items, refer to the situation below:

The body mass index is calculated by dividing a person’s weight by the square of his/her height.
That is, body mass index equals weight/ . This measure determines whether a person is
overweight or not. Suppose that a person is overweight if his/her body mass index is above 24 kg/
and a random sample of 20 individuals from a certain place have the following body mass

24.2 33.1 24.2 29.9 30.4 32.8 17.5 23.1 28.7 24.2
27.8 29.4 19.6 28.5 28.2 25.7 22.0 29.0 35.9 18.5

8. What is the mean body mass index of the random sample of 20 individuals and its standard
a. 26.64 and 4.96 b. 25.54 and 4.97 c. 26.54 and 4.96 d. 26.55 and 4.97

9. What distribution will be used in calculating the given situation?

a. x-distribution b. z-distribution c. s-distribution d. t-distribution

10. What is the calculated test statistic of the given situation?

a. 5.38 b. 4.38 c. 3.38 d. 2.38

pg. 19
Additional Activity
Try answering the following:

1. Use the internet to collect data worth investigating this time of pandemic (mean age of NCOV19 positive
cases in the different regions, average recoveries of NCOV 19 per province, mean percentage of
number of NCOV positive per day in the inter world). Formulate the null hypothesis and alternative
hypothesis of your data at hand.

2. Mathematical Journal. Answer the question: Is hypothesis testing an efficient way of solving problems?
Explain your answer in not more than 10 sentence. Provide real life experience of your own.


pg. 20
Show your solution if necessary

Week no. 1
Performance Output for Week 1
1. Answer the Additional Activity in a bond paper or make a
2 video presentation and discuss your answer. Just choose
3 Copy and answer
5 Performance Output for Week 2
6 Answer the Additional Activity in a bond paper or make a
7 video presentation and discuss your answer. Just choose
8 Copy and answer
10 Criteria:
11 Creativity – 40%
12 Originality/Clarity – 20%
13 Content – 40%
14 Total = 100%
Deadline : End of Semester

Week no. 2


pg. 21
pg. 22

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