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Peace between and among States, Humans, and the Natural Environment

GRADE 11- Peace and values

Learning Objectives:

 Students will define peace in its various contexts (between states, among humans, and with
the natural environment).
 Students will analyze how conflicts on one level can impact peace on other levels.
 Students will explore strategies for promoting peace at different levels.


 Whiteboard or Projector
 Markers/Pens
 Handout: "The Three Pillars of Peace" (provided)
 Chart Paper
 Markers

Lesson Procedure:



1. Brainstorming: Begin by asking students to brainstorm what the word "peace" means to
them. Write their responses on the board/projector.
2. Discussion: Facilitate a discussion about the different aspects of peace. Ask questions like:
o Can peace exist between countries at war while their citizens are not at peace?
o Can humans live in peace with each other while causing harm to the environment?
3. Introduce the Concept: Explain that peace is not just the absence of war but a multifaceted
concept that encompasses peace within oneself, peace between individuals, peace within
societies, and peace with the environment.

Activity 1: Causes of Conflict

1. Group Work: Divide students into small groups. Assign each group to focus on one type of
conflict (between states, between humans, or between humans and the environment).
2. Presentations: Each group will present their findings to the class, explaining the causes of
conflict within their category.

Hour 2:

Activity 2: Building Peace

1. Peace Symbols: Briefly discuss famous peace symbols (dove, olive branch, etc.) and their
meanings (optional).
2. Peace Project: Divide students into pairs. Instruct them to create a collage or drawing that
represents their vision of peace for one of the categories discussed earlier. Encourage them to
incorporate symbols and messages.
3. Sharing: Each pair will present their collage/drawing to the class, explaining their message
and how it promotes peace.

Reflection: Ask students to reflect on the lesson in a short writing prompt: "What can you do, as an
individual, to promote peace in your community and the world?"

Summary: Briefly summarize the key takeaways from the lesson.

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