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List of Letters and Symbols

* - End of program line/block

A - A axis of machine
B - B axis of machine
C - C axis of machine
D - Tool radius compensation number
F - Feedrate
G - See G-codes table
H - Tool length offset index
I - X axis offset for arc
I - X offset in G87 canned cycle
J - Y axis offset for arcs
J - Y offset in G87 canned cycle
K - Z axis offset for arcs
K - Z offset in G87 canned cycle
L - Number or repetitions in canned cycles/subroutines
L - L1/L2: tool offset settings / fixture offset (with G10)
M - See M-codes
N - Line number
O - Subroutine label number
P - Dwell time in a canned cycle
P - Dwell time with G4
P - Tool / Fixture number (with G10)
P - Tool radius (with G41 / G42
Q - Feed increment in G83 canned cycle
Q - Repetitions of subroutine call
R - Arc radius
R - Canned cycle retract level
S - Spindle speed
T - Tool selection
X - X axis of machine
Y - Y axis of machine
Z - Z axis of machine

M Code/G Code List

Below you will find a list of common codes many builders use. Please remember, all machines
may be configured differently, and the list below may not match your machine perfectly. If fact,
virtually all M-Codes above M79 will vary from builder to builder. Please make sure to contact
your machine tool builder to be sure.

Typical G Command for a Machining Center

• (G – Codes are written by Fanuc)
• G00 - Moves the tool in rapid travel (not necessarily a straight line)
• G01 - Moves the tool using a set feedrate
• G02 - Moves the tool along a clockwise arc path
• G03 - Moves the tool along a counter-clockwise path
• G04 - Sets a dwell time in seconds or revolutions of the spindle
• G10 - Data setting
• G11 - Data setting mode cancel
• G17 - Establishes axis movement in the X and Y axis planes
• G18 - Establishes axis movement in the X and Z axis planes
• G19 - Establishes axis movement in the Y and Z axis planes
• G20 - Values are in Inches
• G21 - Values are in millimetres
• G28 - Return to reference position
• G30 - Second reference position
• G33 - Thread cutting
• G40 - Cancel cutter compensation
• G41 - Cutter compensation left
• G42 - Cutter compensation right
• G43 - Tool length compensation positive
• G44 - Tool length compensation negative
• G49 - Tool length compensation cancelation
• G53 - Machine Coordinate move
• G54 - Use workpiece coordinate number 1
• G55 - Use workpiece coordinate number 2
• G56 - Use workpiece coordinate number 3
• G57 - Use workpiece coordinate number 4
• G58 - Use workpiece coordinate number 5
• G59 - Use workpiece coordinate number 6
• G60 - Single direction positioning
• G65 - Macro call
• G66 - Macro modal call
• G67 - Macro modal call cancel
• G73 - Peck drilling cycle
• G76 - Fine boring cycle
• G80 - Canned cycle cancel
• G81 - Drilling cycle or spot boring cycle
• G82 - Drilling cycle or counter boring cycle
• G83 - Peck drilling cycle
• G84 - Tapping cycle
• G85 - Boring cycle
• G86 - Boring cycle
• G87 - Back boring cycle
• G88 - Boring cycle
• G89 - Boring cycle
• G90 - Absolute measurements
• G91 - Incremental measurements
• G94 - Feed per minute
• G95 - Feed per revolution of the spindle
• G96 - Constant surface speed control
• G97 - Constant surface speed control cancelation
• G98 - Return to initial point in canned cycle
• G99 - Return to R point is canned cycle
Typical M Commands for a Machining Center
• M00 - Program stop
• M01 - Optional stop
• M02 - End of program
• M03 - Spindle on Clockwise
• M04 - Spindle on Counter-clockwise
• M05 - Spindle stop
• M06 - Tool change
• M08 - Coolant on
• M09 - Coolant off
• M10 - Clamp
• M11 - Unclamp
• M30 - End of program and rewind to beginning of program
• M98 - Call subprogram
• M99 - End subprogram

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