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Neurological Sciences


Efficacy of low‑level laser therapy in nerve injury repair—a new era

in therapeutic agents and regenerative treatments
Xellen Cunha Muniz1 · Ana Carolina Correa de Assis2 · Bruna Stefane Alves de Oliveira2 ·
Luiz Fernando Romanholo Ferreira3,4 · Muhammad Bilal5 · Hafiz M. N. Iqbal6 · Renato Nery Soriano7

Received: 24 April 2021 / Accepted: 8 July 2021

© Fondazione Società Italiana di Neurologia 2021

Background Traumatic nerve injuries may result in severe motor dysfunctions. Although the microenvironment of peripheral
axons favors their regeneration, regenerative process is not always successful.
Purpose We reviewed and discussed the main findings obtained with low-level laser therapy (LLLT), a therapeutic interven-
tion that has been employed in order to achieve an optimized regeneration process in peripheral axons.
Scope Disseminating the best available evidence for the effectiveness of this therapeutic strategy can potentially improve
the statistics of success in the clinical treatment of nerve injuries. We found evidence that LLLT optimizes the regeneration
of peripheral axons, improving motor function, especially in animal models. Nonetheless, further clinical evidence is still
needed before LLLT can be strongly recommended. Although the results are promising, the elucidation of the mechanisms
of action and safety assessment are necessary to support highquality clinical studies.
Conclusion The present careful compilation of findings with consistent pro-regenerative evidence and published in respected
scientific journals can be valuable for health professionals and researchers in the field, possibly contributing to achieve more
promising results in future randomized controlled trials and interventions, providing better prognosis for clinical practice.

Keywords Peripheral axon · Axon regeneration · Photobiomodulation · Pro-regenerative interventions

* Muhammad Bilal Introduction
* Renato Nery Soriano The literature regarding the prevalence of traumatic nerve injury is sparse and variable according to the compromised
1 topography. Some recent cohort studies have shown a preva-
Department of Physical Therapy, Federal University of Juiz
de Fora, 35032‑620 Governador Valadares‑MG, Brazil lence of 1.8 to 3.3%, with a higher prevalence in the age
2 group of 16 to 59 years (82.7–86.1%), in men (78.6%–80%),
Department of Medicine, Federal University of Juiz de Fora,
35032‑620 Governador Valadares‑MG, Brazil mainly related to traffic accidents, involving motorcycles
3 and car collisions. An interesting finding is the fact that, on
Graduate Program in Process Engineering, Tiradentes
University (UNIT), Av. Murilo Dantas, 300, Farolândia, initial admission, trauma patients with concomitant nerve
Aracaju‑Sergipe 49032‑490, Brazil damage have a higher incidence of shock and length of hos-
Institute of Technology and Research (ITP), Tiradentes pital stay, when compared to patients without this type of
University (UNIT), Av. Murilo Dantas, 300, Farolândia, lesion [1, 2]. In response to trauma causing partial or total
Aracaju‑Sergipe 49032‑490, Brazil nerve rupture, a series of events results in morphological and
School of Life Science and Food Engineering, Huaiyin functional changes—neuroplasticity—that may or may not
Institute of Technology, Huaian 223003, China restore the functionality of the injured nerve(s). The neuron
Tecnologico de Monterrey, School of Engineering capacity of self-recovery is already well known and is par-
and Sciences, Campus Monterrey, Ave. Eugenio Garza Sada ticularly present (and not diminished) in autonomic, sensory,
2501, CP 64849 Monterrey, N.L., Mexico and motor neurons. In this context, regenerative neuroplas-
Division of Physiology and Biophysics, Department ticity can, therefore, promote the morphofunctional restora-
of Basic Life Sciences, Federal University of Juiz de Fora, tion of injured peripheral axons.
35010‑177 Governador Valadares‑MG, Brazil

Neurological Sciences

We do not address here scientific advances in the under- related to synaptic transmission and axonal stability [9,
standing of cellular and molecular phenomena inherent to 10].
the axon regeneration process itself. However, it is worth (3) Axonal growth cone. Finally, the third aspect that
highlighting in the next three paragraphs fundamental deserves to be mentioned is the generation and pro-
aspects of (1) Wallerian degeneration, (2) chromatolysis, gression of a growth cone—regenerative growth of the
and (3) axonal growth cones. proximal axonal stump (Fig. 1). This process is also
engendered by the influx of C ­ a2+ ions into the neuron
(1) Wallerian degeneration. Degeneration of the distal and presents three stages: protrusion, engorgement,
stump of the injured axon (Wallerian degeneration) and consolidation. In protrusion, phylopodiums and
is engendered by the rupture of the axonal membrane lamelipodiums filled with actin F extend from the main
and the consequent and intense influx of calcium ions, edge of the growth cone; during engorgement, dynamic
which promote depolarization of the neuron mem- microtubules enter the newly formed protrusions,
brane, activation of calcium-activated proteases, and bringing vesicles and organelles; and, finally, consoli-
reshaping of the cytoskeleton [3]. Differently from dation occurs with depolymerization of actin F in the
what was initially believed, the discovery of a spon- neck of the growth cone with the axonal axis estab-
taneous mutation in mice (the slow Wallerian degen- lished by microtubule compaction. Thus, it is conceiv-
eration gene, W­ lds) revealed that this is not a passive able that the regulation of the dynamics of cytoskeleton
phenomenon, but rather an active one [4]. Moreover, it components is a relevant factor for axon growth and is
is worth mentioning that the lesion also compromises an essential component to enable a functional restora-
the permeability of the blood-nerve barrier in the peri- tion [10].
neural and endoneurial capillaries; consequently, there
is also a disturbance of homeostasis of this microen- As aforementioned, nerve injuries mainly affect the eco-
vironment [5]. Biochemical and cellular alterations nomically active population, which leads to impacts on the
induced by injury—including the release of pro- and social security system. Besides that, it compromises the
anti-inflammatory cytokines, neurotrophins and growth patients’ quality of life, since pain related to neuropathic
factors—are associated with the dedifferentiation and mechanisms may persist for months or years, contributing
proliferation of Schwann cells (SC) (which stimulate to poor physical function and, often, lifelong morbidity [11,
axon regeneration) and also with the recruitment of 12]. With these in mind, there is no doubt about the major
macrophages. The infiltration of pro-inflammatory challenges that nerve injuries represent for physicians and
macrophages (also called M1) has been attributed to other health professionals involved in the rehabilitation
the actions of interleukin-1β (IL-1β) and tumor necro- process, since in general, the outcomes (the final functional
sis factor (TNF-α), which are released into the injured results) tend to be discouraging for both health professionals
region [6, 7]. On the other hand, nerve-repairing M2 and patients, especially in cases of more severe lesions with
macrophages (M2), recruited and activated by expo- complete sections of the nerve(s), in which, even after sur-
sure to IL-4, IL-10, and IL-13 [7], seem to be associ- gical repair, only 25% of patients recover the lost functions
ated with promotion of angiogenesis and suppression [13]. In view of this situation, in the search for a method
of adaptive immunity. Due to intracellular alterations that optimizes the regeneration process and increases the
and signaling, the distal stump of the injured axon is probability of a successful functional restoration, low-level
subjected to the Wallerian degeneration process, which laser therapy (LLLT) has been used over the last decades.
occurs in parallel with the removal of cellular debris by In this context, the present article aimed to review, describe,
the phagocytic action of macrophages [8], favoring the and discuss the most promising findings documented in the
regenerative growth of the proximal stump (Fig. 1). literature, providing a refined analysis of scientific informa-
(2) Chromatolysis. After lesion, another cellular phenom- tion that can contribute to increase the LLLT success rate
enon occurs, known as chromatolysis: the pericary (cell and minimize risks.
body) of the neuron exhibits alterations (Fig. 1). Stud-
ies indicate that in the course and after overcoming
chromatolysis (neuronal “suffering” phase), there is Low‑level laser therapy
an increase in the expression of genes encoding pro-
teins involved in the regeneration of the axon (growth- Scientific evidence indicates that the axonal regeneration
associated protein (GAP-43), actin, tubulin, adhesion process can be optimized by non-pharmacological thera-
molecules, and neurotrophic factors and their recep- peutic strategies, among which we highlight the following:
tors) and there is a reduction in the expression of genes ultrasound; extracorporeal shock wave therapy (ESWT);
LED (light-emitting diode); and a promising intervention

Neurological Sciences

Fig. 1  Peripheral axon degen-

eration and regeneration. A
Intact neuron and Schwann cells
(SC) (yellow) myelinating the
axon. B Axon injury (scissors)
inducing Wallerian degenera-
tion, macrophage and SC migra-
tion, and chromatolysis (see text
for details). C Axon regenera-
tion with magnification of the
growth cone to highlight the
presence of M1 macrophages
(red; induced by the release
of IL-1β and TNF-α), M2
macrophages (pink; induced
by the release of IL-4, IL-10,
and IL-13), and the presence of
dedifferentiated SC (yellow). D
Regenerated axon remyelinated
by SC (yellow)

contemplated in the present work, low-level laser therapy (Table 1; IEC standard 60,825–1:2001). Class 1 involves
(LLLT), also known as light therapy or photobiomodulation. lasers that are not dangerous, even for long exposures and
A critical literature review article found that more than 80% with the use of optical instruments—they have been consid-
of the experimental studies conducted with LLLT had led ered very low power lasers (40 μW). Class 1 M is charac-
to a positive result in functional recovery of nerves in the terized by presenting potential risks to the eyes if observed
postoperative period [14]. with optical magnifiers—and are considered very low power
Focusing our attention to lasers, let us mention some lasers (40 μW). Class 2 presents risks of unintentional expo-
basic aspects. Light is generated in a device through an sures and non-prolonged observations (< 0.25 s)—it is con-
optical amplification process based on the stimulated emis- sidered low power and its light is visible (1 mW). Class 2 M
sion of electromagnetic radiation. Lasers can be classified presents potential risks to the eyes if observed with optical
as defined by the International Engineering Consortium magnifiers—and are also considered low-power lasers (1

Neurological Sciences

Table 1  Classification of lasers according to the International Engineering Consortium (IEC standard 60,825–1:2001)
Class Characteristics Power

1 Not dangerous, even for long exposures and with the use of optical instruments Very low
(40 μW)
1M Potentially dangerous to the eyes if observed with optical magnifiers Very low
(40 μW)
2 Risk of unintentional exposures and non-prolonged observations (< 0.25 s); its light is visible Low
(1 W)
2M Potentially dangerous to the eyes if observed with optical magnifiers Low
(1 W)
3R Low-risk when handled with care and is potentially dangerous to the eye if observed with optical Low
(antique 3A) instruments (200 μW to 5 mW)
3B Dangerous to naked eyes if observed directly (beam or specular reflections) Medium
(5 to 500 mW)

M, optical magnifiers; R, reduction of the original class 3A requirements

mW). The letter M of classes 1 M and 2 M indicates the use repair efficiency [17]. It is believed that the mechanism of
of optical magnifiers. Class 3 was subdivided into classes action consists of the absorption of photons by the cell,
3A and 3B; however, class 3R is currently used instead of which possibly accelerates the activity of the electron
class 3A. Class 3R (“R” means reduction of the original transport chain, increasing the synthesis of adenosine
class 3A requirements) presents low risk when handled with triphosphate (ATP) in the mitochondria and thus favors
care and is potentially dangerous to the eyes if observed with pro-regenerative cellular reactions [18]. Also, a spinal
optical instruments—it is considered low power (ranging cord injury model confirmed that this photon-cell interac-
from 200 μW to 5 mW). 3B presents risks to naked eyes tion may reduce glial scar and cavity area and decrease
if observed directly (beam and specular reflections)—it is the inhibitory response to remyelination by suppressing
considered of medium power (ranging from 5 to 500 mW) chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans (CSPG) expression [19].
(IEC standard 60,825–1:2001) [15]. Other studies point to actions mediated by the increased
LLLT consists of the application of light with a power blood supply and cell proliferation [20]. These mecha-
range from 10 to 500 mW; therefore, as a class 3B laser, nisms are illustrated in Fig. 2. As mentioned in the context
it can damage the naked eye, requiring eye protection. of Wallerian degeneration, macrophages play an important
Although LLLT is not a pharmacological approach, it is regulatory role at the lesion site. LLLT appears to reduce
important to emphasize the need to describe and report the relative abundance of M1 macrophages while increases
potential side effects of any therapeutic approach [16]. Light the proportion of nerve repairing M2 macrophages at the
with wavelength in the red or near-infrared region of the site of injury [21]. Exploring the mechanisms involved in
electromagnetic spectrum (660 to 905 nm) is generally cho- this action, an experimental study using an in vitro model
sen because these wavelengths can penetrate the skin and of low-level laser irradiation indicated that LLLT can pro-
soft tissues, and their effects result from biological responses mote the secretion of several neurotrophic factors by acti-
with repercussion on physical and chemical changes in irra- vating the PKA-CREB pathway in macrophages, promot-
diated tissues [16]. ing axon regeneration [21]. Moreover, another study using
an injured sciatic nerve model (adult male Wistar rats)
LLLT and possible mechanisms favoring axonal reported that LLLT attenuated the Wallerian degeneration,
regeneration increased the axonal density and the blood supply, and
accelerated the revascularization and angiogenesis [22].
Laser therapy presents important therapeutic results on The selection of correct parameters is crucial to achiev-
the remodeling of scar tissue, as it has been able to reduce ing successful treatments. The main parameters that should
inflammatory processes, reduce edema, promote analge- be considered and established are wavelength, light beam
sic effects, stimulate phagocytosis by macrophages, and energy, energy density, and laser application time [21].
increase collagen synthesis by fibroblasts. Besides, LLLT Table 2 summarizes the main findings of treatments with
can stimulate myofibroblastic differentiation in the early LLLT in injured nerves, and Table 3 reports the parameters
stages of healing by increasing mitotic velocity and tissue adopted in each article.

Neurological Sciences

the median nerve [22]. Laser power was 50 mW and wave-

length was 830 nm. Patients in the experimental group 1
received a total dose of 6 J (10 min per session); patients in
the second experimental group received a total dose of 3 J
(5 min per session); and the other patients formed the third
group: placebo (LLLT device switched off). For the three
groups, the analyses included the following: pain intensity,
grip strength, symptom severity score (SSS), functional
status score (FSS), electrophysiological conduction studies,
and cross-sectional area (CSA) of the median nerve meas-
ured by ultrasound. The results revealed that the applica-
tion of LLLT in the two experimental groups increased the
speed of sensory conduction; the other parameters showed
no statistically significant difference compared to placebo.
The authors concluded, then, that LLLT was not effective in
improving CTS symptoms compared to placebo; however,
they stated that the results differ from those of most previ-
ous studies with LLLT (the studies were cited by the authors
but were not cited here because they were published more
than 10 years ago). The authors argued that data analysis
was done in the short term and that, perhaps, the long-term
effects could bring better results. Furthermore, they attested
that different lasers may have different efficacies in different
diagnoses and that a limitation of the study may have been
the selection of doses and wavelength [22].
Another study evaluated in patients with CTS the effect
of LLLT compared to Fascial Manipulation (FM) [23]. In
the study, the authors used wavelengths of 780 and 830 nm
and power of 1000 and 3000 mW in 5 daily sessions last-
ing 10 min each. Pain (through the visual analog scale,
VAS), functional status, and severity of symptoms (through
the Boston Carpal Tunnel Questionnaire, BCTQ) were
performed before treatment, 10 days and 3 months after.
The results showed better effects of FM on both pain and
functional status compared to LLLT. The improvement of
Fig. 2  Possible mechanisms of action of low-level laser therapy functional status and reduction in symptom severity were
(LLLT) through which remodeling of scar tissue occurs. LLLT observed only at the end of treatment in the group treated
with 690 to 900 nm (red or near-infrared region of electromagnetic with LLLT, not being sustained at the 3-month follow-up
spectrum) may penetrate the tissue and cause physical and chemi-
after treatment. The authors concluded, then, that FM was
cal changes associated to increased synthesis of ATP, blood supply,
and cell proliferation. LLLT, low-level laser therapy; ATP, adenosine more effective than LLLT for patients with CTS [23].
triphosphate Different (and therefore positive) findings were observed
in a study that investigated the long-term efficacy of LLLT
[24]. The study evaluated the results of LLLT applied to
Efficacy of LLLT in clinical trials patients with CTS and compared them with those of another
therapeutic method: pulsed magnetic field (PMF) (whose
In the last 10 years, seven clinical studies have investigated details are beyond the scope of this review). Parameters
the efficacy of LLLT in enhancing the regeneration and adopted in the study are as follows: wavelength, 904 nm;
functional restoration of peripheral nerves. In one of the frequency, 10,000 Hz; total energy per treatment, 50 J. The
studies, sixty patients who presented symptoms of carpal application time was 5 min and 33 s, precisely, which was
tunnel syndrome (CTS) less than 6 months ago (with diag- lower than that of the PMF, which was 15 min (and fre-
nosis confirmed by sensory and motor conduction studies) quency of 10 to 40 Hz; much lower than that of LLLT).
were submitted to laser application in doses of 0.6 or 1.2 J Clinical evaluation was performed in the following stages:
per painful point per session, at five points of application in before treatment; after the first grade; after a 2-week interval

Neurological Sciences

Table 2  Pro-regenerative effects Lesioned nerve Results Reference

of low-level laser therapy
Median nerve (humans) ↑ Sensory conduction speed [22]
Median nerve (humans) Inferior to fascial manipulation [23]
↓ severity of symptoms and ↑ functional status (BCTQ)
Median nerve (humans) ↓ Pain and paresthesia (day and night) [24]
↓ Phalen Symptoms
Median-ulnar mixed nerve (humans) ↓ Pain, symptom severity and functional status scales [25]
↑ Grip and Pinch strength
↓ Distal sensory and motor latency
↑ CMAP and SNAP amplitude
Median nerve (humans) ↓ Pain [26]
↓ SNAP latency
↓ CMAP latency
↑ CMAP conduction speed
↑ CMAP and SNAP amplitude
Median nerve (humans) ↓ Pain [27]
↓ Median distal motor latency
↑ Median sensory nerve conduction speed
Ulnar nerve (humans) ↓ Pain [28]
↑ Grip strength
↓ Short segment conduction latency
Sciatic nerve ↑ Functionality (IFC; 3 e 8 J/cm2) [21]
(Sprague–Dawley Rats) ↑ Range of motion (8 J/cm2)
↑ Myelin sheath thickness
↑ Levels of GAP43 (3 e 8 J/cm2)
Sciatic nerve ↑ Nerve regeneration (10 J/cm2) [30]
(Wistar Rats)
Sciatic nerve ↑ Neuromuscular recovery [31]
(Wistar Rats) (660 nm a 10 or 60 J/cm2)
Sciatic nerve ↑ MMP-2 [32]
(Wistar Rats) ↑ Neuromuscular recovery
↑ Mechanical resistance
Sciatic nerve ↑ NGF e BDNF (RNAm) [33]
(Wistar Rats) ↓ iNOS activity
Sciatic nerve ↑ Functionality (IFC, Tibial e Fibular) [34]
(Sprague–Dawley Rats) ↓ HIF-1α, TNF-α e IL-1β
↑ VEGF, NGF e S100
Sciatic nerve Lack of significant results [35, 36]
(Wistar Rats)
Sural nerve ↑ Peripheral axonal regeneration [17]
(Wistar Rats) (associated with fibrin glue)
Sciatic nerve ↑ Functionality (IFC) [37]
(Sprague Dawley-Rats) ↑ CMAPs
↑ Number of axons
↑ Axonal diameter
↑ Myelin sheath thickness
Sciatic nerve ↑ S100 [38, 39]
(Wistar Rats/Sprague–Dawley Rats) ↑ Functionality (IFC)
↓ Muscle Atrophy
↑ Diameter and quantity of axons
↑ Myelin sheath thickness
↑ Reinnervation rate
↑ Neuromuscular recruitment
Sciatic nerve ↑ Functionality (IFC) [40]
(Sprague Dawley-Rats) ↑ Nerve regeneration
↑ Area of neural tissue
↑ Axonal diameter
↑ Myelin sheath thickness

Neurological Sciences

Table 2  (continued) Lesioned nerve Results Reference

Dorsal root ganglion L4–L5 ↓ Mechanical and thermal hyperalgesia [41]
(Sprague–Dawley Rats) ↓ TNF-α
↓ IL-1β
↑ GAP-43

GAP43, growth-associated protein 43; DRG, dorsal root ganglion; TNF-α, tumor necrosis factor α; MMP-2,
matrix metalloproteinase 2; mRNA, messenger ribonucleic acid (RNA); BDNF, brain-derived neurotrophic
factor; NGF, neural growth factor; iNOS, inducible isoform of nitric oxide synthase; HIF-1α, hypoxia-
induced factor 1-alpha; IL-1β, interleukin-1beta; VEGF, vascular endothelial growth factor; S100, saturated
solution soluble protein (100%) ammonium sulfate; CMAPs, compound muscle action potentials; P1, natu-
ral latex protein; SCSS, a sensitive and specific diagnostic test for ulnar nerve compression; BCTQ, Boston
Carpal Tunnel Questionnaire; SFI, Sciatic Functional Index; SNAP, sensory nerve action potential

between sets; after the second grade; and, finally, 6 months of sensory and motor fibers by electroneuromyography. In
after the second grade. Both the first and second series were this trial, participants were divided into five groups: LLT
composed of 10 sessions, performed 5 times a week for with low fluency (50 mW- 8 J/cm2), LLT with high fluency
2 weeks. The authors observed clinical improvement after (50 mW- 20 J/cm2), HILT with low fluency (1/6 W- 8 J/cm2),
treatment with LLLT or PMF, with a significant reduction in HILT with high fluency (50 mW-20 J/cm2), and control
pain and daytime and nocturnal paresthesia at each stage of group. All groups received standardized exercises, with the
treatment. A reduction in Phalen symptoms (median nerve first four, undergoing five laser therapy sessions for 2 weeks.
compression) was also observed, with significant improve- In the LLLT groups, the authors used the following param-
ment only in the group treated with LLLT [24]. eters: laser with an average power of 50 mW, wavelength
A double-blinded randomized controlled study analyzed 860 nm, frequency of 10 Hz, duration of exposure of 32
the efficacy of LLLT in sixty-six patients with mild to mod- or 76 s per point (total of 10 points). Pain was assessed by
erate CTS (diagnosed by clinical exams and electrodiagno- VAS and studies of conduction of the median nerve (CMAP,
sis; classified by nerve conduction studies (NCS) and the CMAP latency, conduction velocity, amplitude, SNAP) by
guidelines of the American Association of Electrodiagnostic an electroneuromyography device conducted by a neurolo-
Medicine). The patients were randomly allocated into two gist, both were assessed before and after 3 weeks of the
groups: one received the LLLT, and the other received a treatment. The reduction in pain was observed in all groups,
placebo treatment, both with a neutral wrist splint. In the but it was greater in the laser therapy groups, with empha-
LLLT group, 15 sessions of a gallium-aluminum-arsenide sis in the HILT group. In relation to electrophysiological
laser treatment at a dosage of 18 J per session (wavelength studies, CMAP latency decreased in all groups, with greater
of 810 nm and a power output of 50 mW) over the carpal decreases, in the HILT group when compared to the other
tunnel area were used. For evaluation, the following param- groups, the CMAP conduction speed increased in the HILT
eters were used: VAS for pain, SSS, FSS, and pinch and grip groups, the CMAP and SNAP amplitude increased in all
strength (clinical parameters); NCS were performed with groups, except the control, and, finally, the SNAP latency
a Medelec Synergy electrodiagnostic device: distal sen- decreased in all groups, except in the control. The conclu-
sory latency (DSL), sensory nerve action potential (SNAP) sions were that both laser therapies improve electrophysi-
amplitude, distal motor latency (DML), compound muscle ological studies and reduce pain in these patients, with bet-
action potential amplitude (CMAP) (electroneurophysiologi- ter effects seen with HILT. The absence of control groups
cal parameters). The results showed that the LLLT-treated without interventions, the lack of long-term evaluation, and
group had significantly more evident improvements. Spe- the non-evaluation of functional and ultrasound aspects were
cifically, the authors concluded that both LLLT and splints some of the limitations of this study [26].
improved the clinical parameters, but LLLT was electroneu- Positive results were also found in a double-blind
rophysiologically superior to splints with regard to the con- placebo-controlled study which included seventy-nine
duction of the median motor nerve fibers. As a limitation of patients with mild to moderate CTS (less than a year of
the study, they mentioned that the patients’ responses may symptoms), proven by clinical symptoms, ENM, and NCS.
differ from different kinds and varying magnitude of wrist- Patients were separated into two groups: experimental and
hand activities [25]. control groups. Both groups were instructed to perform
Another study, also with positive results, compared the nerve and tendon gliding exercises during the study period
dose-dependent effect of LLLT and high intensity laser ther- and underwent 20 sessions for 5 weeks (in the case of
apy (HILT) regarding pain and electrophysiological studies, the control group with the laser off). In the active laser
in patients with moderate CTS confirmed by the evaluation group, the following parameters were adopted: GaAIAs

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Table 3  Parameters and protocols adopted in each study

Reference Parameters Protocol

[22] Wavelength: 830 nm Session frequency: 5 times a week for 15 days

Energy density: not reported Analysis period: 1st and 15th days of treatment
Total energy emitted: 3 or 6 J Power: 50 mW
Stimulus duration per point: 1 or 2 min Power density: not reported
Duration of a session: 5 or 10 min Area per point: not reported
Application points: 5
Mode: continuous
[23] Wavelength: 780 and 830 nm Session frequency: 5 sessions per day (total time not reported)
Energy density: not reported Period of analyses: before treatment. (T0), 10 days after the last treat. (T1) and
Total energy emitted: not reported 3 months after the last treat
Duration of stimulus per point: not reported Frequency: not reported
Duration of a session: 10 min Power: 1000 and 3000 mW
Power density: not reported
Area by point: not reported
Application points: not reported
Mode: not reported
[24] Wavelength: 904 nm Frequency of sessions: 1st grade (10 sessions, 5 times a week for 2 weeks); after
Energy density: 6 J/cm2 2-week break: 2nd grade (10 sessions, 5 times a week for 2 weeks)
Total energy emitted: 50 J Period of the analyses: before, after the 1st grade, after an interval of 2 weeks,
Stimulus duration per point: 200 ns after the 2nd grade, and after 6 months of the last series
Duration of a session: 5 min and 33 s Frequency: 10,000 Hz
Power: 150 mW
Power density: not reported
Area by point: not reported
Application points: not reported
Mode: pulsed
[25] Wavelength: 810 nm Frequency of sessions: 3 times per week for 5 weeks; 15 sessions in total
Energy density: not reported Frequency: not reported
Total energy emitted: 270 J Power: 50 mW
Stimulus duration per point: not reported Power density: not reported
Duration of a session: not reported Area by point: not reported
Application points: not reported
Mode: continuous
[26] Wavelength: 860 nm Frequency of sessions: five sessions for 2 weeks
Energy density: 8 or 20 J/cm2 Frequency: 10 Hz
Total energy emitted: not reported Power: 50 mW
Stimulus duration per point: 32 s or 76 s Power density: not reported
Duration of a session: not reported Area by point: not reported
Application points: 10
Mode: not reported
[27] Wavelength: 780 nm Frequency of sessions: 20 sessions for 5 weeks
Energy density: 2.7 to 3.4 J/cm2/point Frequency: not reported
Total energy emitted: not reported Power: 30 mW
Stimulus duration per point: 80 s Power density: 38,2 mW/cm2
Duration of a session: not reported Area by point: 0.785 c­ m2
Application points: 4
Mode: continuous
[28] Wavelength: 905 nm Frequency of sessions: 5 times a week for 2 weeks
Energy density: 0.8 j/cm2 Frequency: not reported
Total energy emitted: not reported Power: 25 mW
Stimulus duration per point: 30 s Power density: not reported
Duration of a session: not reported Area by point: not reported
Application points: 4
Mode: pulsed

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Table 3  (continued)
Reference Parameters Protocol

[21] Wavelength: 808 nm Frequency of sessions: daily for 20 days

Energy density: 3; 8 or 15 J/cm2 Analysis period: 20 days after injury
Total energy emitted: not reported Frequency: not reported
Stimulus duration per point: 67.2; 179; or 335.6 s Power: 170 mW
Duration of a session: not reported Power density: 44.7 mW/cm2
Area per point: 3.8 ­cm2
Application points: not reported
Mode: continuous
[30] Wavelength: 780 nm Session frequency: 6 sessions on alternate days
Energy density: 4; 10 or 50 J/cm2 Analysis period: 2 weeks after injury
Total energy emitted: 0.48; 1.2 or 6 J Frequency: not reported
Stimulus duration per point: 4; 10 or 50 s Power: 40 mW
Duration of a session: not reported Power density: 1 W/cm2
Area per point: 0.04 ­cm2
Application points: 3
Mode: continuous
[31] Wavelength: 660 or 780 nm Frequency of sessions: daily for 10 days
Energy density: 10, 60 or 120 J/cm2 Period of analysis: after 28 days of injury
Total energy emitted: 8; 48 or 96 J Frequency: not reported
Stimulus duration per point: 0.3; 1 or 2 min Power: 40 mW
Duration of a session: not reported Power density: not reported
Area per point: 4 ­mm2
Application points: 2
Mode: continuous
[32] Wavelength: 830 nm Frequency of sessions: daily for 21 days
Energy density: 35; 70; 140 or 280 J/cm2 Analysis period: before, 7, 14, and 21 days after injury
Total energy emitted: 3.3; 6.6; 12.12 or 24.24 J Frequency: not reported
Stimulus duration per point: 11, 22, 44 or 88 s Power: 100 nW
Duration of a session: not reported Power density: 3086.4 nW/cm2
Area per point: 0.0324 ­cm2
Application points: 3
Mode: continuous
[33] Wavelength: 632.8 nm Frequency of sessions: Daily for 7, 14, and 21 days
Energy density: 10 J/cm2 Analysis period: 7, 14, and 21 days after injury
Total energy emitted: not reported Frequency: not reported
Stimulus duration per point: 20 s Power: 5 mW
Duration of a session: not reported Power density: 0.5 mW/cm2
Area per point: 0.10 ­cm2
Application points: 10
Mode: continuous
[34] Wavelength: 660 nm Frequency of sessions: daily for 7 days
Energy density: 9 J/cm2 Period of analysis: before, immediately after and 7, 14 days after injury
Total energy emitted: not reported Frequency: not reported
Stimulus duration per point: 60 s Power: 30 mW
Duration of a session: not reported Power density: not reported
Area per point: 0.2 ­cm2
Application points: 4
Mode: continuous
[35] Wavelength: 780 nm Session frequency: 6 sessions on alternate days
Energy density: 15 J/cm2 Analysis period: 4 and 8 weeks after injury
Total energy emitted: 1.8 J Frequency: not reported
Stimulus duration per point: 20 s Power: 30 mW
Duration of a session: not reported Power density: 0.75 W/cm2
Area per point: 0.04 ­cm2
Application points: 3
Mode: continuous

Neurological Sciences

Table 3  (continued)
Reference Parameters Protocol

[36] Wavelength: 780 nm Session frequency: 6 sessions on alternate days

Energy density: 15 J/cm2 Analysis period: 4 and 8 weeks after injury
Total energy emitted: 1.8 J Frequency: not reported
Stimulus duration per point: 20 s Power: 30 mW
Duration of a session: not reported Power density: 0.75 W/cm2
Area per point: 0.04 ­cm2
Application points: 3
Mode: continuous
[17] Wavelength: 830 nm Session frequency: 3 times a week for 5 weeks
Energy density: 4 J/cm2 Period of analysis: after 10 weeks of injury
Total energy emitted: not reported Frequency: not reported
Stimulus duration per point: 16 s Power: 30 mW
Duration of a session: not reported Power density: not reported
Area per point: 0.116 ­cm2
Application points: 3
Mode: continuous
[37] Wavelength: 660 nm Frequency of sessions: daily for 21 days
Energy density: 3.84 J/cm2 Period of analysis: after 8 weeks of injury
Total energy emitted: 15 J Frequency: 50 Hz
Duration of stimulus per point: not reported Power: 50 mW
Duration of a session: 5 min Power density: 0.0032 W/cm2
Area per point: 314 ­cm2
Application points: not reported
Mode: continuous
[38, 39] Wavelength: 660 nm Frequency of sessions: daily for 10 days
Energy density: not reported Analysis period: 12 weeks after injury
Total energy emitted: not reported Frequency: not reported
Stimulus duration per point: 2 min Power: 50 mW
Duration of a session: not reported Power density: not reported
Area per point: 0.1 ­cm2
Application points: 2
Mode: continuous
[40] Wavelength: 660 nm Frequency of sessions: daily for 9 days
Energy density: 5.76 or 0.96 J/cm2 Analysis period: 12 weeks after implantation
Total energy emitted: not reported Frequency: not reported
Duration of stimulus per point: not reported Power: 50 mW
Duration of a session: 30 min or 5 min Power density: not reported
Area per point: 314 ­cm2
Application points: not reported
Mode: continuous
[41] Wavelength: 808 ± 5 nm Frequency of sessions: daily for 8 days
Energy density: 0 or 8 J/cm2 Analysis period: 4th and 8th days after injury
Total energy emitted: not reported Frequency: not reported
Stimulus duration per point: 207 s Power: 190 mW
Duration of a session: not reported Power density: 380 mW/cm2
Area per point: 0.5 ­cm2
Application points: not reported
Mode: continuous

diode laser, 780 nm, 30 mW with continuous waves, 0.785 between the groups and greater reductions in the experi-
­c m 2, 38.2 mW/cm 2, 90 s per point (4 points—2.7 J, 3, mental group; as for clinical signs, they were less evi-
4 J/cm2/point). Clinical and NCS aspects were assessed dent and no statistical differences were found between
at baseline and 3 weeks after treatment. The first included the groups. In relation to conduction studies, there was a
pain assessment using VAS, provocative maneuvers (Hoff- decrease in the MDL in the experimental group and the
man and Tinnel’s sign); the second, median distal motor SNCV increased in both groups, but with a statistically
latency (MDL) and median sensory nerve conduction greater increase in the experimental one. The short follow-
speed (SNCV). The results were a decrease in pain in up period was one of the limitations mentioned by the
both groups, but with a statistically significant difference authors, but the absence of a group without intervention

Neurological Sciences

was also a limitation in this case, although the article LLLT at different energy densities
claims to be a placebo-controlled study [27].
Unlike the articles previously discussed, in a sim- In another study [30], the morphological and morphomet-
ple-blind randomized study, the peripheral neuropathy ric effects of LLLT applied to rats at three different energy
addressed was Ulnar Nerve Entrapment at the elbow densities (4.10 and 50 J/cm2) on sciatic nerve regeneration
(UNE). Thirty-two patients with motor and sensory were investigated. The animals were allocated into five
impairment and diagnosis confirmed by clinical and elec- groups (C, wounded group; L0, with lesion and without
trophysiological studies were divided into two treatment irradiation; L4, nerve injury with LLLT at 4 J/cm2; L10,
groups: ultrasound (US) and LLLT. Both groups per- nerve injury with LLLT at 10 J/cm 2; L50, nerve injury
formed 5 sessions per week for 2 weeks and were assessed with LLLT at 50 J/cm2) being the LLLT parameters char-
at the beginning of the study, one and 3 months after. acterized by a wavelength of 780 nm, a power of 40 mW,
The evaluation included Tinel’s signal, VAS, handgrip and an area per point of 0.04 ­c m 2 over three points of
strength, Semmes Weinstein (SW) monofilament, patient the injured nerve region: the proximal, distal, and cen-
satisfaction scale and short segment conduction study tral regions of the lesion. Two weeks after the injury, the
(SCSS), in which the latencies of the motor and sensory findings revealed that LLLT induced improvement in all
components were observed. Regarding the laser group, the energy densities used, with the energy density of 10 J/
parameters were 905 nm, 25 mW, 0.8 j/cm2, and 30 s per cm2 being the most effective treatment for sciatic nerve
point (4 points). As for the results, VAS score decreased regeneration after crushing [30].
only in the first month for the LLLT group, while in the The effects of LLLT with energy densities of 10, 60, and
US group, this remained in the third month; gain of hand- 120 J/cm2 combined with wavelengths of 660 and 780 nm
grip strength occurred in both groups without statistical were evaluated on neuromuscular and functional recovery
difference between them; SSCS, reduction in latency, was of the sciatic nerve of rats [31]. The authors observed that
also observed in both groups; SW monofilament test, there LLLT with low (10 J/cm2) or moderate energy densities
was an improvement only in the US group, and, finally, (60 J/cm2) at a wavelength of 660 nm for 10 consecutive
patient satisfaction was greater in the US group. Authors days was able to accelerate neuromuscular recovery 28 days
concluded that both methods had satisfactory efficacy in after injury by crushing the sciatic nerve of rats. The study
patients with UNE, in the short term. The limitations of also investigated the activity of matrix metalloproteinase
this study were the absence of a control group, the small (MMP), considering that to be successful in regeneration,
sample size, and disparities between the groups in terms the action of proteolytic enzymes that play a critical role
of grip strength and monofilament, which requires greater in the reorganization of the extracellular matrix (ECM) is
care in analyzing the results of the study, especially when required. The results were positive and revealed acceleration
comparing the two treatments [28]. in the remodeling of the ECM via MMP-2 and -9; however,
it was unable to amplify functional restoration after crush-
ing injury [31].
Increased MMP-2 activity and neuromuscular restoration
LLLT in animal models of the sciatic nerve were observed in a study that analyzed
the level of MMP-2 activation of the anterior tibial mus-
Studies conducted with experimental animals have evalu- cle, gait functionality (Sciatic Functional Index), and bio-
ated functional, histological, morphological, and electro- mechanical resistance (determined by the maximum load
physiological aspects of LLLT, providing evidence of its supported by the anterior tibial muscle until its rupture)
beneficial effects on nerve regeneration after injury [29]. [31]. LLLT was applied at a wavelength of 830 nm at dif-
Axonal regeneration was investigated in a study in which ferent energy densities (35, 70, 140, and 280 J/cm2) for 21
the thickness of the myelin sheath of the sciatic nerve of consecutive days. Functional results revealed a progressive
rats was measured and the expression of the protein asso- improvement in gait (~ 60%) 3 weeks after the injury; this
ciated with growth 43 (GAP43) was analyzed [21]. This happens to all groups submitted to crushing injury of the
pro-regenerative protein is highly expressed during the ini- sciatic nerve and treated with LLLT on the 21st day (regard-
tial periods of ontogenetic development, but its expression less of the energy density used). All treated groups showed
becomes greatly reduced in adulthood, except in peripheral a superior functional improvement compared to the groups
neurons. The results indicated that the application of LLLT that did not receive the treatment. The maximum load until
(808 nm at 3 and 8 J/cm2 for 20 days) favored the regenera- the rupture of the anterior tibial muscle on the 21st day was
tion of the sciatic nerve; however, the optimal duration of significantly higher in all irradiated groups, thus revealing
treatment and the long-term effects of LLLT has not been that LLLT stimulated the neuromuscular recovery process.
evaluated. The authors reported that LLLT was able to promote the

Neurological Sciences

regeneration of the anterior tibial muscle and stimulate the subjected to crushing of the sciatic nerve followed by the
activity of MMP-2 [32]. application of local F1 protein), and LLLT associated with
F1 (animals that received both interventions). The treat-
Effects of LLLT on anti‑apoptotic molecules ment was performed with LLLT at a wavelength of 780 nm,
and inflammatory process energy density of 15 J/cm2, and power of 30 mW in a total
of six sessions on alternate days. Four weeks after the injury,
In addition to MMP-2, antiapoptotic molecules, known as the analyses showed that only the F1 group presented low
neurotrophic factors, such as nerve growth factor (NGF) and NGF expression and better morphological characteristics,
brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), are capable of with more densely organized axons and that VEGF expres-
playing an important role in the process of axonal regen- sion was significantly higher in the lesion groups: F1 and
eration, since they are directly associated with the promo- F1 associated with LLLT. Eight weeks after the injury, the
tion of neuronal survival. It is known that complete nerve expression of NGF in the injured groups decreased; mor-
regeneration depends on trophic conditions which are highly phological characteristics were more similar to non-injured
favorable to neuronal protein synthesis, and neurotrophic groups and VEGF expression remained high only in groups
factors represent, therefore, one of the factors that contrib- receiving F1 protein (F1 and F1 associated with LLLT). In
ute to the pro-regenerative microenvironment. Through this sense, the authors argued that the interaction between
its photochemical and photobiological effects produced at F1 protein and LLLT was negative since the results observed
the cellular level, it has been shown that LLLT can favor in the groups receiving LLLT (LLLT and F1 associated with
the development of pro-regenerative trophic conditions by LLLT) were worse compared to the F1 group [35].
increasing the expression of neurotrophic factors and may Previously, the authors had investigated the effect of
also inhibit the inflammatory process. Using LLLT with a LLLT associated with F1 protein on injured sciatic nerves
wavelength of 632.8 nm and an energy density of 10 J/cm2, of rats [36] allocated in groups in the same way and using
a higher expression of BDNF and NGF mRNA was observed the same LLLT parameters as the most recent study, but
after 14 days of LLLT, with peak expression on the 21st day under morphometric analysis and high-resolution scanning
after injury, in addition to inhibition of nitric oxide synthase microscopy. The treatments proposed with LLLT and F1
(iNOS), but without significant changes in the expression of protein resulted in improvement of axonal characteristics
neurotrophin-3 mRNA [33]. after injury: increased thickness of myelin sheath and better
axonal organization, more compactly and with larger dimen-
LLLT and neuropathic pain sions. The recovery of the lesion was time-dependent, since
the injured groups presented better results 8 weeks after the
LLLT also promoted important modulatory effects on injury, compared to those observed after 4 weeks. Morpho-
hypoxia-induced factor 1α (HIF-1α), TNF-α, and IL-1β [33]. metric data revealed that the group that received only F1
The authors demonstrated that these molecules controlled protein exhibited better characteristics when compared to
neuropathic pain by favoring the activation of vascular the other injured groups both 4 and 8 weeks after the injury,
endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and NGF, after a chronic regardless of whether it was associated with LLLT. Besides,
constrictive injury in animals. They used LLLT with a wave- the group treated only with LLLT presented similar results
length of 660 nm and energy density of 9 J/cm2 for 7 days to the injured group that did not receive treatment. In this
after injury. The findings revealed a potentially applicable context, the authors suggested that treatment with F1 protein
approach to clinical practice aiming at reducing hypoxia and was higher (it achieved better results), and the treatment with
tissue inflammation in neuropathic conditions [34]. LLLT failed to achieve positive results [36].

LLLT and natural latex protein (F1) LLLT associated with guides for axon growth

The expressions of VEGF and NGF factors as well as the Positive results were found in a study in which LLLT was
ultrastructural morphology of the injured sciatic nerve were applied at a longer wavelength (830 nm) and combined
investigated after the application of LLLT associated with with the use of fibrin glue derived from snake venom [17].
natural latex protein (F1) four and 8 weeks after injury [35]. Three different application points were selected through-
The animals were allocated into six groups: control (ani- out the surgical site; the application of LLLT was done
mals only anesthetized), exposed (anesthetized animals and 1 day after surgery and for 5 weeks in the postoperative
submitted to sciatic nerve exposure), injury (anesthetized period, at an energy density of 4 J/cm2 and exposure time of
animals and submitted to sciatic nerve crushing), LLLT 16 s per point [17]. After 10 weeks, transmission electron
(anesthetized animals, submitted to crushing of the sciatic microscopy analyses revealed the presence of regenerated
nerve, and treated with LLLT), F1 (anesthetized animals, axons, mainly myelinated ones [17]. In another study, the

Neurological Sciences

application of LLLT to rats was associated with the use of a The same conduit was investigated [40] using LLLT with
guide (biodegradable conduit) for axonal growth. Histomor- the same wavelength of 660 nm and power of 50 mW on
phometric evaluations revealed that tissue regeneration was the sciatic nerve of rats allocated in the same distribution of
qualitatively and quantitatively superior in the group treated groups previously described. However, other parameters were
with LLLT compared to the group irradiated by simulation. determined for LLLT: immediately after the surgical procedure
Laser irradiation was performed at a wavelength of 660 nm of conduit implantation, an extensive area of the injured nerve
and an energy density of 3.84 J/cm2 for 5 min daily for 21 (314 ­cm2) was irradiated at an energy density of 5.76 ­cm2 for
consecutive days and covered an extensive area of the sciatic 30 min and, subsequently, a smaller energy density (0.96 J/
nerve (314 ­cm2) [37]. cm2) in a shorter time (5 min) was applied for nine consecutive
Two years later, the authors proposed a new combination days. Twelve weeks after the surgical procedure, functional
of parameters for LLLT, also associating it with the use of a and histomorphometric analyses revealed an increase in the
guide (biodegradable conduit) for axonal growth [38]. The sciatic functional index, faster nerve regeneration, larger neural
study developed a biodegradable composite (GGT conduit), tissue area, larger axon diameter, and thicker myelin sheath in
genipin cross‐linked gelatin annexed with β‐tricalcium phos- the group that received the conduit and LLLT compared to the
phate (β‐TCP) ceramic particles to increase the mechani- group that was only submitted to the surgical procedure [40].
cal strength as a nerve guidance channel‐material for axon
regeneration. The authors used the same wavelength as the Possible pro‑regenerative mechanisms of LLLT
previous study (660 nm), but with a shorter application time
(2 min) and treatment (10 consecutive days), over a smaller Using similar protocols, some studies have indicated that
area (0.1 ­cm2) in the rat sciatic nerve. The results showed there are no significant differences concerning the time of
significant improvement in motor function: there was an use of LLLT as a facilitator of axonal regeneration. Other
increase in functionality (calculated through the Sciatic beneficial effects attributed to the use of LLLT are linked
Functional Index), in electrophysiological reactions (evalu- to its ability to induce the proliferation of SC, increasing
ated by gastrocnemius muscle response to electrical stimu- the remyelination capacity. The pro-regenerative efficacy of
lation at the proximal end of the grafts), and in the amount LLLT was also evaluated in dorsal root ganglia (DRG) neu-
of protein soluble in saturated solution (S100); and there rons, more specifically in L4 and L5 roots [41]. An L-shaped
was also a reduction in muscle atrophy and more compact needle was inserted into the intervertebral foramen of L4 and
and complete neural histomorphometric recovery compared L5. After removal, a stainless-steel rod was inserted along
to the animals in the placebo group (simulated irradiation). the needle path to produce a constant compression against
These data supported the authors’ hypothesis that LLLT DRG L4 and L5. The parameters adopted for LLLT were as
facilitates the recovery of injured nerves. The combination follows: wavelength, 808 ± 5 nm; power, 190 MW; area per
of LLLT with the biodegradable conduit accelerated the point, 0.5 ­cm2; stimulus duration, 207 s. Rats were allocated
reinnervation rate and improved muscle recruitment [38]. in control and experimental groups which in turn were ran-
In the same year, the authors [39] proposed a novel bio- domly divided into two subgroups: one placebo subgroup
degradable nerve conduit comprising 1‐ethyl‐3‐(3‐dimeth- (not submitted to LLLT) and another subgroup treated with
ylaminopropyl) carbodiimide (EDC) cross‐linked gelatin, LLLT at 8 J/cm2. The animals received (or not) LLLT for 4
annexed with β‐tricalcium phosphate (TCP) ceramic parti- or 8 consecutive days after the injury, with half of the rats
cles (EDC‐Gelatin‐TCP, EGT). On the implant site, LLLT in each group being sacrificed on the 4th day, and the other
was applied at a wavelength of 660 nm and a power of 50 half, on the 8th day after injury. These findings indicated a
mW to verify its influence on the regeneration of the sciatic decrease in mechanical and thermal hyperalgesia, reduction
nerve of rats. The animals were divided into three groups: in pro-inflammatory cytokines (TNF-α and IL-1β), and an
a control group submitted to autologous nerve graft (auto- increase in GAP-43 expression in the group treated with
graft); a group that received LLLT in a simulated manner LLLT (both on the 4th and 8th day), suggesting that the
and an experimental group submitted to laser stimulation. therapeutic effects of LLLT on DRG seem to involve the
Treatment was performed on two points of the surgical inci- suppression of the inflammatory response and the induction
sion for 2 min daily for 10 consecutive days. After 12 weeks of genes of neuronal repair [41].
of implantation, motor function, electrophysiological reac-
tion, muscle reinnervation, and histomorphometric evalu-
ations demonstrated that LLLT improved peripheral nerve Conclusion and perspectives
repair by 15 mm in rats after bridging with EGT, leading
to the conclusion that the combination of LLLT with EGT The efficacy of LLLT has been tested in a number of animal
can accelerate the reinnervation rate and improve muscle models studies—most of them performed on rats submit-
recruitment [39]. ted to sciatic nerve injury—and some evidence of positive

Neurological Sciences

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