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Financial Education and Investment Awareness
1. Which of these is not a Physical Asset?

a. Gold c. Equity

b. Real Estate d. None of these

2. Which of these are reasons for investing?

a. To keep money safe c. To earn a steady stream of income

b. To help money grow d. All of these

3. government saving scheme aims to ensourage the parents to secure the future of their
minor girl child

a. Sukanya Samriddi yojana c. PMJDY

b. Atal Pension Yojana d. None of these

4. A pooled money from a number of investor who share a common investment objectives is called a

a. Equity investment c. Venture Capital

b. Mutual Fund d. Debt Capital

5. are essentially financial contracts whose values are derived from the value of the

a. Equity derivatives c. Mutual funds

b. Private Equity d. Bonds

6. What is the full form of NPS?

a. National Provident fund c. National Pension Scheme

b. Notional Profit Scheme d. National Protection Scheme

7. involves building and overseeing a selection of investments that will meet the long
termfinancial goal and risk tolerance of an investor

a. Budget c. Portfolio management

b. Speculative trade d. None of these

8. growth is when an investors build an investment portfolio that will generate wealth over time

a. Conservative c. Aggressive

c. Speculative d. None of these

9. Which of these is/are types of investment objectives?

a. Income c. Growth

b. Hybrid d. All of these

10. risk refers to the internal risk that an organization is exposed to and are usually controllable

a. Systematic c. Unsystematic

b. Natural d. All of these

11. is an approach to understand the risk appetite of the investors

a. Risk allocation c. Risk diversification

b. Risk profiling d. None of these

12. This refers to the practice of spreading your investments around so that your exposure to any
onetype of asset is limited

a. De-risking c. Diversification

b. Diversion d. All of these

13. Which of these instruments are dealt with in capital market?

a. Equity c. Bonds

b. G-secs d. All of these

14. Which of these is/are money market instruments?

a. T-bonds c. T-Bills

b. Commercial papers d. All of these

15. When the total equity capital of the company is divided into equal units of smaller denomination
,each of them is called

a. Equity shares c. Debentures

b. Bank notes d. None of these

16. In India is the stock market regulator

a. RBI c. AMFI

b. BSE d. SEBI

17. provides the channel for sale of new securities

a. Primary market c. Secondary market

b. Auction market d. None of these

18. Which of these can be considered as type of issue of shares?

a. IPO c. FPO

c. Rights issue d. All of these

19. Who holds your securities in electronic format?

a. Bank c. Repository

b. Depository d. None of these

20. What does EIC stands for in fundamental analysis?

a. Economy, income,consumption c. Economy,industry,company

b. Equity, income,capital d. None of these

21. Technical analysis as we know today was first introduced by

a. Charles Dow c. Graham Gooch

b. Warren Buffett d. None of these

22. Which of these is not a component of a candle stick?

a. Real body c. upper shadow

b. Lower Wick d. None of these

23. Investments are exposed to which type of risk?

a. Market risk c. Liquidity risk

b. Systematic risk d. All of these

24. the risk the return

a. Lower, Greater c. Greater, Greater

b. Greater, Lower d. None of these

25. investors avoid risk

a. Risk seekers c. Risk Neutral

b. Risk Averse d. All of these

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