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Direction: Write the letter of the correct answer in your paper.

1. What is the primary source of energy for Earth's atmosphere?
A) Geothermal energy C) Solar energy
B) Nuclear energy D) Wind energy
2. What do you call to a mixture of gases and particles that surround a planet, held by gravity?
A. Atmosphere C. Greenhouse
B. Blanket D. Ozone
3. What is the most abundant element in the Earth's atmosphere?
A. Argon C. Nitrogen
B. Carbon dioxide D. Oxygen
4. What is the correct order of Earth's atmospheric layers from bottom to top?
A. Stratosphere, Mesosphere, Troposphere, Thermosphere, Exosphere
B. Stratosphere, Troposphere, Thermosphere, Mesosphere, Exosphere
C. Troposphere, Mesosphere, Stratosphere, Thermosphere, Exosphere
D. Troposphere, Stratosphere, Mesosphere, Thermosphere, Exosphere
5. Which of the following is NOT happen in the troposphere?
A. Airplane fly B. formation of rain C. Storm formation D. Burning of meteors
6. Which of the following layers of the atmosphere where convection occur and weather
phenomenon occurs?
A. Troposphere B. Stratosphere C. Mesosphere D. Thermosphere
7. Which layer of the atmosphere is responsible for absorbing most of the energy from the Sun?
A. Troposphere B. Stratosphere C. Mesosphere D. Thermosphere
8. How does energy from the Sun reach the Earth's surface?
A) By reflection from clouds
B) By absorption and re-emission by greenhouse gases
C) By conduction through the atmosphere
D) By direct radiation through the atmosphere
9. Which layer of the atmosphere contains the ozone layer, which absorbs harmful ultraviolet
(UV) radiation from the Sun?
A. Troposphere B. Stratosphere C. Mesosphere D. Thermosphere
10. What is the primary function of the Earth's atmosphere in relation to solar energy?
A) To reflect sunlight back into space
B) To absorb solar radiation and heat the atmosphere
C) To trap solar energy and prevent it from reaching the surface
D) To block all solar radiation from reaching the Earth
11. Which layer of the atmosphere is characterized by decreasing temperatures with increasing
altitude due to the presence of the ozone layer?
A. Troposphere B. Stratosphere C. Mesosphere D. Thermosphere
12. How does the atmosphere regulate temperatures on Earth's surface?
A) By trapping heat through the greenhouse effect
B) By reflecting sunlight away from the surface
C) By absorbing heat and transferring it to outer space
D) By blocking all solar radiation from reaching the surface
13. In which layer of the atmosphere does temperature increase with altitude due to the
absorption of solar energy by oxygen and nitrogen molecules?
A. Troposphere B. Stratosphere C. Mesosphere D. Thermosphere
14. How does the atmosphere protect life on Earth from harmful solar radiation?
A) By absorbing all solar radiation
B) By reflecting all solar radiation back into space
C) By creating a protective ozone layer in the stratosphere
D) By increasing temperatures to prevent radiation from reaching the surface
15. What role does the atmosphere play in regulating Earth's climate?
A) It has no effect on climate
B) It traps heat through the greenhouse effect, influencing temperature and weather patterns
C) It prevents all solar radiation from reaching the surface, resulting in a cold climate
D) It reflects sunlight away from the Earth, leading to cooling temperatures
16. Human activities are the main contributor to the depletion of the ozone layer and you
are not excluded. As a student, what can you do to lessen the cause of depletion?

I. Conservation of electricity like switching off all appliances and gadget that is not in use
II. By not burning garbage like plastics
III. By not using aerosol spray like perfume
IV. By planting plants and fruit bearing trees

A. I and II only C. I, II and III only

B. II and III only D. I, II, III and IV
17. Which of the following is the importance of having an atmosphere in the earth?
A. It traps the harmful ray of the sun
B. It protects the earth with the impact of fragments of meteors.
C. It supports living organism
D. All of the above
18. When air particles in atmosphere are heated, then its temperature increases. Does
increase in its temperature cause the decrease in its density?
A. No, because only the temperature changed and not the density.
B. No, because the density of air particles is not related to its temperature.
C. Yes, because the density of air is inversely proportional to its temperature.
D. Yes, because the density and temperature of air are directly
19. What would happen if there will no atmosphere that envelopes the earth?
A. There will be no effect on the earth
B. The earth will be in danger with the impact of the fragments of meteors
C. The earth will become more fertile
D. The earth will become hotter in temperature
20. What do you think is the reason why we experience high temperature now a days?
A. Because of the effect of global warming
B. Because it is normal during nearly coming of rain
C. Because of the environmental phenomena called El Niño.
D. Because it summer month, we experience hotter temperature
Assessment 3

Direction: Write the letter of the correct answer in your paper.

1. What is the primary source of energy for Earth's atmosphere?
A) Geothermal energy C) Solar energy
B) Nuclear energy D) Wind energy
2. What do you call to a mixture of gases and particles that surround a planet, held by gravity?
A. Atmosphere C. Greenhouse
B. Blanket D. Ozone
3. What is the most abundant element in the Earth's atmosphere?
A. Argon C. Nitrogen
B. Carbon dioxide D. Oxygen
4. What is the correct order of Earth's atmospheric layers from bottom to top?
A. Stratosphere, Mesosphere, Troposphere, Thermosphere, Exosphere
B. Stratosphere, Troposphere, Thermosphere, Mesosphere, Exosphere
C. Troposphere, Mesosphere, Stratosphere, Thermosphere, Exosphere
D. Troposphere, Stratosphere, Mesosphere, Thermosphere, Exosphere
5. Which of the following is NOT happen in the troposphere?
A. Airplane fly B. formation of rain C. Storm formation D. Burning of meteors
6. Which of the following layers of the atmosphere where convection occur and weather
phenomenon occurs?
A. Troposphere B. Stratosphere C. Mesosphere D. Thermosphere
7. Which layer of the atmosphere is responsible for absorbing most of the energy from the Sun?
A. Troposphere B. Stratosphere C. Mesosphere D. Thermosphere
8. How does energy from the Sun reach the Earth's surface?
A) By reflection from clouds
B) By absorption and re-emission by greenhouse gases
C) By conduction through the atmosphere
D) By direct radiation through the atmosphere
9. Which layer of the atmosphere contains the ozone layer, which absorbs harmful ultraviolet
(UV) radiation from the Sun?
A. Troposphere B. Stratosphere C. Mesosphere D. Thermosphere
10. What is the primary function of the Earth's atmosphere in relation to solar energy?
A) To reflect sunlight back into space
B) To absorb solar radiation and heat the atmosphere
C) To trap solar energy and prevent it from reaching the surface
D) To block all solar radiation from reaching the Earth
11. Which layer of the atmosphere is characterized by decreasing temperatures with increasing
altitude due to the presence of the ozone layer?
A. Troposphere B. Stratosphere C. Mesosphere D. Thermosphere
12. How does the atmosphere regulate temperatures on Earth's surface?
A) By trapping heat through the greenhouse effect
B) By reflecting sunlight away from the surface
C) By absorbing heat and transferring it to outer space
D) By blocking all solar radiation from reaching the surface
13. In which layer of the atmosphere does temperature increase with altitude due to the
absorption of solar energy by oxygen and nitrogen molecules?
A. Troposphere B. Stratosphere C. Mesosphere D. Thermosphere
14. How does the atmosphere protect life on Earth from harmful solar radiation?
A) By absorbing all solar radiation
B) By reflecting all solar radiation back into space
C) By creating a protective ozone layer in the stratosphere
D) By increasing temperatures to prevent radiation from reaching the surface
15. What role does the atmosphere play in regulating Earth's climate?
A) It has no effect on climate
B) It traps heat through the greenhouse effect, influencing temperature and weather patterns
C) It prevents all solar radiation from reaching the surface, resulting in a cold climate
D) It reflects sunlight away from the Earth, leading to cooling temperatures
16. Human activities are the main contributor to the depletion of the ozone layer and you
are not excluded. As a student, what can you do to lessen the cause of depletion?

V. Conservation of electricity like switching off all appliances and gadget that is not in use
VI. By not burning garbage like plastics
VII. By not using aerosol spray like perfume
VIII. By planting plants and fruit bearing trees

A. I and II only C. I, II and III only

B. II and III only D. I, II, III and IV
17. Which of the following is the importance of having an atmosphere in the earth?
A. It traps the harmful ray of the sun
B. It protects the earth with the impact of fragments of meteors.
C. It supports living organism
D. All of the above
18. When air particles in atmosphere are heated, then its temperature increases. Does
increase in its temperature cause the decrease in its density?
A. No, because only the temperature changed and not the density.
B. No, because the density of air particles is not related to its temperature.
C. Yes, because the density of air is inversely proportional to its temperature.
D. Yes, because the density and temperature of air are directly
19. What would happen if there will no atmosphere that envelopes the earth?
A. There will be no effect on the earth
B. The earth will be in danger with the impact of the fragments of meteors
C. The earth will become more fertile
D. The earth will become hotter in temperature
20. What do you think is the reason why we experience high temperature now a days?
A. Because of the effect of global warming
B. Because it is normal during nearly coming of rain
C. Because of the environmental phenomena called El Niño.
D. Because it summer month, we experience hotter temperature

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