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Terminologies: ARTERY:
• Gerontology – science & study of the High deposit: fat and calcium
aging process constriction
• Gerontologic Nursing – care & attention
to the elderly 1. poor circulation
• Geriatrics – science & study if the 2. Hypertension
physiologic & pathologic problems of the
elderly 3. high risk for vascular disorders
• Senescence – normal aging process Intervention:
• Senility – aging process characterized by
1. FAT: low fat diet
severe mental deterioration
2. low sodium diet
▪ Biological Theories of Aging
IMMUNLOGIC Change/ decresease High risk for infection
THEORY function of the C- any caffeine containing drinks
immune system
WEAR AND TEAR Increase age overtime Decreased function A- alcohol
ENDOCRINE THEORY Changes in Changes in hormone
hypothalamus & production - decrease S- smoking
pituitary gland
FREE RADICAL Waste products
accumulating in the
Irreversible damage to
the body and cells
Vascular system
CROSS LINKING Changes in protein Stiffness adversely
(collagen theory) which affects flexibility affects functions
or elasticity Venous valves weaken
GENETIC Cell production Body is programmed
continue to decrease to expire blood return
Pooling of blood in LE
▪ Psychosocial Theories of Aging
1. Edema
Activity Theory one must constantly remain
functional and take on new 2. Thrombo embolism
activities to replace lost one

Continuity Theory continue good habits from young

age and not limit self to change
1. elevate the legs to promote backflow to the
Disengagement Theory old age must leave their place and heart = lessens the risk of edema and
role in society
Ego Integrity vs Despair to achieve ego integrity, the elderly
must have: B. Respiratory
To achieve ego integrity, the elderly must have:
Lung compliance ( RR is normal, RR= activity)
a. atleast 1 companion in life
Vital Capacity (volume air exhaled after
b. stable financial status
c. productive social, civic, religious activity
Residual Volume (vol of air remain after max
I. Physiologic Changes in Late Adulthood
A. Cardiovascular cardiac output
1. Fatigue
1. poor response to stress
elasticity of cardiac muscles
2. low energy & low 2. Shortness of breath

Intervention: Exercise
ALVEOLI Decrease Coughing efficiency
Heart Valves: thick and stiff
size = number Increase mucus; accumulation
gas exchange Risk for Respi infection
O2 (Pneumonia)
Intervention: D. Reproductive System
1. Uterus and Ovaries – atrophy > dec
Dec O2: Deep Breathing exercise
hormones = HPT (Hormone Replacement
Coughing efficiency: coughing exercises Theraphy) : Raloxifine
Inc mucus accumulation: Inc OFI 2. Vagina - decrease secretion > dryness >
H2o based lubricant (ky jelly)
POPE: Postural 3. Perineum muscle – dec waste tone >
Kegel’s exercise (contract 15 secs; relax 15
secs.) repeat 30-80 reps per day
C. Integumentary
4. Penis and testes – atrophy > dec
1. Epidermis production of testosterone
a. Keratinocytes: keratin – nails, skin, 5. Sexual Desire – “Persist”
hair 1. slow arousal
- if low keratin= elderly is at risk for 2. slow erection
pressure ulcer 3. slow ejaculation
Intervention: Intervention: use sittenafil (Viagra)
- change position every 2 hours Potent vasodilator
b. Melanin: skin & hair color E. Gastrointestinal
- serves as protection from UV rays 1. Mouth – dec salivary flow (dry mouth)
which cause skin cancer - lack of teeth leads to diff chewing
- if low melanin= elder skin and and swallong resulting to risk for aspiration
hair pigmentation will be Management: Aspiration Precaution
decreased: Risk for skin cancer 1. Ensure upright position
Intervention: 2. Soft diet
- use sunblock minimum of SPF 50 2. Small Intestine - diminished absorption of
2. Dermis calcium and vitamin D (if without Vit D, only 10-
a. Collagen and elastin – skin 15% calcium is absorbed) =
elasticity if low = wrinkling Osteoclastic Activity ( bone to blood) > Weak and
b. Capillaries – skin blood supply if brittle bones > risk for fractures
low = pallor Intervention:
c. Hair follicles – hair growth if low = 1. Priority: safety
alopecia 2. Increase calcium and Vit D
d. Sweat gland – temp regulation supplements
(sweat) if low = dec sweating 3. CONSTIPATION
e. Sebaceous gland – skin moisture Predisposing Factors:
(sebum) if low = dryness 1. Lack of dietary bulk (fiber)
Intervention: 2. Prolonged use of laxatives
1. Inc. OFI 3. Inactivity (decrease peristaltis
2. Moist trapping movement)
4. Insufficient fluid intake
3. Subcutaneous 4. Excessive dietary fat:
a. Cushion – protects vital organs, if Symptoms: Abdominal discomfort and
low cushion = easy bruising flatulence
b. Thermoregulation – heat & cold, Management:
risk for hypothermia or heat stroke 1. Inc fiber diet
• Seborrheic Dermatitis (scaling) 2. Use laxative as prescribed
• Keratosis (Overgrowth) – inc keratin in a 3. Promote mod exercise
single spot 4. Increase GFI
• Slow nail growth resulting to a thick but 5. Limit fat in diet
brittle nails
• Solar lentigo/ liver spots/ lentigo senilis –
inc melanin in a single spot
F. Renal *Exercise***
1. Size and function of the kidneys 1. Abrasions, bruises, or lacerations
If decreased size & function:
Decreased GFR leads to concentration of urine: 2. Torn or stained underclothing
diluted > decrease excretion of medication which 3. Puncture wounds
causes elderly high risk for drug toxicity: drug
dose: ½ or 1/3 normal dose 4. Disheveled appearance
Intervention: 5. Discomfort or bleeding in the genital area
1. Assess for Duplication
6. Sprains, dislocations, or fractures
2. Report to HCP
3. Watch out for Polypharmacy 7. Inability to pay bills and fearful when discussing
2. Bladder Capacity and emptying finances
8. Difficulty in walking or sitting
G. Musculoskeletal
H. Neurologic 9. Fearful and agitated
I. Sensory 10. Unexplained genital infections or disease
11. Withdrawn and loss of interest in self and
Intervention: social activities

1. Wear proper clothing according to temperature 12. Lacking physical needs, such as glasses,
hearing aids, and dentures
2. Appropriate room temp.
II. Mental Health Concerns: “DIGS”
A. Psychological profile of Victim: “ACCIDENT”
1. Depression - often caused by death of
loved ones - cover up the abuser (often family member)
2. Isolation – seld isolation/ family members B. Psychological Profile of Abuser:
3. Grief – ineffective coping sign:
- hesitant to provide medical care to the family
1. Slef neglect/ self care deficit
2. Substance abuse **Nursing Responsibilities:
4. Suicide – take any suicidal ideations • Assess and Treat – wounds and injuries
sensitively • Safety – remove elderly from danger
III. Abuse of Older Adults “PENES” • Report – to authority ( social worker & police)
• Document – evidence of legal case
1. Individual’s dependence
2. caregiver stress
3. history of family violence
1. Domestic – family member
2. Institutional - caregiver
3. Self neglect - instinuated
Abuse of Older Adults “PENES”
P – hysical
E – motional
N – eglect
E – conomic
S - exual

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