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Activity 1:
A .edu or .gov source is typically the most reliable as they produce information
that is reviewed by multiple places and has research conducted in a viable way.
Typically, .com sources are the least reliable since it is a common domain that
anyone can make. I believe my source is credible despite its .com domain because
“Forbes” is a well known business news site that is read by business
professionals. In addition to this, the author quotes from reliable sources such as a
Harvard Professor.

Mayra Rodriguez Valladares
I can find the author very easily. When searched on Google, her LinkedIn is the
first link to come up. She has an MBA in “Finance and Emerging Markets”, was an
associate at JP Morgan (very impressive), was a Managing Principal at MRV
Associates, and has 25 years of experience in 30 different countries with financial
and energy sectors. I can tell that she knows what she is talking about, and can
provide information that is trustworthy and accurate.

Last Updated:
The Forbes article was last updated October 7, 2019. This is relatively recent,
giving information that is still relevant to present. There are links on the page,
most of which lead to outside sources that prove the authors point. They all still
work and could possibly be worthy of more sources to use for my paper.


HW11 1
The purpose of the article is to inform the reader about the effects of private
equity buyouts on the economy. It mainly discusses the effects on the workers
inside the companies that private equity firms buy out.

The only graphics on the actual article are pictures of the authors that Valladares
sources from. This may create a sort of from the reader because they can see
who is “presenting” information to them.

Position on Subject:
The authors position on the subject does seem somewhat one sided. Valladares
ends the article with stating quotes that say, “Private equity destroys jobs” and
“abuses that cost jobs and harms workers”. The fact that the author ends the
article this way does clarify her opinion on private equity, yet she does provide
some other evidence to the contrary. For example, she states, “Labor productivity
rises 8% at targets over two years post buyout”. So, while she does state that
there are pros, she focuses on the cons to private equity, mostly.


The author mostly uses statements from viable sources throughout the article.
She gives voice to professors from Harvard and from the Center for Economic and
Policy Research. I have the access to the full statements from these people if I
wanted to read more about what they said.

Activity 2:
Two Peer Reviewed Sources:

Source 1
Source 2

Criteria for Finding Good Sources:

HW11 2
I found good sources by looking on databases that had articles written by
professionals. For example, the first source is written by John Paglia, a professor
of Finance at Pepperdine Graziadio Business School. Another reason I find these
sources to be good is they aren’t popular news articles. This is good because it
keeps opinion out of the text.

Shane Bowen
Lila Hill

Both of their non-scholarly texts contain information from .gov sources and their
scholarly texts are both peer-reviewed and come from databases. From this
activity, I learned that .edu and .gov sources are the most reliable to use as they
provide accurate information while keeping opinion out. I also learned how to
effectively use databases to find peer-reviewed sources.

HW11 3

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