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Head of Museum Nasional Republik Indonesia

The composition and publication of the descriptive catalogue of Indonesian

manuscript collections in Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin is a realization of the cooperation
between the National Museum of Indonesia and the Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin. The
purpose is to give publicity to the special collection of Indonesian manuscripts in the
Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin. Secondly, to complete the information about these
collections on the catalogues of Indonesian Manuscripts in Germany. And thirdly, to
complete the information about Indonesian manuscript in the catalogues around the

We finally abandoned the plan to publish this catalogue in two volumes that was
sorted by languages. Due to the complexity of the described manuscripts, we decided
to sort them by arrangement of the shelf numbers. It turned out to be more appropriate
to scientific approach in order to avoid too much compromises. In 2015, we have
adjusted our concept and published the whole information in one single volume. In
2017 this new catalogue is published with revisions and some additions.

The composition and publication of the descriptive catalogue were implemented by

the combined efforts of the researchers from Indonesia, Netherlands and Hawaii. We
therefore extend our sincere thanks to Prof. Dr. Titik Pudjiastuti (University of
Indonesia), who completed the description of the Javanese manuscripts in Java and
Pegon scripts, Dr. Munawar Holil, M.Hum. (University of Indonesia) who described
the manuscripts in Malay and Sundanese, in Jawi (Arabic-Malay) and Cacarakan
scripts. Dr. I Made Suparta, M.Hum. (University of Indonesia), who described the
manuscripts from Bali and Lombok in Balinese and Jejawan scripts, Dr. Kartika
Setyawati (Gajah Mada University) and Abimarda Kurniawan, M.Hum (University of
Indonesia) who described the palmleaf manuscripts in Javanese and Old-Javanese
language in Javanese and Buda scripts, Dr. Muhlis Hadrawi, M.Hum. (Hasanuddin
University), who described the manuscripts in Buginese-Makasarese language in
Buginese and Lontara scripts, and Prof. Dr. Uli Kozok (University of Hawaii) who is
responsible for the description of the manuscripts in Batak language and script. Lisa
Misliani, M.Hum. (Badan Bahasa Lampung) who described the manuscripts in
Lampung language in Kaganga script, Dr. Adib Misbahul Islam (State Islamic
University, Ciputat), who assisted in translating the Javanese and Malay manuscripts
in Arabic language and script. Dr. Mariam Salahuddin, who translated the texts in
Bima language. Our gratitude we also extend to our colleague of the Staatsbibliothek
zu Berlin, especially to Dr. Thoralf Hanstein.

Also we are thankful for the facilities provided by the Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin,
which greatly contributed to the pleasure and enjoyment in our work. We especially
extend our thanks to Ms Nicole Fürtig, Ms Melitta Multani, and Mr Berhanu Baysa
and who by their support and services greatly eased the accomplishment of our task of
describing the Indonesian manuscripts in the Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin. To Prof. Dr.
Achadiati Ikram (University of Indonesia) who translated the descriptive catalogue
into English, we extend our thanks.

Head of the Museum Nasional Indonesia

Intan Mardiana

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