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Capstone Project: Final Paper Template

Strategy for Designing Worship based on Case Study #1

Riverside Baptist Church Dallas, TX

Submitted to Professor Joshua Carver

In part of the requirements for completion of

WRSP 421: Congressional Ministry


Shannon E. Kennedy

July 3rd, 2023


STRATEGY FOR DESIGNING WORSHIP.................................................................................................................. 1

INTRODUCTION.................................................................................................................................................. 1

CULTURAL INFLUENCES....................................................................................................................................... 2

DEMOGRAPHIC INFLUENCES............................................................................................................................... 3

PASTORAL INFLUENCES....................................................................................................................................... 4

CHURCH STAFF.................................................................................................................................................... 5

CHURCH RESOURCES........................................................................................................................................... 6

PHILOSOPHY AND PURPOSE OF MINISTRY........................................................................................................... 6

SPIRITUAL RESOURCES........................................................................................................................................ 7

MUSICAL RESOURCES.......................................................................................................................................... 8

EQUIPMENT RESOURCES................................................................................................................................... 10

OTHER ITEMS RELATED TO WORSHIP................................................................................................................ 11

STRATEGY FOR WORSHIP MINISTRY.................................................................................................................. 11

ORDER OF SERVICE............................................................................................................................................ 11

RATIONALE FOR SONG SELECTIONS................................................................................................................... 13

SUMMARY........................................................................................................................................................ 14

BIBLIOGRAPHY.................................................................................................................................................. 15


Riverside Baptist Church is a mega church with an influential fellowship. Riverside

Baptist Church is known for solid Bible teaching, innovative worship ministry, missionary

outreach, and an outstandingly large youth ministry.1 About 40% of the church’s congregation

are young married couples with young children under the age of 40. With most of the

congregation representing a younger generation a strategy for worship would be to work to

carefully blend modern contemporary Christian music of their generation with some of the more

traditional songs and hymns. The goal would be the entire congregation participating actively in

worship and having an encounter with God; in leading worship the worship leader needs to make

sure that they are encouraging congregational response and participation in worship for the

younger generation to feel included.


Riverside Baptist Church is in one of the most affluent parts of Ft. Worth.2 With three

worship services offered (1 Saturday night, 2 Sunday morning) the average attendance in

services is consistently 10,500-11,000 people making RBC one of the largest churches in Ft.

Worth.3 The congregation meets in a large multi-purpose building with brand new up-to-date

technology, sound system, video support and innovative lighting, in addition to two state-of-the-

art recording studios, a video recording suite, and a complete graphic design department. 4

RBC is affiliated with the Southern Baptist Convention. Riverside Baptist Church is

committed to communication the gospel (and the worship of Christ) in this present generation.

This is seen in their drive, passion, and excitement in participating in worship ministry outreach.
Vernon M. Whaley, “Case Study #1: Riverside Baptist Church, Fort Worth, Texas,” 1.


Riverside Baptist Church leadership has spent considerable efforts in developing a sense

of community in the church.5 RBC is denominational in affiliation and actively involved in the

local, regional, national, international ministries. Riverside Baptist Church supports a seminary

in Brazil, underwrites all expenses for an orphanage in Ukraine, in addition to a hugely

successful jail ministry and outreach counseling program for battered women and prostitutes, and

a long-term drug rehabilitation center.6

RBC is theologically and socially conservative, passionate about God and country, and

completely committed to evangelism, revival, and worship. Worship is about evangelism and

evangelism involves proclaiming the wonders of God to the unsaved world around us.7 The

culture of Riverside Baptist’s worship ministry is sold out on evangelism through worship; out of

their love for God, they are motivated to tell others about Christ.8 RBC believes that there no

message more worthy of the time we spend together in corporate worship then the good news of

Jesus Christ and the gospel.9

Riverside Baptist Church has a very contemporary worship service on that meets on

Saturday evening. The two services Sunday are blended contemporary format with drama, heavy

use of technology and aesthetically pleasing lighting that impresses.10 RBC’s congregation loves

Bible preaching singing and engaging in worship.11 Riverside Baptist Church is devoted to

teaching and preaching the gospel, in fact RBC utilizes high profile football players from the

Vernon M. Whaley, “Case Study #1: Riverside Baptist Church, Fort Worth, Texas,” 1.
Whaley, Case Study #1, 1.
Vernon M. Whaley, The Dynamics of Corporate Worship 2nd Edition. (Academx Publishing Services Inc.
2007). Pg. 115. Liberty University Online Bookshelf,
Steven, Miller. Worship Leaders, We Are Not Rockstars. (Moody Bible Institute of Chicago, 2013)
Liberty University Online Bookshelf,
Vernon M. Whaley, “Case Study #1: Riverside Baptist Church, Fort Worth, Texas,” 2.
Whaley, Case Study #1, 1.

Dallas Cowboys, and baseball players from the Rangers to present the gospel, and help reach

people for Christ Jesus.


Riverside Baptist Church has an incredibly large congregation. RBC holds three different

worship services, and the consistent attendance is 10,500-11,000 congregants.12 40% of the

congregation is young married couples with young children under the age of 40. Roughly 25% of

the congregation are Senior/Adults, and 12.5% are teenagers or college students.13 Considering

this data RBC worship services should make sure to cater to the younger generation in worship

with songs, energy, and engagement. RBC is very engaged in reaching the current culture for


As one could imagine Riverside Baptist Church has a very strong, large, and growing

student ministry (middle school and high school age). Additionally, college age and singles

ministry are rapidly growing, bringing in even more under individuals in younger generation.

The worship leader needs to keep these numbers in mind when preparing a service and choosing

songs for the set list. The goal is to make sure that the younger generation (majority of

congregation) feels welcomed, can enjoy worship experience, and is actively engaged in


Riverside Baptist Church has an $11.8 million dollar budget annually, of that $440,000

(3.7%) is allocated to the worship ministry for music and worship needs.14 RBC is incredibly big

on outreach and evangelism, and their allotted for missions and outreach ministries is 30%. That

Vernon M. Whaley, “Case Study #1: Riverside Baptist Church, Fort Worth, Texas,” 2.
Whaley, Case Study #1, 2.
Whaley, Case Study #1, 1.

30% is divided by 10% to foreign missions, 10% mission initiatives in American, and 10% for

mission trips by students or adult groups.15


Robert Jeffress is the Senior Pastor of Riverside Baptist Church in Ft. Worth, TX.

Jeffress is described as a strong leader, a man of vision and ministry philosophy.16 Pastor Jeffress

remains focused on three things for Riverside Baptist Church, those are evangelism, revival, and

worship. Jeffress is both theologically and politically conservative, and he advocates for his

people at city, state, and national events. Pastor Jeffress takes his role very seriously as chief

worship leader, and he has asked the worship pastor to develop a ministry that is contemporary

in nature but realistic to the vision of the church focused on evangelism, revival, and worship. He

is constantly reminding the worship pastor that “the people are more important than the songs.”

However, Jeffress desires a practical mix of newer and familiar songs for the congregation in

worship .17

Pastor Jeffress received a Doctor of Ministry degree from Liberty University.18 Jeffress

strongly believes in higher education and improving opportunities in life through education. He

highly encourages his staff to pursue advanced degrees and specialized training in seminars or

workshops. Jeffress intermittently takes the opportunity to teach at a Bible college across town.


With the size of RBC’s congregation, the church has more than adequate staffing to

match. There are 14 full-time pastors, and each pastor has an administrative assistant. “The

Vernon M. Whaley, “Case Study #1: Riverside Baptist Church, Fort Worth, Texas,”1
Whaley, Case Study #1, 2.
Whaley, Case Study #1, 2
Whaley, Case Study #1, 2.

executive pastoral staff includes senior pastor, executive pastor, worship pastor, education

pastor, evangelism pastor, discipleship pastor, and senior adult pastor.”19 Additional staff hold

other pastoral positions such as “children’s pastor, student ministries pastor, single adult pastor,

pastor of International ministries, social ministries director (drug rehab program), women’s

ministry director, and the prison ministry director.”20

The staff that works directly with the worship ministry is senior pastor, the executive

pastor, as well as the student ministries, evangelism, and discipleship pastor. The senior and

executive pastors work with the worship leader on communicating the theme for services, and

the order of service. This is a time of communication and clarification on both sides as well as

weeding anything out that does not add to the service or detracts from the service. The

evangelism and discipleship pastor work with the worship leadership preparing events for the

future for outreach such as worship team will present a summer worship concert in the park

where there will be preaching of the word and baptisms happening, and the discipleship ministry

available to minister to the newly saved believers.


Riverside Baptist Church is in a new multi-purpose building, with state-of-the-aft

recording studios and a video recording suite. A large part of the worship budget was allocated to

purchasing impressive professional lighting, and clear and crisp new sound system for the

sanctuary. The budget for worship ministry as previously stated is $440,000 dollars annually.

Total cost between the new lighting and the new sound system (mixing board, speakers,

microphones, etc.) was $22,000. The worship ministry meets on Wednesdays for practice and

Sunday before services. The sanctuary will be the practice spot on Wednesdays, Sundays church

Whaley, Case Study #1, 2.
Whaley, Case Study #1, 2.

will be open and full of congregants, worship team will head to one of the two recording studios

to run through the set list and ask any questions before getting on the stage.


Riverside Baptist Church rests on the worship and ministry philosophy of their Senior

Pastor Robert Jeffress. The primary purpose of the ministry is evangelism. “Corporate worship is

nothing more and nothing less than a representation of the gospel in the Presence of God for His

glory and for their good.”21 The goal in every worship service should be proclaiming the

goodness of God and the name of Jesus. In doing that we more easily achieve the second goal as

part of our philosophy which is revival.

If we are sincerely praising, edifying, and exalting the name of Jesus, God is going to

show up and show off, there will be signs, wonders, and miracles and that is what changes the

atmosphere from church to revival! “You shall love the You’re your God with all your heart,

with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength.” (Mark12:29-30 NKJV) Lastly,

in RBC’s philosophy of worship is to have our worship be real and authentic worship. Worship

is perfect, it can be messy. When the holy Spirit convicts us, we can find ourselves in a pool of

tears on our knees at the altar. But that mess is how it should be, it genuinely and authentically

displays the perfect nature and holiness of our God against the sin-prone, human nature, that fails

us every single time. “In every situation God Himself enables us to offer songs of confession,

praise, gratefulness and celebration through Jesus Christ.”22

Brian, Chapell. Christ Centered Worship: Letting the Gospel Shape Our Practice. (Baker Academic,
Bob, Kauflin. True Worshipers: Seeking What Matters to God. (Crossway Wheaton, 2015) p.99,
Available from ProQuest Ebook Central, July 2nd 2023.


Riverside Baptist Church is full of believers hungry for the Word of God and excited to

you’re the talents and gifting given by God for His kingdom and for His glory. RBC is known

for its solid Bible teaching. The congregation loves the Word being preached and loves to sing

along and worship to theologically strong songs praising the Lord. The musicians in the praise

and worship band however take some convincing as they see themselves as just playing an

instrument, and that the content of the songs is not their problem nor their choice. Every single

musician, or vocalist that is on stage for worship is a worship leader. We are all representing the

church and we are all helping to usher our congregants into the presence of God.

It should be a pleasure for each person in the worship ministry to take the time to assess

and analyze songs for their ministerial usage and even proposing that you think that a particular

song may not be appropriate for use congregationally. The entire worship ministry needs to

become comfortable with speaking to one another sharing ideas and creating an atmosphere

where the Holy Spirit can move and work in the people in the service. When we fully surrender

ourselves to the work of the ministry and confess it is your way Lord, not my way, your plans

lord not my plans, then God will be honored and inhabit the praises of His people. “God’s

greatest desire for us is not to be the coolest musicians, or the best songwriters. It’s not even for

us to be the best worship leaders, but rather for us to be worshipers of God.”23

Before musicians of vocalists join the worship team, they are required to sign a contract

stating that they will give a minimum of one year service in the worship ministry, and they will

continually fill their cup in the Presence of the Lord to be able to pour into other and have a

hunger, thirst, and desire for the things of God. The commitment to serve allows us one year to

Steven, Miller. Worship Leaders, We Are Not Rockstars. (Moody Bible Institute of Chicago, 2013) Ch.2
Liberty University Online Bookshelf,

get to know someone to minister to them and learn to work as a team and improve their

musicianship or vocals.

Without a doubt every single member on the worship team understands and is passionate

about helping achieve the vision of the pastor for the worship ministry. There are times where

ministry department meetings need to be held to go over basics and direction, but everyone

knows where the goal and vision are headed, and they are doing everything in their power to help

get us to that goal. Work is done for God rather than unto God.24


The worship and praise team includes 14 members in total. This is because we have some

instruments that have two different people that can potentially play due to availability, sickness,

vacation etc. We have 2 acoustic guitar players, 2 drummers, 2 keyboardists, 2 bass players 1

electric guitarist, and 5 vocalists, 2 soprano, 2 alto, 1 tenor. Out of the 14 members of the

worship team 10 are returning and played with us last year or for the last few years. Most of the

team has five years or more under their belt on worship team and playing their instrument.

There are four new members this year, two vocalists, 1 acoustic guitarist and one

keyboardist. Both vocalists are currently studying in the Liberty University School of Music

online and have some significant vocal training throughout primary school years. The acoustic

guitarist is a youth worship team member who has been playing since last year and still has a

ways to go in honing in his musical craft and skills to gain in picking, rhythm, and free worship.

Lastly, the keyboardist is a new member of our church. She came in with her husband late last

year and converted. She had previous experience playing keys for her previous fellowships

worship band.

Vernon M. Whaley, The Dynamics of Corporate Worship 2nd Edition. (Academx Publishing Services Inc.
2007). Pg. 172. Liberty University Online Bookshelf,

Most of the team I know personally and have worked with for many years now. Their

heart for worship ministry matches my heart for worship ministry and the vision of the senior

pastor. The newer team member aside from their contract I am just getting to know them. It will

take time for me to truly see and analyze where they are at spiritually and emotionally regarding

loving and serving the Lord above all else and for His glory.

The seasoned members of the worship team, most have taken my placing when I have

been ill of gone on vacation and not only led services, but planned service send out invites,

selected songs, and order of services. They all perform at a high functioning level that I would be

proud to display for anyone at any time. However, the new guitarist and the new keyboardist and

two new vocalists although have some experience in their own regard and very green in the

worship team. This means that the rest of the team hasn’t figured out how to flow with them or

communicate what is going like continuing to instrumental, versus repeating the chord

progression then going into the chorus. For the worship leader the medium is not our message-it

is the vehicle for our message.25


There are many things that are needed for a successful worship ministry, but the bare

bones basics would be first and foremost the instruments for the worship band. Not every

member of the worship team will always be lucky enough to have their own instrument, thus as

the worship leader we should at least have a spare, electric/acoustic/bass guitars, keyboard, drum

set. For the sound we will need a sound board mixer, and speakers to project the sound into the

house. We will need eight sets of in-ear monitoring systems for the musicians and vocalists on

the stage for service.

Steven, Miller. Worship Leaders, We Are Not Rockstars. (Moody Bible Institute of Chicago, 2013) Ch.8
Liberty University Online Bookshelf,

On the technological end of the spectrum and less on the physical we will need a laptop

to run projector content for lyrics/word/scripture, and we will need Planning Center to be able to

organize and create the service plan, upload the content and the songs set out the order and invite

all the vocalists and musicians. Lastly there is always hard copies that are needed for practice so

there will need to be access to a copy machine for printing off the songs for instrumentalists and

vocalists. This allows them to follow along and makes notes regarding the flow and arrangement

of the songs. For service we will need three spotlights and two sets of six color fade can lights.

The music we gather from our CCLI account. Music related software for upload music to

Planning Center, upload lyrics to computer for projector and print out hard copies to make notes

on in practice, eight pencils for note taking and making.


During the spring and summer months the worship team is going to team up the

evangelist ministry and the discipleship ministry to throw free concerts in the park. These events

are family friendly, they would have live, good, wholesome Christian music, strong doctrine and

theologically sound word given by a pastor, and the evangelist and discipleship teams walking

the event laying hands on and praying for the people at the event. There will be troughs for on-

the-spot baptisms, and an information booth to share information about our church and how to

get connected with a church family after accepting Jesus.


The vision of Pastor Jeffress should be in the forefront of our minds as well consider

what the short, mid, and long-term strategy is for developing a worship ministry. This music will

be newer and still familiar to the congregants as Jeffress suggested. The “kind” or style will be a

Blended contemporary with a heavy emphasis on the contemporary. Developing a worship


ministry will require not only physical possessions but also physical bodies. To start thew

ministry would need to have a minimum of 6 volunteers for the worship team two vocalists and

four instrumentalists, keys, drums, acoustic and bass. After the people are acquired, we need to

procure the instruments, music stand, microphones, sound board mixer, music software, such as

Planning Center, Pro Presenter, CCLI/Song Select subscription. One all of the equipment and

software has been acquired and set up we can now begin more long-term planning a month or

even two months out utilizing planning center for invites and music uploads, chord charts, lead

sheets, arrangements.


Theme – Power in the Name of Jesus

Prelude – Keys, acoustic guitar, bass only– Instrumentalists

Call to Praise - Congregation

 “The Name of Jesus” Chris Tomlin, (D Maj)

 “Jesus” Chris Tomlin, (A Maj)26

*Slow Tempo*

Prayer of Worship – Worship Pastor

Welcome – Pastoral Staff

Welcome Song (meet and greet during song) – Pastoral Staff

*Speeding up Tempo for Build*

 “In Jesus Name (God of Possible)” Katy Nicole, (F# Maj)

 “Give me Jesus” Jeremy Camp, (G Maj)27
 “I Speak Jesus” Abby Benton (C Maj)28
Chris, Tomlin. “Jesus” track 2 on Never Lose Sight album. (Capitol CMG Publishing, 2016). Accessed
July 3rd, 2023.
Jeremy, Camp. “Give Me Jesus” track 6 on Beyond Measure album (Capitol CMG Publishing, 2006)
Accessed July 3rd, 2023.
Abby, Benton. “I Speak Jesus” single (Integrity Music Services, 2019) Accessed July 2nd, 2023.

Scripture Reading – Reader’s Group - (See Scripture Reading Below)

Offertory Prayer – Pastoral Staff

Praise & Worship During Offering

*Full Band, BIG Sound* Ring Out on “Unstoppable God”

 “At Your Name” Phil Whickam, (E Maj)

 “Your Name is Power” Rend Collective, (Ab Maj)
 “Unstoppable God” Chris Brown/Steven Furtick, (B Maj)

Prayer of Intercession, Praise and Worship – Congregation

Message – “Taking a Hold of the Power in the Name of Jesus”

Ephesians 3:20:
Now unto Him that is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we could think or
imagine, according to the power that worketh in us, Unto Him be glory in the church by Jesus
Christ throughout all ages, world without end.

Hymn of Response/ Invitation – Worship Leader and Congregation

 “All Hail the Power of Jesus Name” Edward Perronet (Bb)29

Hymn of Benediction – “Majesty” Jack Hayford, (Bb)– Congregation

Postlude –Keys ONLY, light guitar picking, stay on the final chord progression slowly fade

out– Instrumentalist.


The selection of the songs and the selection of the theme was one that took a great deal of

thought. I spent many years confused and deceived when I came to the Lord. I was ignorant. I

wish someone had told me the things I know now back then. Most of the congregation are young

married couple with young children just starting families and middle school, high school, and

college student, with the occasional single. Knowledge is power, God says that we in fact perish

Edward, Perronet. “All Hail The Power of Jesus Name” in The Rejoice Hymnal. (Randall House
Publishing: Nashville, TN, 2013) pg,31.

for lack of knowledge, “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge” Hosea 4:6. All of the

songs selected are not just beautiful songs, but they are theologically strong and based off of

sound doctrine and would work for teaching and reproof.

The younger generation needs more knowledge in the things of God and more spiritual

tools to fight against the enemy with. These songs not only teach them to use Word of God, but

the Armor of God and the Name of Jesus, of which every knee will bow, and every tongue will



After completing the research for this Capstone Assignment, I was able to get a better

understanding of Riverside Baptist Church, and how it functions ministerially and through the

worship program. This mega church has 10,500-11,000 people attending their Southern Baptist

Convention denominational services. The Church is large enough the worship services must be

split into three different service. This idea of splitting services works very well because the

worship ministry can create two different worship experiences for the service, one that is more

traditional and blended with contemporary, and one that is all contemporary sound and music

from CCM.

This strategy of splitting services allows for a happier congregation overall because no

one feel as if they are having to make the compromise of what they like just to keep the peace

(which happens all too often in the church). This case study helped me gain the knowledge

necessary for the future when it comes to blending contemporary and tradition and as well the

logic and strategy in splitting services in the future. I can definitely see myself as the church

grows creating a more contemporary service with full band and CCM music entirely, and one far

more traditional for the older generation that cater to some of the more traditional liturgy and

classic hymnals.


Benton, Abby. “I Speak Jesus” single. (Integrity Music Service, 2019). Accessed July 2nd, 2023.

Camp, Jeremy. “Give Me Jesus” track 6 on Beyond Measure album. (Capitol CMG Publishing,
2006). Accessed July 3rd, 2023.

Chapell, Brian. Christ Centered Worship: Letting the Gospel Shape Our Practice. (Baker
Academic, 2009) p.74

Kauflin, Bob. True Worshipers: Seeking What Matters to God. Wheaton: Crossway, 2015.
Accessed July 4, 2023. ProQuest Ebook Central.

Miller, Steven. Worship Leaders, We Are Not Rockstars, (Moody Bible Institute of Chicago,
2013). Liberty University Online Bookshelf.

Perronet, Edward. “All Hail the Name of Jesus” in The Rejoice Hymnal. (Randall House
Publishing: Nashville, TN, 2013) pg.31

Tomlin, Chris. “Jesus” track 2 on Never Lose Sight album. (Capitol CMG Publishing, 2016)
Accessed July 3rd, 2023.

Whaley, Vernon M. “Case Study #1 – Riverside Baptist Church, Ft. Worth, Texas.” WRSP421
Assignment Instructions, 2011.

Whaley, Vernon M. The Dynamics of Corporate Worship 2nd Ed. (Academx Publishing Service
Inc, 2007). Pgs.115, 172

Appendix I – Capstone Project Outline







WRSP 421




JUNE 23RD, 2023



Outline for Evaluating A Congregational Worship Ministry

General Description of Church

Riverside Baptist Church is a mega church located in Dallas-Ft. Worth, TX.

RBC holds three worship services weekly, one on Saturday night and two Sunday morning with

between 10,500-11,000 congregants in attendance. RBC stands out from other mega churches in

the area with their theological distinctives in teaching biblically sound doctrine, having a

progressive/creative worship ministry, a heavy focus on missions and outreach and a booming

youth ministry that is rapidly growing and expanding.


Riverside Baptist Church is a multigenerational church located in the heart of Dallas-Ft.

Worth, TX. RBC is nestled in a wealthy, upper class neighborhood with a beautiful state-of-the-

art multi-purpose facility, sporting the latest and greatest in church technology, sound system,

video support, and lighting. RBC even houses two recording studios a video recording suite and

graphic arts design center on campus. RBC has heavily invested in technology that will help

them reach a present generation through sharing the Gospel and worshiping Christ.

Out of RBC’s annual $11.8 million dollar budget, 3.7% ($440,000) is granted to the

Music and Worship Ministry. That does not include the cost of salaried employees, television,

advertising or media needs. Riverside Baptist believes strongly in the great commission and the

fulfillment of that through missions and outreach. 30% of RBC’s entire annual budget goes to

missions and outreach ministries. The missions and outreach ministries are separated into three

groups 10% for foreign missions, 10% for missions in American, and finally 10% for congregant

missions either student or adults.

1. Cultural Setting

a. RBC is committed transforming the world with God’s Word one life at a time.
This includes sharing the gospel and the truth in the Word of God in Sunday
School classes. RBC holds Sunday School classes after service for all ages to
strengthen their walk with Christ and build relationship in the Christian

b. RBC offers three different services weekly for their congregants. The first is a
traditional choir and orchestra led worship service Sundays at 9:15am & 11:00am
in the Worship Center. The second service offered is a contemporary/blended Day
One band led worship at 11am in the Historic Sanctuary. Finally, RBC offers
iCampus which is a live streaming of the choir and orchestra led worship service.
iCampus streams at four different times on Sundays 7:30am, 9:15am, 11:00am
and 6:00pm.

c. RBC’s congregants are relatively widespread regarding their age diversity. Over
40% of those attending RBC are young married couples with young children and
the parents are under the age of 40. Riverside Baptist is known for its large
children’s ministry with 1 director heading up the department and two staff
members who lead the children’s worship ministry.12.5% of RBC congregants in
attendance are teenagers or college students. RBC is home to a growing youth
department and has both a Director of Student Ministries and a Coordinator of
Youth Worship. The remaining 25% of those in attendance at RBC classify
themselves as “senior adults.”

d. Riverside Baptist Church Senior Adult Ministry has a very active Senior Adult
Choir and enjoy combining Youth and Senior Ministries together. One of the
favorite events is a walk-o-thon fundraising event for scholarships for student to
attend Liberty University.

e. RBC congregants love preaching of the Word of God and singing in active,
passionate, engaging worship services.

f. RBC is actively involved in many ministries local, regional, national and across
the globe. These ministries include a seminary in Brazil and an orphanage in

g. Riverside actively leads a successful prison ministry, battered women and

prostitutes out-reach counseling, and a long-term drug rehabilitation center.
2. Demographic Characteristics

a. Riverside Baptist Church is passionate about God and country, and conservative
both theologically and socially.

b. RBC is fully committed to the great commission and sharing the gospel, with a
passion for worship and a heart for revival.

c. Riverside Baptist holds a contemporary worship service Saturday evening and

two blended contemporary worship services Sunday mornings.

d. The two contemporary blended services on Sundays consist of spectacular

lighting, technology and drama.

e. RBC wants to reach the nations and be inviting to the broken lost and hurting
world, The Sunday after Easter this year RBC started offering a service entirely in

f. Proximity allows for RBC to partner with both Dallas Cowboys Football team and
the Texas Rangers Baseball team as well as other major professional
organizations to present the gospel with high profile players.

g. 2 Dallas Cowboy football players and 4 Rangers Baseball players are members of

h. One of the Rangers Baseball players is a deacon in the church and annually
sponsors a sports weekend for boys in single parent families. Over 100 boys
received Christ last year because of their time together.

i. RBC is home to a very large, strong, and rapidly growing student ministry
(Middle School/High School). Many from the college age and singles ministry are
attending Christian University to attain specialized training in worship.

j. Unlike many other church’s, the children, youth, college age groups have
remained relatively unaffected by social and ethnic challenges facing other

k. RBC’s student ministry is strong, committed, and passionate about reaching the
culture for Christ.

l. RBC’s student ministry is likewise committed to teaching and practicing a

lifestyle of worship. Each year the student ministry attends The Passion
Conference, hosted by Ft. Worthy area ministries.

m. In 2001 RBC started a Christian Elementary School. Today RBC has Christian
education from kindergarten through the 12th grade. RBC expects to enroll over
2,100 students in 2024.

n. The school has provided an unexpected musical resource for the church, several
excellent musicians from the school now enjoy serving in the church. Many
students involved in the high school praise team help lead worship services on

3. Pastor

a. Dr. Robert Jeffress is Senior Pastor of roughly 16,000 congregants for Riverside
Baptist Church. Jeffress is both theologically and politically conservative. Pastor
Jeffress serves not only as a Fox News contributor but additionally, an adjunct
professor for Dallas Theological Seminary.

b. Pastor Jeffress is described as a man of vision whose ministry philosophy focuses

on three primary factors, evangelism, discipleship and worship.

c. Pastor Jeffress is chief worship leader and takes his role very seriously. He
requested that the worship be both contemporary in nature as well as realistic to
the vision of the church.

d. To Jeffress “contemporary” means a practical mix of newer and familiar songs.

e. Commitment to the worship program is incredibly important to Jeffress, He

expresses frequently to the Worship Pastor that “the people are more important
than the songs.”

f. Pastor Jeffress holds a Doctor of Ministry degree from Liberty University.

Intermittently Jeffress teaches at the Bible college across town.

g. Pastor Jeffress encourages church members and staff to attain advanced degrees
and attend specialized training seminars and or workshops.
4. Church Staff

a. Within RBC there are 14 full-time pastors. The Executive Pastoral staff consists
of the Senior Pastor, the Executive Pastor, the Worship Pastor, the Education
Pastor, the Evangelism Pastor, the Discipleship Pastor, and the Senior Adult

b. Other non-executive pastoral positions at RBC include: Children’s Pastor, Student

Ministries Pastor, Single Adult Pastor, Pastor of International Ministries, Social

Ministries Director (Head of the Drug-Rehabilitation program), Womens Ministry

Director, Director of Prison Ministries.

c. For the 14 full-time Pastors, each Pastor has an administrative assistant.

d. Worship Staff in the Music Ministry ar RBC includes Senior Worship Pastor,
Associate Worship Pastor-Instrumental, Associate Worship Pastor-Media,
Associate Worship Pastor-Drama Ministry, Associate Worship Pastor-Student
Music, Coordinator of Children’s Worship, Director of Riverside Music
Academy, Director of Care Group Ministry, Director of Worship Arts &
Graphics. Additionally, there is the Administrative Assistant-Worship,
Administrative Assistant-Instrumental & Children, Assistant Director of Worship
Academy, 2 Worship Assistants, and a significant number of weekly volunteers.

e. There are eight full-time employees that just work in Media Ministry.

f. There are 30 individuals that are responsible for grounds and facilities
management and maintenance in different capacities.

5. Resources

a. RBC’s campus houses a brand new 4,500 seat auditorium.

b. RBC has invested over $1.5 million dollars in lighting and sound equipment for
the auditorium.

c. RBC has an active radio and television ministries, the 11am Sunday service is
broadcasted live.

d. Riverside also edits and re-broadcasts to over 200 television outlets, in addition to
2 cable venues.

e. It is estimated through RBC’s television and radio ministry over 5 million people
are reached by the gospel each week.
6. Purpose and Philosophy of Ministry & Worship

a. Pastor Jeffress purpose and philosophy of ministry centers around evangelism,

discipleship, and worship.

b. Pastor Jeffress believes that these three things should impact every area of our
lives. That includes the secular implicating evangelism, and the sacred implying a
type of worship.

c. Philosophy of Worship at RBC is practical worship, with a strong focus on

teaching and training to bring Christ’s children back into the Body. Do everything

with excellence, and always remain good stewards of the time, talent, and treasure
God has given them.

d. Worship Services are a blend of contemporary and modern traditional, and utilize
a no frills, straight forward approach to entering the Presence of God.

e. The Worship Ministry is very large at RBC. Any week of the year there are over
600 individuals participating in one of the worship ministries such as Worship
Choir, Instrumental Groups, Orchestra, 4 full Praise teams with band, Student-Led
Praise and Worship Ministry, Worship- Media, Worship-Drama, and Children’s
Choir programs.

f. Both Sunday Services 400 Voice Choir is utilized.

7. Musical Resources – Spiritual

a. All worship teams utilized on Sunday for services are made up of Godly men and
women specially trained directly by the Worship Pastor himself. These
individuals must be strong in their faith and their walk with the Lord.
Additionally, each person must hunger and thirst for the things of God (seeking
His will, holiness, and righteousness).

b. All individuals serving on worship services Sundays must participate in weekly

Bible teachings and discipleship activities led by the Worship Pastor.
c. These individuals capture the heart of God and the Worship Pastor in that they
love to serve others in their community.
8. Musical Resources – Musicians

a. Worship Band at RBC consists of keyboard, drummer, lead guitar, acoustic

guitar, bass, organ, and percussion. All instrumentals are highly trained and
skilled at their instrument, best of all they love each other and work well together.

b. These instrumentalists form the foundation for the entire instrumental program.

c. Worship Ministry has a 48-person Orchestra, mostly comprised of volunteers

from the community.

d. There are 3 teams of six vocalists that comprise the Worship/Praise Team and all
vocalists rotate in the responsibility of leading worship in services.

e. One must be highly dedicated to being a vocalist in the Worship Ministry.

Vocalists practice three times a week in addition to practice before services.

f. The Praise/Worship vocalists also serve as the foundation for the RBC’s 200
voice choir.
9. Musical Resources – Equipment

a. Most importantly a full worship/praise set up in the sanctuary. Drums, Bass,

guitar (electric & acoustic) keyboard, organ.

b. Microphones for each vocalist, and 2 talk back mics for keyboard and drums.

c. 10 sets of in-ear monitors.

d. 2 DI Boxes for electric and acoustic

e. Pro-Presenter for Lyrics and Scriptures on projection screen.

f. Chord Charts and lead sheets printed at copier or scanned in enough copies for
entire team.

g. 2 Capos for guitars.

10. Other Factors

Every year Riverside Baptist Church host two very large events involving the worship/praise
team. First, the church hosts an annual Christmas celebration (which the choir and
praise/worship team will be used extensively) and second, a Fourth of July Festival for the
congregation and the surrounding community. It is reported that it is not unusual for the events to
be attended by over 50,000 people every year. These events provide an excellent opportunity for
the worship team and the church to reach the community and share the gospel.

Appendix II– Chosen Case Study

Case Study #1 - Riverside Baptist Church – Ft. Worth, TX

Riverside Baptist Church is a large, mega church affiliated with the Southern Baptist
Convention. Located in Ft. Worth, TX. Average attendance at the one Saturday night
and two
Sunday morning services consistently runs between 10,500 and 11,000 people. While
is a large, influential fellowship, it is not the largest church in the Ft. Worth, Texas
They are known for their solid Bible teaching, innovative worship ministry,
missionary outreach,
and exceptionally large youth ministry.
The church is located in the most affluent part of Ft. Worth. The congregation meets
in a new,
multi-purpose building complete with the most up-to-date technology, sound system,
support, and innovative lighting. The church has two state-of-the-art recording
studios, a video
recording suite, and a complete graphic arts department. They are committed to
the gospel (and the worship of Christ) to this present generation.
The church has a $11.8 million-dollar annual budget of which nearly $440,000 (3.7%)
allocated to music and worship needs (not including salaries, television or media
budgets), 30%
of the budget goes to missions and other outreach ministries – 10% to foreign
missions; 10% for
missions initiatives in America; and, 10% for missions trips by student and adult
church groups.
The church leadership has spent considerable efforts in developing a sense of
community in the
church. About 40% of the church membership are young married couples with young
under the age of 40. The church has a very large and successful children’s ministry,
with a full time Director of Children’s Ministry and two employees devoted to the
leading of
children’s worship. Another 12.5% are teenagers and college students. The youth
includes a full time Director of Student Ministries and a Coordinator of Youth

Worship. There
are about 25% that call themselves senior adult. They are a very active in the senior
adult choir
and love to do things with the youth ministries. They sponsor an annual walk-a-thon
to raise
money for scholarships for students to attend Liberty University.
The congregation loves Bible preaching and engaging worship. They love to sing.
While they are
denominational in affiliation and actively involved in the local, regional, national, and
international ministries, including supporting a seminary in Brazil, they totally
underwrite the
expenses of an orphanage in Ukraine. In addition, they operate a very effective jail
outreach-counseling program with battered women and prostitutes, and long-term
drug rehab
The church is theologically and socially conservative, passionate about God and
country, and
totally committed to evangelism, revival, and worship. They have a very
contemporary worship
service that meets on Saturday evening. The two services on Sunday morning are in a
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contemporary format with drama, heavy use of technology, and impressive lighting.
They plan
on initiating a new Spanish speaking service the first Sunday after Easter.
Because of the church’s proximity to the Dallas Cowboys football team and Texas
Baseball club, the church leadership frequently partners with major professional
organizations in
presenting the gospel with high profile players. In fact, two Dallas Cowboy football
team players
and 4 professional baseball players are members of the church. One of the members of
Rangers baseball team, a deacon in the church, sponsors an annual sports weekend for
boys in single-parent homes. Last year, there were over 100 boys that received Christ
as a result
of their experience together.
As one could imagine, the church has a very strong, large, and growing student

ministry (middle
school and high school). Their college-age and singles ministry continue to show
growth with scores of young adults going to Christian college for specialized training
in worship.
All in all, the church children, teenagers, and college age groups have almost
untouched by the social and ethnic challenges that other churches have experienced.
The spiritual
“temperature” of the student ministry is strong. They are engaged in reaching the
culture for
Christ. And their commitment as a student, college, and singles group to teaching and
worship is equally strong. In fact, each year, the group participates in the annual
Conference hosted by several well-known Ft. Worth area ministries.
In 2001, the church started a Christian elementary school. The school has been hugely
successful. Today, they have a complete kindergarten through 12th grade program.
Next year,
they expect to enroll over 2100 students in their school. This has provided an
resource for music at the church. There are several excellent musicians enjoy serving
at the
church. And the students involved in the high school praise team help lead the
worship on
Sunday morning.
The pastor is a strong leader, a man of vision and his ministry philosophy is very
much focused
on three things: 1) evangelism, 2) discipleship, and 3) worship. He is theologically
politically conservative. And, he makes the voice of his people known at strategic
city, state, and
national events. The pastor takes seriously his role as chief worship leader. He has
asked the
worship pastor to develop a ministry that is contemporary in nature but realistic to the
vision of
the church. He wants a practical mix of newer and familiar songs. More important to
the pastor is
the worship leader’s commitment to ministry. He is constantly reminding the worship
pastor that
“the people are more important than the songs.”

The pastor has his Doctor of Ministry degree from Liberty University. He encourages
his staff to
pursue advanced degrees and attend special training seminars or workshops. On
occasion, he has
taken opportunity to teach at a Bible college across town.
The church staff is as diverse and innovative as the church membership. The
executive pastoral
staff includes: the senior pastor, executive pastor, worship pastor, education pastor,
pastor, discipleship pastor, and senior adult pastor. Other pastoral positions include
pastor, student ministries pastor, single adult pastor, pastor of international ministries,
ministries director (heads up the drug rehab program) women’s ministry director, and
director of
prison ministries. In all, there are 14 full time pastors, each with an administrative
assistant. All
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of the pastoral staff is deeply committed to worship and are supporters of the worship
in the church. They enjoy working together and providing ministry to and with each
other. They
are fully supportive of the pastor’s vision to plant churches and grow their own
The pastor believes that all strategic leadership should be ordained to the gospel
ministry and
referred to as pastor. Thus, five all of the 14 employees in the music and worship
division have
the title, “pastor:” The worship staff include: Senior Worship Pastor, Associate
Worship Pastor –
Instrumental; Associate Worship Pastor – Media; Associate Worship Pastor – Drama
Associate Worship Pastor – Student Music; Coordinator of Children’s Worship;
Director of the
Riverside Music Academy (separate from the Christian School); Director of Care
Ministry; Director of Worship Art and Graphics; Administrative Assistant – Worship;
Administrative Assistant – Instrumental and Children; Assistant Director of the
Academy; 2 Worship Assistants, and a host of weekly volunteers. Several of the

divisions have
their own, growing staff.
The church has a very impressive and active radio and television ministry. The 8-
person staff is
also responsible to the Worship Pastor. The church broadcasts their Sunday 11:00 AM
live. A re-broadcast of the service is edited and sent to about 200 outlets across the
country each
week, in addition to two cable venues serviced by satellite hook – up. In all, it is
estimated the
weekly ministry reaches more than 5 million people each week.
They have a new, state of the art 4,500 seat auditorium. The church invested over $1.5
dollars in lighting and sound equipment. They have a wonderful education facility
fully equipped
with the latest technology. In fact, there are eight full time employees that work just in
the media
ministry and under the leadership of the “Associate Worship Pastor - Media.” Another
employees are charged with the responsibilities of facilities management on one level
or another.
The Purpose and Philosophy of Ministry is pretty much driven by the pastor’s desire
evangelism, discipleship, and worship. This impacts everything. In the pastor’s eyes,
secular has implications for evangelism and everything sacred implies some type of
The philosophy of worship is very straight forward: practical worship (meet people
where they
are – blending contemporary and modern traditional); use those that are in the church;
everything with excellence; place a high priority on teaching and training; use
whatever tool
necessary to win people to Christ and, always be good stewards of the time and
resources God
provides for his people.
In any given week, there are over 600 participating in any one of the worship
including the worship choir, church orchestra and other instrumental groups, 4
different praise
teams with band, student-led praise and worship ministry, worship media, worship

drama, and
children’s choir programs. The 400 voice choir sings for both Sunday morning
The worship teams assisting in music and worship on Sunday are specifically training
by the
worship pastor. They are godly men and women that have a strong walk with the
Lord, hunger
for God, and commitment to congregational ministry. They have weekly bible
teaching and
discipleship activities. All in all, they have captured the pastor’s vision, they love to
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The worship band is keyboard driven. Other players include drummer, lead guitar, acoustic

guitar, percussion, bass, and organ. They love each other. And all are equally skilled as players.

They form a core for the entire instrumental program. The worship ministry also has a 48-piece

orchestra. These are primarily volunteers from the community. Many are music teachers.

The vocalists are equally committed to the Lord. Three teams of six rotate in leading worship.

They practice three times outside of the Sunday worship times. So, it is a big commitment when

one decides to be part of the singing ministry. They also serve as a core for the church’s 400

voice choir.

Musical resources include new piano, keyboards, and drums. The worship pastors use a balance

between music published by major Christian music companies and literature written by staff

personnel. Of course, copy machines, computers, and appropriate media equipment are available

as needed, including computers and the latest in music related software.

One final aspect of the worship ministry, the church hosts an annual Christmas and Fourth of

July Festival for the community. It is not unusual for over 50,000 people from the community to

attend these special events.


In addition, in an effort to reach their community for Christ, they join with other churches in the

area to present an Annual GRACE FEST Music festival. Worship bands from all over the world

are brought in for this event. It is held in downtown Dallas. More than 250,000 people attend

this incredible two-day event.

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