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“Obstacle detecting and line follower vehicle with

Arduino" Submitted in
partial fulfilment of the requirements of phase 1

Report on Mini Project

Submitted By

Sheikh Hamid
Guchait Pranay

Kushwaha Gyanprakash Chaudhary


Under the guidance of Prof.

Sagar kadu

SARAS WATI E d u c a t i o n S o c i e t y ' s

SARASWATI College of Engineer ing

LLe a r - n Li v eAc h i e v e e ►n c l C o n t r i b u t e I
Kharghar. Navi Mumbai 410 210.

Department of Automobile Engineering

Saraswati College of Engineering,
Kharghar University of Mumbai

This is to certify that the Mini project entitled

"Obstacle detecting and line follower vehicle with Arduino"

is a bonafide work of

Sheikh Hamid
Guchait Pranay
. Kushwaha Gyanprakash
Chaudhary Arafat

Prof. Sagar Kadu. Prof. Sagar Kadu

Project guide (Mini Project Co-ordinator)

Dr. Manjusha Deshmukh

Prof. T.Z.Qauzi
Principal Head
Head of Department
Mini Project Report Approval for S.E.

This project report entitled "Obstacle detecting and line follower vehicle
with Arduino"


Sheikh Hamid
Guchait Pranay
Kushwaha Gyanprakash
Chaudhary Arafat





I declare that this written submission represents my ideas in my own words and where other's ideas or word

s has been included, I have adequately cited and referenced the original sources. I also declare that I have adhered to all
principles of academic honesty and integrity and have not misrepresented or fabricated or falsified any
idea/data/fact/source in my submission. I understand that any violation of the above will cause disciplinary action by the
Institute and can also invoke penal action from the sources which have thus not been properly cited or from whom proper
permission has not been taken when needed.

I. Sheikh Hamid ....................................................

II. Guchait Pranay ................................................

III. Kushwaha Gyanprakash .....................................................

IV. Chaudhary Arafat ..................................................... (Signature)

We hereby take this opportunity to present our project named "Obstacles detecting and line follower
vehicle with Arduino". We are grateful to those who helped us in our project. We are very much
thankful to our guide Prof.Sagar kadu and Prof. T.Z.Quazi (Head of Department). We couldn't have
completed this work without his timely intervention and meticulous guidance. We are out of words in
expressing our thanks for his guidance and encouragement. We would also like to tender our sincere
thanks to the staff members for their co- operation. We would also like to express our deep regards
and gratitude to our respected principal Dr. Manjusha Deshmukh. We would wish to thank the non
teaching staff and our friends who have helped us all the time in one way or other. Really it is difficult
to repay the debt of all the people who have directly or indirectly helped us for completing the project


"To educate Students to become quality techno-crafts for taking up challenges in all facets of life"

• VISION: "To develop a core of eminency in Engineering Education and Research"


• MISSION: "To develop highly competent technical manpower."


One of the most significant functions of robots is

Tracing. Robot with a Linear Motion A self-contained robot that

May be followed, or a black line painted at the top that blends


Colors. It is configured to move in a straight line and

Automatically. The robot uses observable signals to recognize


Line, which helps it stay afloat. Because of the four-sensory

System, its movements are precise and varied. DC gear motors


Used to control the movement of the robot’s wheels. To develop

And test algorithms for controlling motor speeds and moving the

Robot along the line, the Arduino Uno interface is employed. The

Purpose of this project is to use an algorithm to adjust the control

Parameters to control the robot’s movement.


• IR sensor – Infrared sensor

• 2 WD – 2 Wheel Drive

• IP Camera – Internet protocol camera

• CCTV – Closed Circuit Television

• DC – Direct Current

• MPU – Motion tracking devices

FIG: Components required and connection [02]

[03] Components Required


1 Abstracts and acronyms

2 Introduction

3 Objectives

4 Literature survey

5 Main contribution, Application,

Advantages and Limitations

6 Conclusion and future work

7 References
The line following robot is capable of controlling a machine

That follows a line drawn on the ground, which appears black

In white or white in a dark environment.

It’s a self-contained robot that points and traces a black and

White line on the upper surface or a white line in the dark. The

Next robot must be able to view the given line again, maintain

Track it and do the tasks that have been assigned to it. The

Supplied path line should be followed by the design as well as

A robot built in certain conditions when using the do function.

It is made up of input, process, and output components in a

Better system. After reading the book and drawing a black /

White or white / black path in an imagined world, send the input

Signal to an Arduino UNO microcontroller via a process that

Can be questioned and decisions taken. The microcontroller

Has determined the robot’s directions and speed based on

Possible input detection modifications (if needed). Changes the

Outcome to any line follower speed direction that is possible.

Following the robot’s speed and naked directions, the

Programmed delivers the initial or pre -configured control

Signals for the line.


The robot must be able to follow a line and turn in various


it must be unaffected by external components such as light

and sound.

it must allow for the calibration of the line's darkness


Scalability must be prioritized in the design.

Zaman, Hasan U., et al. “A novel design of line following robot

With multifarious function ability”. This paper describes the

Design and development of a Line Following Robot that

Follow a line, specifically a black line on a white surface. This

Line following robot has two unique modes: line following and

Obstacle detection. It’s comparable to a self-driving car that

Follows a set itinerary. This robot can detect barriers to the

Right, left, and in front of it while following its predefined path

On its pathway. As a result, the robot can move along a black

Line while detecting obstacles in all three directions. [1]

Colak, Ilknur, and Deniz Yildirim. “Evolving a Line

Following Robot to use in shopping centers for entertainment”.

In this project, the Linear Robot design,

The most significant parts of developing mobile robots are

Obstacle detection and avoidance. Robots with this technology

Have senses that allow them to navigate in unfamiliar

Environments without damaging themselves. The purpose of

This research is to develop an Obstacle Avoiding Robot that

Can detect obstacles in its route and avoid colliding with them.

It’s a robot automobile that detects obstacles using ultrasonic

Distance sensors and is controlled by an Arduino

Microcontroller. [2]

Punetha, Deepak, Neeraj Kumar, and Vartika Mehta.

“Development and applications of line following robot based

Health care management system”. The methodologies for Assessing, planning,

administering, and enhancing the health

Care management systems are outlined in this paper report. The

Line that follows the drug-carrying robot is designed to provide

The patient medication as needed. A linear robot is an

Electronic system that can recognize and follow a line painted

On the ground. A line is typically defined by a pre-determined

Course that appears as a black line in a white region of a

International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)

ISSN: 2278-0181

Published by,

ICEI – 2022 Conference Proceedings

Volume 10, Issue

Main Contribution
The construction of this 2WD Turtle line following the robot

• Arduino UNO is used as a Microcontroller of the 2WD Turtle robot.

• A proximity sensor is used to avoid obstacles.

• IR sensor is used to move the robot in a given predefined path.

• Motors are used to move the robot.

In this project, we used sensors that are mentioned above, in brief, we shall

Them now. Arduino is the microcontroller which acts as the brain of the

Fig: schematic-circuit diagram

• Automation and Efficiency: These vehicles can operate
autonomously, reducing the need for human
intervention. This makes them efficient in tasks like
material handling in warehouses or automated guided
vehicles in manufacturing.
• Safety: Obstacle detection adds a layer of safety by
preventing collisions. In real-world applications, this
could be crucial in environments with moving objects or
unpredictable obstacles.
• Precision: Line-following vehicles can navigate along a
predetermined path with high precision. This is useful in
scenarios where exact positioning or following a specific
route is essential.
• Versatility: These vehicles can be adapted to various
applications, from indoor navigation to outdoor
exploration, depending on the sensors and programming
• Reduced Labor Costs: In industrial settings, using
automated vehicles can lead to cost savings by reducing
the need for manual labor in repetitive tasks.
• Complexity of Environment: The effectiveness of
obstacle detection and line following can be
compromised in complex and unpredictable
environments. Unforeseen obstacles or changes in the
terrain can challenge the vehicle's ability to navigate.
• Sensor Limitations: The performance of these vehicles
heavily relies on the accuracy and reliability of their
sensors. Factors like weather conditions, lighting, or
sensor malfunctions can impact their functionality.
• Programming Challenges: Designing algorithms for
obstacle detection and line following that work
seamlessly in all situations can be challenging. It requires
a deep understanding of the environment and potential
• Cost: Implementing advanced sensors and technologies
for obstacle detection can increase the overall cost of the
vehicle. This might be a limiting factor, especially for
smaller businesses or projects with budget constraints.

• Industrial Automation:
• Material Handling: Obstacle detecting sensors are used
in automated guided vehicles (AGVs) to navigate through
warehouses, transporting goods from one location to
• Assembly Lines: Line follower sensors help robots or
conveyor systems follow precise paths in assembly lines,
improving efficiency and accuracy.
• Autonomous Vehicles:
• Self-driving Cars: Obstacle detection sensors, such as
LiDAR and radar, are crucial for detecting and avoiding
obstacles in real-time, enhancing the safety of
autonomous vehicles.
• Agricultural Robots: Line follower sensors are
employed in autonomous agricultural vehicles to follow
crop rows for tasks like planting, spraying, or harvesting.
• Robotics:
• Robotic Vacuum Cleaners: These sensors enable
vacuum cleaners to detect obstacles and navigate around
furniture and other objects in a room.
• Search and Rescue Robots: Obstacle detection sensors
help robots navigate through challenging environments
during search and rescue operations.
• Security Systems:
• Surveillance Drones: Obstacle detecting sensors assist
drones in avoiding collisions during surveillance
missions or while patrolling a designated area.
• Perimeter Security: Line follower sensors can be used
to create virtual boundaries for security robots patrolling
a perimeter.
• Consumer Electronics:
• Robot Toys: Obstacle detecting sensors add interactive
features to robot toys by allowing them to respond to
their environment and avoid obstacles.
• Smart Home Devices: Line follower sensors can be used
in robotic vacuum cleaners or other smart home devices
to follow specific paths for cleaning or other tasks.
• Education and Research:
• Robotics Education: Obstacle detecting and line
follower sensors are commonly used in educational
settings to teach robotics and programming concepts.
• Research Vehicles: These sensors are employed in
research platforms for testing and developing algorithms
related to autonomous navigation.
• Healthcare:
• Hospital Logistics: Automated vehicles equipped with
obstacle detecting sensors can be used for the efficient
transport of medical supplies within hospitals.
• Assistance Robots: Line follower sensors can assist
robots in healthcare settings to navigate through
corridors and reach specific locations.
• Entertainment:
• Amusement Park Rides: Obstacle detecting sensors are
used to ensure the safety of riders by detecting potential
obstacles or obstructions on the ride path.
• Interactive Exhibits: Line follower sensors can create
interactive exhibits where robots or vehicles follow
designated paths to engage visitors.

Thesis Objectives

The initial objective of the project is to construct a 2WD that follows a


Within or within a given range of the area.

• How can we make a 2WD robot move on a predefined path?

Initially, we had designed a 2WD robot that moves in predefined path.

We require a sensor to detect the predefined path on the floor. In


We have designed the robot using an IR sensor. This sensor is used for

Moving a robot on a predefined path and this sensor emits a beam of rays

By which the robot knows whether it is moving on a predefined path or


If not, then the robot moves towards the predefined path and follows the

Line. The set of instructions is written to control the IR sensor and make

The robot moves in a predefined path.

• What kind of sensors are used to control the directions of a moving robot

When does an obstacle occur?

There are different kinds of sensors available to detect the obstacle. Here

Used the proximity sensor as it is one of the most efficient sensors. This
sensor is used for calculating the distance. This sensor calculates the
Between the robot and the obstacle so that when the obstacle is near to

Robot it avoids the obstacle and moves accordingly to left or right

Conclusions and Expected Outcomes

We did our project on a small scale. We used a proximity sensor and IR


For obstacle detection and following the path which worked perfectly.

By the number of practical's conducted during the course, the prototype is

Successfully working and working with great precision. This prototype

which we

Made is working without any intervention of the human.

We can also combine both the operations that are line following robot and

Obstacle avoidance robot together in one robot to get the desired outputs

Work more efficiently.

As future work, our robot can be equipped with a camera to see the live

Of the surroundings which help in monitoring and safeguarding the house.


Kind of robot can be used in military applications to carry the essentials on



We can also use the PIR sensor in future. The PIR sensor helps in

The temperatures of the different materials. Generally, the room has a

Temperature. If any change in temperature occurs in the room for
example human

Passing from the room etc. then the PIR sensor detects the change in

And sends an email notification to the predefined email address given in

the code.

This kind of robot helps in safeguarding houses. This robot can also be

In hospitals to avoid direct contact with people suffering


[1] Tabassum, Faiza, et al. “Obstacle avoiding robot.” Global Journal

Research in Engineering (2017).

[2] Colak, Ilknur, and Deniz Yildirim. “Evolving a Line Following

Robot to use in shopping centers for entertainment.” 2009 35 th

Annual Conference of IEEE Industrial Electronics. IEEE, 2009.

[3] Punetha, Deepak, Neeraj Kumar, and Vartika Mehta.

“Development and applications of line following robot based

Health care management system.” International Journal of

Advanced Research in Computer Engineering & Technology

(IJARCET) 2.8 (2013): 2446-2450.

[4] Román Osorio, C., et al. “Intelligent line follower mini robot

System.” International Journal of Computers, Communications &

Control 1.2 (2006): 73-83.

[5] Zaman, Hasan U., et al. “A novel design of line following robot

With multifarious function ability.” 2016 International Conference

On Microelectronics, Computing and Communications

(Microcom). IEEE, 2016.

[6] Surya, M. Sri Venkata Sai, et al. “Smart and Intelligent Line
Follower Robot with Obstacle Detection.” International Journal of

Research and Scientific Innovation 5 (2018): 1-6.

[7] Rodríguez Arechabala, Opatz. “Path planning robot with obstacle

Avoidance.” (2022).

[8] Khan, Burhan, et al. “A Prototype of Obstacle Avoidance for

Autonomous Vehicle.” Iraqi Journal of Science (2022): 2203-


[9] Hussain, Redza Akbar Ali, and Rosmiwati Mohd-Mokhtar.

“Development of a Logistics Autonomous Mobile Robot

(Easy Bot).” Proceedings of the 12th National Technical Seminar

On Unmanned System Technology 2020. Springer, Singapore,


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[11] Rishabh, Kumar. “Design of Autonomous Line Follower Robot

With Obstacle Avoidance.” (2021).

[12] Barua, Vicky, et al. “An ultrasonic line follower robot to detect

Obstacles and edges for industrial and rescue

Operations.” International Journal of Computer Applications 975

(2020): 8887.

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