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2: Hello guys, how are you?

1: Hello Fernando, we are very well, thank you.

2: You know, today is my mother's birthday.

3: She is beautiful and what are you going to give her for her birthday?

2: Well, first I will have a party for her day, I already have almost everything ready and then I will
invite her to eat.

1: And do you know where you are going to take her to eat?

2: not yet

3: What do you do every day? what they like.

2: My mother and I like to go to the movies on weekends.

1: Do you like Mexican food?

2: no, we like Peruvian food better.

3: Another favorite activity you like to do?

2: Well, take a walk in the park for a while and run in the morning.

1: take her to sinchi park.

3: yes, good ideas, there is a running track and beautiful scenery.

2: thank you friends, although I still need some things to finish preparing the party

3: I will help you, what are you missing from your list?

2: Well, I'm missing a piñata, vocaditos and the speakers.

3: well I'm going for the piñata and the vocaditos.

1: and I'm going to look for the speakers

2: thanks friends, I appreciate the help.

1: We will stop by your house an hour before the party to organize everything.

3: Well, see you there. And what clothes can you go to the party with?

2: Well, with formal dress clothes, to make it look more elegant.

3: ok, thanks, I'll go get ready, see you.

1: Fernando, anything else you have in mind after the party?

2: Well, I'll take my mother to the movies, then we'll go eat rice with chicken, walk through the
park of legends and take lots of photos.

1: Well, see you friends, take care, see you.

2: goodbye.

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