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The Researcher present the results of a systematic literature review on stress and coping mechanisms
among college students to establish what research has been conducted and to what extent there is
evidence of the coping mechanism for stress among college students. The major topics associated to
stress and how college students cope with stress are stressor, maladaptive behaviors, and coping
mechanisms. Students experience numerous stressors that negatively impact their learning capabilities
and practice effectiveness. Countless students have numerous role expectations and demand such as a
academics, internships, family, friends, intimate relationships, work, and conflicting demands on time,
all which increase stress level. In an effort to manage this stress, students either engage in maladaptive
behaviors or implement coping mechanisms. Self-compassion can be a valuable strategy for students
to practice to manage their stress. The purpose of this study is to assess the college students’ coping
skills when dealing with stress.

Part I. Demographic Profile of the Respondents

Name (Optional) ___________________________________________

Age:___________ Gender:____________

Year Level: 1st year

2nd year

3rd year

Part II. Coping Mechanism of Respondents

A. Social Aspect:

1.) How do you cope with the Social demand being a working student?

2.) How is your relationship with your Family and Peers?




3.) How do you manage time to balance social activities and academic/work responsibilities?

4.) To what extent do you feel supported by your friends or family in managing social demands
as a working student?

5.) Do you seek advice or mentorship from peers or professionals to navigate social challenges
related to academic and work commitments?

B. Physical Aspect

1.) How would you rate your awareness of the importance of physical well-being in coping with
academic and work-related stress?

2.) To what extent do you prioritize regular exercise and physical activities in your routine?

3.) How often do you consciously ensure sufficient sleep and rest to manage stress and fatigue?

4.) In what ways do you incorporate healthy eating habits into your lifestyle to support your
physical well-being?

5.) Have you ever sought professional help or counseling for managing physical and mental well-
being during your academic journey?

C. Financial Aspect

1.) How would you describe your approach to balancing part-time employment with academic

2.) To what extent do you engage in budgeting and financial planning to cope with the financial
challenges of being a college student?

3.) Have you experienced challenges in seeking financial assistance from family or friends? If
yes, how do you overcome these challenges?

4.) What strategies do you employ to identify and apply for scholarships or grants to alleviate
financial burdens?

5.) How aware are you of campus resources that provide support for students facing financial
difficulties, and to what extent do you utilize them?
Part III. View Points of Respondents on being Working Students

1. How do you feel being a working student?


2. What comes in your mind when you hear the words 'working student'?

Thank you for completing the questionnaire. Your responses will help us better understand
your needs and preferences. If you have any further questions or comments, please do not
hesitate to contact us.

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