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Here's a basic syllabus for a 15-hour Computer Hardware Repair course that covers the

fundamentals of computer hardware repair:

**Course Title: Computer Hardware Repair Fundamentals**

**Course Duration: 15 hours**

**Course Description:**
This course provides an introduction to computer hardware repair, focusing on essential
concepts and practical skills required to diagnose and resolve common hardware issues.
Students will learn about the components of a computer system, troubleshooting techniques,
and safe repair practices.

**Course Objectives:**
By the end of this course, students should be able to:
1. Identify and describe the major components of a computer system.
2. Understand the basics of hardware troubleshooting.
3. Diagnose and resolve common hardware issues.
4. Safely handle computer components during repair.
5. Assemble and disassemble a computer system.

**Week 1: Introduction to Computer Hardware (2 hours)**

- Overview of computer hardware components.
- Understanding motherboard, CPU, RAM, and storage devices.
- Input and output devices.
- Basic hardware terminology.

**Week 2: Hardware Troubleshooting (3 hours)**

- Introduction to troubleshooting methodology.
- Common hardware problems and their symptoms.
- Using diagnostic tools and software.
- Troubleshooting techniques for Windows and Mac systems.

**Week 3: CPU, RAM, and Storage (4 hours)**

- In-depth look at the central processing unit (CPU).
- Understanding different types of RAM and storage devices.
- Installing and upgrading RAM and storage.
- Troubleshooting CPU, RAM, and storage issues.

**Week 4: Motherboards and Power Supply Units (3 hours)**

- Motherboard components and functions.
- Power supply unit (PSU) types and considerations.
- Replacing and testing motherboards and PSUs.
- Troubleshooting motherboard and PSU issues.
**Week 5: Peripherals and Assembling a Computer (3 hours)**
- Peripheral devices (e.g., monitors, keyboards, mice).
- Connecting and configuring peripherals.
- Hands-on session: Assembling and disassembling a computer.
- Best practices for handling computer components safely.

**Week 6: Final Projects and Review (1 hour)**

- Students work on small hardware repair projects.
- Review of course concepts and troubleshooting techniques.
- Q&A session.

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