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Universal, Plural and Quality Education,

and Citizen Education
Seven Complex Lessons in Education for the Future
Edgar Morin ¤ 1999
Related themes: Education ¤ Global ethos ¤ Peace building ¤ Science and citizenship ¤ Sustainable development ¤ Values and

If we want the Earth to be able to meet the needs of its human population, society must
undergo a transformation. Thus, tomorrow’s world must be fundamentally different than the
one we know today. We must therefore work toward building a “feasible future.” Democracy,
equality and social justice, and peace and harmony with our natural environment: these must
be the key words for this future world. In this context, UNESCO asked Edgar Morin to express
his ideas in the very essence of future education, under the theme of "Complex Thought."

In the framework of evolution towards fundamental changes in our lifestyle and behavior, education -
in the widest sense of the word - plays an essential role. Education is the “force of the future”,
because it constitutes one of the most powerful instruments for driving change. One of the toughest
challenges will be how to alter our thought so as to face the increasing complexity, the speed of
change and the unpredictable nature of our world. We should reconsider the organization of
knowledge. In order to do this we must break down the traditional barriers between disciplines and
develop the means of bringing back together what has until now been separate. We must re-
formulate our education policies and programs. In making these changes it is vital to keep looking
ahead on the long term, towards the world of future generations towards whom we have a huge

In the context of his vision of “Complex Thought”, Edgar Morin’s essay was published by UNESCO
as a contribution to the international debate on how to redirect education towards sustainable
development. Edgar Morin presents seven key principles which he considers necessary for future
education. His ideas can open up a debate which contributes to helping teachers and leaders to
clarify their own thoughts on this vital issue.

The paper does not aim to be a catalog of subjects to be taught, but to look at a selection of
fundamental issues that have been completely ignored or forgotten and are, according to the author,
necessary for education in the twenty-first century. These are: the problem of the learning process
itself and human knowledge, and the absence of reflection on these; the principles for interrelated
knowledge beyond its division into disciplines, teaching of the human condition, teaching earth or
planet identity; awareness of human and scientific uncertainties and teaching strategies to tackle
them, teaching the very process of human comprehension, and finally the ethics of the human

Source: UNESCO Documents and Publications Disponível em: <>
1. Analisando o layout do texto, fonte, título e subtítulo, a qual gênero textual ele pertence, e porque?

2. Leia o texto sublinhando todas as palavras cognatas e circulando as palavras de conhecimento


3. Após todas as palavras marcadas, foque no primeiro e último parágrafos e descreva, com suas
próprias palavras, em apenas uma sentença, a ideia geral do texto.

4. Leia o texto novamente e assinale Verdadeiro (V) ou falso (F) para as seguintes afirmações:

( ) A sociedade precisa passar por uma transformação se quisermos que a Terra alcance as
necessidade da população humana.
( ) Palavras chaves para o mundo futuro são: democracia, igualdade, justiça social e paz e
harmonia com nosso ambiente natural.
( ) Edgar Morin foi entrevistado pela Unesco para falar sobre suas ideias sobre a educação do
passado e o tema referente ao pensamento complexo.
( ) O papel da educação é secundário neste sistema de evolução em direção às mudanças
fundamentais no estilo de vida e comportamento.

5. Por que no segundo parágrafo a educação é apresentada como a força do futuro?

6. Ainda no segundo parágrafo, fala-se de desafios (challenges) em relação a educação. Que

desafios são esses? O que se pode fazer para superá-los?

7. O artigo “Pensamento Complexo” de Edgar Morin foi publicado pela UNESCO como uma
contribuição para quê?

8. Quais são as pontos fundamentais que tem sido ignorados ou esquecidos de acordo com Edgar
Morin, mas que são necessários para a educação do século XXI?

9. Traduza os grupos nominais abaixo e circule seus núcleos:

a) The needs of its human population (line 1):
b) Framework of Evolution towards fundamental changes (line 7):
c) Unpredictable nature of our world (line 11):
d) Education policies and programs (line 14):
e) Selection of fundamental issues (line 22):

10. Mencione os referenciais dos pronomes que estão grifados no texto:

11. Indique abaixo a ideia expressa pelos seguintes marcadores discursivos (adição, contraste,
causa/consequência, tempo/sequência cronológica, exemplificação, conclusão, ênfase,
a) Thus (line 2)
b) Therefore (line 3)
c) Because (line 9)
d) and (line 12)
e) as (line 18)
f) but (line 22)
g) Finally (line 28)

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