Neuropsych Hack For Stress Management

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Neuropsych hack for Stress management

Stress kya hai

Stress is a physiological and psychological response to a perceived threat or challenge,

whether real or imagined

Which part of the brain perceives it - Amygdala – Almond shaped beautiful part in the
temporal lobe. Centre for emotions.

the amygdala sends signals to other parts of the brain, such as the hypothalamus and
the prefrontal cortex.

Cascade of chemicals like cortisol, adrenaline start to dance around.

Stress is not a new phenomenon, its an evolutionary one.

Stress bura hai ki chaiyeh?

EUSTRESS - just right

How to know?
10 most
0 - least
5 just right

Stress - Internal or External

Internal stressors like

External stressors like

In the next part we will talk about what to do

Neuropsych of stress management part 2

Remember stress was created to HELP us as cavemen.

Neuropsych of CONTROL – swimming against the flow or with the flow.

Frustration perceive karta hai aapka amygdala
Alarm system hai limbic system( hippocampus, hypothalamus and amygdala) who kehta
hai kuch karo dear
PFC hai executive functioning

What do with an external stressor and internal stressor

Ask 3 questions.
Do I have any control - yes. Go change it
No - Can I change something by worrying about it in the next
5 mins
1 days
5 days
1 month
1 year
Finally - Stress may mean - this thing is IMPORTANT to me.
So rather than fighting what can I do to cope with it?

Neuropsych of stress management part 3

How to manage – not cut down

1 for the
Body: body and mind connect
Mind: 1 min calming down
Soul: hobby or time with others
Others: helping others

Part of the brain learning to calm and adapt are

Neuropsych of exam ANXIETY

Anxiety kya hai
Kyun hoti hai
Achi hai ki buri
Kya karna chaiyeh
Kab psychiatrist ya mental health specialist ki salah leni chaiyeh

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