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3, JULY 2013

Determination of Geomagnetically Induced

Current Flow in a Transformer From
Reactive Power Absorption
Luis Marti, Member, IEEE, Jonathan Berge, Member, IEEE, and Rajiv K. Varma, Senior Member, IEEE

Abstract—This paper proposes a technique to estimate geomag-

netically induced currents (GICs) in a transformer by measuring
its absorbed reactive power. GIC is induced in electrical transmis-
sion lines by changes in the earth’s magnetic field typically caused
by solar magnetic disturbances, and flows into transformers
through neutral grounding connections. An assessment of GIC
from readily available reactive power measurements is an attrac-
tive alternative to the installation of dedicated GIC monitoring
equipment on every transformer of an high-voltage transmission
network. This technique is verified with electromagnetic transients
software simulations and shows good agreement with the historical
records captured in Hydro One’s GIC detection network during
the May 15, 2005 geomagnetic disturbance.
Index Terms—Geomagnetism, power system modeling, power
transformers, power transmission meteorological factors.

I. INTRODUCTION Fig. 1. Terminal voltage and magnetizing current for a transformer under half-
cycle saturation.

S OLAR disturbances can release clouds of high energy

plasma into space. If a plasma cloud crosses the earth’s
path, it interacts with the earth’s magnetic field to produce geo-
GMD events, the electroject can extend to latitudes below the
40 parallel. During the Carrington event (1859), which is con-
magnetic disturbances (GMDs). A key feature of geomagnetic
sidered to be the most severe geomagnetic disturbances in re-
disturbances is an increase in the electrojet in boreal and austral
cent recorded history [3], the aurora could be seen in relatively
auroral zones. The electrojet can be visualized as a conductor
low latitudes, such as Florida and Southern California. The fre-
suspended 100 km above the surface of the earth with a width
quency and intensity of GMD events tend to follow the 11-year
of 600 km, and currents up to 2000 kA. During geomagnetic
sunspot cycle [4]. While GMD events are more likely to occur
disturbances, variations in the electroject (in the order of 1 to
during a peak or solar maximum, they are by no means limited
100 mHz) produce magnetic-field variations that induce volt-
to occurring at peak times.
ages in relatively long conductors at the ground level. If these
Power transformers are designed to operate in the linear re-
conductors, for instance, the wires of an HV transmission line,
gion of their magnetizing characteristic. When dc or low-fre-
are grounded through the neutral connection of transformers at
quency currents, such as GIC, flow into a transformer winding,
the ends of the line, a closed loop or return path is formed and
the operating point is shifted and half-cycle saturation takes
currents will circulate. These currents are commonly referred
place, as illustrated in Fig. 1. When a transformer enters into
to as geomagnetically induced currents (GICs) [1], [2].
dc biased or half-cycle saturation, both odd and even harmonics
The electrojet normally resides in regions near the earth’s
are generated. Power apparatus, such as transformers and capac-
magnetic poles. During a GMD, current density of the electrojet
itor banks, are designed to operate with power frequency volt-
increases and its size extends away from the poles. In severe
ages and currents. Harmonic currents superimposed on power
frequency currents can cause a number of undesirable effects,
such as spot heating in power transformers, overloading of ca-
Manuscript received May 25, 2011; revised September 01, 2011; accepted
February 01, 2012. Date of publication April 11, 2013; date of current version pacitor banks, improper operation of certain types of protective
June 20, 2013. This work was supported in part by Hydro One and in part by relays, extraneous losses, and rotating machine overheating, to
NSERC. Paper no. TPWRD-00443-2011.
name a few.
L. Marti is with the Hydro One Networks Inc., Toronto ON M5G 2P5, Canada
(e-mail: The Québec Blackout of March 13th, 1989 was triggered by
J. Berge and R. K. Varma are with the University of Western Ontario, London, the tripping of capacitor banks of key static var compensators
ON N6A5B9 Canada (e-mail:;
(SVCs) and a cascading series of events that led to the voltage
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
at collapse of the 735-kV network [5], [6]. This incident high-
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TPWRD.2012.2219885 lighted, in dramatic fashion, how extreme space weather events

0885-8977/$31.00 © 2013 IEEE

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and GIC can cause cascading failures, leading to massive dis- transformer tank temperature, transformer oil gassing, along
ruption of electrical power service. with transformer noise and vibration [13], [15]. The effective
1) Simulation of GIC in Power Systems: There is a substan- reactive power absorption of a transformer increases when
tial body of research devoted to the analysis of GIC in HV trans- that transformer’s magnetic core is saturated. This relationship
mission networks. In general, proposed techniques aim at deter- is almost linear and depends nearly entirely on the saturated
mining the electrical-field potential that causes GIC to circu- reactance of the transformer [9], [16], [17].
late in transmission lines through the neutral grounding points The installation of real-time neutral GIC monitors on every
of transformers [7]. Electric-field potentials at ground level de- transformer would be very useful but a rather expensive propo-
pend on many factors, such as the earth resistivity over large ge- sition. On the other hand, knowing the amount of GIC flowing
ographical areas as well as temporal and spatial variation of the into the neutral of a transformer does not provide a direct indi-
magnetic field during a GMD event. Once the induced poten- cation of whether the transformer will enter into half-cycle sat-
tials on transmission circuits are assessed with varying degrees uration. For instance, in the case of an autotransformer, it is not
of uncertainty and simplifying assumptions, the GIC currents possible to determine the extent of saturation from the neutral
circulating in transmission lines and transformers are then cal- GIC measurements alone.
culated by modelling the power system as a dc network where 3) Requirements of the Power System Controlling Authority:
the forcing functions (normally voltage sources) are estimated During a GMD event, the power system controlling authority
from the induced potentials [8]. (i.e., the system operator) needs to assess if any of the potential
Once the GIC currents are estimated, their potential effect on problems described earlier are or will be taking place. Since the
power apparatus has to be assessed. In the case of transformers, problems associated with GIC are caused by transformer satu-
two main areas of concern are the heating effects of harmonics ration and the subsequent generation of harmonics, the notion
caused by half-cycle saturation, and the heating caused by stray of assessing these effects directly, rather than through simula-
flux as the core goes in and out of saturation. These effects de- tions affected by different levels of uncertainty is quite attrac-
pend heavily on the construction and type of transformer. For tive. Control room energy-management systems (EMS) or su-
instance, banks of single-phase units are more susceptible than pervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) continuously
three-phase units, while three-leg core-type units are the least measure and monitor real and reactive power in real time with
susceptible [9]. the existing infrastructure. A reliable relationship between mea-
From the point of view of protective relaying, susceptibility sured reactive power loss in a transformer, harmonic currents,
to GIC depends largely on the type and magnitude of harmonic and GIC flowing through the windings would directly provide
currents caused by transformer saturation, the type of relay, and the information needed to make practical operational decisions
the particular protective scheme. Thus, even if the GIC circu- in real time. The decisions could range from taking equipment
lating in the power network could be assessed with reasonable at risk out of service to reconfiguring the network to reducing
accuracy, the effect on the performance of the system and poten- the GIC impact on vulnerable equipment.
tial damage to equipment remains difficult to assess, especially This paper proposes an approach to obtain the relationships
in real time. between transformer reactive power loss and GIC from EMS re-
2) Measurement and Monitoring of GIC: Measuring GIC active power measurements. Unlike earlier work that acknowl-
directly is a way to get around the difficulties and uncertain- edged the correlation between GIC and reactive power absorp-
ties that arise from modeling it from fundamental principles tion [9], [16], this paper seeks to define that relationship and
(i.e., induced potentials at ground level). The generally accepted uses it to estimate GIC levels from measured reactive power
practice for measuring GIC on an electrical system is to install loss. Section II presents the proposed concept of employing
Hall-effect sensors on the neutral conductor of selected trans- transformer reactive power absorption to determine its satu-
formers. After appropriate filtering and conditioning, a mea- ration level and consequently the GIC. Section III shows an
surement of the dc current in the transformer neutral is ob- application of the technique on a simulation of a bank of a
tained [10], [11]. The Sunburst system, developed by the Elec- single-phase autotransformers modeled in the Electromagnetic
tric Power Research Institute (EPRI), uses this technique and Transients Program EMTDC/PSCAD [18]. In Section IV, the
has been implemented in the U.S. (primarily in the Northeast), effect of the path of the flow of GIC through the transformer
Manitoba (on a feeder supplying Minnesota) [5], and in Eng- windings is examined. Section V presents a case study using
land and Wales [12]. The Minnesota power system also uses GIC and reactive power measurements of the Hydro One net-
dc current measurement directly on a 500-kV phase conductor work obtained during a GMD event that took place in May 2005.
[13]. Hydro One has deployed an extensive GIC detection net- Discussions are presented in Section VI, with conclusions in
work [14]. In 2005, it had 12 monitoring stations transmitting Section VII.
real-time data directly to the operations and control center. In
preparation for the peak of the sunspot cycle 24 (2012–2014),
the number of GIC monitoring stations will be increased to 17. II. PROPOSED TECHNIQUE
Transformer neutral currents are sometimes used to trigger
alarms and fault recorders in order to facilitate the analysis Consider the simplified transformer representation shown in
of GIC incidents [6], [13], [15]. Parameters that are con- Fig. 2. This simplified model will be used to illustrate that reac-
sidered of interest with regard to the effects of GIC include tive power losses in a transformer are proportional to dc flux es-
system voltages and reactive power consumption as well as tablished in the core by dc currents flowing through its windings.
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Fig. 2. Simplified transformer model.

Fig. 4. Flux linkages versus the current nonlinear characteristic with dc flux

The effective linear inductance that approximates the

currents when rms is at the terminals of the nonlinear reactor

Fig. 3. Flux linkages versus the current nonlinear characteristic.
since rms currents are practically zero during half a cycle.
The effective reactive power loss is given by
Core saturation effects can be approximated with a nonlinear
inductor in many types of transformer construction with dif- (5)
ferent degrees of accuracy [19]. Let us consider a single-phase
transformer. Core and eddy current losses are ignored. The non- Introducing (3) and (4) into (5)
linear characteristic in terms of flux linkages as a function of
current is shown in Fig. 3. The rms voltage at the terminals
of the nonlinear inductance is assumed to be sinusoidal. Since
losses are ignored
where is constant for a given terminal voltage
and the relationship between applied voltage and instantaneous
flux is

(2) and can be approximated by

is the rms value of the applied sinusoidal voltage and is (8)

the angular frequency at the power frequency. (9)
Under normal steady-state conditions, the operating point is
centered around the zero flux point of the characteristic and the where
peak ac flux lies just under the knee point of the nonlinear char-
acteristic. If a dc current, such as GIC, establishes a dc flux in
the core of the transformer, the operating point is shifted and
the transformer enters into half-cycle saturation as shown in (10)
Fig. 4. For a positive , only the parts of the positive sinu-
soidal flux enter the saturated region and generate the distinc- It should be noted that as the operating voltage changes, so
tive “inrush” current signature (illustrated in Fig. 1 albeit with does the slope of the versus relationship in (9). There-
a negative sign). fore, different values of and should be used for different op-
If the effect of is ignored since , the erating voltages. In a production environment implementation,
equivalent linear inductance defined by the operating point lookup tables for different operating voltages can be generated
is given by and linear interpolation used to estimate either GIC from mea-
sured reactive power loss or predicted reactive power loss from
GIC estimates assessed by other means. In addition, the lookup
tables can be generated ahead of time with a transients anal-
ysis program, such as PSCAD/EMTCD, by measuring as
(3) a function of , as shown in Section III-B. The advantage
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Fig. 6. Single-phase transformer study system.

Fig. 5. Technique for determining GIC with transformer power flows.

of generating lookup tables this way is that the accuracy of the

one-to-one relationship between and will be as good
as the accuracy of the transients analysis model used to generate
Transients analysis simulations have been used to estimate
the sensitivity and validity of some of the assumptions made in
the derivation of (9). For instance, taking hysteresis into account
does not seem to influence the relationship between and
, nor does the assumption of ignoring winding and eddy
current losses or the assumption that in (3).
Through existing EMS-based data acquisition (DAQ), the
transformer loading and its reactive power absorption are typ- Fig. 7. Transformer reactive power consumption with a variation in dc current
injection (bank of single-phase autotransformers rated 500/230 kV, 100 MW).
ically known. From this information, it is possible to deter-
mine the magnitude of GIC using the proposed technique il-
lustrated in Fig. 5, as follows. The difference between the re- This load is isolated from the flow of low-frequency current
active power flow into the transformer and the reactive again with a delta-connected ideal transformer . The current
power flow out of the transformer is taken to be the re- at the ground terminal of the transformer bank is mon-
active power absorbed by the transformer . The load cur- itored, as are the input and output real and reactive power. The
rent of the transformer is used along with a model of the transformer input power and output power
transformer under unsaturated conditions to determine the ex- are measured directly.
pected reactive power absorbed by the transformer . The
difference between the expected and actual reactive power ab- B. GIC Flow From HV Terminal to Ground
sorption is attributed to GIC . Finally, a predetermined This case considers the flow of saturating current from the
characteristic or lookup table is used to calculate (the mag- HV terminal of the autotransformer into the ground. This would
nitude of GIC). In this paper, the predetermined characteristic be the case of a transformer whose LV terminal is supplying an
has been taken based on nameplate values of the air-core re- ungrounded system with little or no GIC flow. To examine the
actance of a 500/230-kV 750-MVA autotransformer. For the effects of saturation caused by the injection of a dc current, 100
case of new units, it would be better to carry out measurements A per phase of GIC is selected. Although this is at the high end
of the magnetizing characteristic during transformer precom- of GIC values typically observed in HV networks, it is used to
missioning testing from which the needed characteristic can be illustrate the effect of GIC on the transformer. One of the ef-
derived. fects of the saturation of the transformer is the increased trans-
III. CASE STUDY 1: SIMULATION OF A SINGLE-PHASE former reactive power consumption. In this case, three-phase re-
AUTOTRANSFORMER BANK active power draw increases more than tenfold from ap-
proximately 10 to nearly 120 Mvar. Fig. 7 shows the average
A. Study System three-phase reactive power consumption with increasing GIC
The study system is shown in Fig. 6. This is a theoretical study levels.
system designed to examine the performance of the transformer
in isolation. The transformer of interest is a three-phase bank IV. EFFECT OF THE GIC FLOW PATH IN AN AUTOTRANSFORMER
that consists of three single-phase autotransformers. This trans- The previous section considered an autotransformer where
former bank is supplied by an ideal voltage source behind a the GIC flow was set from the HV terminal to ground with
delta-connected ideal transformer which serves to block dc no GIC flowing out of the LV terminal. However, in a system
currents from the source . A dc current source injects cur- where the LV network is grounded, the distribution of dc cur-
rent in each primary phase to simulate GIC, and a second source rent through HV, LV, and neutral terminals depends on a number
may be used to inject GIC in the secondary windings, in both of factors, such as orientation of lines connected to HV and LV
directions. The LV side of the transformer supplies a con- buses, orientation of the induced electric field, and other circuit
stant power load of 100 MW (the transformer’s rated capacity). parameters such as line and neutral grounding resistances. The
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Measured transformer neutral current.

Mean transformer neutral current (taken
during a period with no GIC activity).
Measured transformer neutral current with
instrument drift error corrected.
Measured transformer primary winding
reactive power.
Measured transformer secondary winding
reactive power.
Measured transformer reactive power
Fig. 8. GIC current distribution in an autotransformer.
Measured transformer reactive power
absorption with instrument drift error
level of saturation in an autotransformer depends on the net dc corrected.
flux in the core which, in turn, depends on the current in the HV State-estimated transformer primary
and common windings. Since GIC monitors normally measure winding reactive power.
neutral current, GIC measurements in an autotransformer only
reflect directly the flux contribution from the common winding. State-estimated transformer secondary
winding reactive power.
Consider the case where LV GIC currents are zero
State-estimated transformer reactive power
(11) absorption.
where and are the LV, and neutral GIC currents, respec- Calibration factor for transformer reactive
tively, as shown in Fig. 8. , and are the number of turns of power absorption.
the HV and LV windings, respectively. In a 500-kV /230-kV au- Transformer reactive power absorption
totransformer, is proportional to (500–230) and is pro- attributed to GIC.
portional to 230. is the total number of dc ampere-turns ex-
citing the core. 2) Measurement of GIC: Hydro One GIC monitoring
If GIC flows through the LV terminal then stations consist of a Hall Effect sensor located on the neu-
tral-to-ground connection of the transformer’s wye windings
(12) [11]. The analog signals from these sensors are digitized and
filtered to remove power frequency and higher frequency com-
Normalizing with respect to the total number of turns pro- ponents. Hence, this signal is expected to correspond to GIC
duces the normalized effective dc excitation only. The most prevalent error in this signal is an offset caused
by calibration drift of the sensor’s dc offset. This error can be
(13) corrected by calculating a calibration factor during a period
where there is no GIC activity, as shown:
The -axis in Fig. 7 is actually the normalized dc excitation
described in (13). (14)

V. CASE STUDY 2: HYDRO ONE ESSA TS TRANSFORMER, Fig. 9 shows the measured neutral terminal GIC over the du-
MAY 15, 2005 GMD EVENT ration of the GMD event. In all figures in this section, the time
On May 15, 2005, the Hydro One GIC detection network axis is labeled in minutes from midnight May 13, 2005. The data
are presented for May 14th and 15th (minutes 0 to 2879).
recorded the effects of a relatively mild GMD event. During this
3) Calculation of Transformer Reactive Power Absorption:
event, there was no interruption of service, protective equipment
Through the use of bus capacitive voltage transducers (CVTs)
malfunction, or nuisance equipment tripping. GIC monitored
and transformer bushing current transformers (CTs), the real and
in the neutral of a 500-kV/230-kV/28-kV, 750-MVA autotrans-
reactive power flows through each transformer are recorded. In
former at Essa TS reached 30 A (10 A per phase). The trans- the case of Essa T4, since no load or reactive compensation is
former bank consists of three-single-phase units. The analysis connected to the tertiary winding, the net transformer reactive
presented in this section is based on Hydro One’s EMS historical power absorption is calculated as the difference between the
records from the GIC monitoring stations. The technique pro- reactive power flows in the primary and secondary terminals:
posed here takes instrument calibration drift into consideration.
A. Modified Technique
1) Nomenclature: This nomenclature is used exclusively for Any possible measurement or calibration error in the mea-
this case study to describe a modified technique needed to con- sured quantities will also be seen in the calculated ,
dition the real system data. and will need to be compensated for.
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Fig. 10. Transformer reactive power absorption and measured neutral GIC.
Fig. 9. Measured transformer neutral current with error corrected.

The Hydro One EMS system also uses a state estimator

[20]–[23]. When modelling the operation of a transformer,
the state estimator takes into account only the series winding
reactance of the transformer, neglecting the core reactance.
By taking the difference between the estimated reactive power
flows, the reactive power absorption due to the series element
(calculated by the winding currents) can be determined as


When no GIC is present, and should be

equal except for the small amounts of reactive power absorbed
by the unsaturated transformer magnetizing current. So long as
the terminal voltage of the transformer remains constant, the Fig. 11. Absolute value of the measured neutral GIC and estimated neutral GIC
magnitude of this current remains constant. Also, if there is an assuming 0.
error in the measured transformer reactive power levels, that
error will contribute to the difference in these quantities. A cal-
ibration error-correction factor is taken during a period without in Fig. 7. It can be calculated or measured by leaving the LV
the GIC present. This gives an error corrected value terminal open. The average slope of this curve is

(17) 0.367 (19)

Taking the calibration error correction into account, any dif-
ference between the estimated and measured reactive power Ideally, this relationship should be obtained via measure-
levels is attributed to GIC ments. When measurements are not possible or practical, the
“slope” for a single-phase autotransformer can be estimated
(18) from the air-core reactance.
The comparison between the measured neutral GIC and the
Fig. 10 shows the error-corrected reactive power absorp- value estimated from (19) is shown in Fig. 11. Clearly, this is
tion , the state estimated reactive power absorption overestimated because is not zero. To make a direct compar-
, and the transformer neutral current . A clear ison between the measured neutral GIC and the value calculated
correlation between the magnitude of GIC and the difference from reactive power loss, the dc current distribution in the ter-
between the measured and error-corrected transformer reactive minals of the autotransformer must be known.
power absorption is seen. The dc current distribution in an autotransformer depends on
4) Calculation of the Magnitude of GIC: As indicated in the orientation of the induced electric field and on the relative
Section IV, the GIC current measured in the neutral of an au- values of the transformer winding, grounding (delta windings
totransformer is not indicative of the total GIC excitation but and ungrounded wye windings present an open circuit to dc cur-
rather the fraction that flows through the common winding as rents), and line resistances. If the magnitude of the induced elec-
shown in Fig. 8. In order to make a direct comparison between tric field is constant for all of the lines connected to the trans-
the GIC estimated from reactive power loss and the GIC mea- former, then for a given electric-field orientation, the ratio be-
sured in the neutral, the dc current distribution in the windings tween , , and is constant. The current distribution be-
must be estimated from (11). tween windings can be easily obtained by using well-established
The relationship between and —the nor- GIC calculation methods [8], [24] if the dc resistance of the lines
malized dc excitation current (A) for this transformer is shown and their geographical orientation with respect to the average
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Fig. 13. Absolute value of measured neutral GIC and estimated neutral GIC
when is not zero.

Fig. 12. Major HV transmission circuits connected to Essa TS.

orientation of electric field during a GMD event are known. In

this case, the Electromagnetic Transients Program (EMTP) was
used to solve the relatively simple dc network shown in Fig. 12.
The voltages induced on the 12 circuits feeding into the Essa
transformer were scaled according to the direction of the elec-
tric field. The direction of the electric field in the time frame
shown in Fig. 10 was estimated from the magnetic-field mea-
surements of the event obtained from the Ottawa geomagnetic
observatory, operated by Natural Resources Canada (NRCan). Fig. 14. Absolute value of measured and estimated neutral GIC; closeup of
From the EMTP simulation, 0.65 was obtained for 1620 to 1680 min.
this particular time frame. From (11–13)

causes half-cycle saturation and undesirable effects (as opposed

to only the contribution seen by neutral GIC measurements).
Identifying the current distribution among the windings is only
necessary if a comparison with the measurements of a neutral
GIC monitor is desired. A similar problem is encountered in
Y-Y transformers where both windings are grounded; however,
this configuration is not common in HV transmission.
Therefore, the values obtained from (19) have to be scaled If the GIC flowing through every transformer is known, it
by 0.74 to calculate the neutral current for a better compar-
is relatively simple to estimate the flows in transmission lines.
ison with the neutral GIC measurements. The comparison be-
This would, in turn, enable the estimation of the induced electric
tween the measured GIC currents and GIC currents after taking
field spatially as well as temporally in portions of the system
into account their distribution in the autotransformer windings
without autotransformers. This information would be valuable
is shown in Figs. 13 and 14.
in the validation and improvement of traditional field-based GIC
estimation techniques.
VI. DISCUSSION This paper states that the distribution ratios of GIC current
While the example presented in this paper was based on an in the windings of an autotransformer can assumed to be con-
autotransformer and, therefore, complicated by the current dis- stant within a given time frame if the induced geoelectric field
tribution between the terminals, it should be noted that in the is assumed to be uniform in the aforementioned time frame.
case of two winding transformers, there is only a single GIC While it is true that the induced geoelectric field depends on the
flow path in each winding. In this case, the comparison with earth model assumptions, and the actual GIC currents depend
the measured neutral GIC is very simple since one winding is on the assumed station grounding resistance, and relative values
typically ungrounded and, therefore, immune to GIC. Even in of resistances of lines, transformer windings, etc., such factors
the case of autotransformers, the net dc flux is easily observed affect the accuracy of the current calculation engine used to
with the presented technique. It is ultimately the net dc flux that find the current distribution factors. This paper is not proposing
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a method to estimate the current distribution, but rather indi- ACKNOWLEDGMENT

cates that if the current distribution is known within the accu-
The authors would like to thank Dr. A. Rezaei-Zare for his
racy of the means used to assess it, then it is possible to obtain
support in validating some of the results in this paper and his
good agreement between calculated and measured neutral GIC
invaluable insight into the analysis of nonlinear systems.
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Authorized licensed use limited to: University of Otago. Downloaded on September 24,2023 at 22:43:08 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

Luis Marti (M’79) received the MA.Sc. and Ph.D. Rajiv K. Varma (SM’09) received the B.Tech. and
degrees in electrical engineering from The Univer- Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from Indian
sity of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada, in Institute of Technology (IIT) Kanpur, Kanpur, India,
1983 and 1987, respectively. in 1980 and 1988, respectively.
He joined Ontario Hydro, Toronto, ON, Canada Currently, he is an Associate Professor and Hydro
(now Hydro One Networks), in 1989, where he is One Chair in Power Systems Engineering at the
currently responsible for the Special Studies Group. University of Western Ontario (UWO), London,
He is also an Adjunct Professor at Ryerson Univer- ON, Canada. Prior to this position, he was a faculty
sity, Toronto, ON, Canada, and University of Western member in the Electrical Engineering Department,
Ontario, London, ON, Canada. His research activities IIT Kanpur, from 1989 to 2001. He has co-authored
include the development of models for the family of a book Thyristor-Based FACTS Controllers for
Electromagnetic Transients Program programs, geomagnetically induced cur- Electrical Transmission Systems (IEEE/Wiley). His research interests include
rent simulation, grounding, induction coordination, electromotive-force (emf) FACTS, power systems stability, and grid integration of wind and photovoltaic
issues pertaining to transmission and distribution networks, and connection/op- solar power systems.
erational issues around the connection of renewable generation in distribution Prof. Varma was awarded the Government of India BOYSCAST Young Sci-
networks. entist Fellowship in 1992–1993 to conduct research on FACTS at UWO. He also
Dr. Marti has participated in a number of Canadian and international technical received the Fulbright grant from the U.S. Educational Foundation in India, to
organizations, such as the Canadian Standards Association, IEEE, and CIGRE. conduct research in FACTS at Bonneville Power Administration (BPA), Port-
land, OR, in 1988. He is the Chair of IEEE Working Group on “FACTS and
HVDC Bibliography” and is active on a number of other IEEE working groups.
He has co-delivered several tutorials on SVC sponsored by the IEEE Substations
Jonathan Berge (M’04) received the B.E.Sc., Committee. He has received many Teaching Excellence awards at the Faculty
M.E.Sc., and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering, of Engineering and university level at UWO.
environment and sustainability from the University
of Western Ontario, London, ON, Canada.
His research interests include atmospheric
phenomena in electrical power systems and the
interconnection of large wind power generators. He
is currently working on the application of distributed
photovoltaic generation to improve the performance
of distribution systems.

Authorized licensed use limited to: University of Otago. Downloaded on September 24,2023 at 22:43:08 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

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