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For Your Home

Recreating Personal Nostalgia
Through Contemporary Design

Recreating Personal Nostalgia Through Contemporary Design For Your Home

What we do ?

Recreating Personal Nostalgia Through Contemporary Design For Your Home

What we do ?

Recreating Personal Nostalgia Through Contemporary Design For Your Home

What we do ?

Recreating Personal Nostalgia Through Contemporary Design For Your Home

What is
Nostalgia ?

Recreating Personal Nostalgia Through Contemporary Design For Your Home

What is
Nostalgia ?

A feeling of
pleasure and also
slight sadness
when you think
about things that
happened in the

Recreating Personal Nostalgia Through Contemporary Design For Your Home

What is
Nostalgia ?

A sentimental
longing or wistful
affection for the
past, typically for a
period or place
with happy

Recreating Personal Nostalgia Through Contemporary Design For Your Home

What is

Attachment to
something which
belong to the past
Nostalgia ?

Recreating Personal Nostalgia Through Contemporary Design For Your Home

Background &

“The space where we inhabit influences how we act. Architects create and
construct ‘micro’ world that people consciously and unconsciously accept, the

Recreating Personal Nostalgia Through Contemporary Design For Your Home

space where they spend and experience their time. This particular
experience will deeply influence one’s world-view. In this very essence
of space, the architect will take part in shaping culture and society, which
leads to what we know as : Identity.”
Background &

Urbanization in Indonesia :
- 55 % in 2017
- Ranked no.2 in Southeast Asia

Recreating Personal Nostalgia Through Contemporary Design For Your Home

- Growth rate 4,1 % (more than China & India)
- 68 % of its population will be living in urban areas by
Background &

Flip side of urbanization & things to consider :

- Degradation of tradition and family value
- Loss of inherited wisdom

Recreating Personal Nostalgia Through Contemporary Design For Your Home

- Decline in sense of clan & community
- Loss of time-honed craft
- Paradox of modernity
- Sustainability in sense of social values
- Loss of Identity
The Future of

Where do we go?

Did we go too fast?

Are there any room for

past in the future?

Recreating Personal Nostalgia Through Contemporary Design For Your Home

The Future of

Where do we go?

Did we go too fast?

Are there any room for

past in the future?

“We do not pray for immortality, but only not to

Recreating Personal Nostalgia Through Contemporary Design For Your Home

see our acts and all things stripped suddenly of
all their meaning; for then it is the utter
emptiness of everything reveals itself.”
― Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, Night Flight
The Future of
Nostalgia - Sense of Belonging
- Sense of Community
- Feeling of attachment to something with value
Where do we go? - Feeling of connected and related to particular space
- Sense of identity
Did we go too fast?

Are there any room for

past in the future?

Recreating Personal Nostalgia Through Contemporary Design For Your Home

Two faces of

In her classic cultural

study The Future of
Nostalgia, Svetlana
Boym identifies two
distinct types of
nostalgia: "restorative"
nostalgia and "reflective"

Recreating Personal Nostalgia Through Contemporary Design For Your Home

Two faces of

In her classic cultural

study The Future of
Nostalgia, Svetlana
Boym identifies two
distinct types of
nostalgia: "restorative"
nostalgia and "reflective"

Restorative Nostalgia

- Puts emphasis on nostos (returning home) and

proposes to rebuild the lost home and patch up the

Recreating Personal Nostalgia Through Contemporary Design For Your Home

memory gaps.

- Involving a desire to “rebuild the lost home,” views the

past with an eye toward recreating it—a desire to relive
those special moments.
Two faces of

In her classic cultural

study The Future of
Nostalgia, Svetlana
Boym identifies two
distinct types of
nostalgia: "restorative"
nostalgia and "reflective"

Reflective Nostalgia

- dwells in algia (aching), in longing and loss, the

imperfect process of remembrance.

Recreating Personal Nostalgia Through Contemporary Design For Your Home

- accepts the fact that the past is, in fact, past, and rather
than trying to recreate a special past experience, savors
the emotions evoked by its recollection
Our Approach

before it started”
“Good design happens

Recreating Personal Nostalgia Through Contemporary Design For Your Home

Our Approach
static / object / inanimate

Recreating Personal Nostalgia Through Contemporary Design For Your Home

Our Approach
static / object / inanimate

dynamic / subject / animate

Recreating Personal Nostalgia Through Contemporary Design For Your Home

Our Approach
static / object / inanimate

dynamic / subject / animate

Recreating Personal Nostalgia Through Contemporary Design For Your Home

Our Approach
static / object / inanimate

dynamic / subject / animate

Recreating Personal Nostalgia Through Contemporary Design For Your Home

Our Approach
static / object / inanimate

dynamic / subject / animate

Recreating Personal Nostalgia Through Contemporary Design For Your Home

Our Approach

“Let’s not talk about

architecture, let’s talk about
something else, let’s arrive at
something much more

Recreating Personal Nostalgia Through Contemporary Design For Your Home

Our Approach

Recreating Personal Nostalgia Through Contemporary Design For Your Home

Our Approach

Recreating Personal Nostalgia Through Contemporary Design For Your Home

Our Approach

Recreating Personal Nostalgia Through Contemporary Design For Your Home

various points of
Notion of space from
Our Approach

Recreating Personal Nostalgia Through Contemporary Design For Your Home

various points of
Notion of space from
Our Approach

Recreating Personal Nostalgia Through Contemporary Design For Your Home

Our Approach

along the sequences.”

“Build a narration, and move

Recreating Personal Nostalgia Through Contemporary Design For Your Home

various points of
Notion of space from
Our Approach

Recreating Personal Nostalgia Through Contemporary Design For Your Home

various points of
Notion of space from
Our Approach

Recreating Personal Nostalgia Through Contemporary Design For Your Home

various points of
Notion of space from
Our Approach

Recreating Personal Nostalgia Through Contemporary Design For Your Home

various points of
Notion of space from
Our Approach

Recreating Personal Nostalgia Through Contemporary Design For Your Home

various points of
Notion of space from
Our Approach

Recreating Personal Nostalgia Through Contemporary Design For Your Home

various points of
Notion of space from
Our Approach

Recreating Personal Nostalgia Through Contemporary Design For Your Home

DL House
Jakarta - Indonesia
Our Approach

Recreating Personal Nostalgia Through Contemporary Design For Your Home

DL House
Jakarta - Indonesia
Our Approach
Nostalgic elements

Recreating Personal Nostalgia Through Contemporary Design For Your Home

DL House
Jakarta - Indonesia
Our Approach
Nostalgic elements

Recreating Personal Nostalgia Through Contemporary Design For Your Home

DL House
Jakarta - Indonesia
Our Approach
Nostalgic elements

Recreating Personal Nostalgia Through Contemporary Design For Your Home

DL House
Jakarta - Indonesia
Our Approach
Nostalgic elements

Recreating Personal Nostalgia Through Contemporary Design For Your Home

DL House
Jakarta - Indonesia
Our Approach
Nostalgic elements

Recreating Personal Nostalgia Through Contemporary Design For Your Home

DL House
Jakarta - Indonesia
Our Approach
Nostalgic elements

Recreating Personal Nostalgia Through Contemporary Design For Your Home

Our Approach

DL House “We want to smell plants, we want to hear water drops, we

Jakarta - Indonesia want to let people step into the threshold of cold stone and
warm timber, we need to feel the wind breeze, we want to be
under the shady sunlight, we want to evoke the senses, we
try to reflect the feelings and memories of being with
important people under the trees; while still consider the
compactness of young couple’s everyday lives.”

Recreating Personal Nostalgia Through Contemporary Design For Your Home

DL House
Jakarta - Indonesia
Our Approach

Recreating Personal Nostalgia Through Contemporary Design For Your Home

DL House
Jakarta - Indonesia
Our Approach

Recreating Personal Nostalgia Through Contemporary Design For Your Home

DL House
Jakarta - Indonesia
Our Approach

Recreating Personal Nostalgia Through Contemporary Design For Your Home

DL House
Jakarta - Indonesia
Our Approach

Recreating Personal Nostalgia Through Contemporary Design For Your Home

DL House
Jakarta - Indonesia
Our Approach

Recreating Personal Nostalgia Through Contemporary Design For Your Home

DL House
Jakarta - Indonesia
Our Approach

Recreating Personal Nostalgia Through Contemporary Design For Your Home

DL House
Jakarta - Indonesia
Our Approach

Recreating Personal Nostalgia Through Contemporary Design For Your Home

DL House
Jakarta - Indonesia
Our Approach

Recreating Personal Nostalgia Through Contemporary Design For Your Home

DL House
Jakarta - Indonesia
Our Approach

Recreating Personal Nostalgia Through Contemporary Design For Your Home

DL House
Jakarta - Indonesia
Our Approach

Recreating Personal Nostalgia Through Contemporary Design For Your Home

DL House
Jakarta - Indonesia
Our Approach

Recreating Personal Nostalgia Through Contemporary Design For Your Home

R+E House
Jakarta - Indonesia
Our Approach

Recreating Personal Nostalgia Through Contemporary Design For Your Home

R+E House
Jakarta - Indonesia
Our Approach
Nostalgic elements

Recreating Personal Nostalgia Through Contemporary Design For Your Home

R+E House
Jakarta - Indonesia
Our Approach
Nostalgic elements

Recreating Personal Nostalgia Through Contemporary Design For Your Home

R+E House
Jakarta - Indonesia
Our Approach
Nostalgic elements

Recreating Personal Nostalgia Through Contemporary Design For Your Home

R+E House
Jakarta - Indonesia
Our Approach
Nostalgic elements

Recreating Personal Nostalgia Through Contemporary Design For Your Home

R+E House
Jakarta - Indonesia
Our Approach
Nostalgic elements

Recreating Personal Nostalgia Through Contemporary Design For Your Home

R+E House
Jakarta - Indonesia
Our Approach
Nostalgic elements

Recreating Personal Nostalgia Through Contemporary Design For Your Home

R+E House
Jakarta - Indonesia
Our Approach
Nostalgic elements

Recreating Personal Nostalgia Through Contemporary Design For Your Home

R+E House
Jakarta - Indonesia
Our Approach
Nostalgic elements

Recreating Personal Nostalgia Through Contemporary Design For Your Home

R+E House
Jakarta - Indonesia
Our Approach
Nostalgic elements

Recreating Personal Nostalgia Through Contemporary Design For Your Home

R+E House
Jakarta - Indonesia
Our Approach
Nostalgic elements

Recreating Personal Nostalgia Through Contemporary Design For Your Home

R+E House
Jakarta - Indonesia
Our Approach
Nostalgic elements

Recreating Personal Nostalgia Through Contemporary Design For Your Home

R+E House
Jakarta - Indonesia
Our Approach
Nostalgic elements

Recreating Personal Nostalgia Through Contemporary Design For Your Home

Our Approach
“The goal is to maintain the bond that has been naturally
formed & crafted over the years, and translate it into space
R+E House
Jakarta - Indonesia which connects each other – the interlocking space.”

Recreating Personal Nostalgia Through Contemporary Design For Your Home

R+E House
Jakarta - Indonesia
Our Approach

Recreating Personal Nostalgia Through Contemporary Design For Your Home

R+E House
Jakarta - Indonesia
Our Approach

Recreating Personal Nostalgia Through Contemporary Design For Your Home

R+E House
Jakarta - Indonesia
Our Approach

Recreating Personal Nostalgia Through Contemporary Design For Your Home

R+E House
Jakarta - Indonesia
Our Approach

Recreating Personal Nostalgia Through Contemporary Design For Your Home

R+E House
Jakarta - Indonesia
Our Approach

Recreating Personal Nostalgia Through Contemporary Design For Your Home

R+E House
Jakarta - Indonesia
Our Approach

Recreating Personal Nostalgia Through Contemporary Design For Your Home

R+E House
Jakarta - Indonesia
Our Approach

Recreating Personal Nostalgia Through Contemporary Design For Your Home

R+E House
Jakarta - Indonesia
Our Approach

Recreating Personal Nostalgia Through Contemporary Design For Your Home

R+E House
Jakarta - Indonesia
Our Approach

Recreating Personal Nostalgia Through Contemporary Design For Your Home

Our Space

Recreating Personal Nostalgia Through Contemporary Design For Your Home

Our Space

Recreating Personal Nostalgia Through Contemporary Design For Your Home

Our Space

Recreating Personal Nostalgia Through Contemporary Design For Your Home

Our Space

Recreating Personal Nostalgia Through Contemporary Design For Your Home

with Mosaicart

‘To make new things familiar and familiar things new’,

through recollection of memories we try to trace particular
patterns which could trigger one’s familiarity with products,
with identity, and make people feel involved with particular
space. Inspired by brick roster blocks and batik pattern, we
create simple patterns to arouse those familiar feelings.

Recreating Personal Nostalgia Through Contemporary Design For Your Home

with Mosaicart

Inspired by Batik’s pattern,
this collection is a touch of
contemporary approach that
could be presented as a
centerpiece to direct visual of
space, and also arouses
familiar feelings to get people
involved with a particular

Recreating Personal Nostalgia Through Contemporary Design For Your Home

with Mosaicart

Inspired by Batik’s pattern,
this collection is a touch of
contemporary approach that
could be presented as a
centerpiece to direct visual of
space, and also arouses
familiar feelings to get people
involved with a particular

Recreating Personal Nostalgia Through Contemporary Design For Your Home

with Mosaicart

Inspired by Batik’s pattern,
this collection is a touch of
contemporary approach that
could be presented as a
centerpiece to direct visual of
space, and also arouses
familiar feelings to get people
involved with a particular

Recreating Personal Nostalgia Through Contemporary Design For Your Home

with Mosaicart

Inspired by brick roster’s
blocks, the shape represents a
strong facial expression. This
collection can be perceived as
solid presence which
repetitiveness could give a
strong character in a space.

Recreating Personal Nostalgia Through Contemporary Design For Your Home

with Mosaicart

Inspired by brick roster’s
blocks, the shape represents a
strong facial expression. This
collection can be perceived as
solid presence which
repetitiveness could give a
strong character in a space.

Recreating Personal Nostalgia Through Contemporary Design For Your Home

with Mosaicart

Inspired by brick roster’s
blocks, the shape represents a
strong facial expression. This
collection can be perceived as
solid presence which
repetitiveness could give a
strong character in a space.

Recreating Personal Nostalgia Through Contemporary Design For Your Home

with Mosaicart

Inspired by brick roster’s
blocks, this collection speaks
about versatility and
simplicity; the unique pointing
shape could be presented as
random or repetitive blocks;
as a centerpiece of a large
space or as a visual guide to
direct along the corridor.

Recreating Personal Nostalgia Through Contemporary Design For Your Home

with Mosaicart

Inspired by brick roster’s
blocks, this collection speaks
about versatility and
simplicity; the unique pointing
shape could be presented as
random or repetitive blocks;
as a centerpiece of a large
space or as a visual guide to
direct along the corridor.

Recreating Personal Nostalgia Through Contemporary Design For Your Home

with Mosaicart arah

Inspired by brick roster’s
blocks, this collection speaks
about versatility and
simplicity; the unique pointing
shape could be presented as
random or repetitive blocks;
as a centerpiece of a large
space or as a visual guide to
direct along the corridor.

Recreating Personal Nostalgia Through Contemporary Design For Your Home

Recreating Personal Nostalgia
Through Contemporary Design
For Your Home

Thank You

Recreating Personal Nostalgia Through Contemporary Design For Your Home


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