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Unit 1: The Global Tapestry: Heimler’s History

1.1 Development in East Asia from 1200 to 1450

Key Concept Questions From the Video

KC - 3.2.I.A Describe the Song State Structure.

Empires and states in Afro-Eurasia and the Confucianism was critical in ensuring the rule of
Americas demonstrated continuity, innovation, and the Song Dynasty. China was split into multiple
diversity in the 13th century. This included the regions, and it was unified in the Song Dynasty.
Song Dynasty of China, which utilized traditional
methods of Confucianism and an imperial Describe Confucianism during the Song Dynasty.
bureaucracy to maintain and justify its rule. It was carried over from the Tang Dynasty. Human
society was hierarchical by nature. The greater
KC - 3.1.III.D.i entities should care for the lesser entities and there
Chinese cultural traditions continued, and they should be obedience. There was also filial piety
influenced neighboring regions. which was ancestor veneration. There was a revival
- Filial piety in E.A. of Confucianism in the Song Dynasty called neo
- Influence of Neo-Confucianism and Buddhism in Confucianism. It was influenced by Buddhism and
E.A. Taoism.
- Confucian traditions of both respect and expected
deference from women
Describe the Civil Service Examination System.
KC - 3.1.III.D.ii The civil service exam was a merit based
Buddhism and its core beliefs continued to shape examination that was based on Confucianism
societies in Asia and included a variety of branches, principles. It allowed people to work government
schools, and practices. jobs. It increased the access and importance of
- Theravada education in China.
- Mahayana
Describe Chinese merchants role during this time.
KC - 3.3.III.A.i
The economy of Song China became increasingly
commercialized while continuing to depend on free Describe the increase in iron production during this
peasant and artisanal labor. time.
During the Song Dynasty, produced a lot of iron
KC - 3.1.I.D and steel needed for armor, coins, and tools.
The economy of Song China flourished as a result
of increased productive capacity, expanding trade How did money change during the Song Dynasty?
networks, and innovations in agriculture and Flying money was invented which allowed people
manufacturing. to deposit money in one place and withdraw it in
- Champa Rice another. Furthermore, they also used paper money
- Transportation innovations, like the Grand Canal and developed promissory notes.
- Steel and iron production
- Textiles and porcelains for export Explain the impact of gunpowder in China.
Gunpowder was invented and it lead to the creation
of guns and fireworks.
How was Japan influenced by China? Give
Japan adopted the imperial bureaucracy from
China. Chinese Buddhism was also adopted in

Explain the influence of Buddhism in China.

Include Mahayana and Theravada.
Buddhism influenced several different forms of
religions. Firstly, it formed neo Confucianism and
it was responsible for zen buddhism which was a
mix of buddhism and Daoism.

Explain, with details, what made China a wealthy

There was a lot of commercialization, paper money
was used, there was iron and steel production, and
there was Champa rice. Champa rice could be
harvested twice a year which lead to a population
explosion. The Grand Canal was made. The
magnetic compass and new ships called junks lead
to more trade.

Explain, with details, what unified China.

1.2. Developments In Dar al-Islam from 1200 to 1450

Key Concept Questions From the Video

KC - 3.1.III.D.iii What is Dar Al-Islam?

Islam, Judaism, Christianity, and the core beliefs Dar-al-Islam is the region where Islam was the
and practices of these religions continued to shape majority religion.
societies in Africa and Asia.
Explain the background of the Abbasid Caliphate.
KC - 3.2.I How political Islam encountered other cultures and
As the Abbasid Caliphate fragmented, new Islamic how they responded:
political entities emerged, most of which were - India:
dominated by Turkic peoples. These states The Mughal empire was formed in northern India
demonstrated continuity, innovation, and diversity. and they were a majority Muslim nation. They
- Seljuk Empire didn’t convert people but they enforced taxes on
- Mamluk Sultanate of Egypt people to encourage them to convert to Islam.
- Delhi Sultanates
KC - 3.1.III.A • Comparison of Islam and Hinduism.
Muslim rule continued to expand to many parts of Islam was monotheistic and Hinduism was
Afro-Eurasia due to military expansion, and Islam polytheistic. Islam was a global religion while
subsequently expanded through the activities of Hinduism was an ethnic religion. Islam valued
merchants, missionaries, and Sufis. equality while Hinduism had a caste system.

KC - 3.2.II.A.i • Sufis
Muslim states and empires encouraged significant Sufis were a group of Islamic missionaries who
intellectual innovations and transfers. traveled to regions across the world. They didn’t
- House of Wisdom in Abbasid Baghdad enforce the strict following of all Islamic rituals
- Scholarly and cultural transfers in Muslim and and rules. They were more focused on the
Christian Spain connection to god and they allowed people to still
honor their own religion. They were the most
successful in converting people in East Africa,
India, and SE Asia.

• Who converted?
People in East Africa, West Africa, North Africa,
India, and SE Asia. Most of the people that
converted with Sufism were common people.

- West Africa

• How spread?
Islam mainly spread through trade to West Africa
along the trans Saharan trade route.

• Who converted to Islam?

Most of the common people still followed
animistic religions. However, many merchants and
elite government officials converted to foster trade.

What economic, cultural, and innovative

technology did the Muslims bring to new cultures?

- Economic:

- Technological:
Developed mathematics and they develoepd the
house of wisdom, which allowed

- Cultural:
1.3 Developments in South and Southeast Asia from 1200 to 1450
Key Concept Questions From the Video

KC - 3.1.III.D.iv Describe State Building In South Asia - India

Hinduism, Islam, and Buddhism, and their core
beliefs and practices, continued to shape societies in Hindu Religious Beliefs
South and Southeast Asia. - Samsara:

- Atman:
KC - 3.2.I.B.i
State formation and development demonstrated - Moksha:
continuity, innovation, and diversity, including the
new Hindu and Buddhist states that emerged in - Brahman:
South and Southeast Asia.
- Srivijaya Empire - Karma:

Bhakti Movement:

Caste System:

Intellectual Influence:

Describe State Building in Southeast Asia

- Majapahit Empire

- Khmer Empire

1.4 State Building in the Americas

Key Concept Questions From the Video

KC - 3.2.I.D.i State Building in Americas

In the Americas, as in Afro-Eurasia, state systems North America
demonstrated continuity, innovation, and diversity, - Mississippian Culture (Cahokia)
and expanded in scope and reach.
- Mexica Southwest America
- Inca - Chaco and Mesa Verde Civilizations

Central America
- Aztecs (Mexica)
• Tribute System

1.5 State Building in Africa

Key Concept Questions From the Video

KC - 3.2.I.D.ii State Building In Africa

In Africa, as in Eurasia and the Americas, state
systems demonstrated continuity, innovation, and
diversity and expanded in scope and reach.
- Great Zimbabwe Kin Based Networks
- Ethiopia
- Hausa kingdoms

Hausa Kingdom

1.6 Developments in Europe from 1200 to 1450

Key Concept Questions From the Video

KC - 3.1.III.D.v What happened when Rome fell?

Christianity, Judaism, Islam, and the core beliefs
and practices of these religions continued to shape
societies in Europe.
Describe Europe between 476 and 1,000:
KC - 3.2.I.B.ii
Europe was politically fragmented and - Feudalism:
characterized by decentralized monarchies,
feudalism, and the manorial system.
Dark Ages - Describe:
KC - 3.3.III.C
Europe was largely an agricultural society
dependent on free and coerced labor, including
serfdom. High Middle Ages - Describe:

Magna Carta:
Roman Catholic Church and its Importance During
This Time

Economic and Social Change
Little Ice Age


1.7 Comparison in the Period from 1200 to 1450

Key Concept Questions From the Video

KC - 3.2.I.B.i State Building

State formation and development demonstrated - Compare Song Dynasty in China and the Abbasid
continuity, innovation, and diversity, including the Caliphate
new Hindu and Buddhist states that emerged in
South and Southeast Asia.
- Srivijaya Empire - Compare Vijayanagara Empire and the Chola
KC - 3.2.I
As the Abbasid Caliphate fragmented, new Islamic
political entities emerged, most of which were
dominated by Turkic peoples. These states - Compre Mali Empire and Ghana
demonstrated continuity, innovation, and
- Seljuk Empire - Compare Aztec Empire and Incan Empire
- Mamluk Sultanate of Egypt
- Delhi Sultanates

KC - 3.2.I.A - Compare Europeans

Empires and states in Afro-Eurasia and the
Americas demonstrated continuity, innovation, and Religion and its Role in State Building
diversity in the 13th century. This included the - Islam
Song Dynasty of China, which utilized
traditional methods of Confucianism and an
imperial bureaucracy to maintain and justify its
rule. - Confucianism

- Hinduism/Buddhism
- Roman Catholic

Why did conversions occur?

Technological Exchanges
- Champa Rice

- Manufacturing of Paper

- House of Wisdom

Importance of Nomadic People

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