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Sleep and Dream Research Study 1

Sleep and Dream Research Study

Milad Jassim

Psyc 1/ 18495

Saddleback College

Professor Jenkins

Sleep and Dream Research Study

The importance of sleep is something that is commonly stressed, aiding many bodily and

cognitive abilities. Commonly associated with sleep, yet perhaps not as emphasized, is one’s

dream experiences, sourcing much curiosity as to how to understand them as a whole. The

purpose of this essay is to evaluate, through the conclusions made by peer-reviewed research

findings and personal inference, parts of my personal sleep and dream log taken over the course

of about two weeks.

Sleep Behavior Analysis

My sleep hygiene, both before and during this experimentation has been somewhat

consistent. I usually have some food 0-4 hours before going to bed. Moreover, I always pray

before some form of night sleep, as my religion obligates me to do so. In addition, unless I feel
Sleep and Dream Research Study 2

overbearing heart distress (not a physical health problem) which results in my laziness, I

typically brush my teeth and floss before going to bed. I would say that all in all I do get enough

sleep because the hours I get indicate I get around 6:30 without yielding overwhelming

exhaustion unless I sleep less than that. However, I have noticed that sometimes I fail to even get

that much sleep because of poor discipline and laziness, so I know I can do much better in

regards to being faster and getting my things done with greater initiative in order to get in bed

earlier, and to thus get more sleep. Without a doubt, I would say that taking college courses has

affected my sleep schedule, but not in a necessarily negative way. To articulate, I think it’s

important to mention that there have been many nights, although not noted in my sleep and

dream log, that I had pulled near all-nighters in order to complete the work or study for college

courses. What is interesting is that after those nights (which were typically the night before

exams), even though I had only gotten around an hour or two of sleep, barely, if at all, was my

energy and cognitive ability impaired for the following day. I had also performed generally very

well on such exams which underlines that major sleep deprivation did not result in significant

energy/cognitive impediments. In contrast, after recent nights of sleep which entailed much

much more sleep of 8+ hours (and times of less proactive behavior), I have not consistently

noticed significant energy or cognitive sharpness as a result of such, and instead, a fatigue which

rest did not necessarily absolve.

Sleep Research Procedure/Design

The peer-reviewed journal article that I have chosen to demonstrate the intricacies of

sleep is the journal article: “Sleep loss and emotion: A systematic review and meta-analysis of

over 50 years of experimental research”. It is important to note that the primary goal of this study

was to examine how sleep deprivation in different forms can play specific roles in diverse
Sleep and Dream Research Study 3

emotional occasions (Palmer et at., 2023). Palmer et. al. (2023) generally mentions that the

number of participants across all of the studies was 5,717. Additionally, the means by which a

participant was deemed qualified for the experiment was if they were devoid of any health

problems yielding an altered ability to sleep or capacity for emotionality (Palmer et at., 2023).

Moreover, the participants were not to have a likelihood for sleep disturbances given their

profession, nor were they to be people with detected sleep ailments (Palmer et at., 2023). There

were no age restrictions as to the participants (Palmer et at., 2023). I could not find listed the

means by which such participants were selected. Generally speaking, the study entailed the

experimental group undergoing varying alterations in sleep patterns. Specifically, alterations

were made in respect to night sleep, fragmentation of sleep, deprivation of sleep, and restriction

of sleep (Palmer et at., 2023). The control group was employed in three different fashions: the

experimental group with typical sleep before adjustment, the experimental group with typical

sleep after adjustment, and a separate control group which undertook the same assessments

(Palmer et at., 2023). What was assessed included one’s capacity to emotionally respond to a

specific stimulus, as well as markers regarding negative emotional experience (Palmer et at.,


Major Conclusion/Findings

Through the analyses of the cumulative 154 studies in this meta-analysis, it can be concluded

that for many individuals, sleep loss, whether categorized under sleep deprivation (being the

worst overall), sleep restriction, or sleep fragmentation, can result in numerous emotional

impediments for those who undergo it. Whether that means a reduction in positive emotions,

increases in discrepancies in one’s general mood, reduction in one’s emotional arousal, or greater

rates of anxiety, sleep loss is something that can result in major emotional detriments when
Sleep and Dream Research Study 4

experienced. Therefore, being mindful of sleep and making sure to give one’s body their due

rights is a very important practice in maintaining one’s emotional health and well-being.

Sleep Habits and Research Synthesis

When making a comparison between the conclusions drawn from this study to my

personal sleep experiences, I can generally testify to the importance of adequate sleep to being

essential for mental capacity in the long-term. However, what I still found kind of interesting is

that many times in my experiences, major bouts of sleep did not necessarily result in positive

emotionality, but rather a sort of fatigue coupled with distress and feelings of depression. Now, I

understand that this may be unique to me given my specific brain chemistry and personal

confounding variables, so to understand my results would be more properly done with

recognition of all the components of my life. Nevertheless, I do want to employ greater emphasis

on getting to bed on time so that I can be, for the most part, consistent and steadfast with my day

to day activities.

Dream Interpretations with Applied Theories

I dreamt that I was kind of fighting my sister and I dreamt that I had gone to Lowes where the

people there were extremely buff and masculine. I only really remember the latter aspect of the

dream which is interesting when I think of my past. I used to place a large emphasis on being

very masculine in different regards but through religious implementation, I learned that much of

these ‘masculine’ ideals were really just manifestations of a man’s corrupt desire to be praised

and respected with the underlying incentive of being a more valuable man in the eyes of a

female. Nevertheless, I think that this dream was perhaps a run-through of a past paradigm of

thinking which I have worked to abandon. Perhaps, a part of my soul still lusts for such pursuits,

but I know that God may very well be testing my patience and steadfastness upon rejecting
Sleep and Dream Research Study 5

carnal desires, so all praise be to Him. I think that part of Freud’s dream theory, which generally

states that an individual may find the solutions to deal with problems in their life through looking

at their thoughts presented in their dreams (Givrad, 2016), applies very well to this dream

because if I were to analyze this dream, I would have a greater idea of what path I’m generally

treading given my past decisions and what aspects of myself I need to control in order to

continue developing as a person. I think that analyzing dreams in such a way can be a great way

of reflecting on one’s self sincerely and constructively. Another dream I had is one where I

dreamt that my mom had called my uncle. I don’t really remember much besides that except that

they were almost working together. This dream is particularly interesting because I know that my

mom, and to my knowledge my uncle as well, have different religious beliefs than me which

have placed somewhat of a disparity between us. I wouldn’t necessarily say the dream was bad

as I don’t remember any negative feelings with the dream, but it is very interesting that my mind

has associated these two figures together in my life, displaying what I understand to be my

mind’s creation of a mental schema. I would say that the dream theory which helps explain the

dream I had would be that of Foulkes’ cognitive developmental theory which generally placed

emphasis to the experiences one has had during their consciousness as being a cause of dreams

along with an increase in cognitive ability through one’s development (Givrad, 2016). I would

say this can apply to my dream as I know there were multiple experiences I have had with both

individuals regarding my religious observance, where I had noted their similar responses to such

observance. As such, it may be explained that it was through these experiences, and perhaps due

to an increased cognitive capacity, by the will of The Most High, that I was able to draw

connections between these individuals as being supporters of one another.

Sleep and Dream Research Study 6


Ultimately, I can conclude, through the analysis of different journal articles, that the

experiences I had were for the most part in line with the research referenced. Sleep, perhaps

more than may be perceived, has been proven to serve an imperative role in the emotional

function of an individual. Moreover, dreams, in their mysterious complexion, may very well be a

physical and mental means of the body expressing its cognitive capacity and being a means of

aid to the dilemmas at hand.


Givrad, S. (2016). Dream Theory and Science: A Review. Psychoanalytic Inquiry, 36:3, 199-


Palmer, C. A., Bower, J. L., Cho, K. W., Clementi, M. A., Lau, S., Oosterhoff, B., & Alfano, C.

A. (2023). Sleep loss and emotion: A systematic review and meta-analysis of over 50 years of

experimental research. Psychological Bulletin.

Sleep and Dream Research Study 7


Sleep/Dream Data Journal

Sleep Journal

Date Time I How Time How I felt Total My dream (try to remember people, places and
went to tired I I about my hours happenings). If you can’t remember details, write down
bed last was and woke sleep last of words (ie. running, farm).
night and what I up night and sleep
time I fell did how I felt
asleep before when I
going to woke up
bed (refreshed,

03/0 I went to I was I I woke up ≅ I dreamt about driving in/around the saddleback
8- bed and kind of wok tired. 5:07 college campus, specifically around the SCI
03/0 fell tired e up building. In addition to that, I dreamed I was walking
9 asleep and had arou to it. I don’t distinctly remember any positive or
around dinner nd negative connotation in relation to this dream. I’m
11:15 before 2:30 not completely sure why I had this dream. I know
p.m. bed. a.m. that school matters have been on my mind, so
Then and perhaps my subconscious was going through the
again at later motions without any specific standout event.
around at
Sleep and Dream Research Study 8

2:30 a.m. 4:22


03/0 I went to I was I I woke up ≅

9- bed and pretty wok refreshed. 6:53
03/1 fell tired e up
0 asleep and had arou
around prayed nd
11:43 before 6:36
p.m. bed. a.m.

I went to I was I I woke up ≅

03/1 bed and kind of wok kind of 5:21
0- fell tired e up tired.
03/1 asleep and had arou
1 around dinner nd
11:34 before 4:45
p.m. bed. a.m.

03/1 I went to I was I I woke up ≅

1- bed and kind of wok fine. 6:01
03/1 fell tired e up
2 asleep and had arou
around prayed nd
11:32 before 5:33
p.m. going to a.m.

03/1 I went to I was I I woke up ≅ I dreamt that I was kind of fighting my sister and I
2- bed and kind of wok feeling 6:00 dreamt that I had gone to Lowes where the people
03/1 fell tired e up pretty there were extremely buff and masculine. I only
3 asleep and had arou energized. really remember the latter aspect of the dream
around prayed nd which is interesting when I think of my past. I used
10:53 before 3:13 to place a large emphasis on being very masculine
p.m. going to a.m. in different regards but through religious
Then I bed. and implementation, I learned that much of these
may then ‘masculine’ ideals were really just manifestations of
have agai a man’s corrupt desire to be praised and respected.
fallen n at Of course, as a means of being a more valuable
asleep abo man in the eyes of a female. Nevertheless, I think
around ut that this dream was perhaps a run-through of a past
that time 5:08 paradigm of thinking which I have worked to
again. a.m. abandon. Perhaps, a part of my soul still lusts for
such pursuits, but I know that God may very well be
testing my patience and steadfastness upon
rejecting carnal desires, so all praise be to Him.
Sleep and Dream Research Study 9

Date Time I How Time How I felt Total My dream (try to remember people, places and
went to tired I I about my hours happenings). If you can’t remember details, write down
bed last was and woke sleep last of words (ie. running, farm).
night and what I up night and sleep
time I fell did how I felt
asleep before when I
going to woke up
bed (refreshed,

03/1 I went to I was I From my ≅

4 bed and quite wok night 6:09
fell tired e up sleep I
asleep from my arou woke up
around night nd tired and
12:48 sleep 5:23 from my
a.m. and where I a.m. nap I
then had and woke up
again at prayed agai feeling a
around beforeh n bit tired.
5:26 p.m. and. I arou
was nd
also 7:00
tired p.m.
before I

03/1 I went to I was I I felt ≅

5- bed and kind of wok insomnia 5:18
03/1 fell tired e up so I felt
6 asleep and had arou kind of
around prayed nd restless.
11:47 beforeh 5:05
p.m. and. a.m.

03/1 I went to I was I The sleep ≅

7 bed and kind of wok didn’t feel 4:30
fell tired e up that bad,
asleep and had arou although I
around eaten nd had
1:18 a.m. before 5:48 insomnia.
my a.m.

03/1 I went to Before I I forgot to ≅ I dreamt that I went to Big Air. I vaguely remember a
8 bed and my wok note how I 8:35 negative connotation with this dream which is
fell night e up felt after interesting seeing as how the last time I went to Big
asleep sleep I arou my night Air was I believe October of 2022. However, some
around had nd sleep but I of my actions that night are things that I now reject
Sleep and Dream Research Study

1:10 a.m. prayed 5:10 may have which may be an explanation of the vague negative
and and a.m. felt feeling I remember with the dream. This may be a
again at was and exhausted means of my subconscious reliving times of shame,
around pretty agai even after reminding me of the bad past I am working to leave
7:00 a.m. tired. n at my nap. behind.

03/1 I went to Before I I felt tired ≅

9 bed and my wok after 6:07
fell night e up waking up
asleep sleep I arou from my
around had nd night
12:45 prepare 5:20 sleep and
a.m. and d for a.m. I felt kind
again at bed and and of
around was agai refreshed
11:54 pretty n at after my
a.m. tired. arou nap.

Date Time I How Time How I felt Total My dream (try to remember people, places and
went to tired I I about my hours happenings). If you can’t remember details, write down
bed last was and woke sleep last of words (ie. running, farm).
night and what I up night and sleep
time I fell did how I felt
asleep before when I
going to woke up
bed (refreshed,

I went to I was I I felt kind ≅ I dreamt that my mom had called my uncle. This
03/2 bed and kind of wok of tired 4:32 dream is particularly interesting because I know that
1 fell tired e up upon my mom, and to my knowledge my uncle as well,
asleep and had arou waking. have different religious beliefs than me which have
around purified nd placed somewhat of a disparity between us. I
12:36 myself 5:08 wouldn’t necessarily say the dream was bad as I
a.m. before a.m. don’t remember any negative feelings with the
bed. dream, but it is very interesting that my mind has
Sleep and Dream Research Study

associated these two figures together in my life,

displaying what I understand to be my mind’s
creation of a mental schema.

03/2 I went to I was I After my ≅ I dreamt that I had ordered a smoothie. I am not
2 bed and tired wok night 8:00 really sure what this dream meant. In the dream I
fell before e up sleep I felt had ordered something initially, which I changed to
asleep night arou kind of a smoothie. Interesting.
around sleep nd tired and
1:57 a.m. when I 5:10 kind of
and had put a.m. refreshed
again at on new and after my
around sheets. agai day sleep.
7:05 a.m. n

03/2 I went to I was I I may ≅

3 bed and not wok have felt 8:52
fell really e up alright
asleep tired arou after my
around and I nd night
1:24 a.m. had 4:55 sleep and
and prayed a.m. quite alert
again at before and after my
around night 1:21 day sleep.
8:00 a.m. sleep. p.m.

03/2 I went to I was I I felt fine ≅

4 bed and tired wok after my 7:36
fell and had e up night and
asleep prayed arou day sleep.
around before nd
1:34 a.m. night 5:00
and sleep. a.m.
again at and
around agai
7:20 a.m. n at

03/2 I believe I had I I felt fine ≅

4- I went to purified wok after my 5:09
03/2 bed and myself e up sleep.
Sleep and Dream Research Study

5 fell before arou

asleep sleep. nd
around 5:00
11:51 a.m.

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