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The cost of transporting goods from 4 plants to 4 markets is given below.

Each market must receive at least 100, market 3 must get all it's demand
met. All supply must be used. Minimize total cost.

Cost cij: market 1 market 2 market 3 market 4 Supply Transport table xij:
plant A 12 16 20 23 400 0 400
plant B 22 25 20 19 450 0 0
plant C 14 24 17 14 300 0 0
plant D 10 25 24 18 500 400 0
Demand 400 500 700 500 2100 Col total 400 400
Col totals are the amounts being sent to
Objective: Minimize total cost = sumproduct(cij,xij) = 26150
Col totals >= 100; (Each market must get at least 100)
Col 3 total = 700; (market 3 must have all demand met)
Row totals = Supply; (all supply must be used)
Col totals <= Demand; (not enough supply to meet demand)
xij >= 0; (negative transport not possible)
Note: Since demand exceeds supply, demand is acting as upper limit (less than or
equal to constraint) and supply is acting as upper limit (equal to constraint)
Row total
0 0 400
450 0 450
250 50 300
0 100 500
Row totals are amounts being sent from each plant
700 150
are the amounts being sent to each market

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