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Gorantes 1

Mark Louie G. Gorantes

Prof. J.A. Paquia

The Contemporary World

13 May 2023

Sinclair's political messaging inside local news.

(Image courtesy of Deadspin: Sinclair's Soldiers in Trump's War on Media)

This is like a trip down memory lane when I first saw the video. It feels

like it happened just yesterday. The complicated interaction between politics and media is

best shown by the relationship between Donald Trump and Sinclair Broadcast Group.

Sinclair's extensive influence gives it the ability to influence public opinion. Trump

frequently referred to the mainstream media as "fake news" in an effort to discredit them.
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Sinclair has come under fire for its pro-Trump position and slanted

reporting, including the contentious practice of having local news anchors read from scripts.

Political donations and close relationships between Sinclair and the Trump administration

point to a cooperative relationship. An echo chamber has been created as a result of this

partnership, and faith in traditional media has decreased. The fundamental tenets of

democracy are threatened by such influence on the media. Maintaining a free and objective

press in a robust democracy requires understanding and tackling these concerns.

Due to cognitive biases, an abundance of information, reliance on

shortcuts, emotionally charged content, social dynamics, tailored algorithms, diminished faith

in conventional media, and the need for media literacy and critical thinking, misinformation

thrives in the modern digital age. To address this issue and promote an educated and resilient

society, responsible reporting, education, and accuracy promotion are necessary.

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Works Cited:

Deadspin. (2018, April 2). Sinclair’s Soldiers in Trump’s War on Media [Video]. YouTube.

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