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(+126.51 ; 0.27%) VOL. 18 | ISSUE NO: 235 | Saturday, 27 April 2024 | DAILY MORNING | Page 4 | Price Rs 1.00

Editorial: Up In Smoke Why 3-time elected CM being treated inhumanely, asks AAP Kharge writes to PM, seeks time to explain ‘Nyay Patra

4 men collapse and die

PM reacts to SC's VVPAT verdict, amid Phase 2 voting in Kerala
claims Cong has Muslim quota plan OUR CORRESPONDENT

LUCKNOW: Four persons

OUR CORRESPONDENT rid of the EVM... Today, the PM Modi claimed in Kar- collapsed and died in dif-
Supreme Court has given nataka, Muslims get the li- ferent parts of Kerala after
NEW DELHI: Reacting to a strong verdict saying that on's share of the 27 percent voting in the second phase
the Supreme Court's ver- the old system of ballot quota for OBCs. of the Lok Sabha elections
dict in the EVM-VVPAT case, paper voting will not come "But Congress is trying 2024 started on Friday.
Prime Minister Narendra back," he added. its best to implement reli- Three of the deceased
Modi on Friday said the RJD PM Modi claimed that gion-based reservation. It were voters and one was
and Congress never cared like Karnataka, the Con- is trying to implement the a polling agent, reported.
about the Constitution of gress wants to bring Mus- Karnataka model of reser- Polling started at 7am in
India. lims under the purview of vation in the country...They Kerala.
Addressing a rally in OBC reservation. have betrayed the OBC A 68-year-old voter col- sa teacher collapsed and are voting in Phase 2 of the
Bihar's Araria, PM Modi "Congress has deeply community and included lapsed after casting his died after returning home Lok Sabha polls.
claimed "booth capturing conspired to take away all Muslims of Karnataka in vote Ottapalam, Palakkad. from voting in the Lok While Congress leader
was very common" during rid of EVMs. was very common... They the rights of SCs, STs, and the OBC list, irrespective of Though he was rushed to Sabha elections, reported. Rahul Gandhi’s candidature
the former's rule. "RJD and Congress alli- did not even let the people OBCs, and I'm saying this their financial status. A ma- hospital , he was declared Tirur recorded a tempera- in the Wayanad constituen-
He also accused the Con- ance in Bihar neither cares step out to vote...," PM Modi with utmost responsibil- jor chunk of the 27% reser- dead on arrival, the news ture of 34 degrees Celsius cy has received the most
gress of planning to bring about the constitution of In- said. ity. Babasaheb Bhimrao vation for the OBC has gone website said. Ottapalam re- and humidity levels of 60% attention, two sitting Union
Bihar's Muslims under the dia, nor about democracy. "Now when the poor and Ambedkar has said in very to the Muslims now...Con- corded a temperature of 38 on Friday. ministers are also in the
OBC quota. They did not let people ex- honest voters have the clear words, that India can- gress wants to do the same degress Celsius and 39% Similarly, a 76-year-old- fray from the state. Union
PM Modi claimed that the ercise their right to vote for strength of EVM, they are not have religion-based res- in Bihar and other parts of humidity on Friday. man died in Alappuzha dis- minister of state V Mura-
Opposition was trying to get decades. Booth capturing trying all they can to get ervations," he claimed. the country," he added. Left Democratic Front trict’s Ambalappuzha died leedharan is contesting in

'Blindly distrusting any...': In EVM

polling agent Anees Ahmed after returning home from the Attingal constituency.
RBI ASKS TALKCHARGE (66) was rushed to hospital voting, In nearby Thiruvanantha-
TO RETURN FUNDS after he collapsed in Kozhi- said. puram constituency, Rajeev
IN PPI-WALLETS OF kode Town’s booth number Ambalappuzha saw a Chandrashekar, Union min-

VVPAT case, SC calls for ‘trust, harmony'

CUSTOMERS 16 but could not be saved, . temperature of 33 degrees ister of state for Skill Devel-
MUMBAI: The RBI on The mercury level of 33 de- Celsius and humidity levels opment and Entrepreneur-
Thursday said it has di- grees Celsius in Kozhikode of 68% on Friday. ship and Electronics and
rected Gurugram-based OUR CORRESPONDENT candidates who stood sec- was accompanied by 61% Voter turnout in Kerala Information Technology is
TalkCharge Technologies ond and third. humidity on Friday. Voter turnout was around looking to unseat high-pro-
Pvt Ltd, which is issuing NEW DELHI: Rejecting pleas The court observed that In Malappuram district’s 34% as of 12.30 pm in Ker- file Congress member of
Prepaid Payment Instru- seeking complete cross-ver- the verification of the micro- Tirur, a 63-year-old madras- ala. All 20 constituencies Parliament Shashi Tharoor.

Kerala’s ruling LDF convenor

ments (Wallets) without ification of votes cast using controller can be done sev-
authorisation of the central electronic voting machines en days after the declara-
bank, to refund the prepaid (EVMs) via Voter Verifiable tion of results. A candidate

acknowledges meeting BJP leader

amount lying in the wallets Paper Audit Trail (VVPAT) will have to pay a certain
of the customers. The RBI machines, the Supreme fee. If EVM are found to be
also cautioned the public Court observed that blindly tempered with, the fee will
to exercise utmost cau- distrusting any aspect of the be refunded. OUR CORRESPONDENT
tion while using websites/ system can lead to unwar- Three petitioners had
applications and parting ranted skepticism. urged the court to direct the NEW DELHI: Ruling Left
with their money to any A bench of Justices Sanjiv stitutions, blindly distrusting The Supreme Court direct- authorities to provide VVPAT Democratic Front (LDF)
such unauthorised entity. Khanna and Dipankar Datta, any aspect of the system can ed the Election Commission slips to all voters and count convenor and Communist
The Reserve Bank said it while dismissing pleas in the breed unwarranted skep- to seal and store units used all of them from ballot box- Party of India (Marxist) or
had come to the notice matter, observed that "de- ticism...," Justice Datta ob- to load symbols for 45 days es. CPI(M) leader EP Jayarajan
of the central bank that mocracy is all about striving served. after the symbols have been "We have rejected all of on Friday acknowledged he
TalkCharge Technologies to build harmony and trust "Instead, a critical yet con- loaded to electronic voting them," Justice Khanna said. briefly met Bharatiya Jana-
is issuing PPI through its between all institutions". structive approach guided by machines in strong rooms. According to senior law- ta Party (BJP)’s Kerala in-
website and app (applica- Two judges delivered two evidence and reason should The apex court also al- yer Prashant Bhushan, the charge Prakash Javadekar
tion) ‘TalkCharge’ without separate but concurring ver- be followed to make room lowed engineers of the EVM Supreme Court said that if at the birthday party of the
obtaining the required au- dicts. for meaningful improve- manufacturers to verify the a barcode is put on all ballot former’s grandson in Thi-
thorisation under the pro- "While maintaining a bal- ments and to ensure the microcontroller of the ma- paper, then examine if it can ruvananthapuram months that it was just a courtesy But there is a saying in our
visions of the Payment and anced perspective is crucial system's credibility and ef- chines after declaration of be mechanically counted by back. meeting. He added there land that if Shiva joins a
Settlement Systems Act, in evaluating systems or in- fectiveness," he added. the results on the request of machines or not. He spoke about the meet- was nothing unusual about sinner, then Shiva also be-

On Sam Pitroda's ‘inheritance tax’

2007. The central bank is- ing on the day Kerala all 20 it. He said as the LDF con- comes a sinner. We must
sued directions dated April seats went to the polls in the venor, several people includ- be careful... There are a lot
2, 2024, to the entity to stop second of seven-phase Lok ing Congress, BJP leaders, of people here who wake

remark, Sitharaman's dig at Congress

the issuance and operation Sabha elections even as and Christian and Muslim up thinking about whom to
of its Prepaid Payment In- the Congress has accused priests meet him. cheat today. So, we must
struments or Wallets and the Kerala wing of CPI(M) “I am not someone who avoid friendships to an
refund the balances held in OUR CORRESPONDENT ing law. It says you in your of being in close touch with [switches parties and poli- extent with such people.
the wallets within 15 days. generation, made wealth the BJP to hurt the electoral tics] just by meeting some- Jayarajan does not show
Later, it was extended by NEW DELHI: Union finance and you are leaving now, you prospects of the Opposition one. I will not change even enough alertness in such
45 days (May 17, 2024) at minister Nirmala Sithara- must leave your wealth for United Democratic Front if the Prime Minister talks to matters...”
the entity’s request. man on Friday took a dig at the public, not all of it, half of (UDF) in the state. me.” He insisted there was
REC SECURES JPY the Congress over its leader it, which to me sounds fair. In “I was at my son’s apart- Congress leader VD Sath- nothing wrong with meeting
60.536 BN GREEN LOAN Sam Pitroda’s controversial India, you don’t have that. If ment in Thiruvanantha- eesan said CPI(M) leaders Javadekar. “I also met him
TO FINANCE GREEN remarks advocating an in- somebody is worth 10 billion puram for my grandson’s in Kerala always meet BJP at the start of the election
PROJECTS heritance tax-like law, say- and he dies, his children get birthday. Suddenly, I saw leaders. “Why? To defeat campaign. I told him that
GURUGRAM: In a signifi- ing it could “nullify” India's 10 billion and the public gets Prakash Javadekar walking us,” Satheesan said. his party is trying its best to
cant step towards sustain- progress of the last 10 years. nothing... So, these are the in. I was surprised. When K Sudhakaran, the state win in Kerala...the BJP was
able development in India, The finance minister said if kinds of issues people will someone comes home, we Congress chief, has alleged not going to win any seat in
REC Ltd has successfully done so, the country would have to debate and discuss.” cannot ask them to leave. Jayarajan held secret talks Kerala.”
availed a SACE-covered go back to the era when Con- “Something was taken away. comments come days after He added, “I don’t know Right? He said he was in to join the BJP. Sobha Suren- The Congress-led UDF
green loan worth JPY gress imposed a 90 per cent There was no justification a video of Indian Overseas what the conclusion would the neighbourhood and dran, the BJP’s Lok Sabha hopes to repeat its 2019
60.536 billion to finance tax. given at that time... If such Congress chairman Sam be at the end of the day but thought of coming to meet candidate from Alappuzha, Lok Sabha poll performance
eligible green projects in “The inheritance tax direct- wealth creators are going to Pitroda went viral on social when we talk about redistrib- me. He wanted to discuss echoed Sudhakaran. She in Kerala. It swept the polls,
India. This strategic in- ly hits the middle class. It be punished purely because media in which he talked uting wealth, we are talking political matters with me, added that Jayarajan held winning 19 of the 20 seats.
vestment reinforces REC’s directly hits the aspirational they have some money kept about inheritance tax in about new policies and new but I declined. I told him I talks with her BJP leader- Most opinion polls indicate
commitment to foster class. They work hard, sweat behind, India's progress in America. programs that are in the had a meeting that I had to ship but backed out fearing the UDF has an edge. Con-
sustainable growth, in and toil of theirs are saved the last 10 years would just The video triggered a mas- interest of the people and go to and left. They also left a threat from CPI(M). gress leader Rahul Gandhi,
alignment with the Com- in small savings here and go for a zero…The current sive outrage, especially with not in the interest of the su- at that moment. That is all,” Chief minister Pinarayi Vi- who won Kerala’s Wayanad
pany’s Green Finance there, or they buy a house, generation would not even the BJP leaders, who at- per-rich only.” said Jayarajan after voting in jayan responded to the row seat in 2019, is again in the
Framework. The green a dream house, and keep remember or know anything tacked the grand old party. Prime Minister Narendra Kannur. and said Jayarajan should fray. The UDF got over 47%
facility benefits from an some fixed deposits. All this about it." In the video, Sam Pitroda Modi had also hit out at Jayarajan maintained that have been more careful. “Ja- votes in 2019. The LDF vote
80 per cent guarantee by is going to be exposed to the “There was India, where was heard saying, "In Amer- Pitroda saying that the “dan- he held no political discus- yarajan is known for having share fell to 36% from 40%
Italian Export Credit Agen- so-called property tax…After under the Congress rule, ica, there is an inheritance gerous intentions of the Con- sions with Javadekar and a friendship with everyone. in 2014.
cy, SACE (Italy) under their all, Congress's reputation in we paid 90% of all that was tax. So, if, let’s say, one gress Party are now being
innovative Push Strategy terms of property tax goes earned by us as tax. That's has $100 million worth of exposed”. SC TO CONSIDER LISTING PLEA OF DELHI GOVT AGAINST CENTRAL LAW
programme. It is a break- back,” Nirmala Sitharaman the socialist model which wealth, and when he dies, However, the Congress NEW DELHI: The Supreme Court on Friday told the Delhi government that it would consid-
through and first of its kind told news agency ANI. the Congress party is com- he can only transfer probably has distanced itself from the er listing its plea challenging the central government's law establishing pre-eminence of
successful collaboration Recalling the compulsory fortable with,” the finance 45 per cent to his children, remarks and said that inher- the lieutenant governor over the elected dispensation in controlling services in the national
between an Indian govern- deposit scheme from 1968, minister added. the government grabs 55 itance tax laws do not reflect capital. A bench comprising Chief Justice D Y Chandrachud and justices JB Pardiwala
ment entity and SACE. Nirmala Sitharaman said, Nirmala Sitharaman's per cent. That’s an interest- the position of the party. and Manoj Misra was urged by senior advocate Abhishek Singhvi.
2 Lucknow, Saturday, 27 April 2024 Lucknow News (English Daily)

In the Warzone!
Up in smoke
The Bandhwari dumpsite, located in Gurugram, India, has
once again found itself engulfed in flames, marking the
fourth fire incident within a single month, this being the ma-
jor one. Despite concerted efforts to contain the fire, its re-
surgence serves as a stark reminder of the persistent chal- AMID ONGOING GLOBAL CONFLICTS, INDIAN DIPLOMATIC MISSIONS MUST BOLSTER
lenges inherent in landfill management and the urgent need
second landfill blaze in the national capital region this week. In response to growing la-
Since its inception in 2010, the Bandhwari dumpsite has bour demand in Israel and
become a major waste repository in the region, receiving to deepen their political re-
over 1,600 tonnes per day (TPD) of mixed waste from Gur- lationship, India and Israel
ugram (1,000 TPD) and Faridabad (600 TPD). Unfortunately, signed an agreement in
only a small fraction — about 200-250 TPD in Gurugram and May 2023 for 42,000 Indi-
400 TPD in Faridabad, of the 1,200 TPD and 1,000 TPD gen- ans to head to the Jewish
erated by the two cities — is processed. state to work in construc-
The remainder is simply dumped on the site without proper tion and nursing.
oversight. The Municipal Corporation of Gurugram has a bio- The move was widely re-
mining capacity of 16,000 tonnes, but 1,600 tonnes of fresh ported by Indian and inter-
waste is dumped into the dumpsite each day. national media as one that
This is primarily due to a lack of source segregation and a didn’t account for the safety
30-40 per cent door-todoor collection rate. For the past 6-7 and security of its workers.
years, the city has faced significant waste management chal- And that was before Oc-
lenges due to a tripartite agreement between a concession- tober 7. The ongoing Isra-
aire and the government of Haryana since 2017. el-Hamas conflict that ex-
The concessionaire was tasked with providing comprehen- ploded in October resulted
sive end-to-end services, including source segregation, door- in Israel banning more than
to-door collection, processing, dumpsite remediation and 90,000 Palestinians work-
establishing a waste-toEnergy plant within five years of their ers — who formed the back-
twenty-two-year agreement. How- bone of Israel’s construction
ever, the concessionaire failed to Methane industry — to be replaced by
meet these obligations, resulting concentrations workers from India,
in the shutdown of waste man- within dumpsites Sri Lanka and Uzbekistan.
agement services in the city. can far exceed those India signed a deal a month
Source segregation and door- found in the natural after the outbreak of hostili-
to-door collection rates plummet- atmosphere, posing ties to allow the emigration
ed and the installation of nec- a significant ignition of Indian workers to an ac-
essary waste processing plants risk; Bandhwari tive conflict zone.
was not achieved, leading to an dumpsite fire Against the backdrop of
inability to divert fresh mixed underscores an urgent an ongoing war, with tens of
waste from the dumpsite. Despite need to overhaul thousands of civilian deaths,
the use of biomining processes to waste management there are well-founded fears
extract valuable materials from practices in Gurugram, that India’s agreement with
waste, a significant amount of re- so that future fires can Israel may come at a heavy
sidual waste remains on the site, be prevented price. As Israel finds itself in
exacerbating the looming threat the middle of another crisis
of conflagration. While biomining efforts have produced com- after Iran’s missile attack,
mendable results, with approximately 21,50,000 tonnes of an increasingly urgent ques-
As many as 121 candidates, who were guided under the Nexus of Good Mentorship programme, have qualified for civil services this year
waste processed in the last year and three months, formi- tion for India to consider
dable challenges remain, as evidenced by the recent spate is the safety of its migrant of the Gulf, compels workers formidable role in the coun- 2007, including Israel. employed as support staff
Against the backdrop
of fires. The latest fire incident at the Bandhwari dumpsite, workers. to migrate. try’s global supply chain as- Israel’s membership to and caregivers in hospitali-
of an ongoing war, with
which broke out around 8-8.30 p.m. on April 22, 2024, was The agreement seems to This makes it all the more pirations which is driven by the Organisation for Eco- ty industries, oil refineries,
tens of thousands of
exacerbated by the current atmospheric conditions. be a case of putting the cart imperative to institute safe- demand, demography, and nomic Cooperation and De- construction and service
civilian deaths, there are
Although initial containment efforts were successful in ex- before the horse: a knee- guards to secure the welfare drive. Labour migration has velopment (OECD) protocol sectors such as drivers.
wellfounded fears that
tinguishing the flames around 1 am, the fire rekindled with jerk response to maintain and well-being of workers been one of the significant is more binding and pro- The roles of Indian mi-
India’s agreement with
the arrival of dawn, emphasising the severity of the situation. bilateral relations and an going to conflict zones. The features of the last few de- tective of foreign worker’s grants have been diversified
Israel may come at a
Fortunately, no casualties were reported, but the recurrence opportunity to ameliorate agreement between the cades. rights, their safety and se- in the wake of the Gulf econ-
heavy price
of such incidents highlights the critical need for a thorough India’s ongoing unemploy- Ministry of Skill Develop- Workers who move to curity. omies choosing to move be-
investigation of the underlying technical dynamics that cause ment crisis. Government ment and Entrepreneurship countries requiring emigra- Israel is already bound by yond their oil dependence. caught off-guard such as
landfill fires. schemes such as Atman- (MSDE), India and Israel’s tion clearance due to their OECD’s Employment Pro- This has been made pos- during the Kuwait Crisis of
The scientific basis for dumpsite fires is complex and mul- irbhar Bharat Rojgar Yoja- Population and Immigration unconducive labour laws are tection Act regarding labour sible with India’s strategic 1990s, Lebanon in 2006,
tifaceted, resulting from the convergence of physical, chem- na, Pradhan Mantri Rojgar Authority (PIBA) was signed required to register them- rights and provides them partnership with some of the Syria and Libya in 2011,
ical and human factors. A variety of processes at dumpsites Protsahan Yojana, Mahat- in November. selves under the Indian gov- protection, social security regional powers in the Gulf. South Sudan in 2013, the
like Bandhwari contribute to the generation of heat, which ma Gandhi National Rural A few weeks later, PIBA ernment’s e-Migrate portal, and health insurance. By the same standards, ow- Yemen and Iraq crisis of
is a precursor to fires. Among these, the decomposition of Employment Guarantee had conducted a meeting instituted since 2015 by the Around 14,000 Indian ing to India bolstering its re- 2015, and Congo crisis of
biodegradable waste plays a pivotal role, as the breakdown Act, Pradhan Mantri Garib with the National Skill Devel- Ministry of External Affairs, nurses and caregivers em- lations with Israel to strate- 2006 and 2017.
of organic matter releases heat, consequently raising tem- Kalyan Rojgar Abhiyaan and opment Corporation (NSDC) which offers insurance un- ployed in Israel have not re- gic partnership level in July Despite many efforts, In-
peratures within the dumpsite. Furthermore, the anaerobic other schemes to address to streamline the process of der the Pravasi Bharatiya turned to India or requested 2017, the decision to send dian diplomatic missions
decomposition of biodegradable waste results in the emis- the unemployability in the recruitment. Bhim Yojana and other pro- government agencies for as- labour to that country stems need to closely monitor the
sion of methane gas, a highly combustible substance. country have generated only The NSDC worked with tections. sistance despite the active from the need to increase security situation and as-
Studies have indicated that methane concentrations within meagre wages. the governments of Uttar Indian labour unions have conflict since October 2023. New Delhi’s engagement sess the threat perceptions
dumpsites (3-15 per cent) can far exceed those found in the The statistics are worry- Pradesh and Haryana to ini- raised concerns over the In- This was confirmed by the with Tel Aviv. to its communities. India
natural atmosphere (0.00017 per cent), posing a significant ing: the India Employment tiate recruitment processes, diaIsrael agreement as a vi- Kerala government agen- Domestic workers, for in- already uses its diplomatic
ignition risk. Compounding this risk are the presence of ignit- Report 2024 revealed that especially in the construc- olation of India’s emigration cy responsible for expat stance, in most of the Gulf channels, consular assis-
able materials, commonly known as “hot loads”, comprising the number of educated un- tion industry. rules that may endanger affairs. Most nurses in the Arab countries are not in- tance, logistical planning,
a variety of combustible materials such as brush, leaves, fuel, employed youth had nearly Among India’s various worker safety and be a po- caregiving sector are hired cluded under the foreign coordinates with interna-
tires, or reactive chemicals, which can spontaneously ignite, doubled to 65.7 percent in agreements is listed the tential threat to life in any ac- from Kerala. labour laws and thus are tional agencies and coun-
creating a volatile environment conducive to fire outbreaks. 2022 from 35.2 percent in protocol agreements be- tive conflict or conflict-prone Workers continue to face vulnerable to exploitation by tries, and communicates
External sources such as equipment, smoking and waste 2000. The report also noted tween India’s MSDE and region such as Israel. issues such as inadequate employers. with its citizens.
recyclers further contribute to the ignition potential, compli- an increase in self-employ- Israel regarding mobility According to India’s Em- social safety nets and are Likewise, in the event of This was seen most re-
cating fire containment efforts. Sub-surface fires pose an ment and widespread live- frameworks between the igration Act of 1983, no In- vulnerable to employer ex- exacerbation of conflict, cently during the Afghan-
even more formidable challenge at dumpsites, arising from lihood insecurity, marked two countries to facilitate dian can migrate for work ploitation, escalation of evacuation of huge work- istan and Ukraine crisis.
the infiltration of air into the waste mass, thereby providing by a skills deficit which re- worker movement under unless they obtain Emigra- violence and lack of legal er populations becomes a However, given the scale of
oxygen to sustain combustion. duced chances of employ- the NSDC, but these remain tion Check Required (ECR) protection. Some of these daunting task for the gov- work-related outmigration,
The waste materials, combined with methane generated ability. unspecified by the latter. status from the Indian au- aspects were exposed when ernment. It is time that the more effective and dedi-
within the landfill, serve as fuel for these fires, which remain More than 10 percent of The question of account- thorities. Qatar was preparing to host government invests in prop- cated means need to be
concealed beneath the surface, evading detection and extin- Indians between 15 and ability for the safety of Indi- However, as the number the FIFA World Cup 2022. er streamlined evacuation employed to safeguard the
guishment. Sub-surface fires not only endanger the lives of 29 years were unemployed an migrant workers remains of conflicts reduced over Workers’ rights were se- policies and must continu- workers in such regions. Co-
workers and firefighters but also pose environmental risks, during 2022-23. In contrast, one of passing the buck. the years after the signing verely violated and the emir- ously monitor the situations ordinated usage of technol-
leading to slope instability and the release of harmful emis- lucrative job opportunities, India has already issued a of peace treaties between ate was criticised the world in these countries. ogy and digital means under
sions. To reduce the risk of future fires at Bandhwari and skill development and pay- no-travel advisory to Israel some Arab states and Isra- over. There have been many the aegis of the Ministry of
other dumpsites, Gurugram’s waste management practices ment packages offered and Iran as both nations are el, to avoid inconvenience Around 8.5-9 million In- instances when India’s evac- Skill Development and En-
must be completely overhauled. Source segregation, which abroad, including the con- in an active military stand- for the migrants, the GoI dian expatriates are work- uation drive has been suc- trepreneurship to monitor
involves diverting waste to different facilities to reduce the flict-prone Middle East na- off. exempted certain countries ing in the Gulf countries, cessful yet done hastily and its workers can be a step
risk of combustion, is central to this effort. A strong commu- tions and the oil-rich states Indian expatriates play a from ECR list by October 1, of which the majority are the government has been forward in this regard.

Vedanta posts Q4 net profit of 1,369 crore

nication strategy must be developed to foster behavioural
change among residents and encourage them to embrace
segregation practices.
Furthermore, biodegradable waste should be systemati-
cally diverted away from dump sites, with a preference for
decentralised treatment methods like composting or bio- Anil Agarwalled Vedanta Ltd of the company in the Jan- optimisation, we achieved about Rs 1,000 crore be- creased 2 per cent because due to impairment charges
methanation. The conversion of organic waste into bio-com- on Thursday reported a 27.2 uary-March period dropped a remarkable EBITDA mar- cause of a mark down on Tu- of rise in ore production at of Rs 994 crore majorly at
pressed natural gas not only reduces pollution but also per cent decline in consoli- to Rs 36,093 crore as gin of 30 per cent in FY24 ticorin and ESL Steel assets. Zinc India and increased Tuticorin, partially offset
provides a viable revenue stream. Embracing dry waste recy- dated net profit to Rs 1,369 against Rs 38,635 crore in with 240 basis points an- In 2023-24, the consol- capitalisation in aluminum. by capital creditors written
cling initiatives and transitioning towards a zero-landfill mod- crore for the March quarter the year-ago period. nual margin expansion, idated revenue dropped In a statement, the com- back in the power sector of
el are pivotal steps towards sustainable waste management on account of a one-time “Driven by operational ex- underscoring our efficiency 2 per cent to Rs 1,41,793 pany said in FY24, the fi- Rs 793 crore,” Vedanta said
practices. Interim measures such as installing gas vents and impairment of Tuticorin as- cellence, Vedanta achieved and agility,” Vedanta Chief crore on account of lower nance cost increased 52 in a release.
compaction of waste, combined with daily soil cover, are criti- set. outstanding financial re- Financial Officer Ajay Goel commodity prices partial- per cent to Rs 9,465 crore, As on March 31, 2024,
cal for controlling methane gas accumulation and preventing The company had posted sults, marking the second said. ly offset by higher volume due to increase in average Vedanta’s gross debt was
fires. Regular monitoring and training programmes for work- a consolidated net profit highest annual revenue and Vedanta Executive Direc- across businesses and borrowings and cost of bor- at Rs 71,759 crore. Vedanta
ers and officials are required to identify and remove potential of Rs 1,881 crore in the EBITDA in our history, reach- tor Arun Misra said over favourable exchange rate rowings. Ltd, a subsidiary of Vedanta
hot loads, while strict compliance with regulations, including year-ago period, Vedanta ing Rs 1,41,793 crore and phone that a drop in net movement. “In the fourth quarter of Resources, is a diversified
smoking bans in dumpsite areas, is critical to reducing fire said in a filing to the BSE. Rs 36,455 crore, respective- profit was due to a couple of In FY2023-24, the depre- FY24, there was an excep- global natural resources
hazards and protecting public health and safety. The consolidated income ly. “Through continued cost accounting charges totalling ciation and amortisation in- tional loss of Rs 201 crore, company.
Lucknow News (English Daily) Lucknow, Saturday, 27 April 2024 3

AAP members distribute pamphlets, appeal

LUCKNOW: Zindagi’s YouTube channel will now be stream-
ing Nauman Ijaz and Saba Qamar starrer ‘Mrs. & Mr. Sha-

people to answer arrest of Kejriwal with votes

meem’ starting 26th April, where new episodes will drop
every Tuesday & Friday. The show redefines gender roles
in a society that is blindfolded by traditional ideals of ro-
mance and masculinity. Nauman Ijaz who plays the role of
Shameem challenges stereotypes and breaks new ground
in this role. In a departure from his previous portrayals of OUR CORRESPONDENT cy. The campaign, titled “An- are standing at metro sta- Central Government ac-
macho personas like Mera Saeen as the scheming Ma- swer Jail with Votes,” was tions and distributing pam- countable for what they per-
lik Wajahat, Bari Apa as NEW DELHI: In a bold move conceived in response to the phlets and appealing to the ceive as an unjust imprison-
obedient Farmaan, Rehai aimed at galvanising pub- recent arrest of Delhi’s Chief people to ‘Jail ka jawab vote ment.
as the spiteful Waseem, lic support, the Aam Aad- Minister, Arvind Kejriwal, ig- se’ (answer jail by voting),” “Today the people of Delhi
Nauman will be step- mi Party (AAP) launched a niting widespread dismay Bharadwaj stated, under- are extremely sad that their
ping into character of an campaign urging Delhiites among residents. scoring the party’s multifac- most popular Chief Minister
effeminate man in this to express their dissent Bharadwaj emphasised eted approach to engaging Arvind Kejriwal has been put
show marking a signif- through the power of the the significance of the im- with the electorate. in jail.
icant shift in his career ballot box. pending Lok Sabha elec- The palpable discontent The people of Delhi want
graph. Directed by the tal- Cabinet minister Saurabh tions on May 25, rallying resonating among Delhiites to give an answer to this to
ented filmmaker Kashif Bharadwaj spearheaded commuters to exercise their was palpable, with Bharad- the Bharatiya Janata Party
Nissar, who also directed the initiative, alongside AAP democratic rights in defi- waj articulating their collec- and the Central government.
Zindagi’s upcoming show and INDIA alliance candi- ance of what he labelled a tive anguish over Kejriwal’s The Aam Aadmi Party and electoral process as a po- radwaj’s sentiments that
Pink Shirt said how Nau- date Somnath Bharti and “dictatorial regime.” incarceration. the people of Delhi have de- tent instrument of protest. their votes would serve as a
man Ijaz was always his first choice for the lead of Sha- other party volunteers, dis- “Today, along with the The AAP minister reiterat- cided that we will ‘answer The campaign resonated resounding rebuke to what
meem. ”I was very sure no one else would have been able to tributing pamphlets at Met- Aam Aadmi Party candidate ed the populace’s determi- jail with votes’,” Bharadwaj with commuters, who ex- they perceived as an unjust
do justice to this character as much as Nauman. From his ro stations across the New from New Delhi Lok Sabha nation to hold the Bharatiya affirmed, encapsulating the pressed solidarity with the assault on democratic prin-
unwavering dedication towards the nitty-gritty’s of the role Delhi Lok Sabha constituen- seat, Somnath Bharti, we Janata Party (BJP) and the party’s resolve to use the AAP’s cause, echoing Bha- ciples.

Why 3-time elected Congress and INDIA Alliance strategise

to the discipline that he had on set, Ijaz proved yet another
time the finesse that he carries in his work. With Nauman,
it is not just about reading out his lines with expressions, he
is a method actor who fully embraces his character. This
role, however, is bold and different from his previous roles. CM being treated to secure all 7 Lok Sabha seats in Capital
inhumanely, asks AAP
It takes courage to play the character of an effeminate man
so brilliantly despite all the challenges that an actor has to Congress and its INDIA Alli-
face while portraying a personality on screen which is very ance partners to capitalise
different from their own. We are excited for the audience to OUR CORRESPONDENT NEW DELHI: Subhash on this sentiment and so-
see this unusual yet cinematically brilliant side of Nauman.” Chopra, Chairman of the lidify their presence at the
TECH MAHINDRA POSTS STRONG Q4 RESULTS, NEW DELHI: Aam Aadmi Election Management Com- booth level, expressing con-
EYES STEADY EARNINGS GROWTH FOR FY'25 Party’s Rajya Sabha MP, mittee and Co-Ordination fidence in securing victory in
NEW DELHI: Tech Mahindra (NSE: TECHM), a leading glob- Sanjay Singh, has penned Committee for the Congress all seven seats. Key figures
al provider of technology consulting and digital solutions to scathing letters to Prime Party’s Delhi Lok Sabha like Rajesh Lilothia, Krish-
enterprises across industriesannounced the audited con- Minister Narendra Modi and elections, and AICC General na Tirath, Udit Raj, Ramesh
solidated financial results for its quarter and yearended Delhi’s Lieutenant Governor, Secretary in-charge of Delhi Kumar, and former Delhi
March 31st, 2024. Mohit Joshi, Chief Executive Officerand Vinai Kumar Saxena, alleg- Congress, Deepak Babaria, Ministers also attended this
Managing Direc- ing continuous harassment held a crucial meeting on meeting.
tor, Tech Mahin- and surveillance of Delhi Thursday. The strategic assembly re-
dra,said, “As we Chief Minister Arvind Kejriw- The gathering comprised the district level and below, their utmost efforts at every flects the Congress and the
step into FY'25, al in Tihar Jail. free education, healthcare, Chairmen of the Lok Sabha aiming to ensure seamless booth to mobilise voters. INDIA Alliance’s concerted
we look forward Singh’s letters, demanding electricity, and water supply, Election Management Com- coordination with INDIA Al- With a palpable anti-BJP effort to assert their domi-
to improvement an end to what he described juxtaposing them against mittee, convenors, and liance partner, Aam Aadmi sentiment pervading Del- nance in the upcoming Lok
in clients spend- as “inhumane treatment,” the alleged mistreatment. other officials from District Party. hi’s electorate, Babaria un- Sabha elections, banking
ing, which fuels highlight the purported 24- Singh’s missive to PM Election Management Com- The goal is to consolidate derscored the opportune on a unified campaign ap-
our optimism for hour CCTV monitoring of Modi invoked the late PM mittees. Their objective was campaign strategies to moment to translate these proach and the prevailing
a better revenue performance ahead. Our unique ability Kejriwal by the Prime Min- Atal Bihari Vajpayee’s plea to develop a comprehensive clinch victory in all seven Lok sentiments into votes. He anti-BJP sentiment among
to enable customers with transformative scale at unpar- ister’s Office (PMO) and the for a healthy democratic campaign strategy covering Sabha seats in Delhi. He re- stressed the imperative for Delhi’s electorate.
alleled speed, differentiates us from competitors. FY'24 L-G’s office. Singh empha- environment, urging Modi not just the three Congress iterated the unified commit-
posed its fair share of challenges for the IT services sector; sised that such actions un- to compete with Kejriwal candidates but also the ‘IN- ment of senior leaders and
yet, amidst the global economic uncertainties, we contin- dermine democracy’s prin- through constructive work DIA’ Alliance contenders workers towards achieving
ue to observe a notable push towards digital adoption.” ciples and violate Kejriwal’s instead of intimidation. He vying for the remaining four a clean sweep across the
Rohit Anand, Chief Financial Officer, Tech Mahindra, said, fundamental rights. wrote, “If you want to com- Lok Sabha constituencies. Capital.
“With another quarter of robust cash generation, we have Singh lambasted the au- pete with Kejriwal then build Subhash Chopra empha- Echoing this sentiment,
reported improvement in deal wins and operating mar- thorities, stating, “The treat- a school like him, build a sised the formation of Joint Deepak Babaria urged
gins in Q4FY’24, which has enabled consistent dividend ment being meted out to hospital, provide free elec- Campaign Committees at Congress workers to exert
distribution. We are confident that our actions will lead to an elected chief minister tricity, and water and do pol-
steady earnings growth in the coming years. We will con- is against the dignity and itics of work.” Raised this matter with Iranian
tinue to focus on operational excellence and cost savings
to deliver superior shareholder returns.”
system of a democracy like
India.” He accused the PMO
In his letter to the L-G,
Singh condemned the pur- authorities: MEA on Kashmir
and L-G of turning Tihar Jail
into a “torture chamber” for
ported surveillance as a vio-
lation of constitutional rights
issue in Pak-Iran joint statement
GURUGRAM: Nissan Motor India has announced a two- Kejriwal, emphasising the and urged him to refrain OUR CORRESPONDENT Randhir Jaiswal said, “On
month long free AC check-up camp for its customers across purported surveillance as from partisan politics. “You that issue, we have raised
the country, reaffirming its commitment towards customer “disgusting, criminal, and are not holding a post of any NEW DELHI: In the wake of this matter with the Iranian
centricity and service excellence. Nissan will conduct the inhuman.” political party; hence you Kashmir issue finding its way authorities.”
AC check-up camps between 15th April to 15thJune 2024 Regarding Kejriwal’s should not be influenced by into a joint statement issued Responding to a poser on
at all Nissan authorizedservice workshops across India struggle to receive insulin, it,” Singh wrote, appealing at the conclusion of Iranian whether Raisi has also pro-
where all customers are eligible for a wide range of services Singh questioned, “Why is to the L-G’s sense of human- President Ebrahim Raisi’s posed to visit India, he said,
and discounts. Nis- the threetime elected Chief ity. Singh’s letter concluded visit to Pakistan, India on “Regarding your second
san’s highly skilled Minister being treated in- with a plea for Kejriwal’s Thursday said it has “raised question about their Presi-
and trained service humanely?” He highlight- humane treatment in jail, this matter with the Iranian dent’s visit, as you know, we
professionals will ed Kejriwal’s governance emphasising his popularity authorities”. inform you about such visits
conduct the AC achievements, including among Delhi’s residents. President Raisi paid an of- at appropriate time, when
check-up camp, ficial visit to Pakistan from everything is ready and final-
using Nissan Genu-
ine spare parts en-
AAP unveils LS campaign song April 22-24 at the invitation
of Prime Minister Shehbaz
The joint statement stat-
suring a seamless OUR CORRESPONDENT will respond to jailing Kejriw- Sharif. He was accompanied ed that taking note of de-
service experience. All Nissan and Datsun vehicle own- al through voting). Speaking by a high-level delegation velopments at regional and
ers can schedule a service appointment for the check-up NEW DELHI: The Aam Aad- at the song launch, AAP Ra- comprising Foreign Minister global levels, both sides
through the NISSANONE App or the Nissan Motor India mi Party (AAP) on Thursday jya Sabha MP Sanjay Singh Amir Abdollahian as well as stressed the importance of
website ( with ease. This initiative not only launched its Lok Sabha called upon the workers to other members of the cabi- peaceful settlement of dis-
enhancesNissan’s promise of a hassle-free ownership campaign song titled ‘jail work hard to convert the “an- net and senior officials. putes through dialogue and
experience but also serves as a token of appreciation ke jawab mein hum vote ger” among the countrymen Pakistan and Iran have diplomacy to find mutual-
for customer confidence in the Nissan brand.The ser- denge’, aiming to generate over Kejriwal’s arrest into agreed that the Kashmir ly acceptable solutions to
vice camps will be held across the company’s extensive sympathy in view of Delhi votes. He said that a chair issue should be resolved common challenges. India
120service workshop network, which currently caters to Chief Minister Arvind Kejriw- was left vacant for Kejriwal. through “peaceful means has previously rejected such
all Nissan and Datsun branded vehicles. al’s arrest. “Whatever programmes based on the will of the peo- statements by other coun-
PW VIDYAPEETH CELEBRATES 99TH PERCENTILE The over two-minute long were held in this courtyard, ple” of the region, said a joint tries on the Kashmir issue.
ACHIEVEMENTS IN JEE MAIN SESSION 2 RESULTS! song, penned and sung in rap whether it was a demonstra- statement issued by the “The Union Territory of Jam-
LUCKNOW: Physics Wallah (PW), a leading ed-tech com- style by AAP MLA and party’s tion, movement or prepara- two countries after Raisi’s mu & Kashmir and the Union
pany known for affordable and high-quality education, has chief whip in Delhi Assembly tion related to the election, maiden visit to Islamabad on Territory of Ladakh are and
announced exceptional results in the JEE Main Exam Ses- Dilip Pandey, was launched we could see him during that Wednesday. always will be integral and
sion 2, from its Vidyapeeth center in Lucknow, as 207 stu- by the party leaders at the time. He stood firmly with the In response to a question inalienable parts of India. No
dents qualify for JEE Advanced, and 6 students achieved AAP headquarters. Delhi BJP party workers, Delhiites and on the Kashmir issue being other country has locus stan-
scores above the 99th percentile. Overall, 4,000+ Vidyap- chief Virendra Sachdeva said worked together with them mentioned in the joint state- di to comment on the same,”
eeth students have qualified for the exam across India. Of the public will not support raising his voice,” Singh said. ment, Ministry of External the MEA spokesperson has
these, 399 students scored above the 99 percentile, while the AAP and they will suffer Kejriwal was arrested by Affairs (MEA) spokesperson asserted repeatedly.
192 students achieved an impressive above 99.5 percen- a crushing defeat. the Enforcement Director-
tile score. Additionally, 118 of Vidyapeeth students bagged “No matter how many ate (ED) in a excise poli- SC IMPOSES RS 5 LAKH COSTS ON CENTRE FOR
ranks under 1,000 All India Rank (AIR), including both Com- pamphlets the Aam Aadmi cy-linked money laundering FILING FRIVOLOUS PETITION
mon Rank List (CRL) and Category rank lists. Shreyash Ti- Party distributes or songs case on March 21. He is NEW DELHI:The Supreme Court has imposed costs of
wari - AIR 545 (GEN-EWS) is among the star students of they play, the public will not currently lodged under judi- Rs 5 lakh on the Centre for challenging a Meghalaya High
PW Vidyapeeth, Lucknow. Ankit Gupta, PW's Offline CEO, support them anymore and cial custody in Tihar Jail in Court order, holding it was “sheer abuse” of the process
said, "Seeing students from our Vidyapeeth centres achieve they will suffer a severe de- connection with the case till of law. A bench of Justices Vikram Nath and Satish Chan-
such high percentiles fills us with immense pride and reas- feat in the Lok Sabha elec- May 7. Pandey said all elec- dra Sharma said there was no occasion or justification
sures us that we are on the right track. Special thanks to tions,” he added. The party’s tion campaign songs of the for the Union of India to have challenged the order by way
all the teachers for working relentlessly and continuously Lok Sabha campaign has a AAP launched so far have of a Special Leave Petition. “The present petition is sheer
pushing their limits. For the students who did not qualify, similar theme and is titled reflected the sentiments of abuse of the process of law. The petitioners are cautioned
remember that we are with you, and we will work harder.” ‘Jail Ka Jawab Vote Se’ (we the public. not to file such frivolous petitions in future.
4 Lucknow, Saturday, 27 April 2024 Lucknow News (English Daily)

SC to utilise WhatsApp for sharing


Key battles in Kerala, Karnataka,

cause lists and case filing info: CJI
Rajasthan as phase 2 polls kick of OUR CORRESPONDENT ty and the Supreme Court’s
directive to facilitate this
OUR CORRESPONDENT Alappuzha seat in Kerala NEW DELHI: Chief Justice process. Underscoring the
has turned into a prestige D Y Chandrachud heralded importance of video con-
NEW DELHI: The stage is battle for the Congress with a new era of digital integra- ferencing facilities, the CJI
set for voting to take place All India Congress Commit- tion for the Supreme Court said if the investigation offi-
for the second phase of Lok tee (AICC) general secretary on Thursday, declaring that cer (IO) of a case has been
Sabha polls on Friday for 89 K C Venugopal’s return to case listings, filings, and transferred, he should be
seats in 13 states and Union the Lok Sabha poll fray af- cause lists will now be com- able to appear virtually. The
Territory. Prominent among ter 2014 as the party looks municated to lawyers via trial court proceedings need
leading political leaders to wrest the only seat it WhatsApp. not be adjourned if the IO
who are in the fray this time lost to the CPI(M)-led Left This eco-friendly initiative has been shifted, he said.
include Congress leader Ra- Democratic Front (LDF) in is expected to significantly The Chief Justice revealed
hul Gandhi who is seeking a its landslide 19-1 victory in reduce paper usage and right to access to justice ed this development as rev- the government’s financial
second-straight term from Kerala in the 2019 polls. contribute to environmental and enhance transparency olutionary. support for high courts to
Wayanad in Kerala. brother DK Suresh (Cong), jal of the Congress. Venugopal has not lost any conservation. During a ses- in the judicial system, the Justice Chandrachud ex- adopt these technologies,
All 20 seats of Kerala will and former Karnataka chief Union minister Shekha- major election in his career. sion with a nine-judge pan- Supreme Court announces pressed optimism that this with funds being directly al-
go to polls besides 14 of the minister HD Kumaraswamy wat is eyeing a third win He won the Alappuzha As- el, the Chief Justice made integration of WhatsApp digital stride would trans- located by the central gov-
28 seats in Karnataka, 13 (JDS) are among the key can- from the Jodhpur seat and sembly seat thrice in a row the announcement, which messaging services with form work practices and aid ernment through the e-court
seats in Rajasthan, 8 seats didates while BJP’s Hema is pitted against Congress in 1996, 2001, and 2006 coincided with a hearing on its IT services,” the CJI said. in preserving the environ- committee.
each in Maharashtra and Ut- Malini, Om Birla and Gajen- candidate Karan Singh Uchi- and was elected to the Lok whether private properties Justice Chandrachud de- ment. He also mentioned Under Chief Justice
tar Pradesh, 7 seats in Mad- dra Singh Shekhawat are yarda. Tejasvi Surya, the sit- Sabha from Alappuzha in fall under “material resourc- tailed that Advocates-onRe- the transition of the court’s Chandrachud’s guidance,
hya Pradesh, 5 seats each seeking a hat-trick of wins ting MP for Bangalore South 2009 and 2014. es of the community” as per cords and self-representing services to the Meghraj the Supreme Court has
in Assam and Bihar, 3 seats from their respective con- and the national president In 2019, he did not con- Article 39(b) of the Constitu- litigants will receive auto- cloud 2.0, an infrastructure been actively digitising its
each in Chhattisgarh and stituencies. Gandhi is the sit- of the Bharatiya Janata Yuva test after the party elevated tion. mated updates on case developed by the National operations, with the Centre
West Bengal, and 1 seat ting MP from Wayanad and Morcha (BJYM), will face him to the post of the AICC “In the 75th year of its ex- proceedings, including elec- Informatics Centre, ensuring allocating Rs 7,000 crore
each in Manipur, Tripura and is pitted against CPI’s Annie Congress’s Sowmya Red- general secretary. Sukanta istence, the Supreme Court tronic filings, cause lists, data storage within India. for the e-court initiative.
Jammu and Kashmir. Raja and BJP’s K Surendran. dy. Former chief minister of Majumdar, incumbent BJP launches a small initiative. It and judicial decisions. Addressing disparities Echoing the government’s
A total of 1,206 candi- Tharoor is aiming to win Chhattisgarh and Congress MP from Balurghat in West has the potential to have a The registry will dispatch in technological adoption, commitment, the Solicitor
dates with four from the the Thiruvananthapuram leader Bhupesh Baghel is Bengal is seeking re-elec- bigbang impact. WhatsApp cause lists to the bar mem- the Chief Justice noted that General conveyed the prime
Outer Manipur constituen- seat for the fourth time. contesting from Rajnandga- tion. He is pitted against Bi- messenger has been a ubiq- bers upon publication, and some high courts require minister’s directive prioritis-
cy will contest elections in He is pitted against Chan- on, a stronghold of the BJP plab Mitra of the Trinamool uitous service in our daily the court’s decisions and advance notice for video ing digitization to broaden
this phase, campaigning for drasekhar from the BJP and for over 30 years. Congress and Joydeb Sid- lives and has taken the role orders will also be circulated conferencing, especially for access to justice, aligning
which came to a close on CPI’s Pannyan Raveendran. Govil, who portrayed Lord dhanta of the Revolutionary of a powerful communica- through WhatsApp. Solicitor older lawyers. He empha- with the government’s ob-
Wednesday evening. Hema Malini, who has rep- Ram’s character in Ra- Socialist Party. Staggered tion tool. To strengthen the General Tushar Mehta laud- sised the need for uniformi- jectives.

Kharge writes to PM, seeks

Congress leader Shashi resented the Mathura con- mayan TV series, is making over seven stages, the first
Tharoor, Union minister Ra- stituency since 2014, is con- his electoral debut against phase of the elections held FIRE BREAKS OUT IN
jeev Chandrasekhar and ac- testing against Congress’s BSP’s Devvrat Kumar Tya- last Friday for 102 seats PLASTIC PIPES IN

time to explain ‘Nyay Patra

tor-turnedpolitician Arun Go- Mukesh Dhangar while Om gi and SP’s Sunita Verma across 21 states and Union DELHI’S JAMIA NAGAR;
vil, Karnataka Deputy Chief Birla, a two-time MP from from the Meerut Lok Sabha territories saw a voter turn- NO INJURIES
Minister DK Shivakumar’s Kota, is facing Prahlad Gun- seat. The contest for the out of around 63 per cent. NEW DELHI: Five fire

EC notices to BJP, Cong chiefs over

tenders were rushed to
OUR CORRESPONDENT southeast Delhi’s Jamia
Nagar after some plastic

complaints against PM Modi, Rahul

NEW DELHI: Amid the rag- pipes caught fire, the DFS
ing row sparked by Prime officials said. No casu-
Minister Narendra Modi’s alties were reported, the
remarks on the Congress Delhi Fire Services official
OUR CORRESPONDENT a prestige battle for the Con- manifesto, party chief Mal- said. “A call was received
gress with All India Congress likarjun Kharge has writ- at 1.25 pm regarding
NEW DELHI: The stage is Committee (AICC) general ten to him, saying that he some plastic pipes that
set for voting to take place secretary K C Venugopal’s “would be more than happy caught fire in the Jamia
for the second phase of Lok return to the Lok Sabha poll to meet you in person to ex- Nagar area. Initially we
Sabha polls on Friday for 89 fray after 2014 as the party plain our Nyay Patra”. had sent four fire tenders
seats in 13 states and Union looks to wrest the only seat In an all-out attack on the to the spot to douse the
Territory. Prominent among it lost to the CPI(M)-led Left main Opposition party, the manner,” he said. Jain or Buddhist. I think you flames. One more fire ten-
leading political leaders Democratic Front (LDF) in its Prime Minister has alleged The Congress chief also have still not forgotten your der was sent to the spot
who are in the fray this time landslide 19-1 victory in Ker- that the Congress has a said he is neither shocked pre-Independence allies the for the cooling process,”
include Congress leader Ra- ala in the 2019 polls. Venu- wealth redistribution plan nor surprised by the lan- Muslim League and colonial the official said. The blaze
hul Gandhi who is seeking DK Shivakumar’s brother DK jal of the Congress. Union gopal has not lost any major that it will put in motion if it guage used by the Prime masters,” he charged. was doused by 2.15 pm,
a second-straight term from Suresh (Cong), and former minister Shekhawat is eye- election in his career. He won comes to power. Minister in his recent Kharge claimed that Con- he added. “Two fire ten-
Wayanad in Kerala. Karnataka chief minister ing a third win from the Jodh- the Alappuzha Assembly Under this alleged plan, speeches. “It was expected gress has always served ders are still there for the
All 20 seats of Kerala will HD Kumaraswamy (JDS) are pur seat and is pitted against seat thrice in a row in 1996, private property, including that you and other leaders to empower the poor while cooling process. Reason
go to polls besides 14 of among the key candidates Congress candidate Karan 2001, and 2006 and was houses and jewellery, will from your party would start “you have ruled to snatch of the fire is yet to be as-
the 28 seats in Karnataka, while BJP’s Hema Malini, Singh Uchiyarda. elected to the Lok Sabha be taken away and redis- speaking in this manner af- the earnings and wealth of certained,” said the offi-
13 seats in Rajasthan, 8 Om Birla and Gajendra Singh Tejasvi Surya, the sitting from Alappuzha in 2009 and tributed, he has said. Even ter you saw the dismal per- the poor”. cial.
seats each in Maharashtra Shekhawat are seeking a MP for Bangalore South and 2014. mangalsutra - a jewellery formance of the BJP in the He said in the letter: “Your MEMBER OF HASHIM
and Uttar Pradesh, 7 seats hat-trick of wins from their the national president of In 2019, he did not contest worn by women as a sign first phase of the elections,” government was the one BABA GANG HELD,
in Madhya Pradesh, 5 seats respective constituencies. the Bharatiya Janata Yuva after the party elevated him of their marriage - won’t be Kharge said. who used demonetisation DELHI POLICE FOILS
each in Assam and Bihar, 3 Gandhi is the sitting MP Morcha (BJYM), will face to the post of the AICC gener- spared, the Prime Minister The Congress has been as an ‘organised loot and EXTORTION BID
seats each in Chhattisgarh from Wayanad and is pitted Congress’s Sowmya Red- al secretary. has claimed. talking about the deprived legalised plunder’ to trans- NEW DELHI: The Delhi po-
and West Bengal, and 1 seat against CPI’s Annie Raja and dy. Former chief minister of Sukanta Majumdar, in- In his two-page letter, he poor and their rights (“nyay”), fer the money deposited lice has arrested a mem-
each in Manipur, Tripura and BJP’s K Surendran. Chhattisgarh and Congress cumbent BJP MP from Bal- told the Prime Minister that he said and added, “We are by the poor in the banks to ber of the Hashim Baba
Jammu and Kashmir. Tharoor is aiming to win leader Bhupesh Baghel is urghat in West Bengal is he is being misinformed by aware that you and your gov- the rich in the form of loans. gang and foiled an extor-
A total of 1,206 candi- the Thiruvananthapuram contesting from Rajnandga- seeking re-election. He is his advisors about things ernment do not have any Then, as part of a conscious tion bid of Rs 50 lakh from
dates with four from the seat for the fourth time. on, a stronghold of the BJP pitted against Biplab Mitra of that are not even written in concern for the poor and design, these loans were a businessman, officials
Outer Manipur constituen- He is pitted against Chan- for over 30 years. the Trinamool Congress and the ‘Nyay Patra’ -- the Con- dispossessed.” “Your ‘suit- surreptitiously written off by said on Thursday.
cy will contest elections in drasekhar from the BJP and Govil, who portrayed Lord Joydeb Siddhanta of the Rev- gress’ manifesto for the Lok boot ki sarkar’ works for the your government. Acting on a tip-off, the po-
this phase, campaigning for CPI’s Pannyan Raveendran. Ram’s character in Ramayan olutionary Socialist Party. Sabha elections. I corporates whose taxes you The lakhs of crores of lice laid a trap to arrest the
which came to a close on Hema Malini, who has rep- TV series, is making his elec- Staggered over seven n his letter, Kharge said reduced while the salaried corporate loans that your accused, Areeb (24), who
Wednesday evening. Con- resented the Mathura con- toral debut against BSP’s stages, the first phase of the the Congress’ ‘Nyay Patra’ class pays higher taxes. government has written off was supposed to meet his
gress leader Shashi Tharoor, stituency since 2014, is con- Devvrat Kumar Tyagi and elections held last Friday for aims at providing “nyay The poor pay GST even since 2014 is a transfer of associates in the Kardam
Union minister Rajeev Chan- testing against Congress’s SP’s Sunita Verma from the 102 seats across 21 states (justice)” to the youngsters, on food and salt and the wealth from poor to rich. Puri area on Wednesday.
drasekhar and actor-turned- Mukesh Dhangar while Om Meerut Lok Sabha seat. The and Union territories saw a women, farmers, labourers rich corporate claim GST re- No farmer’s loans, artisan’s “He was directed by gang
politician Arun Govil, Karna- Birla, a two-time MP from contest for the Alappuzha voter turnout of around 63 and marginalised people funds. That is why, when we loans, MSME loans or stu- members to extort Rs 50
taka Deputy Chief Minister Kota, is facing Prahlad Gun- seat in Kerala has turned into per cent. across all castes and com- talk of inequality between dent loans were waived off lakhs from a business-

Bihar: 6 persons killed in fire at Patna hotel

munities. the rich and the poor, you by you.” “You and your gov- man by firing outside his
“It has become your habit are purposely equating it ernment have repeatedly office,” DCP (Special Cell)
to seize on a few words tak- with Hindu and Muslim,” turned away from the atroc- Amit Kaushik said.
OUR CORRESPONDENT “We are not able to pinpoint en out of context and create Kharge claimed. “Our mani- ities that the poor and back- During inquiry, Areeb dis-
the reason that may have led a communal divide. You are festo is for the people of In- ward women are facing … closed that he was acting
PATNA: Six persons, includ- to the fire. Forensic experts lowering the dignity of the dia — whether they are Hin- Today, you talk about their on the instructions of the
ing three women, died in a have been called and based chair by speaking in this du, Muslim, Christian, Sikh, ‘mangalsutra’. jailed gangster Hashim

India rejects US report citing human

major fire that broke out on on their findings, we will take Baba.
Thursday inside a hotel, situ- further action,” the SP add-

rights violations, terms it ‘biased’

ated close to a railway station ed. Owner, Publisher,
in Patna, police said. Accord- Meanwhile, District Mag- Printer Jamil Ahmad, 5,
ing to Chandra Prakash, SP istrate Shirsat Kapil Ashok, Shahanajaf Road (Bheri
(City Central), Patna, rescue said: “A fire audit has been or- OUR CORRESPONDENT ly biased” and reflecting a the government’s failure to wali Kothi) Lucknow.
work is over at the hotel near dered of all hotels and other “poor understanding of In- manage the ethnic conflict Printed at National
Patna Junction, where the commercial establishments, NEW DELHI: The US State De- dia.” Addressing the press in Manipur, and allegations Art Press 207, New
blaze had erupted around 11 two persons with severe burn trying to ascertain the iden- especially those situated in partment published its annu- on Thursday in the national related to the killing of sep- Hyderabad, Lucknow.
am with more than 20 peo- injuries are in a critical condi- tity of the deceased and the congested localities like the al human rights assessment capital, Indian Foreign Min- aratist Hardeep Singh Nijjar. Published from 5,
ple trapped inside. tion, and they have been ad- critically injured persons so one near Patna Junction. We on Monday, covering sys- istry spokesperson Randhir The assessment noted “sig- Shahnajaf Road (Bheri wali
“The deceased include mitted to hospital,” Prakash that their family members will ensure strict compliance temic human rights records Jaiswal stated: “We attach nificant human rights abus- Kothi) Lucknow.
three women. In addition, told reporters. Police are could be informed, he said. with fire safety norms.” across nearly 200 countries, no value to it and urge you es” in Manipur following the Editor
according to US Secretary of to do the same.” The US outbreak of conflict between Shabana
INDIA GRANTED OVER 1.03 LAKH PATENTS IN FY24, SAYS OFFICIAL State Antony Blinken. State Department’s report the Kuki-Zo tribals and the
NEW DELHI: India granted 1.03 lakh patents in financial year 2023-24, Controller General of Patents, Designs and Within 72 hours of the highlighted several “serious Meitei in May 2023. It cited Mobile: 9450364562
Trademarks Unnat Pandit said on Thursday, as he assured that there will be “no delay” in the Intellectual Property Of- report’s release, the Indian human rights issues” in In- instances of “armed conflict,
fice as it prioritises timely clearance of applications. Addressing an Assocham event here, he shared that 40 per cent government rejected the dia, including “obstacles” sexual violence,” and the “de-
of the applications were disposed of within 30 months of the request for examination. findings, calling them “deep- faced by opposition parties, struction of homes.

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