Projectile Motion 1

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339809167 Projectile Motion LP

Fundamental Physics II (University of the Philippines System)

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Date: February 2017

At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
a. define and describe projectile motion;
b. enumerate the elements and components of a projectile; and
c. appreciate projectile motion and its application to everyday life.


A. Unit: 4 – Force, Motion and Energy
B. Chapter: Module 1 –Forces and Motion
C. Lesson: Projectile Motion
D. Skills: defining, describing, enumerating, observing
E. Values: Sense of Awareness, Orderliness, Cooperation
F. Materials:
G. References:
H. Subject Area Integration:

 Classroom Routine:
a. Prayer
b. Checking of Classroom Cleanliness and Orderliness
c. Checking of Attendance

 Engage:
Show the 4-min video clip entitled “PALARONG PAMBANSA 2013 – The faces of our future sports
heroes…” or some video on youth sports events. Let the students observe the different kinds of
motion demonstrated and give them a minute or two to write on the I Notice! I Wonder! record
sheet what they notice and what they wonder about two-dimensional motions (Based on our
teaching guide)

 Explore:
The students will be divided into groups to create a simple catapult out of the materials provided
by the teacher. After creating a catapult, one representative from each group will play “MINUTE to
(Option: Catapult is ready-made for the game)
 Explain:
Key Concepts:

1. A projectile is an object upon which the only force acting is gravity. A projectile is any object
which once projected or dropped continues in motion by its own inertia and is influenced only
by the downward force of gravity
2. Projectile motion is a combination of two component: A free Fall which is the Vertical
Component and uniform motion which is the horizontal component.
3. The path of a projectile is called trajectory.
4. Elements of a Projectile Motion:
Initial Velocity (vi) – the velocity at the start of the launching of projectile
Final Velocity (vf) – the velocity of an object as it reaches the ground
Time of Flight (tf) – entire duration while the projectile is in its trajectory.
Range (R) – is the maximum horizontal distance traveled by the projectile
Maximum Height (ymax) – is the maximum vertical displacement traveled by the projectile in
its trajectory.
 Elaborate:
1. Video presentation about the applications of projectile in various fields
2. Frayer Model is used for generalizing the concepts learned.

 Evaluate:
Minute Paper/Exit Cards will be used to check the understanding of the lesson.

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