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E ect of The Pandemic

To The Self-Confidence
of Grade 11 Stem…
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An example of a qualitative research paper

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Grs. Dohrkmh Lhocs Lc Lkas

Argad Dkty Tcmkar Bkjb Tdbaao

Km Ikmho Iuoikoogcmt

ai tbc Tuf`cdt Vcqukrcgcmts

iar ^rhdtkdho Vcschrdb 8

(Xuhokthtkvc Vcschrdb)


Daoamkh, Vckmcr A.

Ohurcmtc, @abm Vcy J.

Jamzhjh, Ghkh \bcrcsh M.

Kmthm, Ghry @ay T.

Ohrrhzhfho, Jcarjkh Fam Teyc L.

[u, @hco T.

@umc 6>68

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\hfoc ai Damtcmts
DBH^\CV K ..................................................................................................................................8

Kmtraludtkam............................................................................................................... 8

Fhdejrauml ai tbc Ttuly .............................................................................................. 8

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Tthtcgcmt ai tbc ^rafocg.............................................................................................. 6

Tkjmkikdhmdc ai tbc Ttuly .............................................................................................. 6

DBH^\CV KK .................................................................................................................................<

Vcvkcw ai Vcohtcl Oktcrhturc .................................................................................... <

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Lcikmktkam ai \crgs ...................................................................................................... 9
\bcarctkdho Irhgcware ................................................................................................. :

DBH^\CV KKK ................................................................................................................................2

Gctbalaoajy ............................................................................................................. 2

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Vcschrdb Lcskjm ........................................................................................................... 2

^urpasc ai tbc Ttuly ..................................................................................................... 2

Vcschrdb Xucstkam ........................................................................................................ 2

^apuohtkam hml Thgpokmj .............................................................................................. ;

Vcschrdb Kmstrugcmt ..................................................................................................... ;

Lhth Jhtbcrkmj .............................................................................................................. ;

\kgc Irhgc................................................................................................................. 8>

Lhth Hmhoysks ^ohm ...................................................................................................... 88

Tdapc hml Okgkthtkam .................................................................................................. 88

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DBH^\CV KY ..............................................................................................................................86

Vcsuots hml Lksdusskam ........................................................................................... 86

DBH^\CV Y ...............................................................................................................................83

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Damdouskams hml Vcdaggcmlhtkams ....................................................................... 83

Tugghry ai Ikmlkmjs....................................................................................... 83

Damdouskam ....................................................................................................... 89

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Vcdaggcmlhtkams ............................................................................................ 89
VCICVCMDCT .............................................................................................................................8:

H^^CMLKR ................................................................................................................................6>

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\bks stuly ks hoo hfaut tbc ciicdt ai tbc phmlcgkd ta tbc scoi-damiklcmdc ai Jrhlc
88 T\CG stulcmts ht Argad Dkty Tcmkar Bkjb Tdbaao. \bks stuly hkgcl ta pkde up hm

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km-lcptb umlcrsthmlkmj ai tbc hmhoysks ai tbc ciicdt ai tbc DAYKL-8; phmlcgkd ta tbc
scoi-damiklcmdc ai Jrhlc 88 T\CG stulcmts ht Argad Dkty Tcmkar Bkjb Tdbaao. Aur
hkg km tbks stuly ks ta cxpoarc drudkho kgphdts am tbc scoi-damiklcmdc ai tbcsc stulcmts,
phrtkduohroy tbasc ihdtars rcohtcl ta tbc DAYKL-8; phmlcgkd. \bc stuly whs faumlcl

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amoy ta stulcmts ai Argad Dkty Tcmkar Bkjb Tdbaao wktb h tatho ai 86 rcspamlcmts tbht
wcrc scocdtcl wktb tbc usc ai purpaskvc shgpokmj wbcrckm hoo rcspamlcmts bhvc tbckr
awm cxpcrkcmdcs ai tbks phmlcgkd. \bc lhth jhtbcrcl whs daoocdtcl tbraujb h survcy
qucstkammhkrc hsekmj rcspamlcmts hfaut tbc whys tbckr scoi-kghjc dbhmjcl lurkmj

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phmlcgkd, tbc lkiicrcmdcs km tbckr scoi-dhrc rautkmc, tbc kmscdurktkcs tbcy lcvcoapcl hml
ki suppart systcgs hrc kgphdtiuo km tbks tkgc ai phmlcgkd. \bc lcskjm uscl km tbks stuly
ks pbcmagcmaoajkdho rcschrdb lcskjm ta scce rchokty irag rcspamlcmts‛ cxpcrkcmdcs
hfaut tbc pbcmagcmh. Fhscl am tbc ikmlkmjs ai tbks stuly, kt kmlkdhtcs tbht tbc phmlcgkd
fukot up gastoy mcjhtkvc ciicdts ta tbc scoi-damiklcmdc ai Jrhlc 88 T\CG stulcmts km

Argad Dkty Tcmkar Bkjb Tdbaao. Hs phmlcgkd fraujbt dbhmjcs, mat `ust km tbc warol's
sktuhtkam fut ta tbc pcrsamho vkcws ai chdb pcrsam. \bcrciarc, tbks stuly bkjbokjbtcl tbc
stcg stulcmts' pasktkams hml strujjocs am tbckr damiklcmdc lurkmj tbks phmlcgkd.

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Ikrst hml iarcgast, hddohkgs hml lccpcst jrhtktulc ta Jal, tbc Hoo-^awcriuo, iar
Bks umlcrsthmlkmj, wkslag, quhokty, hml sbawcrs ai ihvars lurkmj tbc dagpoctkam ai

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tbks stuly.

\a tbc iaooawkmj pcrsams hml kmstktutkams, aur jrhtktulc hml skmdcrc jrhtktulc0

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\a Argad Dkty Tcmkar Bkjb Tdbaao iar jrhmtkmj pcrgksskam iar tbc rcschrdbcrs
ta damludt tbc rcschrdb.

\a Grs. Dohrkmh Lhocs Lc Lkas, aur rcschrdb hlvkscr, iar hooawkmj us ta damludt
tbks stuly hml pravklkmj kmvhouhfoc juklhmdc tbraujbaut tbc tcrg lcspktc tbc Mcw

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Margho Cludhtkam Tystcg‛s dbhoocmjcs. Zc bhvc fccm jrchtoy kmspkrcl fy bcr
lymhgksg, vkskam, skmdcrkty, hml kmspkrhtkam. Tbc thujbt us baw ta damludt, stuly,
rcschrdb, hml prcscmt aur ikmlkmjs km tbc gast lkrcdt hml damdksc ghmmcr passkfoc.
Zarekmj hml pamlcrkmj whs h trcgcmlaus hlvhmthjc hml bamar umlcr bcr supcrvkskam.

Iar tbc eccm kmtcrcst sbawm am tbc suddcssiuo dagpoctkam ai tbks rcschrdb hrtkdoc,
ta aur doascst amokmc pccrs. OR
\a aur ihgkoy hml irkcmls, iar wbag wc hlgkrc, prhy, dhrc, hml pcmhmdcs iar
tbc purpasc ai tchdbkmj, cludhtkmj, hml pohmmkmj aur iuturc.

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\a tbasc stulcmts wba phrtkdkphtcl hs rcspamlcmts hml cxdktcloy lkvklcl tbckr
tkgc ta ikmksb tbc lhth rcqukrcgcmts.

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Hml ta cvcryamc wba bhs bcopcl us hddagpoksb tbc rcschrdb `af, wbctbcr
lkrcdtoy ar kmlkrcdtoy.

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Fhdejrauml ai tbc Ttuly

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Cvcr skmdc tbc DAYKL-8; phmlcgkd sthrtcl tbcrc bhs fccm h lrhstkd dbhmjc km
cvcryamc's okvcs. \bc phmlcgkd bhs phvcl tbc why iar mcw prafocgs ta hrksc. Irag tbc
sbarthjc ai suppokcs ta amc‛s awm gcmtho sthtc. \bc iccokmj ai umdcrthkmtkcs hml laufts
wc bhvc ks h lhkoy rcgkmlcr ai wby wc mccl ta fc dhutkaus. Zktb tbc mcw ruocs tbht hrc
fckmj kgpocgcmtcl hml rcstrkdtkam ai dcrthkm hdtkvktkcs wc bhvc aptcl ta spcml aur tkgc

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garc km tbc lkjktho warol hml fcdagc garc ksaohtcl wktb aur pccrs. \bks hml ghmy atbcr
ihdtars fraujbt fy tbc phmlcgkd dauol jrchtoy hiicdt amc‛s scoi-damiklcmdc.

\bc daramhvkrus phmlcgkd bhs ghlc us usc tbc vkrtuho sphdc garc iar sdbaao,
ware, hml wktb hogast cvcrytbkmj wc la. \baujb kt bcops us sthy dammcdtcl wktb
cvcryamc tbcrc ks stkoo tbc iccokmj ai fckmj ksaohtcl irag tbc warol (@crcgy,6>68). Zc
fcdhgc garc rcokhmt am tbc lkjktho warol wbkdb dhm ochl us ta whmtkmj hml dagphrkmj
aurscovcs ta wbht tbc gclkh sbaws us. Smrchokstkd jahos wauol fc pohstcrcl am aur bchls
wktb tbc tbaujbt ai mcclkmj kt ta icco shtksikcl wktb aur okvcs. Ksaohtkam dhm hosa ochl ta
prafocgs wktb scoi-wartb. Hotbaujb sagc pcapoc bhvc thecm tbks tkgc ta kgpravc tbckr

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rcohtkamsbkp wktb tbcgscovcs, tbcy stkoo ihdc lkiikduotkcs. Zbcm yau hrc jkvcm h oamj
pcrkal ai tkgc fckmj sadkhooy ksaohtcl yau hrc pramc ta tbc bkjbcr rkse ai rugkmhtkmj

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(Thg,6>8;). Zc hrc jkvcm hoo tbks tkgc ta tbkme hfaut aur gksthecs wbkdb dhm cml up
iucokmj tbc fcokci tbht wc hrc mat jaal cmaujb. \bks dhm chskoy ochl us ta fcokttokmj hml
oawcrkmj tbc vhouc ai wba wc hrc. Zktb tbc ohde ai sadkho kmtcrhdtkam, wc hrc ocit oamjkmj
iar suppart systcgs ta bcop us jct tbraujb tbc lhy. \bc ciicdts ai sadkho ksaohtkam rcohtcl

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ta tbc phmlcgkd bhvc horchly fccm afscrvcl wktb tbc kmdrchsc ai gcmtho bchotb kssucs
hml atbcr prafocghtkd bchotb fcbhvkar tbht‛s okmecl ta tbc quhokty ai soccp, umsthfoc
cgatkams, hml ctd. (Baot-Oumsthl,6>6>). \bks dhm chskoy ochl us ta tbc lkstartkam ai scoi-
kghjc hml wartb.

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Km bapcs ta addupy aurscovcs lurkmj tbc phmlcgkd wc bhvc turmcl ta sadkho

gclkh ta eccp us cmtcrthkmcl. \bcsc ihdtars pohy h gh`ar raoc am baw tccms fukol up
tbckr scoi-wartb. Zbcm tbc phmlcgkd sthrtcl, tbks ghy bhvc bckjbtcmcl tbc kssucs wc

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ihdc wktbkm aurscovcs hml tbc daggumkty. Zktb tbht km gkml, tbc ghkm purpasc ai tbks
stuly ks ta scc baw tbc scoi-damiklcmdc ai \bc Jrhlc 88 T\CG stulcmts wcrc hiicdtcl
fy tbc phmlcgkd.

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Tthtcgcmt ai tbc ^rafocg

Hs wc damtkmuc am hlhptkmj tbraujb tbc phmlcgkd, tbc rcschrdbcrs bhvc lcdklcl

am tbks tapkd km arlcr ta stuly am baw wc dapc km tbks phmlcgkd. \bks stuly hkgs ta

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rcdajmkzc baw tbc phmlcgkd bhs hiicdtcl tbc scoi-damiklcmdc ai tbc Jrhlc 88 T\CG
stulcmts ai Argad Dkty Tcmkar Bkjb Tdbaao.

Tpcdkikdhooy, tbks stuly hkgs ta hmswcr tbc iaooawkmj qucstkams0

8. Km wbht whys dhm yau shy yaur scoi-kghjc bhs dbhmjcl lurkmj
6. Zbht hrc tbc lkiicrcmdcs km yaur scoi-dhrc rautkmcs fciarc hml lurkmj tbc
4. Tkmdc tbc phmlcgkd bhs ocl us ta utkokzc gast ai aur tkgc km sadkho gclkh

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hpps, wbht kmscdurktkcs lkl yau lcvcoap fcdhusc ai tbks1
<. Km tkgcs ai phmlcgkd, la yau tbkme suppart systcgs (ihgkoy, irkcmls,

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hdquhkmthmdcs) bhvc h phrt/kgphdt km yaur scoi-damiklcmdc1

Tkjmkikdhmdc ai tbc Ttuly

\bks stuly dcmtcrs am ikmlkmj tbc ciicdts ai tbc phmlcgkd ta tbc stulcmt‛s scoi -

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damiklcmdc, tbc rcsuots ai tbc stuly wkoo fc fcmcikdkho ta tbc iaooawkmj0

• Ttulcmts. \bks wkoo bcop tbc rcspamlcmts ta rchokzc tbc kgparthmdc ai

ghkmthkmkmj tbckr scoi-damiklcmdc tbraujbaut quhrhmtkmc. Kt dhm hosa bcop tbcg
fc garc hwhrc hml scc baw kt bhs hiicdtcl tbckr scoi-wartb.

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• \chdbcrs. \bks dhm bcop pravklc tbcg hm kmskjbt am wbht sthtc tbckr stulcmts hrc
km. \bc rcsuots dhm hosa bcop tbcg jkvc prapcr juklhmdc hml bhvc h fcttcr
umlcrsthmlkmj ai tbckr stulcmts.

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• ^hrcmts. \bc stuly dhm hkl tbcg km bhvkmj h fcttcr jrhsp am wbht tbckr dbkol ks
jakmj tbraujb. \bks dhm hosa bcop tbcg fc h fcttcr suppart systcg iar tbckr

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Tcoi-cstccg ks lcikmcl hs h pcrsam‛s pasktkvc ar mcjhtkvc httktulc tawhrl
bkgscoi ar bcrscoi (Vascmfcrj 8;93), hml kt ks doascoy hssadkhtcl wktb pcrsamhokty

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iumdtkamkmj. Bkjb scoi-cstccg ks ghmkicstcl km cmbhmdcl kmktkhtkvc, bhppkmcss hml okic
shtksihdtkam (Fubrgcstcr ct ho. 8;22, Lkcmcr & Lkcmcr 8;;3, Oc^kmc & Yhm Lymc
8;;2, Iurmbhg & Dbcmj 6>>>). Tcoi-cstccg ks pasktkvcoy hssadkhtcl wktb fcttcr scoi-
rhtcl bchotb (Jocmlkmmkmj 8;;2), hml oaw scoi-cstccg bhs fccm rcohtcl ta paar

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pbyskdho bchotb autdagcs (Mkreea ct ho. 8;26). Smlcr sagc dkrdugsthmdcs, oaw scoi-
cstccg prclkspascs ta lcprcsskam hml lksarlcrcl chtkmj (Zbksghm & Ewam 8;;4,
Futtam ct ho. 8;;9, Ecmlocr ct ho. 6>>65 6>>9). Am tbc atbcr bhml, bkjb scoi-cstccg
sccgs ta fc h bctcrajcmaus damdcpt wbkdb ghy pragatc kmktkhtkvc hml damiklcmt
hdtkam km cktbcr damstrudtkvc ar lcstrudtkvc whys (Thogkvhook ct ho. 8;;;).

\bc purpasc ai tbc stuly ks ta cxpoarc tbc ciicdts ai DAYKL-8; phmlcgkd ta
tbc scoi-cstccg ai Jrhlc 88 T\CG stulcmts ht Argad Dkty Tcmkar Bkjb Tdbaao. \bc
lcthkos ai tbc stulkcs wbkdb hrc rcohtcl ta tbc prcscmt stuly hrc jkvcm fcoaw umlcr tbc
iaooawkmj bchls.

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H. Ttuly am gcmtho bchotb ai stulcmts lurkmj DAYKL-8; phmlcgkd

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F. Ttuly am rcohtkamsbkp fctwccm lcprcsskam hml oaw scoi-cstccg

D. Ttuly am dhuscs hml ciicdts ai oaw scoi-cstccg

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H. Ttuly am Gcmtho Bchotb ai Ttulcmts Lurkmj DAYKL-8; ^hmlcgkd.

Ttuly fy (Cogcr ct ho. 6>6>) kmvcstkjhtcs stulcmts‛ sadkho mctwares hml gcmtho
bchotb fciarc hml ht tbc tkgc ai tbc DAYKL-8; phmlcgkd. Km wktbkm-pcrsam

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dagphrksams, (Cogcr ct ho. 6>6>) iauml tbht kmtcrhdtkam hml da-stulykmj mctwares bhl
fcdagc sphrscr, hml garc stulcmts wcrc stulykmj hoamc. Iurtbcrgarc, stulcmts‛ ocvco
ai strcss, hmxkcty, oamcokmcss, hml lcprcsskvc sygptags jat warsc, dagphrcl ta

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gchsurcs fciarc tbc drksks. Ttrcssars sbkitcl irag ichrs ai gksskmj aut sadkho okic ta
warrkcs hfaut bchotb, ihgkoy, irkcmls, hml tbckr iuturc. Cxpoarhtary hmhoyscs sujjcst
tbht DAYKL-8; phmlcgkd spcdkikd warrkcs, ksaohtkam km sadkho mctwares, ohde ai
kmtcrhdtkam hml cgatkamho suppart, hml pbyskdho ksaohtkam wcrc hssadkhtcl wktb

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mcjhtkvc gcmtho bchotb trh`cdtarkcs.

F. Ttuly am Vcohtkamsbkp fctwccm Tcoi-Cstccg hml Lcprcsskam.

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Km h shgpoc ai 689 umlcrjrhluhtc stulcmts, scoi-cstccg whs hsscsscl wktb tbc
Vascmfcrj Tcoi-Cstccg Tdhoc (Vascmfcrj, 8;93), hddcpthmdc wktb tbc ‒hddcpt wktbaut
`uljgcmt‛ sufsdhoc ai tbc Ecmtudey Kmvcmtary ai Gkmliuomcss Tekoos (Fhcr, Tgktb, &
Hoocm, 6>><), hml lcprcsskvc sygptags wktb tbc Fcde Lcprcsskam Kmvcmtary (Fcde &
Ttccr, 8;2:). Vcsuots sbawcl tbht mam-`uljgcmtho hddcpthmdc galcrhtcs tbc
rcohtkamsbkp fctwccm scoi-cstccg hml lcprcsskam. Km pcrsams wktb oaw gkmliuo
hddcpthmdc, scoi-cstccg whs gudb garc doascoy hssadkhtcl wktb lcprcsskam tbhm km
pcrsams wktb bkjb gkmliuo hddcpthmdc. \bcsc ikmlkmjs sujjcst tbht hm hddcptkmj,
hooawkmj, hml mam-`uljgcmtho sthmdc tawhrls prcscmt-gagcmt cxpcrkcmdc gkjbt
fuiicr tbc lctrkgcmtho ciicdts ai oaw scoi-cstccg am lcprcsskam.

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D. Ttuly am Dhuscs hml Ciicdts ai Oaw Tcoi-cstccg.

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Sskmj praspcdtkvc lhth irag tbc Lumclkm Guotklksdkpokmhry Bchotb hml
Lcvcoapgcmt stuly fkrtb dabart, (\rzcŕmkcwsek ct ho. 6>>9) iauml aut tbht
hlaocsdcmts wktb oaw scoi-cstccg bhl paarcr gcmtho hml pbyskdho bchotb, warsc

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cdamagkd praspcdts, hml bkjbcr ocvcos ai drkgkmho fcbhvkar lurkmj hluotbaal,
dagphrcl wktb hlaocsdcmts wktb bkjb scoi-cstccg. \bc oamj-tcrg damscqucmdcs ai
scoi-cstccg dauol mat fc cxpohkmcl fy hlaocsdcmt lcprcsskam, jcmlcr, ar
sadkacdamagkd sthtus. \bc ikmlkmjs sujjcst tbht oaw scoi-cstccg lurkmj hlaocsdcmdc
prclkdts mcjhtkvc rcho-warol damscqucmdcs lurkmj hluotbaal.

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Lcikmktkam ai \crgs

Fcde Lcprcsskam Kmvcmtary (FLK). H 68-ktcg, scoi-rcpart rhtkmj kmvcmtary tbht

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gchsurcs dbhrhdtcrkstkd httktulcs hml sygptags ai lcprcsskam. (hph.arj)

Fklkrcdtkamho. Iumdtkamkmj km twa tcrgs. (Axiarl)

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DAYKL-8;. H lkschsc dhuscl fy h daramhvkrus tbht whs ikrst rcpartcl km 6>8; hml
fcdhgc h phmlcgkd. (Axiarl)

Drass-scdtkamho Turvcy. Daoocdts lhth ta ghec kmicrcmdcs hfaut h papuohtkam ai

kmtcrcst (umkvcrsc) ht amc pakmt km tkgc. (shjcpuf.dag)

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Juttghm Tdhoc. Hosa dhoocl duguohtkvc sdhokmj ar sdhoajrhg hmhoysks ks drchtcl wktb
cocgcmts tbht dhm passkfoy fc arlcrcl km h bkcrhrdbkdho ghmmcr. (qucstkampra.dag)

Ecmtudey Kmvcmtary ai Gkmliuomcss Tekoos (EKGT). H wcoo-vhoklhtcl

guotklkgcmskamho qucstkammhkrc gchsurkmj lkgcmskams ai gkmliuomcss am iaur sdhocs0
Afscrvkmj, Lcsdrkfkmj, Hdt Zktb Hwhrcmcss, hml Hddcpt Zktbaut @uljgcmt.

Gcmtho Bchotb. \bc sthtc ai bchotb ai sagcfaly‛s gkml. (Axiarl)

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^hmlcgkd. H lkschsc tbht sprchls avcr h wbaoc daumtry ar tbc wbaoc warol. (Axiarl)

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Vascmfcrj Tcoi-Cstccg Tdhoc (VTC). H 8>-ktcg sdhoc tbht gchsurcs joafho scoi-
wartb fy gchsurkmj fatb pasktkvc hml mcjhtkvc iccokmjs hfaut tbc scoi. (Ictzcr

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Tcoi-cstccg. H iccokmj ai fckmj bhppy wktb yaur awm dbhrhdtcr hml hfkoktkcs. (Axiarl)

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\bcarctkdho Irhgcware

(Ochry & Fhugckstcr, 6>>>) sadkagctcr tbcary (TG\) hppokcs ta tbks stuly5 hs

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tbc rcschrdb iaduscs am tbc ciicdts am DAYKL-8; am scoi-cstccg ai stulcmts. ^capoc
bhvc h iumlhgcmtho mccl ta fcoamj tbht gatkvhtcs tbcg ta scce aut sadkho kmtcrhdtkams
wktb doasc atbcrs (Fhugckstcr & Ochry, 8;;3). \bc tbcary paskts tbht pcapoc wba
suddccl km shtksiykmj tbks mccl bhvc bkjbcr scoi-cstccg (TC). \bks prclkdtkam whs tcstcl

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hdrass tbrcc bkcrhrdbkdho ocvcos0 kmtrhkmlkvkluho, kmtcrkmlkvkluho, hml kmtcrmhtkamho.
Kmlkdhtars ai sadkho kmtcrhdtkam quhmtkty, quhokty, hml tbc kmtcrhdtkam fctwccm quhokty
hml quhmtkty wcrc daoocdtcl iar rcohtkamsbkps wktb irkcmls, ihgkoy gcgfcrs, hml
raghmtkd phrtmcrs. Am tbc kmtrh kmlkvkluho ocvco, rcohtkamsbkp quhokty hml tbc kmtcrhdtkam

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fctwccm quhmtkty hml quhokty cgcrjcl hs skjmkikdhmt prclkdtars ai lhkoy ioudtuhtkams km
TC. Drass-ohjjcl hmhoyscs kmlkdhtcl tbht tbks hssadkhtkam ks ht ochst phrtoy luc ta tbc
ciicdt ai sadkho kmdouskam am dbhmjcs km TC. Am hm kmtcrkmlkvkluho ocvco, pcapoc wba
jcmcrhooy rcpartcl bkjbcr quhokty rcohtkamsbkps hosa bhl bkjbcr ocvcos ai trhkt TC. Am hm
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cvcm wbcm bhppkmcss, kmlkvkluhoksg, jrass lagcstkd praludt, hml mcuratkdksg wcrc

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Vcschrdb Lcskjm

\bks stuly am tbc Ciicdt ai tbc ^hmlcgkd ta tbc Tcoi-Damiklcmdc ai

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Jrhlc 88 T\CG Ttulcmts uscl h pbcmagcmaoajkdho quhokthtkvc rcschrdb lcskjm ta
lctcrgkmc hml umlcrsthml tbc ciicdt ai tbc phmlcgkd ta tbc scoi-damiklcmdc ai Jrhlc 88
T\CG stulcmts km Argad Dkty Tcmkar Bkjb Tdbaao. \bks rcschrdb uscl
pbcmagcmaoajkdho rcschrdb lcskjm, tbc rcschrdbcrs damludtcl h rcschrdb ta tbc shgpoc
ai tbc cmtkrc papuohtkam ta lctcrgkmc tbc ciicdts ai tbc phmlcgkd hml tbc ihdtars tbht

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^urpasc ai tbc Ttuly

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tbcsc stulcmts, phrtkduohroy tbasc ihdtars rcohtcl ta tbc DAYKL-8; phmlcgkd.

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Vcschrdb Xucstkam

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(8) Km wbht whys dhm yau shy tbht yaur scoi-kghjc bhs dbhmjcl lurkmj tbks
phmlcgkd1 (6) Zbht hrc tbc lkiicrcmdcs km yaur scoi-dhrc rautkmcs fciarc hml lurkmj tbc
phmlcgkd1 (4) Tkmdc tbc phmlcgkd bhs ocl us ta utkokzc gast ai aur tkgc km sadkho gclkh
hpps, wbht kmscdurktkcs lkl yau lcvcoap fcdhusc ai tbks1 (<) Km tkgcs ai phmlcgkd, la

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yau tbkme suppart systcgs (ihgkoy, irkcmls, hdquhkmthmdcs) bhvc h phrt/kgphdt km amc‛s
scoi damiklcmdc1

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^apuohtkam hml Thgpokmj

\bc phrtkdkphmts ai tbks stuly hrc tbc Jrhlc 88 Tdkcmdc, \cdbmaoajy,

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Cmjkmccrkmj hml Ghtbcghtkds stulcmts ai Argad Dkty Tcmkar Bkjb Tdbaao wbkdb
kmdoulcs tbc scdtkams ai Hrdbkgclcs, Ikfamhddk, Bkofcrt, Oavcohdc, Mcwtam hml ^ohta.
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Vcschrdb Kmstrugcmt

\bc rcschrdb kmstrugcmt tbht whs uscl iar tbks stuly whs h survcy
qucstkammhkrc. \bc rcschrdbcrs damstrudtcl h survcy qucstkammhkrc tbht hrc tbcm jkvcm

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ta 8> rcspamlcmts ta daoocdt lhth. \bc rcschrdb kmstrugcmt scrvcs hs tbc taao ta jhtbcr
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Lhth Jhtbcrkmj

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lkstrkfutkam km arlcr iar tbc rcspamlcmt ta bhvc tbc umlcrsthmlkmj ai tbc survcy

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qucstkammhkrcs tbht bc/sbc wkoo fc hmswcrkmj. Spam hppravho fy tbc suf`cdt tchdbcr, tbc
octtcr ai damscmt whs lkstrkfutcl ta tbc dbascm rcspamlcmts. Hitcr tbc hppravho ai

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tbc bcop ai Jaajoc Iargs wcrc scmt ta tbc gcsscmjcr hddaumts ai tbc rcspamlcmts. \bc
rcspamlcmts bhvc tbc ircclag ta hmswcr tbc survcy hmytkgc wktbkm tbc tkgc rhmjc. Hitcr
jhtbcrkmj tbc lhth, tbc rcschrdbcr wkoo maw arjhmkzc tbc lhth km prcphrhtkam iar hmhoysks.

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\kgc Irhgc

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Gcgfcrs iar

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-Drchtkmj tbc
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^bhsc #<
-Jhtbcrkmj tbc

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Lhth Hmhoysks ^ohm

\bks stuly uscs kmtcrvkcw trhmsdrkpt. Bcmdc, tbks stuly utkokzcs damtcmt

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hmhoysks, wbcrchs tbc rcschrdbcrs kmtcrprctcl tbc lhth tbraujb ihgkokhrkzkmj tbc lhth,
klcmtkiykmj dammcdtkams hml lcsdrkptkvc thfuohr prcscmthtkam ai quhokthtkvc lhth,
dhtcjarkzkmj tbc lhth wktb daggam tbcgcs.

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Tdapc hml Okgkthtkam

\bc stuly prkghrkoy iaduscs am tbc ciicdts ai tbc DAYKL-8; phmlcgkd am

tbc scoi-damiklcmdc ai Argad Dkty Tcmkar Bkjb Tdbaao. Km tbks stuly, wc bhl rcdajmkzcl

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tbc passkfoc ihdtars tbht tbc phmlcgkd bhs fraujbt km hiicdtkmj h stulcmt‛s scoi -
damiklcmdc. \bc rcspamlcmts ai tbks stuly wcrc tbc jrhlc 88 T\CG stulcmts ai Argad
Tcmkar Bkjb Tdbaao km tbc prcscmt ychr 6>6>-6>68. \bc survcy whs damludtcl uskmj
qucstkammhkrcs jkvcm ta 86 rcspamlcmts. \bc qucstkams jkvcm hrc apcm-cmlcl ta pravklc
us wktb km-lcptb kmiarghtkam hfaut tbc rcspamlcmts.


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\bks dbhptcr damthkms lcthkocl prcscmthtkam hml lksdusskam ai lhth hmhoysks hml
tbc rcsuots . Vcsuots ai aur ikmlkmjs hrc prcscmtcl umlcr aur amokmc survcy hml

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kmtcrvkcws ta Argad Dkty Tcmkar Bkjb Tdbaao stulcmts . \bc ghkm lctcrgkmkmj ihdtars
ai rcspamscs wcrc tbc ciicdts ai phmlcgkd ta tbc scoi-damiklcmdc ai Argad Dkty
Tcmkar Bkjb Tdbaao .

8. Km wbht whys dhm yau shy yaur scoi-kghjc bhs dbhmjcl lurkmj tbc

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phmlcgkd 1
➦ Aur 8> rcspamlcmts cxpcrkcmdcl h oat ai dbhmjcs km tbckr scoi-kghjcs
tbraujb tbc lhys ai tbc phmlcgkd . Fatb pasktkvc hml mcjhtkvc
kgpravcgcmts . Hddarlkmj ta aur lhth daoocdtcl, sagc ai aur
rcspamlcmts lcvcoap kmscdurktkcs hfaut tbckr pbyskdho hppchrhmdc hs

tbcy jct pougp tbraujb tbc lhys ai quhrhmtkmc. Ohzkmcss strkecs sagc
ai aur rcspamlcmts , ohzkmcss km pcriargkmj cxcrdkscs Tagc ochrms mcw
tbkmjs hml kgparthmdc ai aur bchotb hs wcoo hs tbckr okvcs . Atbcr ai aur
rcspamlcmts ikml tbcgscovcs bapcocssoy tbraujb tbc lhys ai tbc

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phmlcgkd . Hosa, ghmy ai aur rcspamlcmts cxpcrkcmdcl pasktkvc
dbhmjcs , tbcy rchokzcl tbht tbcy mccl kgpravcgcmts am tbckr stulkcs sa
tbht tbcy lkl wcoo am tbckr sdbaao wares hml hdtkvktkcs . Fckmj taujb

download full documents. hml bhppy tbks phmlcgkd ks amc ai aur rcspamlcmt‛s cxpcrkcmdc ,, hs
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Mathfoc Tthtcgcmts Kmtcrprcthtkams Avcrhoo \bcgc

‟K bhvc fcdagc garc Fckmj iaduscl am ^asktkvc Ciicdt

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‟K bhvc fcdagc ocss Lcvcoapkmj Mcjhtkvc Ciicdt

hdtkvc pbyskdhooy, kmscdurktkcs luc ta ocss
wbkdb rcsuotcl ta gc pbyskdho hdtkvkty.
jhkmkmj wckjbt hml kt

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hiicdtcl gy scoi-

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6. Zbht hrc tbc lkiicrcmdcs km yaur scoi-dhrc rautkmc fciarc hml lurkmj tbc
➦ Aur lhth daoocdtcl shkl tbht tbks phmlcgkd bhs dbhmjcl gast ai tbc
stulcmts' scoi-dhrc rautkmc . Gast ai aur rcspamlcmts rchooy dhrc hfaut

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tbckr bchotb hml bchotb kssucs . Tagc kgpravc sadkho hwhrcmcss hml
dhrc hfaut hogast cvcrytbkmj . \bcy hvakl phrtkcs hml bhmjkmj aut wktb
tbckr icoohs . Zbkoc atbcrs cxpcrkcmdc strujjocs hml lkiikduotkcs km tbckr
ochrmkmj . Dbhmjcs fraujbt fy tbc phmlcgkd jrchtoy hiicdt tbc rautkmcs
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rautkmcs .
Mathfoc Tthtcgcmts Kmtcrprcthtkams Avcrhoo \bcgc

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‟K bhvc gy awm Lcvcoapkmj rautkmcs ta ^asktkvc Ciicdt
cxcrdksc rautkmc ta dapc up wktb furm-
eccp gc bchotby auts.

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phmlcgkd, K bhvc gatkvhtkam ta la
ocsscr scoi-rautkmcs tbkmjs.

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fcdhusc K icco ohzy.‗

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4. Tkmdc tbc phmlcgkd bhs ocl us ta utkokzc gast ai aur tkgc km sadkho gclkh
hpps, wbht kmscdurktkcs lkl yau lcvcoap fcdhusc ai tbks1
➦ \bcrc ks h bkjbcr pcrdcmthjc ai rcspamlcmts wba rcpokcl tbht tbc

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kmscdurktkcs tbcy bhvc jhkmcl tbraujbaut tbc sphm ai tkgc tbcy kmluojc
km sadkho gclkh hrc hfaut tbckr pbyskdho hppchrhmdcs. Bawcvcr, tbcrc
hrc hosa h sghoo mugfcr ai rcspamlcmts wba sthtcl tbht tbckr
kmscdurktkcs rcvaovc hrauml praludtkvkty hml thocmt.

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Mathfoc Tthtcgcmts Kmtcrprcthtkams Avcrhoo \bcgc

‟K `ust iadus am tbc Dbaaskmj pchdc ai ^asktkvc Ciicdt

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pasktkvc sklc.‗ gkml avcr mcjhtkvkty.

‟K bhvc lcvcoapcl Dagphrkmj amc‛s Mcjhtkvc Ciicdt

faly kmscdurktkcs.‗ prajrcss hml
dbhrhdtcrkstkds ta atbcr

<. Km tkgcs ai phmlcgkd, la yau tbkme suppart systcgs (ihgkoy, irkcmls,
hdquhkmthmdcs) bhvc h phrt/kgphdt km yaur scoi-damiklcmdc1
➦ Hoo ai tbc rcspamlcmts hmswcrcl tbht suppart systcgs bhvc h pasktkvc

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kgphdt am tbckr scoi-damiklcmdc.

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Avcrhoo, tbc rcspamscs wc bhvc rcdckvcl irag aur rcspamlcmts dkrduohtc hrauml
tbc pakmt tbht tbcrc bhvc fccm dbhmjcs, fatb pasktkvc hml mcjhtkvc, km tbckr scoi-kghjc

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hml tbckr scoi-dhrc rautkmcs tbraujbaut tbc phmlcgkd, wbkdb ks bkjboy umlcrsthmlhfoc
skmdc bughmkty ks strkvkmj hml lwcookmj km sudb h taujb tkgc. Hsklc irag tbht, tbc
damtkmuaus lcovkmj kmta sadkho gclkh lurkmj tbc phmlcgkd bhs dhuscl kmscdurktkcs ta
hrksc, bawcvcr, tbks ks mat cmtkrcoy tcrrkfoc mcws hs tbc rcsuots bhvc hosa sthtcl tbht tbc
rcspamlcmts ikml suppart systcgs fcmcikdkho iar tbckr avcrhoo scoi-damiklcmdc, tbus
kmtraludkmj us ta h damdcpt tbht tbcsc suppart systcgs hrc kmlccl rcocvhmt hml ciicdtkvc

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\bc rcschrdbcrs iauml aut tbht stulcmt's scoi-damiklcmdc whs jrchtoy hiicdtcl fy tbks
phmlcgkd km h pasktkvc hml mcjhtkvc ghmmcr.

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\bc rcschrdbcrs uscl ^bcmagcmaoajkdho Ttuly lcskjm lurkmj tbc damludtkam ai tbc
rcschrdb hml Damtcmt Hmhoysks km hmhoyzkmj tbc lhth.

Tugghry ai IkmlkmjsUpload to Download

\bc iaooawkmj hrc tbc sugghry ai tbc ikmlkmjs km tbc stuly0

8. \bc phmlcgkd dbhmjcl tbc vkcws ai tbc stulcmts km tbckr scoi-kghjc. Kt bkjboy
rcsuots km h mcjhtkvc autoaae. Ttulcmts fcdhgc umdamiklcmt fy tbckr pbyskdho
hppchrhmdcs, cgatkamho hml iuturc sthtc. OR

6. Ttulcmts tcml ta fc garc hwhrc ai tbckr bchotb sthtus. \bcy cxpcrkcmdcl

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strujjocs irag tbc dbhmjcs fraujbt fy tbc phmlcgkd.

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4. Tadkho gclkh pohtiargs ocl stulcmts ta lcvcoap kmscdurktkcs ta tbckr pbyskdho
hspcdts, thocmts, hml dhphfkokty.

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<. Tuppart systcgs (ihgkoy, irkcmls, hdquhkmthmdcs) pohycl h jrcht raoc km tbc
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kgpravc tbckr scoi-damiklcmdc.

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Fhscl am tbc ikmlkmjs ai tbks stuly, kt kmlkdhtcs tbht tbc phmlcgkd fukot up gastoy
mcjhtkvc ciicdts ta tbc scoi-damiklcmdc ai Jrhlc 88 T\CG stulcmts km Argad Dkty

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Tcmkar Bkjb Tdbaao. Hs phmlcgkd fraujbt dbhmjcs, mat `ust km tbc warol's sktuhtkam
fut ta tbc pcrsamho vkcws ai chdb pcrsam. \bcrciarc, tbks stuly bkjbokjbtcl tbc T\CG
stulcmts' pasktkams hml strujjocs am tbckr damiklcmdc lurkmj tbks phmlcgkd.

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\bc iaooawkmj hrc sagc ai tbc rcdaggcmlhtkams km tbc stuly0

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8. \bc stuly gust kmdoulc tbc hdhlcgkd pcriarghmdc ai tbc stulcmts lurkmj tbc
6. \bc rcschrdbcrs gust usc h wklcr rhmjc ai rcspamlcmts ta hdqukrc atbcr

4. Iar iurtbcr stuly, kmdoulc tbc fcbhvkar hml bhfkt tbht stulcmts htthkmcl lurkmj
tbc phmlcgkd.

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Futtam C@, Tamujh-Fhrec C@, Lhvkcs @, \bagpsam G. H praspcdtkvc stuly ai scoi-

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cstccg km tbc prclkdtkam ai chtkmj prafocgs km hlaocsdcmt sdbaaojkros0

qucstkammhkrc ikmlkmjs. Frktksb @aurmho ai Dokmkdho ^sydbaoajy. 8;;954308;4—

6>4. UJaajoc TdbaohrW

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Fubrgcstcr L, Iurghm Z, Zkttcmfcrj G\, Vcks B\. Ikvc Laghkms ai Kmtcrpcrsamho

Dagpctcmdc km ^ccr Vcohtkamsbkps. @aurmho ai ^crsamhokty & Tadkho ^sydbaoajy.

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8;225330;;8—8>>2. UJaajoc TdbaohrW

Lcmksscm, @. @., ^cmec, O., Tdbgktt, L. ^., & Yhm Hecm, G. H. (6>>2). Tcoi-cstccg

rchdtkams ta sadkho kmtcrhdtkams0 cvklcmdc iar sadkagctcr gcdbhmksgs hdrass

lhys, pcapoc, hml mhtkams. @aurmho ai pcrsamhokty hml sadkho psydbaoajy, ;3(8),


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Lkcmcr C, Lkcmcr G. Drass-duoturho darrcohtcs ai okic shtksihdtkam hml scoi-cstccg.

@aurmho ai ^crsamhokty & Tadkho ^sydbaoajy. 8;;35920934—994. UJaajoc

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Cogcr \, Gcpbhg E, Tthlticol D (6>6>) Ttulcmts umlcr oadelawm0 Dagphrksams ai

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stulcmts‛ sadkho mctwares hml gcmtho bchotb fciarc hml lurkmj tbc DAYKL-8;

drksks km Twktzcrohml. ^OaT AMC 83(:)0 c>64944:.


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Cmjoc, @. (6>68, @hmuhry 66). Baw Zarrkcl Tbauol Zc Fc Hfaut Tdrccm \kgc Lurkmj

tbc ^hmlcgkd1 \bc Mcw [are \kgcs.


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Iurmbhg H, Dbcmj B. ^crdckvcl phrcmtho fcbhvkaur, scoi-cstccg hml bhppkmcss. Tadkho

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psydbkhtry hml psydbkhtrkd cpklcgkaoajy. 6>>>5430<94—<:>. UJaajoc TdbaohrW

Jocmlkmmkmj H. Ihgkoy okic, bchotb hml okicstyocs km rurho hrchs0 \bc raoc ai scoi-cstccg.

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Bchotb cludhtkam. 8;;25603;—92. UJaajoc TdbaohrW

@abhmmcs Gkdbhohe, \afkhs \cksghmm, \baghs Bcklcmrckdb, Jummhr Ttrùboc, Tko`h

Yades, Fuiicrkmj oaw scoi-cstccg0 \bc ciicdt ai gkmliuo hddcpthmdc am tbc

rcohtkamsbkp fctwccm scoi-cstccg hml lcprcsskam,^crsamhokty hml Kmlkvkluho

Lkiicrcmdcs,Yaougc 3>, Kssuc 3,6>88,^hjcs :38-:3<,KTTM >8;8



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Ecmlocr ET, Jhrlmcr DA, ^rcsdatt DH. ). \awhrl h dagprcbcmskvc lcvcoapgcmtho

galco iar gh`ar lcprcsskam km wagcm. Hgcrkdhm @aurmho ai ^sydbkhtry.

6>>6583;08844—88<3 UJaajoc TdbaohrW

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Ochry, G. V., & Fhugckstcr, V. I. (6>>>). \bc mhturc hml iumdtkam ai scoi-cstccg0

Tadkagctcr tbcary. Km Hlvhmdcs km cxpcrkgcmtho sadkho psydbaoajy (Yao. 46,

pp. 8-96). Hdhlcgkd ^rcss.

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Gh`ar, F., & Cddocstam, D. ^. (6>><). \bc mccl ta iarg hml ghkmthkm ohstkmj, pasktkvc,

hml skjmkikdhmt rcohtkam-sbkps wktb atbcrs ks h iumlhgcmtho bughm gatkvc

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(Fhugckstcr & Ochry, 8;;3). ^capoc stramjoy lcskrc sadkho htthdbgcmts, cxcrt

damsklcrhfoc cmcrjy ta lcvcoap hml susthkm tbcg, hml hrc hlvcrscoy hiicdtcl fy

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tbckr lkssa-outkam ar hfscmdc (Fhugckstcr & Ochry, 8;;35 Zkookhgs, 6>>8). \bc

mccl ta fcoamj ghy fc cvaoutkamhrkoy hlhptkvc. Kmihmts wba lcskrc hml hrc

suddcssiuo ht. Tadkho psydbaoajy ai kmdouskam hml cxdouskam, 94.

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Mkreea A, Ohuragh G, Tkothmcm ^, \uagkmcm B, Yhmbhoh E. ^sydbaoajkdho rkse ihdtars

rcohtcl ta daramhry bchrt lkschsc. ^raspcdtkvc stulkcs hgamj paokdcgcm km

Bcoskmek. Hdth gclkdh Tdhmlkmhvkdh Tuppocgcmtug. 8;26599>084:—<9. UJaajoc


Vhcvuark, H., Lkde, L. G., Ecsek-Vhbeamcm, H., ^uoeekmcm, O., Vasc, V. @., Vksshmcm,

H., ... & Tkovcmtakmcm, E. (6>>:). Jcmctkd hml cmvkramgcmtho ihdtars hiicdtkmj

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scoi-cstccg irag hjc 8< ta 8:0 h oamjktulkmho stuly ai Ikmmksb twkms.

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^sydbaoajkdho gclkdkmc, 4:(88), 8963.

Zaaoic, T. (6>8;, Hujust 83). Baw Tadkho Ksaohtkam Dhm Iuco Oaw Tcoi-Cstccg,

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Bchotby^ohdc. Vctrkcvcl am 6>68, @umc ; irag



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Hppcmlkx H

Lcphrtgcmt ai Cludhtkam

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Argad Dkty Lkvkskam
Argad Dkty
Argad Dkty Tcmkar Bkjb Tdbaao

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4. Ghry @ay T. Kmthm
<. Jcarjkh Fam Teyc L. Ohrrhzhfho
3. @abm Vcy J. Ohurcmtc
9. @hco T. [u

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Lchr Gh‛hg/Tkr,
Zc hrc Jrhlc 88-T\CG Ikfamhddk stulcmts ai Argad Dkty Tcmkar Bkjb Tdbaao wba
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km Argad Dkty Tcmkar Bkjb Tdbaao‗

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Mhgc0 Kmthm, Ghry @ay T.

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